CZECH POLAR REPORTS 8 (1): 24-36, 2018 Teratomorphism of pollen of Larix sibirica Ledeb. (Pinaceae Lindl.) in the Arctic urbanized territory Natalia Vladimirovna Vasilevskaya*, Anna Dmitrievna Domakhina Murmansk Arctic State University, Department of Natural Sciences, Captain Egorova 15, Murmansk, 183 038, Russia Abstract This article presents data of palynological research of Larix sibirica Ledeb. (Pinaceae Lindl) in the Arctic climate of Murmansk city, located in the Far North of Russia. The purpose of this study is to research the teratogenesis of the Larix sibirica pollen in the conditions of the Arctic climate and technogenic pollution of the city of Murmansk and holding the palynoindication of the environment. In the tested samples of pollen of L. sibirica, five morphological anomalies of the development were defined: pollen with- out protoplast, with plasmolysed protoplast, with damaged exine, giant pollen grains and dwarfed. The proportion of teratomorphs in the samples varies from 76 to 81%, which is above the control values of 2.5 – 3 times. Most of the abnormal grains are represented by pollen with plasmolysed protoplast (58 – 64%) and without protoplast (11 – 18%). Giant, dwarf pollen grains and pollen with exine damage are much less common. High level of teratogenesis of L. sibirica allows us to draw a conclusion about the critical level of pol- lution of the city environment. Key words: palynomorphology, teratomorphism, Larix sibirica, pollution, Arctic DOI: 10.5817/CPR2018-1-2 Introduction Ecological palynology is one of the and functional changes in the male genera- youngest directions in palynological sci- tive system of plants for the indication of ence. Pollen can provide valuable informa- environmental pollution. It is known, that tion on plant phenology, ecophysiology, in conditions of ecological stress, the proc- population dynamics and gene flow (Savo- esses of teratogenesis are intensified and lainen et al. 2007). One of the main direc- the number of pathologies of pollen grains tions, leading in ecological palynology, is increases significantly. the study of the effect of pollutants of an Palynoindication of the environment on urbanized environment on the allergenic the basis of detection of teratomorphic pol- properties of pollen (Grundstrom et al. len is actively developing in Russia (Dzyu- 2017, Sedghy et al. 2018). At the present ba 2006). Studies are conducted on plants time, also various methodological approach- of different life forms – woody and herba- es are being developed to assess structural ceous, mainly in the boreal zone. Among ——— Received February 7, 2018, accepted April 24, 2018. *Corresponding author: N. V.Vasilevskaya <[email protected]> 24 N. V.VASILEVSKAYA et A. D. DOMAKHINA woody plants, teratomorphism of pollen is of Russia in conditions of urbanized ter- studied mostly in the following species: Pi- ritories and industrial pollution are investi- nus sylvestris (Elkina et Markovskaya 2007, gated by a number of researchers: Nosko- Erokhina et al. 2011, Vasilevskaya et Pet- va et al. 2004, Romanova et Tretyakova rova 2014), Tilia cordata, Quercus robur, 2005, Tretyakova et al. 2006, Dzyuba et Acer tataricum, Ulmus glabra, U. laevis al. 2008, Surso et al. 2012, Kalashnik et (Dzyuba 2006), Syringa josikae (Morozo- al. 2008, Kalashnik 2011, Tupitsyn et al. va et Vasilevskaya 2017). Among her- 2012, Noskova et Romanova 2013. baceous plants: Triticum sp. (Kozlova et The research was conducted in Mur- Zlotnikova 2014), Alopecurus pratensis, mansk, the world's largest non-freezing Dactylis glomerata, Plantago major, Che- port beyond the Arctic Circle (68° 58' N, nopodium albium (Dzyuba 2006) are used 33° 4' E). Murmansk is situated on a rela- for the same studies. Of the great interest tively narrow, slightly hilly valley, stretch- are researches of the processes of micro- ing from the north to the south along the sporogenesis in various species of coni- Kola Bay of the Barents Sea. The city is fers, which are prone to industrial pollu- located on four terraces and stretched for tion (Kalashnik et al. 2008, Kalashnik 25 km, with separate districts, divided by 2011). All the northern taiga species (Pi- hills and areas of natural vegetation. Mur- naceae) annually stably produce a num- mansk is in the Atlantic–Arctic zone of ber of anomalous pollen grains due to dis- temperate climate (Yakovlev 1972), which turbances in meiosis of microsporocytes is formed under the influence of the Ba- and endogenous microgametophytogenesis rents Sea and by the warm North Atlantic (Surso 2013). Current. The average temperature in Janu- The genus Larix Hill is represented in ary – February is -10°C. Summer is cold, the world flora by 10 species, which are the average temperature in July is +12°C. widely distributed mainly in the moun- Most of the precipitation in Murmansk, tainous, cold regions of the Northern Hem- approximately 500 mm per year, falls from isphere (Shearer 2008). Changes, occurring June to September. The snow cover keeps in the reproductive sphere of larch under in the city average 210 days