Cox Sonderson Ness & KLM Gerner Consulling Group Moslerplon - Heriioge Precinct of Echuco I A MASTER PLAN FOR THE HERITAGE PRECINCT OF ECHUCA úi-n\ For the Shire of Compospe, Controcl No. I929 '"vÊ Morch 2000 Ç ú"ø Prepored by: Cox Sonderson Ness Level3, 107-109 Flinders Lone Melbourne 3000 Phone: (03) 9ó50 3288 ln conjunction with: KLM Gerner Consulting Group. with: Greg Tucker ond Associofes Essenliol Economics Andrew Word Architecturol Hisforion E ntl Wilde ond Woollord TJ HERITAGE PRECINCT MASTER PLAN Shire of Compospe Morch 2000 Cox Sonderson Ness & KLM Gerner Consulling Group Moslerplon - Heriloge Prec¡ncl of Echuco Conlents A5. t .4 Photogrophic Archive ond Exhibition pg 25 A5.l .5 Boutique Hotel pg 26 A5.l .ó Restouront ond Dining pg 26 Reporf Volume I 45.1.7 Sowmill / River Red Gum lnterpretive Centre pg 26 MASTERPTAN - HERITAGE PRECINCT OF ECHUCA A5.l .B Public / Performonce Spoce pg27 45.i.9 The Wet Dock pg 27 A5.l .t 0 Boord Wolk ond River Access pg 28 (i) PREFACE A5.l.l l Murroy Esplonode pg2ï How to reod this reoorl. pgI A5.1.t2 Signoge pg 29 A5.2 Mooring Strotegy pg 30 (ii) EXECUTTVE SUMMARY 45.3 Hopwood Gordens pg 3l A Vision for Echuco pg2 A5.4 High StreeT Precinct pg 32 A5.4.1 High Sireet Londscoping pg32 A5.4.2 Verondoh Resforofion pg 33 A5.4.3 Leslie Street Londscoping pg 33 PART A 45.4.4 Leslie Street Visto pg 34 45.4.5 Sirotegic Development Sites pg 34 45.5 Aquotic Al.0 INTRODUCTION pg6 Reserve pg 35 45.ó Compospe A2.O METHODOTOGY pg9 River pg 3ó 45.7 Municipol A2.1 Project Aim pg9 Precinct pg 3Z A2.2 Study Methodology pg9 45.7.1 Wor Memoriol Relocoiion pg37 /'5.7.2 Rodcliffe 42.2.1 Review of Bockground Moteriol p99 Streei Development pg 38 A2.2.2 Communiiy Consultotion pg9 A5.7.3 Regionol Art Gollery pg 38 A5.B The precinct A2.2.3 A Heritoge Mosterplon pg '10 Roilwoy Corridor ond Stotion pg 39 45.8.1 42.2.4 Defoiled Prooosols pg l0 TAFE Site Development pg 39 45.8.2 Old Roilwoy Stotion pg 40 A3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS SUMMARY pg l1 A3.l Study Areo pg ll 43.2 Lond Use pg ll A3.3 Lond Ownershio pg l4 PART D. 43.4 Heritoge Listings ond Significonce pg 14 A3.5 Troffic ul|vnn l5 Dwg. Title Mosterplon 44.0 CONSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITIES SUMMARY pg ló I Heritoge ond Culturol Assets 44.1 Tronsport ond Troffic pg ló 2 Tronsportotion 44.2 Consolidotion ond Connection vvna 17,, Lond ownership 44.3 The Whorf ond Port Precinct pg 18 4 Potentiol Flood Areos à 44.4 Port Monogement pg l9 J Key Lond Uses 44.5 Commerciol OpportuniTies - Port pg 20 ó Sirotegic Developmenl Sites 44.6 River Bosed Acititvites pg21 7 Proposed Principol Movemenl 44.7 Murroy River Sysiem ond the Aquotic Reserve pg21 B Consolidotion 44.8 Compospe River pg22 I Existing Zones 44.9 Hopwood Gordens pg22 t0 Lond Subject to Flooding A4.1 0 The Roilwoy Corridor ond Roilwoy Stotion pg22 il Proposed Plonning Controls A4.l I TAFE Site pg23 45.0 MASTERPTAN COMPONENTS pg24 A5.r The Historic Port Precinci ond the Whorf pg 24 PART B - IMPLEMENTATION A5.l.l Generol pg 24 A5.1.2 Reconstrucling the