Provisional List of Vascular Plant Species in Point Pleasant Park, Nova Scotia

Provisional List of Vascular Plant Species in Point Pleasant Park, Nova Scotia

Provisional List of Vascular Plant Species in Point Pleasant Park, Nova Scotia An initial list was contributed by Rich LaPaix, based on his MSc thesis research on vegetation structure and composition within urban parks of Halifax Regional Municipality. [1] Additional species were added from lists in cited references. The scientific names and species ranks (Sranks) are those cited by the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre for Nova Scotia ( The list will be updated as more information becomes available. Please forward pertinent information to [email protected] For the species on this list, all species with an Srank of “SNA” are exotic to North America. - David Patriquin, May 3, 2012. Initial Document posted at May 3, 2012. Modified May 11, 2012. Growth Family Scientific Name Common Name Ref form Life history Srank 1. Aceraceae Acer pensylvanicum Striped Maple 1 Trees Perennial S5 2. Aceraceae Acer platanoides Norway Maple 1 Trees Perennial SNA 3. Aceraceae Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore Maple 2 Trees Perennial SNA 4. Aceraceae Acer negundo Manitoba Maple 3 Trees Perennial SNA 5. Aceraceae Acer rubrum Red Maple 1 Trees Perennial S5 6. Aceraceae Acer saccharinum Sugar Maple 2 Trees Perennial S5 7. Aceraceae Acer spicatum Mountain Maple 3 Trees Perennial S5 8. Anacardiaceae Rhus typhina Staghorn sumac 1 Shrubs Perennial S4S5 9. Common 1 Aquifoliaceae Ilex verticillata Winterberry Shrubs Perennial S5 10. Nemopanthus 1 Aquifoliaceae mucronatus Mountain Holly Shrubs Perennial S5 11. Bristly 1 Araliaceae Aralia hispida Sarsaparilla Forbs Perennial S5 12. Araliaceae Aralia nudicaulis Wild Sarsaparilla 1 Forbs Perennial S5 13. Asteraceae Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow 1 Forbs Perennial S5 14. Anaphalis 1 Asteraceae margaritacea Pearly Everlasting Forbs Perennial S5 15. Common 1 Asteraceae Arctium minus Burdock Forbs Biennial SNA 16. Asteraceae Aster sp. an Aster 1 Forbs Perennial na 17. Devil's 1 Asteraceae Bidens frondosa Beggarticks Forbs Annual S5 18. Mountain 1 Asteraceae Centaurea montana Cornflower Forbs Perennial 19. Asteraceae Centaurea nigra Black Knapweed 1 Forbs Perennial SNA 20. Doellingeria Hairy Flat-top 1 Asteraceae umbellata White Aster Forbs Perennial S5 21. Asteraceae Erechtites hieracifolia Fireweed 2 Forbs Perennial S5 22. Asteraceae Erechtites hieraciifolia Eastern Burnweed 1 Forbs Annual S5 23. Asteraceae Erigeron annuus Annual Fleabane 1 Forbs Annual S4S5 24. Grass-leaved 1 Asteraceae Euthamia graminifolia Goldenrod Forbs Perennial S5 25. Kalm's 1 Asteraceae Hieracium kalmii Hawkweed Forbs Perennial S2? 26. Common 1 Asteraceae Hieracium lachenalii Hawkweed Forbs Perennial SNA 27. Spotted 2 Asteraceae Hieracium maculatum Hawkweed Forbs Perennial ? 