Index Beaubien, Carlos, and Maxwell Grant, Aborigines, land tenure among, 7-8 146 • Absentee ownership: in American col- Benton, Thomas H.: claims tenantry onies, 25-26, 43, 45; prevalence of, unfavorable to freedom, 220; and 142; rise of in West, 132-33 Louisiana land-grant controversies, Adams, John, land views of, 45,186 108 Addison, Lord, and English land re- Berkeley, Lord John, 36 form, 17 Berkeley's Hundred, Va., 34 Allen, Ethan, and Vermont squatters, Biddle, Nicholas, "money monopoly" 191 of, 100 American colonies: failure of quitrent Bingham, William: and land warrants, system in, 41-42; first settlements 77; and purchase of Maine lands, 80 made by chartered trading com- Bingham's Million Acres, Me., 80, 194- panies, 18; land-grabbing a general 95 practice in, 21; nature of land sys- "Bonanza farms," origin of, 170-73 tem in, 46; motives and methods of Bond, Beverley: on abolition of quit- land distribution in, 42-43, 45; ob- rents in Pennsylvania, 196; on bene- jectives of land systems in, 43-44; ficial result of quitrent system, 196- speculation in, 46-58; and western 97; on failure of quitrent system in land grants, 48-52. See also under colonies, 41-42 names of states Boone, Daniel, 108 American Land Co., 134; canal-lot in- Boston Ten Towns, 70 n. vestment of, 159 Boudinot, Elias, and Symmes' Miami American and Sharon Land Co., 171 Purchase, 91 Arden, Del., and taxation of unearned Briggs, Joseph, cited, 97-98 increment, 260 Brodrick, George, on landlordism, 16- Ardentown, Del., and taxation of un- 17 earned increment, 260 Burgess, Edwin, proposes single tax, Astor, John Jacob, real estate holdings 269-70 of, 235-36, 255 Burr, Aaron, 73; criticism of, 75-76; Austin, Moses: on fraudulent land and Dc Bastrop Claim, 113, 114-15 sales in Louisiana, 106-7; granted Butler, Charles, and American Land land by Mexican Govt., 149; and Co., 134 Louisiana Territory claim, 109 Austin, Stephen F.: land speculation of, 119; and New Madrid Claims, California: and discovery of gold in, 120-21; and Texas colonization, 143, 208-9; exploitation of timber 149-50, 152, 154 lands in, 202; landed estates in, 144- Australia, and taxation of land values, 45; Mexican land grants in, 143-45; 260 real estate as source of large for- tunes, 239 California Lands Commission, 144 Baldwin Corp., 171 Calvert, Cecil (1st Lord Baltimore), 38 Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert Baltimore, Md., system of quitrents in, Canton Co., 158 38 Carey, Henry C., on concentration of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 158 landholdings, 265-66 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act Carey Act (1894), 137-38 (1937), 225-26 Carondelet, Baron de, and Spanish Baring, Alexander, and speculation in claims in Louisiana, 111, 113 Maine lands, 80 Carteret, Sir George, 36 Barlow, Joel, and Scioto Project, 90 Cast, Gen. George W., and "bonanza Barlow, Raleigh, on disposal policies of farms," 170-71 public domain, 147 Castro, Henry, and colonization of Beard, Charles A., cited, 67 Texas, 151 Index 307 Central Pacific Railroad of California, Continental Congress: and Mohawk 165 Valley dispute, 70; not concerned Charles II, of England: and New Jersey with land questions, 63-64 grants, 36, 37; and revocation of Cooke, Jay: on commercial advantages military tenure, 35 of Duluth, 168; interest in Northern "Chartered companies," nature of, 18- Pacific Railroad, 168-70 20 Cooper, Lord Ashley, and Carolina Cheney, B. P., and "bonanza farms," grant to, 39 171 Copper lands, engrossment of, 210 Cherokee Strip, Okla., "opening" of, Coral Gables, Fla., promoted by land 139 speculation, 246 Chicago, history of land boom in, 237- Cortlandt Manor, N.Y., 32 39 Credit Mobilier, 167 Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, and de- Crown-Zellerbach Corp., timber-land velopment of Newport News, 245 holdings of, 204 Chillicothe, 0., as center of land spec- Cutler, Manasseh, and Ohio coloniza- ulation, 99, 100 tion scheme, 87, 88, 89, 90 Cincinnati, 0., Site selected by Symmes, 95 Civic freedoms, emergence of theory of, 44 Dalrymple, William, and "bonanza Clamorgan, Jacques, and Louisiana farms," 170 land claims, 110-12 Davis, John P., on regulated companies, Clamorgan Grant, La., 110-12 18 Clamorgan Land Assoc., 112 Dayton, Jnathan: and Macomb Pur- Clark, Daniel, and Spanish grants in chase, 75; and selection of site for Louisiana, 116-17. See also Gaines, Dayton, 96; and Symmes' Miami Myra Clark Purchase, 91 Clark, George Rogers, expedition of, Dayton, 0., selection of site for, 96 102 Deane, Silas, on need of western land, Clawson, Marion: on abuses in timber- 57 land distribution, 202; on disposal of De Bastrop Claim, La., 113-16 public domain to railroads, 173-74; De La Guerra. See La Guerra, de. on land acts, 138, 140-41 Delaware: entails in, 63; method of Clay, Henry, defends national land land taxation in early federal period, policy, 129 253; primogeniture modified in, 61 Cleveland, 0., laid