Roil-Link "Meeting of Ihe 81.0 PTANNING CONTROTS pg 4l Whistles" pg 24 Bl.r Summory of Recommendotions Public Londpg 41 A5.l .3 Extension of Roilwoy - the Whorf ond the 81.2 Summory of Recommendoiions: Southern Shed pg 25 HERITAGE PRECINCT MASTER PLAN Shire of Compospe Morch 2000 Cox Sonderson Ness & KLM Gerner Consulling Group Moslerplon - Heriloge Prec¡ncl of Echuco Shire of Compospe pg 41 I << Summory of Recommendotions Bl.3 Summory of Recommendotions: - Shire of Compospe pg 58 Shire of Murroy pg 42 c4.0 SHIRE OF MURRAY pg 58 82.0 PRIORITY OF WORKS: STAGE ONE pg 42 c4.l Locol Environment Plon pg 58 na Ã9 c4.2 Regionol Environment Plon |¿Yv. 83.0 DETAIIED COSTINGS pg 46 (-/, " Summory of Recommendotions - Shire of Murroy pg ó0 c4.4 Ouiline of Proposed Plonning Controls PART C - BACKGROUND ANATYSIS Compospe Shire pg ó0 c4.4.1 Compospe Plonning Scheme cr.0 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES pg 48 Echuco Heritoge Port pg ó0 Cì.I Shire of Compospe lntegroled c4.4.2 Speciol Use Zone Echuco Heritoge Pori pg .l99ó Strotegy - ól Plon pg 48 c1.2 Shire of Compospe Corporote Plon l999-2000 c5.0 EXISTINc ACCESS AND CIRCULATTON pg ól - Boloncing the Focus pg 49 c5.r Echuco Second Bridge Crossing (Byposs) pg ót ct.3 Droft 20 yeor Strotegy Plon to Achieve our c5.2 Troffic Access ond Circulotíon pg 62 Vision for 2020, Moy ì999 pg 49 c5.3 Pedestrions pg 62 cl.4 Droft Assesment of Crown Owned Submerged c5.4 Cor Porking pg ó3 Londs ond Bonks of the River Murroy ot Bus Circulotion ond Porking pg 64 Echuco-Mooma, 1994 c5.ó Proposed Roil Extension pg ó4 Plonning evoluotion reports for Crown owned Murroy Signoge pg 64 River Riporion londs of Echuco/Moomo pg 50 C5.B Recommendotions pg 64 ct.5 Droft Echuco Porl ond Cenlrol Business Disfrict 20 Yeor Structure Plon (1998) pg 50 có.0 HERITAGE pg ó5 \- t.ô Port of Echuco 5 Yeor Copiiol Works Plon \-o. I Port Precinct pg ó5 (Dote Unknown) pg S0 c6.2 The Whorf pg ó5 ct.7 Design of Ihe Redevelopment of High Streel, \-0.J Hopwood Gordens pg óó Echuco, August 1992 p9 50 c6.4 High Street pg óó CI.B Streetscope Renewol for the Shire of Compospe .A\ The Compospe River pg óó (Doie Unknown) pg 5t Có.6 Commerciol Precinct ond Civic sub-precincl pg 6l ct.9 City of Echuco Conservotion Study, 1992 pg Sl c6.7 The Roilwoy Siotion pg óB cl.10 Echuco Whorf ond Aquotic Reserve Conservotion ond Monogement Plon l99B pg Sl c7.0 TOURISM p9 ó9 cl.tl Echuco Principol Troffice Roules Progromme c7.1 Nofionol Contexl pg 69 July, l99B pg St c7.2 Domestic Tourism in VictoriA pg ó9 c1.12 Township of Echuco Rood Hierochy Report c7.3 Echuco's Morket Posilion pg /0 Morch, l99B pg 5l c7.4 Echuco's Tourism Assets pg 70 L I.IJ Droft Report - Echuco Centrol Business Areo ond Echuco Port - Cor Porking Precinct plons c8.0 REFERENCES pg72 (Ju1y,1999) pg 5l CB.I Acknowledgements pg 72 cl.14 Murroy River Crossing of Echuco / Moomo pg 52 CB.2 Study Teom pg72 c2.0 IAND AND DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT pg 52 c2.1 Lond Tenure pg 52 c2.1.1 Stote Border pg 52 c2.1.2 Crown Lond - Victorio pg 52 Ll.t.5 Crown Lond -New South Woles pg 53 c2.t.4 Licences ond Moorings pg 54 c3.0 CAMPASPE SHIRE COUNCII. p9 54 l^?1 Compospe Plonning Scheme p9 54 c3.2 Locol Lows pg 5Z HERITAGE PRECINCT MASTER PLAN Shire of Compospe Morch 2000 Cox Sonderson Ness & KLM Gerner Consulling Group Moslerplon - Herifoge Prec¡ncf of Echuca (¡) PREFACE How lo reod lh¡s reporl. This Moster Plon for the Heritoge Precinct of Echuco reporl hos been prepored in porollelwith lhe Streelscope Mosler plon with which there is some overloo. This repod ond its recommendolions, however, stond olone ono hos been prepored in four porls: . Port A contoins on executive summory followed by on oufline of the Methodology, Existing Conditions, Constroinls ond Opportunities ond mojor components of the Moster plon. Port B contoins recommendotions for ils imolementotion togelher with budgels ond detoiled costings for the port reconstruction ond ossocioted proposols. Port C conloins bockground informotion / onolysis ond recommendolions os o support document fo lhe mojor design proposols in Port A. Port D contoins drowings lhqt ore refered lo in ports A-C. Definifions The oreo thot is fhe subject of lhis reporl coniqins the port cnd lhe surrounding historic commerciol oreo ond is bounded by the Murroy ond Compospe Rivers, Heygorlh Slreet to the souih ono Worren Slreet lo the norlh (incorporoting Wofson Slreei ond lhe odjocent river bonk.). This oreo is described ond referred io os the Hedloge Precincl. The subject of the porollel sfudy is locoled between High Streei, the roilwoy, Dorling Street ond Heygorth Street ond is describeo ond referred to os the Cenlrol Business Districl (CBD). The term Porl, when used refers lo the historic Echuco port / whorf. REPORT PART A THE VISION Cox Sonderson Ness & KLM Gerner Consulting Group Moslerplon - Heriloge Precinct of Echuco EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AVislonfor Echuco i ---- - j- The oim defined for the Echuco Heritoge Precinct Study is: (¡' "Io creote o nationolly significont tourísm herifoge precinct" It is cleor from lhe town's unique combinolion of quolities, including íts preserved heriloge orchifecture ond the port ond its steom trodilion, thot o well structured strolegic plon con ensure lhot Echuco is further strengthened os o destinotion of choice in Austrolio's tourism morket. This study hos been jointly comm¡ssioned ond funded by the following orgonizotions: . Shire of Compospe t o Echuco Port Authority . Deportmenl of Noturol Resources ond the Environment o Tourism Victorio. Tourism Victorio is o strong supporter of the town's brooder ongoing development os o key tourist deslinolion ond ottroction in regionolViclorio. ln recognising this significonce, Tourism Victoriq hos supported the commissionlng of this Mosterplon for Echuco's Heritoge precincl fo ensure thot the -1,:- d Þet town strengthens ils stotus os o "must see" destinotíon within 6Ù lhe Notionoltourism context, os wellos o strong ond i.:.- re -r- i I "e*1' rr"r i sustoinoble regionol economic centre.
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