28. Mouse-ear 1 Asteraceae Hieracium pilosella Hawkweed Forbs Perennial SNA 29. Whiplash 2 Asteraceae Hieracium X flagellare hawkweed Forbs Perennial SNA 30. Hieracium x Smoothish 1 Asteraceae floribundum Hawkweed Forbs Perennial SNA 31. Asteraceae Leontodon autumnalis Fall Dandelion 1 Forbs Perennial SNA 32. Asteraceae Leucanthemum Oxeye Daisy 1 Forbs Perennial SNA vulgare 33. Asteraceae Matricaria discoidea Pineapple Weed 1 Forbs Annual SNA 34. Whorled Wood 1 Asteraceae Oclemena acuminata Aster Forbs Perennial S5 35. Asteraceae Prenanthes trifoliolata Lion’s Paw 2 Forbs Perennial S5 36. Three-leaved 1 Asteraceae Prenanthes trifoliolata Rattlesnakeroot Forbs Perennial S5 37. 1 Biennial, Asteraceae Rudbeckia hirta Black-Eyed Susan Forbs perennial SNA 38. Woodland 1 Asteraceae Senecio sylvaticus Ragwort Forbs Annual SNA 39. Common 1 Asteraceae Senecio vulgaris Ragwort Forbs Annual SNA 40. Canada 1 Asteraceae Solidago canadensis Goldenrod Forbs Perennial S5 41. Downy 1 Asteraceae Solidago puberula Goldenrod Forbs Perennial S5 42. Rough-stemmed 1 Asteraceae Solidago rugosa Goldenrod Forbs Perennial S5 43. Asteraceae Solidago sp. a Goldenrod 1 Forbs Perennial 44. Prickly Sow 1 Asteraceae Sonchus asper Thistle Forbs Annual SNA 45. Symphyotrichum 1 Asteraceae lateriflorum Calico Aster Forbs Perennial S5 46. Symphyotrichum novi- 1 Asteraceae belgii New York Aster Forbs Perennial S5 47. Common 1 Asteraceae Taraxacum officinale Dandelion Forbs Perennial SNA 48. Asteraceae Tussilago farfara Coltsfoot 1 Forbs Perennial SNA 49. Berberidaceae Berberis thunbergii Japanese Barberry 1 Shrubs Perennial SNA 50. Betulaceae Ostrya virginiana Ironwood 3 Trees Perennial S5 51. Betulaceae Alnus incana Speckled alder 2 Shrubs Perennial S5 52. Betulaceae Betula alleghaniensis Yellow Birch 1 Trees Perennial S5 53. Betulaceae Betula papyrifera Paper Birch 1 Trees Perennial S5 54. Betulaceae Betula populifolia Gray Birch 1 Trees Perennial S5 55. Brassicaceae Barbarea vulgaris Yellow Rocket 1 Forbs Biennial SNA 56. Erysimum European 1 Bienniial, Brassicaceae hieraciifolium Wallflower Forbs perennial SNA 57. Northern Bush 1 Caprifoliaceae Diervilla lonicera Honeysuckle Shrubs Perennial S5 58. Caprifoliaceae Linnaea borealis Twinflower 2 Forbs Perennial S5 59. American fly Caprifoliaceae Lonicera canadensis honeysuckle 4 Shrubs Perennial S5 60. Caprifoliaceae Lonicera sp. Honeysuckle 1 Shrubs Perennial 61. Caprifoliaceae Sambucus racemosa Red Elderberry 1 Shrubs Perennial S5 62. Northern Wild 1 Caprifoliaceae Viburnum nudum Raisin Shrubs Perennial S5 63. Common 1 Caryophyllaceae Cerastium fontanum Chickweed Forbs Perennial SNA 64. Procumbent 1 Caryophyllaceae Sagina procumbens Pearlwort Forbs Perennial S5 65. Caryophyllaceae Stellaria graminea Little Starwort 1 Forbs Perennial SNA 66. Common 1 Caryophyllaceae Stellaria media Starwort Forbs Annual SNA 67. Common St. 1 Clusiaceae Hypericum perforatum John's-wort Forbs Perennial SNA 68. Alternate-leaved 1 Cornaceae Cornus alternifolia Dogwood Shrubs Perennial S5 69. Cornaceae Cornus canadensis Bunchberry 1 Forbs Perennial S5 70. Red Osier 1 Cornaceae Cornus sericea Dogwood Shrubs Perennial S5 71. Cupressaceae Juniperus communis Common Juniper 2 Shrubs S5 72. Cupressaceae Thuja occidentalis Eastern white 3 Trees Perennial S1S2 cedar 73. Cyperaceae Carex brunnescens Brownish Sedge 1 Graminoids Perennial S5 74. Cyperaceae Carex canoidea Field sedge 2 Graminoids Perennial S4? 