9781405113519_6_ind.qxd 12/4/08 2:17 PM Page 605 Index Aaron, Daniel 166 Agent Orange 544, 545 American Dream 110–11, 115 Abaroa, Gabriel 498 agricultural labor, and gender 145–52 American Federation of Labor see AFL Abenaki 391, 392 Aguilera, Christina 500 American Museum 273 ableism 359 Ahmad, Muneer 81 American Orientalism 80, 81 Abu Ghraib 445 AIDS 113, 114, 449 American Publishers’ Association 276 Acâgchemem 511 Latino performance and politics of in American Revolution 9, 398, 516, 551, Achille, Louis 34 Los Angeles 307–13 552, 561 Adams, Henry 564, 566 AIDS Quilt 543 American Studies Association 1, 2, Adams, John 385, 397–8, 399, 401, airline deregulation 120 567–8, 579–80, 594 402, 403 AIWA (Asian Immigrant Women American Writers’ Congress 166 Adecco 187 Advocates) 177, 178, 181–2 Americanization 570, 575 advertising 269, 271 al-Qaeda 78, 102, 195 Amin, Idi 253 magazines 277 Alexander, Avery 510–11 Amnesty International 445 newspapers 273, 274 Alexander, J. B. 329 Anderson, Benedict 358 origins of 272 Alfaro, Luis 307, 308–12, 313 Anderson, Leith 291 Afghanistan 80, 570 Algonkians 388 Anderson, Margo 73 AFL (American Federation of Labor) 11, Allen, E. C. 277 Anderson, Marian 229 157, 162 Allen, George 139 Anderton, D. et al 471 African Americans 8, 72 almanacs 401 Anglo-Saxonism 22–3, 65 and blues tradition 508 Althusser, Louis 82, 179 animal magnetism 217 employment of during World War II Always for Pleasure 294 antebellum period 342 280 Amalgamated Food Employees Union 590 anthropology 29 in France 34 v. Logan Valley Plaza, Inc. (1968) 480 anti-Americanism 569, 570, 589 ghosts and spirit work 521, 525–6COPYRIGHTEDAmazing Randi 213 MATERIALanti-Semitism 103, 250–1 and Haitians 241 America Online 497 Anzaldúa, Gloria 354, 377 and intraracial class divisions 281 American American Studies 579, 581, Apaches 27, 46 and neoplantation politics 509 582, 583–5 Appadurai, Arjun, Patriotism and its in Paris 34, 35 American Americanists 568, 579, 580 Futures 83 racism towards 284, 509 American Bandstand (TV show) 501 Apter, Emily 599 religion and race records 225–30 American Booksellers’ Association 276 “Arab terrorist”, stereotype of 78 rise in literacy 227 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Arab-Israeli conflict 246–7, 248, 250 and television 436 83, 101 Arab-Israeli war (1973) 253 see also blacks American Civil War 10, 11, 21, 29, 555 Arabs 99–100 Afro-Caribbean immigrants 240 history of and Lost Cause 516, Arac, Jonathan 596 age-of-consent standards 348, 349 528–31, 534–5, 536 Araiza, Alberto “Beto” 312, 313 9781405113519_6_ind.qxd 12/4/08 2:17 PM Page 606 606 index Archdale, John 149–50 Bambara, Toni Cade 128 blacks 10, 561 archives 515–16, 548 Ban-Yatra pilgrimage 208–9 and behop 283 Arendt, Hannah 107, 108 Bancroft, Hubert Howe 27 cultural politics of and Malcolm X Aristide, Jean-Bertrand 449 Bangladesh 191 during World War II 280–7 Arlington National Cemetery 535 Barbados 145– 6, 148 and dance halls 282–3 Armenians 104, 105–6, 107 Barber, Elizabeth 389 dressing up as Indians 291–2 Arnow, Harriette, The Dollmaker 173 Barbot, Jean 149 exclusion of and racism against 10, Aronofsky, Darren 317 Barbour, Harley 510 11, 12 art, Miami 499–500 Barker, Danny 294 and Indian