Issue No. 127 2879 The New Zealand azette WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 21 JULY 1988 Contents Vice Regal None Government Notices 2880 Authorities and Other Agencies of State Notices 2888 Land Notices 2889 Regulation Summary 2899 Parliamentary Summary None General Section .. None Using the Gazette The New Zealand Gazette, the official newspaper of the Closing time for lodgment of notices at the Gazette Office: Government of New Zealand, is published weekly on 12 noon on Tuesdays prior to publication (except for holiday Thursdays. Publishing time is 4 p.m. periods when special advice of earlier closing times will be given) . Notices for publication and related correspondence should be addressed to: Notices are accepted for publication in the next available issue, unless otherwise specified. Gazette Office, Department of Internal Affairs, Notices being submitted for publication must be a reproduced P.O. Box 805, copy of the original. Dates, proper names and signatures are Wellington. to be shown clearly. A covering instruction setting out require­ Telephone (04) 738699 Facsimile (04) 711 914 ments must accompany all notices. or lodged at the Gazette Office, Room 611 (Sixth Floor) , State Copy wi ll be returned unpublished if not submitted in accor­ Insurance Tower Block, corner Waring Taylor Street and dance with these requirements. Lambton Quay. 2880 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 127 Availability Government Building, 1 George Street, Palmerston North. The New Zealand Gazette is available on subscription from the Cargill House, 123 Princes Street, Dunedin. Government Printing Office Publications Division or over the counter from Government Bookshops at: Hanna Burton Building, 25 Rutland Street, Auckland. Other issues of the Gazette: 33 Kings Street, Frankton, Hamilton. Commercial Edition-published weekly on Wednesdays. 25-27 Mercer Street, Wellington. Mulgrave Street, Wellington. Customs Edition-Published weekly on Tuesdays. E.S.T.V. House, 4185 Queens Drive, Lower Hutt. Special Editions and Supplements-Published as and when 159 Hereford Street, Christchurch. required. Government Notices Agriculture and Fisheries Registration Offices Whangarei Nelson Auckland Christchurch Animals Act 1967 Tauranga Dunedin Napier Invercargill Notice to Abolish Special Quarantine Ground at 2. The follOWing deSignated officers of the Ministry of Southdown Industrial Park, North Auckland Agriculture and Fisheries are appointed as Registrars of (No. 4433; Ag. 6/4/3/0/1) Fisheries. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to section 11A (2) of the Designation of Officers Appointed Animals Act 1967, the special quarantine ground being the land and premises of Animal Enterprises being part of Lot 6 , Administration Officer (MAFFish), Ministry of Agriculture and D.P. 101529, North Auckland Land Registry is hereby Fisheries, Whangarei. abolished from the date of this notice in the Gazette. Senior Clerk, QMS (MAFFish) , Ministry of Agriculture and Dated at Wellington this 18th day of July 1988. Fisheries, Whangarei. R. E. W. ELLIOTT, Assistant Director-General. Administration Officer (MAFFish) , Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Auckland. (In exercise of powers delegated to me under section 10 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Act 1953.) 15 Administration Officer (MAFFish) , Ministry of Agriculture and g07841 Fisheries, Tauranga. Senior Administration Officer (MAFFish), Ministry of Animals Protection Act 1960 Agriculture and Fisheries, Napier. Senior Clerk (MAFFish) , Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Approval of Code of Ethical Conduct Napier. (Notice No. 4434; 100/AlI07) Administration Officer (MAFFish), Ministry of Agriculture and Pursuant to section 19A of the Animals Protection Act 1960 Fisheries, Nelson. and on the advice of the National Animal Ethics Advisory Senior Administration Officer (MAFFish), Ministry of Committee, I hereby approve the code of ethical conduct Agriculture and Fisheries, Nelson. submitted to me from South Pacific Sera Ltd. Administration Officer (MAFFish) , Ministry of Agriculture and Dated at Wellington this 12th day of July 1988. Fisheries, Christchurch. COLIN MOYLE, Minister of Agriculture. Section Officer (MAFFish) , Ministry of Agriculture and g07842 Fisheries, Dunedin. Administration Officer (MAFFish) , Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Act 1983 Fisheries, Invercargill. Clerk, QMS (MAFFish) , Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Notice Declaring Offices of Which Fishing Vessels Invercargill. may be Registered and Appointing Registrars of Fisheries (No. 4436) 3. The notice published in the Gazette on 17 March 1988, No. 47, page 1013, declaring offices at which fishing vessels Pursuant to section 56 of the Fisheries Act 1983, the Director may be registered and appointing Registrars of Fisheries, is Operations, MAFFish , acting pursuant to a delegation from hereby revoked. the Director-General of Agriculture and Fisheries (dated in 4. This notice shall come into force on the day after its Wellington on the 24th day of April 1987) hereby gives the notification in the Gazette. follOWing notice: Dated at Wellington this 19th day of July 1988. Notice D. B. SHALLARD, Director Operations (MAFFish). 