out by Connecticut Denmark, and taxation of land values, proprietors, 95 260 Coal lands, engrossment of in Pennsyl- Desert Land Act (1877), 137 vania, 211-12 Douglas, Stephen A., opposes Illinois Cobden, Richard, and English land re- Central grant, 159-60 form, 17 Drake, E. L., discovery of oil by, 214 Cole, Arthur H., on influences in fluc- Duer, William: and Scioto Project, 88, tuations of land sales, 183 89, 90, 91; and Maine holdings, 80, Connecticut: and claim to Western Re- 194 serve, 92-93; overcrowding popula- Duluth; Minn., Cooke's plans for, 168 tion in, 57; method of land taxation Dutch West India Co., and coloniza- in early federal period, 253; and tion of New York, 30 Mohawk Valley claim, 70; restricts Dwight, Timothy, on Virginia military land alienation, 28 warrants, 77 Connecticut Land Co., 93, 95 Connecticut Western Reserve, 92-93 Constable, William, and Macomb Pur- chase, 75 East India Co.: chartered, 20; com- Constitutional Convention: and con- pared with Plymouth and Virginia troversy over taxing powers of federal companies, 21 government, 67-68; land a factor in, East Jersey, under Carteret, 36 64-67 East Jersey Co., 37 308 l*d.x Easton, Rufus, and Louisiana land Florida, land boom in, 242-43, 246 claims, 109 Flower, George, influence of on British Economic rent. See Rent, economic speculation in western lands, 104 Edgar, John, and western land-grab- Fordham Manor, N.Y., 32 bing, 103 Forests: abuses of under timber acts, Elkins, Stephen B., and Mexican grants 201-3; advantages of public owner- in New Mexico, 145-46 ship of, 204-6; exploitation of in Ellis, David, on anti-rent movement in U.S., 199-201; national system estab- New York, 189, 190 lished, 203 Ellsworth, Henry L., western land en- Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh), 49-50 grossment by, 221-22 Fort Orange, N.Y., 31 Ely, Richard T.: on colonial land taxa- France, land-reform movement in, 262- tion, 249-50; on methods of obtain- 63 ing state revenue, 251-52, 252-53 Franklin, Benjamin: land speculations England: absentee ownership in, 25- of, 264; on right to private property, 26; creation of "landless" classes in, 45; and Vandalia Co., 55-56 45; decadence of tenure theory in, Franklin, William, and settlement of 35; effects of disintegration of feud- Illinois country, 56 alism in, 45; feudal system in, 12-13, "Freemen," origin of, 15 14, 15, 16; Poor Laws, 14; progress French and Indian War, 50; and west- of feudal land tenure in, 13-17. See ern land acquisitions, 53 also Great Britain Engrossment: biblical admonition against, 5; of public domain, 98-101, Gaines, Myra Clark, and litigation over 131-33; role of land companies in, Louisiana claims, 116-18 133-35 -Galveston Bay and Texas Land Co., Entail: abolished in U.S., 60-61; in 151-53 colonies, 62, 63; a feature of feudal Gary, Ind., constructed by U.S. Steel land tenure in England, 14, 15, 16; Corp., 244 Jefferson's objection to, 62; law and Gates, Paul W.: on effects on land en- custom of after Revolution, 61 grossment by private capitalists, 141- Escott, T. H. S., on trend toward land- 42; on engrossment of mineral lands, ownership in Great Britain, 17 2 10-11; on landlordism, 132, 133; on Ethiopia, feudalism in, 12 land tenancy in mid-Northwest, 220- 21; on Pre-emption Act of 1841, 130 Europe, feudal system in, 11-17 Geiger, George R., 3; on influence of Evans, George H., advocates land re- H. George, 272, 275; on question of form, 177-78, 267, 268 land-value taxation, 261, 287 General Land Office, 138, 139; func- tion of, 125; inefficiency in, 279 Genesee, Lords of. See Wadsworths Fairhope, Ala., and taxation of un- Genesee Country, N.Y., 72 earned increment, 260 Geneseo, N.Y., and Wadsworth pur- Farming, crop-share system, 218 chase, 73 Farm tenancy. See Tenancy, farm George, Henry, 26, 182; distinguishes Fell, Jesse, land-jobbing ventures of land as entity distinct from improve- in Illinois, 162 ments on, 44; influence of Progress Feudalism: advantage of in England, and Poverty, 271-72; on land monop- 14; basis of, 12; breakdown of, 15; olization in California, 143-44; land- economic and political foundation reform proposals of, 270-72; opposed of, 12; effects of disintegration of in to land nationalization and commu- England, 45; fee ownership con- nism, 276, 294; philosophy of, 275- trasted with, 14-15; growth of in Eu- 76; on relation between depressions rope, 11-17; land-allotment feature and speculative land booms, 183, of in England, 23; origin and growth 184; taxation of land values pro- of in England, 12-13 posed by, 259 Fiske, John, 61 Georgia: colonial land policy of, 40-41; Fletcher vs. Peck, 79 proprietorship system abolished, 61; Index 309 method of land taxation in early fed- Hopewell, Pa., creation of, 244 eral period, 253; and Yazoo claim, Howe, Frederic C., on unearned-in- 77-79 crement tax in Germany, 260-61 Georgia Yazoo Co., 78 Hulbert, Archer B., on Ohio Co.
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