American youth 303–4 Art Nexus (journal) 499 Barker, Howard 74 literature and periodicals 36–7, 519 Arthur, T. S. 407 Barnum, P. T. 213, 220–1, 269, 273 migration from South to North “Articles of Pacification” 391 Barrie, J. M. 316 173, 227–8 articulation 37–8, 39 Barrow, Pope 533 and Native American Indians 291 Ashcroft, General John 78, 550, 556 Bartholomew, Dave 296 in prisons 487 Asian American Studies 581 Basso, Keith 46 race records and religion of 196, Asian Americans 172, 183 Batiste, Becate 292 225–30 Asian immigrant women 177–83 Baucom, Ian, Specters of the Atlantic 62 relations with Cherokees 43, 45, and AIWA 177, 178, 181–2 Baudrillard, Jean 570 47 conditions in garment factory 177, Bayly, Jaime 498 reconstruction of as enemies 11 178 Baynton, Douglas 362 resistance to draft in Second World as differentially situated in relation to Bayoumi, Moustafa 58, 99–108 War 283–4 social movements 180–1 beauty 368–9 subordination of 435 proletarianization of 179 Beecher, Catharine, A Treatise on and television 434–5 and racialized feminization of labor Domestic Economy 17, 18, 19–20 see also African Americans 179, 180 Been, V. 470, 472 Blair, David 315 use of in piecework industries 134 bebop 283 Blank, Les 294 Asian Immigrant Women Advocates see bell curve 358, 360, 362 Blight, David 516, 528–37 AIWA Bell, David 347 Blitzer, Wolf 256 Asian Women United of California 181 Bell, Derrick 91 Blonde Venus 319, 324–5 Associated Press 274 Beloved (Morrison) 516, 518–26 Bloom, Harold 27 Association of Independent California Benjamin, Walter 36, 290, 297, 308, Bluebird, John 417 Colleges and Universities (AICCU) 320–1, 323 blues 225–6, 229, 290, 508–10, 511 490 Bennett, Bill 511 Blum, Virginia 328, 365–71 Association of Waist and Dress Bennett, Gwendolyn 34 Boas, Franz 27, 29 Manufacturers 160 Bercovitch, Sacvan 27 Boazman, J. W. 329, 330, 331 Astorians 458–9, 460, 461 Bergen Mall 478, 480, 481, 482 body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) Atlantic 276, 277, 278 Berlant, Lauren 58, 81, 109–15 367 Atwater, Lee 510 Bertelsmann 497 Bok, Edward 277, 278 automobiles bhangra music 270, 299 Bolden, Buddy 508 criticism of 420 Bible Belt 210 Bolshevik revolution 14 culture built around 413 “Big Chief Wants Plenty of Fire Water” Bond, Julian 507 increase in number of 420 293–4 Bonus Army march 167 and Indians 386, 413–21 Bin Laden, Osama 80, 81 book publishing 272, 274–6 ownership 479 biofocality 308 Booth, Edmund 135 average citizen 359, 360 Birth of a Nation 531 border studies 581, 583 bisexuality 114 Border Workers Regional Support Baby Face, DJ 304 Black Cloud 415, 417, 418 Committee (CAFOR) 181 Back, Les 300 black internationalism 8, 34–6 borderland migrant spaces 346–7 Bacon, Francis 219 and diaspora 37–9 Bordo, Susan 371 Baden, B. and Coursey, D. 470 and Paris 34–5 Bordwell, David 323 Baker, Danny 296 print cultures of 36–7 Bornstein, Kate 378 Baker, Houston 229 black power movement 435, 436 Borrero, Alejandra 499 Bakudan-Musume no Yuutsu 315 Black September 252 Borthwick, J. D. 136, 139 Balibar, Etienne 103, 179, 575 blackness 14 Boston Tea Party 121 Balio, Tino 322 performing of 341–2 Bourdieu, Pierre 121–2 9781405113519_6_ind.qxd 12/4/08 2:17 PM Page 607 index 607 Bourke, Captain John