Association for Chinese Music Research Bibliography 2017

Association for Chinese Music Research Bibliography 2017

Association for Chinese Music Research Bibliography 2017 Compiled by Alec McLane and Ai Mei Luo Books: Bao, Huai. 2017. Cross-Gender China: The Revival of Nandan Performance in Jingju. Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies;. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [ISBN: 9781138057906] Chiu, Elena Suet-Ying. 2017. Bannermen Tales (Zidishu): Manchu Storytelling and Cultural Hybridity in the Qing Dynasty. Harvard-Yenching Institute Monographs; 105. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center. [ISBN: 9780674975194] Clark, Paul, Laikwan Pang, and Tsan-Huang Tsai, eds. 2016. Listening to China's Cultural Revolution: Music, Politics, and Cultural Continuities. Chinese Literature and Culture in the World. Houndmills (Basingstoke, Hampshire): Palgrave Macmillan. [ISBN: 9781349565085] Cupchik, Jeffrey W. 2017. The Sound of Vultures' Wings: The Tibetan Buddhist Chöd Ritual Practice of the Female Buddha Machik Labdrön. Suny Series in Religious Studies. Albany: State University of New York Press. [ISBN: 9781438464411] Editorial Department of the Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music. 2016. Researches on Traditional and Contemporary Music in China. Beijing: Zhong yang yin yue xue yuan chu ban she. [ISBN: 9787810967372] Hanneken, Bernhard, and Tiago de Oliveira Pinto, eds. 2017. Music in China Today: Ancient Traditions, Contemporary Trends. Intercultural Music Studies. Würzburg: Department of Ethnomusicology, Institute for Music Research, Julius-Maximilian University of Würzburg. [ISBN: 9783861356523] Ho, Wai-chung. 2017. Popular Music, Cultural Politics and Music Education in China. Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [ISBN: 9781472476548] Lawson, Francesca R. Sborgi. 2017. The Women of Quyi: Liminal Voices and Androgynous Bodies. Soas Musicology Series. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [ISBN: 9781138234130] Meyer-Clement, Elena. 2016. Party Hegemony and Entrepreneurial Power in China: Institutional Change in the Film and Music Industries. Routledge Contemporary China Series; 130. London: Routledge. [ISBN: 9781138917231] Qi, Kun. 2016. Silk and Bamboo Music in Southern China. Trans. Yao, Qian. Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. First American ed. Paramus, New Jersey: Homa & Sekey Books. [ISBN: 9781622460052] Thorpe, Ashley. 2016. Performing China on the London Stage: Chinese Opera and Global Power, 1759- 2008. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. [ISBN: 9781137597854] Thrasher, Alan R. 2016. Qupai in Chinese Music: Melodic Models in Form and Practice. Routledge Studies in Ethnomusicology; 6. New York: Routledge. [ISBN: 9781138936249] Xiao, Daheng. 2017. The Records of Mongolian Folklore by Xiao Daheng (1532-1612) and Two Rhapsodies on the Xun-Flute from Tang China (618-907): Two Primary Sources in the History of Chinese and Mongolian Folklore and Music. Trans. Zhang, Juwen. Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press. [ISBN: 9781495505775] Xiao, Ying. 2017. China in the Mix: Cinema, Sound, and Popular Culture in the Age of Globalization. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. [ISBN: 9781496812605 ] Xu, Fangfang. 2016. Galloping Horses: Artist Xu Beihong and His Family in Mao's China. Saint Louis, MO: Beihong Arts Publishing, LLC. [ISBN: 9780997057416] Yang, Hon-Lun, and Michael Saffle, eds. 2017. China and the West: Music, Representation, and Reception. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. [ISBN: 9780472130313 ] Yu, Hui, ed. 2017. 东方音乐的体裁与形式 (Dong Fang Yin Yue De Ti Cai Yu Xing Shi). [Genres and Forms of Oriental Music]. 东方音乐学会文丛 (Dong Fang Yin Yue Xue Hui Wen Cong). Hefei Shi: Anhui wen yi chu ban she. [ISBN: 9787539659428] ---, ed. 2017. 东方音乐的历史与观念 (Dong Fang Yin Yue De Li Shi Yu Guan Nian). [History and Aesthetics of Oriental Music]. 东方音乐学会文丛 (Dong Fang Yin Yue Xue Hui Wen Cong). Hefei Shi: Anhui wen yi chu ban she. [ISBN: 9787539659435] Yu, Hui, and Tony Whyton, eds. 2016. 爵士世界主义 : 互联网时代爵士音乐的中国视野 (Jue Shi Shi Jie Zhu Yi : Hu Lian Wang Shi Dai Jue Shi Yin Yue De Zhongguo Shi Ye). [Jazz Cosmopolitanism: China's Perspectives of Jazz Music in the Internet Age]. 互联网语境中中外音乐交互影响 (Hu Lian Wang Yu Jing Zhong Zhong Wai Yin Yue Jiao Hu Ying Xiang). Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she. [ISBN: 9787308163071] Yuan, Jingfang. 2016. Chinese Traditional Instrumental Music. Trans. Zhang, Boyu. Beijing: Zhong yang yin yue xue yuan chu ban she. [ISBN: 9787810967266] Zhu, Yaowei. 2017. Hong Kong Cantopop: A Concise History. Hong Kong: HKU Press. [ISBN: 9789888390588] Theses & Dissertations: Bi, Zhengyuan. 2017. "Chinese Music Reality Shows: A Case Study." M.S. Thesis. Drexel University, Television Management. Wang, Yuan. 2016. "Observations on the Chinese Metal Scene (1990-2013): History, Identity, Industry, and Social Interpretation." Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Glasgow, Music. Journal articles: Berounský, Daniel, and Jarmila Ptácková. 2016. "Tibetan Margins." Archiv Orientalni. (84, no 3, special issue): pages 463-657. Cao, Liang, and Xiaoping Wang. 2016. "海南岛古代青铜乐器研究 (Hainan Dao Gu Dai Qing Tong Yue Qi Yan Jiu)." [Ancient bronze instruments discovered on the Hainan Island.] Chinese Music (中国音 乐). (3:143): 70-79. Cui, Bin. 2016. "节日文化视野下维吾尔族纳格拉鼓吹乐调查研究—以新疆喀什地区麦麦提托合提鼓 吹乐班为例 (Jie Ri Wen Hua Shi Ye Xia Weiwu'er Zu Na Ge La Gui Chui Yue Diao Cha Yan Jiu: Yi Xinjiang Kashen Di Qu Maimaitituoheti Gu Chui Yue Ban Wei Li)." [The naqqāra drum and wind music of the Uyghur people: The Maimaitituoheti troupe in the Kashgar area as an example.] Chinese Music (中国音乐). (3:143): 113-117. Dong, Chen. 2016. "论南传佛教诵经音声系统的动态综合构成—以沧源县班老佤族总佛寺大殿开光 仪式为例 (Lun Nanchuan Fojiao Song Jing Yin Sheng Xi Tong De Dong Tai Zong He Gou Cheng: Yi Cangyuan Xian Ban Lao Wazu Zongfosi Da Dian Kaiguang Yi Shi Wei Li)." [The dynamic form of the chanting of the Nanchuan Buddhist tradition: The kaiguang ritual in the Zongfosi temple of the Wa people in Cangyuan county as an example.] Chinese Music (中国音乐). (4:144): 23-32. Feng, Zhuohui. 2016. "大云山汉墓编钟的测音分析与研究 (Dayunshan Han Mu Bianzhong De Ce Yin Fen Xi Yu Yan Jiu)." [Acoustic testing of the bianzhong excavated from a Han-dynasty tomb in Dayunshan.] Chinese Music (中国音乐). (1:141): 62-77. Gong, Hongyu. 2016. "晚清上海租界外侨音乐活动述略之二(1843~1911)—寓沪外侨乐人、业余音 乐组织及其演出活动 (Wan Qing Shanghai Zu Ji Wai Qiao Yin Yue Huo Dong Shu Lüe Zhi Er (1843–1911): Yu Hu Wai Qiao Yue Ren, Ye Yu Yin Yue Zu Zhi Ji Qi Yan Chu Huo Dong.)." [Outline of musical activities in the foreign concessions of Shanghai during the late Qing (1843– 1911). II: Foreign musicians resident in Shanghai, amateur music organizations and performing activities.] Art of Music: Journal of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (音乐艺术:上海音乐学 院学报). (1): 87. Guo, Kejian. 