20 1. The follOWing offices are declared as offices at which fishing g07873 vessels may be registered: 21 JULY NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2881 Pork Industry Act 1982 the Commission to take effect on the 13th day of September 1988. Levy on Pigs Slaughtered on Licensed Premises Dated at Wellington this 11th day of July 1988. 1988/89 (Notice No. 4435) GEOFFREY PALMER, Attorney-General. Pursuant to section 30 (3) of the Pork Industry Act 1982, the 907874 Pork Industry Board hereby gives notice that the levy on pigs slaughtered on licensed premises as from and including the 1st day of October 1988 shall be $3.68 plus GST being $l.58 plus Customs GST for administration, $2.00 plus GST for marketing and $0.10c plus GST for Aujeszky's Disease scheme. Customs Act 1966 Dated this 1st day of July 1988. S. C. GOODMAN, for D. J. DOBSON, General Manager. 11 Investigation Notice: 90 7869 Part VA of the Customs Act 1966 Pursuant to the provisions of section 186j (2) of the Customs Crown Law Office Act 1966, the Minister of Customs hereby declares that by reason of Judicature Act 1908 (a) The complexity of the issues presented by the investigation; and Acting Judge of the High Court Appointed (b) The number of persons involved in the investigation Pursuant to section 11A of the Judicature Act 1908, His the period within which a preliminary determination may be Excellency the Governor-General, in the name and on behalf made from the date of the initiation of the investigation of Her Majesty the Queen, has been pleased to appoint pursuant to section 186H of the Customs Act 1966 in respect The Honourable Sir Graham Davies Speight of the goods described in the follOWing Schedule shall be 90 days. to be an acting Judge of the High Court for a term of 1 year, the Commission to take effect on the 1st day of September Schedule 1988. Tariff Items Goods Origin Dated at Wellington this 11th day of July 1988. 170l.9l.00.00G Refined sugar, being refined Malaysia GEOFFREY PALMER, Attorney-General. 170l.99.00.00C white sugar and other Thailand 907875 types of refined sugar The (refined from sugar cane Federal Acting Judge of the High Court Appointed or sugar beets). Republic of Pursuant to section 11A of the Judicature Act 1908, His Germany Excellency the Governor-General, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, has been pleased to appoint Dated at Wellington this 19th day of July 1988. The Honourable Joseph Augustine Ongley TREVOR de CLEENE, Minister of Customs. 907870 to be an acting Judge of the High Court for a period of 1 year, Tariff Quota Allocation-Wine Results of the Exclusive Australian Tariff Quota Tendering-No.2 No. of Name Location Units X $5, 000 Bids Per Litre Successful: Montana Wines Ltd. Auckland 38 40c Unsuccessful: Hadleigh Vintners Ltd. Wellington 20 30c Hadleigh Vintners Ltd. Wellington 20 25c Robard & Butler Ltd. Auckland 10 20c Hadleigh Vintners Ltd. Wellington 20 20c Glengarry Wines Ltd. Auckland 38 19c Robard & Butler Ltd. Auckland 10 16c Hadleigh Vintners Ltd. Wellington 20 15c Allied Liquor Merchants Ltd. Auckland 8 13.5c Robard & Butler Ltd. Auckland 10 13c Robard & Butler Ltd. Auckland 10 10c Hadleigh Vintners Ltd. Wellington 20 10c Invalid: Nil. Dated at Wellington this 15th day of July 1988. M. W. TAYLOR, Comptroller of Customs. 907677 2882 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 127 (a) When not in use the radioactive source shall be kept in Education secure storage, which carries a label as described in clause 2 of the Second Schedule to the Radiation Protection Regulations Education Act 1964 1982: (b) When no longer required, the sources shall be sent to the Christchurch Polytechnic Council-Te Runanga National Radiation Laboratory for disposal. Mananui 0 Te Whare Runanga 0 Otautahi Schedule Pursuant to section 69 of the Education Act 1964, the Minister The nuclides sodium -22, Cobalt -60, Strontium -90, of Education gives the following notice: Caesium -137 and thallium -204, in activities not exceeding 1 Notice megabecquerel in each source, and the nuclides polonium - 210, radium -226, thorium -232, uranium -238, plutonium - 1. (a) This notice may be cited as the Christchurch Polytechnic 239 and americium -241, in activities not exceeding 0.3 Council Amendment Notice 1988. megabecquerel in each source. (b) This notice shall come into force on the date of its Dated at Christchurch this 12th day of July 1988. publication in the Gazette. A. C. McEWAN, Director, 2. The constitution of the Christchurch Polytechnic Council as National Radiation Laboratory, Department of Health. constituted by notice published in the Gazette No. 101 on 16 June 1988 at page 2385 is hereby varied by adding to the Third Schedule of the notice the following: "all unions go7711 registered under section 6 of the Labour Relations Act 1987 who have members within the Canterbury Labour District". Tuberculosis Regulations 1951 Dated at Wellington this 7th day of July 1988. PHIL GOFF, Member of Executive Council, Approval of Persons Authorised to Perform for DAVID LANGE, Minister of Education.
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