Gregory 27–31 Cabot Lodge, Henry 14 Cherokees 41–7 “The American Congo” essay 29–30, Cacchione, Pete 167 march West after removal 43–5 31 Cadillac 413 relationship with blacks 43, 45, An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Cahan, Abraham 3 47 Madre 28 Calef, Robert 400 relationship with land 44–5 The Dance of the Moquis of Arizona 28 California removal of from Georgia and “Popular Medicine, Customs, and prisons in 444, 486–91 hardships suffered 41–4, 46 Superstitions of the Rio Grande” 29 white privilege and urban Cheyenne people 27–8 Bowen Francis, Carolyn 50–1 development in southern 444, Chicanos 172 Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) 261–2, 465–72 child care 171 263–4 California Department of Corrections children, relationship with parents Boykins, William 107 see CDC 170–1 Boys on the Side (film) 113 Callender, James 429 Chin, Gabriel 102 Bracero Program (1942) 172 Canguilhem, Georges 358, 360 Chinese Bradford, Andrew 403 On the Normal and the Pathological exclusion of 99, 102 Bradley, Tom 489 361 miners’ diggings 139–40 brain drain 494 Cannon, Katie 264 Chinese Exclusion Acts 106, 172 Brattle, Thomas 400 canoes 460 (1882) 99, 171 Breckinridge, John C. 530 capitalism 3, 113, 168, 179–80, 183, 271, Chinese laundries 142 Brewster, David 408 360 Chinn, Sarah E. 386, 424–31 Letters on Natural Magic 218–19 Carby, Hazel 89 Chiricahuas 28 Briggs, Arthur 34 Carney, Judith 151, 152 Christian, Barbara 525 Briggs, Laura 581 carnival masking 292 Christianity 196, 204, 210–11, 221 British Cultural Studies 584 Carolina as an obstacle to study of religion 196, broadcasting 271–2 see also television and enslavement 148–9 206 broadsides 401–2 rice cultivation 149–52 and secular 196, 260–3, 264–5 Brookes (slave ship) 524–5 Carpentier, Alejo 29 and ventriloquism 214, 217 Brother Jonathan 274 Carr, Dr. John 330 chromosomes 424 Broussais (French physician) 361, 362 cars see automobiles Chuh, Kandice, Transnationalism and its Brown, Charles Brockden, Wieland 215, Carstenbrook, Harvey 353 Pasts 83 217–18 Cartozian case (1925) 106, 107 Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Brown, Elsa Barkley 227 Cash, Wilbur, The Mind of the South 532 (East Harlem) 196, 233–6, 237, Brown, Henry “Box” 33 Casonu, Néstor 498 238, 239, 240–1, 242, 243 Brown, Jerry 488 Castañeda, Antonia 89 cinema Brown, John 331 Castells, Manuel 493, 495, 503 lighting and white racial embodiment Brown, Karen McCarthy, Mama Lola Castro, Fidel 447, 449 322–3 207 Catholicism 200 and race 319–25 Brown, Punkin’ 201–2, 205, 207–8, 209 Haitian 196, 233–43 soft style 323–4 Brown v. Board of Education (1954) 510 Catt, Carrie Chapman 11 CIO (Congress of Industrial Brown, William Wells 334 CDC (California Department of Organizations) 166–74, 280 Clotelle 430 Corrections) 486, 487–8, 489, 490, anti-racism politics of unions of 172 Broyles, William, Jr. 543 491 emergence of 169 Budget Act (1977) 487 Cecchi, Emilio 590–1 and modernism 169 Buffalo Bill Cody 269, 292, 417 Century 276, 277 Operation Dixie 167 Bullard, Eugene 34, 469 Certeau, Michel de 339 strikes 167 Burger, Warren 261 Channels (magazine) 499 weakening of by post-Fordism labour Burgess, N.
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