2016. "都市乡戏:新见 20 世纪初婺剧海上搬演史料人文叙事 (Du Shi Xiang Xi: Xin Jian 20 Shi Ji Chu Wuju Hai Shang Ban Yan Shi Liao Ren Wen Xu Shi)." [Country operas in the city: Newly found historical materials of the performance of Wuju in Shanghai in the early 20th century.] Musicology in China (中国音乐学). 3(124): 56-63. Huang, Xiaotao. 2017. "福州吟诵调现状及其活态特征与成因分析 (Fuzhou Yinsong Diao Xian Zhuang Ji Qi Huo Tai Te Zheng Yu Cheng Yin Fen Xi)." [The current status of the Fuzhou yinsong melody and its characteristics.] Chinese Music (中国音乐). 2(146): 118-124. Kouwenhoven, Frank. 2016. "The New Beethovens." CHIME: Journal of the European Foundation for Chinese Music Research. 20: 1-10. Liu, Jingzhi. 2016. "香港的粤语流行曲—三个时期、三种不同风格 (Xianggang De Yueyu Liu Xing Qu: San Ge Shi Qi San Zhong Bu Tong Feng Ge)." [Cantonese-language popular songs in Hong Kong: Three periods, three styles.] Journal of Nanjing Arts Institute (Music & Performance) [南京艺术 学院学报(音乐与表演版)]. 2(148): 1-9. Liu, Wen. 2016. "苏州“十番鼓”音乐的调查与研究 (Suzhou Shifan Gu Yin Yue De Diao Cha Yu Yan Jiu)." [Research on shifan gu music in Suzhou.] Chinese Music (中国音乐). 4(144): 85-98. Liu, Yiqun. 2017. "沅陵民歌的音乐特征剖析与阐释 (Yuanling Min Ge De Yin Yue Te Zheng Po Xi Yu Chan Ming)." [Analysis and interpretation of the musical characteristics of folk songs in Yuanling.] Chinese Music (中国音乐). 2(146): 110-117,179. Rees, Helen. 2016. "Environmental Crisis, Culture Loss, and a New Musical Aesthetic: China’s 'Original Ecology Folksongs' in Theory and Practice." Ethnomusicology. 60(1): 53-88. Song, Kebin. 2016. "编钟“基组”的形成与定型—西周 4 件、8 件组编甬钟“编列—音列”结构的 微观分析 (Bianzhong 'Jizu' De Xing Cheng Yu Ding Xing: Xizhou 4 Jian, 8 Jian Zu Bian Yong Zhong 'Bian Lie–Yin Lie' Jie Gou De Wei Guan Fen Xi)." [The formation of 'jizu' of bianzhong: Micro- analysis of the 'arrangement–interval' relation in the Western Zhou-dynasty four and eight yong bell sets.] Chinese Music (中国音乐). 2(142): 49-55. Stock, Jonathan P. J. 2016. "Sounding the Bromance: The Chopstick Brothers’ 'Little Apple' Music Video, Genre, Gender and the Search for Meaning in Chinese Popular Music." Journal of World Popular Music. 3(2): 167-196. Wang, Yan. 2016. "流行音乐在哈尔滨的发轫 (Liu Xing Yin Yue Zai Ha'erbin De Fa Ren)." [The development of popular music in Harbin.] Journal of Nanjing Arts Institute (Music & Performance) [南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)]. 2(148): 18-21. Wells, Marnix. 2016. "The Drunken Dotard Refrain." CHIME: Journal of the European Foundation for Chinese Music Research. 20: 85-105. Weng, Po-Wei. 2016. "If You Can Recite It You Can Play It: The Transmission and Transcription of Jingju (Peking Opera) Percussion Music." CHINOPERL. 35(2): 89-113. Xia, Yanzhou. 2016. "北魏乐人-乐户制度形成考论 (Bei Wei Yue Ren: Yuehu Zhi Du Xing Cheng Kao Lun)." [Musicians of the Northern Wei: An exploration of the formation of the yuehu system.] Art of music: Journal of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (音乐艺术:上海音乐学院学报). (3): 90-101. Xiang, Xiaogang. 2016. "'后黎锦晖时代' (1937-1949)民国流行音乐的几个问题 ('Hou–Li Jinhui Shi Dai' (1937–1949) Min Guo Liu Xing Yin Yue De Ji Ge Wen Ti)." [Some problems in popular music of the 'post–Li Jinhui period' of the Republic (1937–1949).] Art of music: Journal of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (音乐艺术:上海音乐学院学报). (1): 123-128. Xiao, Ping. 2016. "不可僭越的民间礼乐—妙峰山进香花会中的'皇会'乐社研究 (Bu Ke Jian Yue De Min Jian Li Yue: Miaofeng Shan Jinxiang Huahui Zhong De 'Huanghui' Yue She Yan Jiu)." [A case study of the 'Huanghui' Music Society in the Jinxiang Huahui activity at the Miaofeng Mountain.] Musicology in China (中国音乐学).

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