and snow is the influence of technogenic pollution have melting in May. The wind is monsoonal – not been sufficiently studied. Many re- in the winter, the southern winds prevail, searchers note, that the processes of pollen in the summer – the northern winds. The formation in species of the genus Larix polar night begins on 29 of November and Hill are strongly dependent on weather – ends on 13 of January (44 days), the polar climatic conditions, therefore, it is difficult day – from 22 of May to 22 of July (62 to detect the influence of technogenic fac- days) (Yakovlev 1972). The duration of tors on the pollen state (Kozubov 1974, vegetative period is approximately 120 – Noskova et al. 2004, Tretyakova et al. 130 days. In Murmansk, there is only one 2006, Surso et al. 2012). According to Sur- weather station, so there is no data on so (2013), the number of anomalies in the climatic differences in the city's districts. development of pollen in larches can be The main sources of pollution of at- significant in hereditary teratologies, as mosphere are the Murmansk boiler houses, well as at unfavourable weather conditions operating on fuel oil, the Murmansk sea- during the process of microsporogenesis, port, plant for the incineration of solid with radiation exposure on meiocytes, and domestic waste and automobile transport. in a number of other cases. Characteristic pollutants are soot, formal- The features of microsporogenesis and dehyde, volatile organic matters, hydro- anomalies in the development of pollen of carbons ([2]). Since 2012, a significant in- larch, which are growing on the territory crease in dust pollution has been recorded 25 PALYNOMORPHOLOGY AND URBAN ENVIRONMENT in Murmansk. A study, conducted by the dispersed elements (Ge, V, W, Ti, etc.). All-Russian Scientific Research Institute The most dangerous emissions of factories for Nature Conservation (formerly the At- for the incineration of solid household mosphere Research Institute) revealed two waste are super toxicants: dioxins and main sources of atmospheric pollution in furans (Demina 2011), as well as heavy the city of Murmansk: emissions of boiler metals. Studies of soils around the Mur- houses and transshipment of coal by the mansk plant for the incineration of solid opened method in the Murmansk seaport. household waste showed, that the content The main emissions of boiler houses are of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd, Fe) ex- abrasive dust, soot, ash, hydrocarbons, for- ceeds the maximum permissible concen- maldehyde, sulfur dioxide, carbon mono- trations for "soils of populated areas" xide and vanadium compounds ([1]). In many times (Yakovlev 2007). 2014, about 14,373 tons of pollutants were The purpose of the study – is to re- thrown into the atmosphere of the city of search the teratogenesis of Larix sibirica Murmansk from boiler houses ([2]). Coal pollen in the conditions of the Arctic cli- dust includes combustible volatile ele- mate and technogenic pollution of the city ments, silicon dioxide, pyrite, ash and slag, of Murmansk and holding the palyno- which consist of oxides of silicon, alumi- indication of the environment. num, iron (III), calcium, potassium, rare and Material and Methods Larix sibirica Ledeb. The object of the study is Larix sibirica trogressive hybridization at the boundaries Ledb. (Siberian larch), a representative of of range (Rysin 2010). Actively discussed the genus Larix Hill., family Pinaceae is the question whether Larix sibirica can Lindl. – Boreal, East European-Siberian spe- be allocated as a separate species. Recent- cies (Dylis 1981). Siberian larch has a huge ly, many molecular genetic studies of L. si- range, it grows in the North-West of the birica populations have appeared (Hewitt European part of Russia, in the Urals, in 1996, Timerjanov 1997, Вashalkhanov et al. Western Siberia, in the Altai, Sayans, Chi- 2003, Semerikov et al. 1999, 2003, 2007, na, in the north-west of Mongolia (Dylis Wei et Wang 2004, Araki et al. 2008). 1981, Karaseva 2003). According to many Some authors consider these populations authors, L. sibirica can be viewed as one of as one species – Larix sibirica Ledeb. (Se- the species of plants, the racial composi- merikov et al. 1999, Wei et Wang 2004). tion of which was formed from the gene From the point of view of others, the popu- pools of different ancestral populations, geo- lations, located west of the rivers Irtysh graphically separated and being at different and the Ob are an independent species of stages of evolution (Dylis 1981, Milyutin Larix sukaczeii Dylis (Вashalkhanov et al. 2003, Iroshnikov 2004, Wei et Wang 2004). 2003). Studies of the genetic variability of The systematics of the genus Larix Hill Siberian larch (Timerjanov 1997, Semeri- are very complex and are still the subject kov et al. 1999, 2003, 2007) confirmed the of discussions, first of all the status of spe- conclusion of Dylis (1947), that these spe- cies of larch that grow in Eurasia is dis- cies consist of two genetically different cussed.
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