75. Fibrous-Root 1 Cyperaceae Carex communis Sedge Graminoids Perennial S5 76. Cyperaceae Carex crawfordii Crawford's Sedge 1 Graminoids Perennial S5 77. White-edged 1 Cyperaceae Carex debilis Sedge Graminoids Perennial S5 78. Cyperaceae Carex deflexa Northern Sedge 1 Graminoids Perennial S4 79. Cyperaceae Carex foenea Hay Sedge 1 Graminoids Perennial S3? 80. Cyperaceae Carex folliculata Long sedge 2 Graminoids Perennial S5 81. Cyperaceae Carex ovalis Oval Sedge 2 Graminoids Perennial SNA 82. Cyperaceae Carex rosea Rosy Sedge 2 Graminoids Perennial S3 83. Cyperaceae Carex sp. a Sedge 1 Graminoids Perennial 84. Cyperaceae Carex trisperma Three-seed sedge 2 Graminoids Perennial S5 85. Cyperaceae Carex umbellata Umbellate Sedge 1 Graminoids Perennial S4 86. Cyperaceae Scirpus sp. Bullrush species 2 Forbs Perennial 87. Dennstaedtia Eastern Hay- 1 Pteridophyt Dennstaedtiaceae punctilobula Scented Fern es Perennial S5 88. 1 Pteridophyt Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium aquilinum Bracken Fern es Perennial S5 89. Common Lady 1 Pteridophyt Dryopteridaceae Athyrium filix-femina Fern es Perennial S5 90. Dryopteris Spinulose wood 2 Pteridophyt Dryopteridaceae carthusiana fern es Perennial S5 91. Matteuccia 2 Pteridophyt Dryopteridaceae struthiopteris Ostrich fern es Perennial S5 92. 1 Pteridophyt Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense Field Horsetail es Perennial S5 93. Ericaceae Calluna vulgaris Scottish Heather 1 Shrubs Perennial SNA 94. Ericaceae Epigaea repens Trailing Arbutus 1 Shrubs Perennial S5 95. Ericaceae Gaultheria hispidula Creeping 1 Shrubs Perennial S5 Snowberry 96. Gaultheria 1 Ericaceae procumbens Eastern Teaberry Shrubs Perennial S5 97. Black 1 Ericaceae Gaylussacia baccata Huckleberry Shrubs Perennial S5 98. Ericaceae Kalmia angustifolia Sheep Laurel 1 Shrubs Perennial S5 99. Vaccinium Late Lowbush 1 Ericaceae angustifolium Blueberry Shrubs Perennial S5 100. Velvet-leaved 1 Ericaceae Vaccinium myrtilloides Blueberry Shrubs Perennial S5 101. Mountain 1 Ericaceae Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cranberry Shrubs Perennial S5 102. Fabaceae Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust 3 Shrubs Perennial SNA 103. 1 Biennial, Fabaceae Trifolium campestre Low Hop Clover Forbs annual SNA 104. 1 Biennial, Fabaceae Trifolium pratense Red Clover Forbs perennial SNA 105. Fabaceae Trifolium repens White Clover 1 Forbs Perennial SNA 106. Fabaceae Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch 1 Forbs Perennial SNA 107. Fagaceae Fagus grandifolia American Beech 2 Trees Perennial S5 108. Fagaceae Fagus sylvatica European Beech 1 Trees Perennial SNA 109. Fagacea e Quercus robur English Oak 1 Trees Perennial SNA 110. Fagaceae Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak 1 Trees Perennial S5 111. American Witch- 1 Hamamelidaceae Hamamelis virginiana Hazel Shrubs Perennial S5 112. Aesculus 2 Hippocastanaceae hippocastanum Horse Chestnut Trees Perennial SNA 113. Hippocastanaceae Aesculus sp. Horse-chestnut 1 Trees Perennial SNA 114. Iridaceae Iris versicolor Blueflag Iris 2 Forbs Perennial S5 115. Juncaceae Juncus bufonius Toad Rush 1 Graminoids Annual S5 116. Juncaceae Juncus tenuis Path Rush 1 Graminoids Perennial S5 117. Juncaceae Luzula multiflora Common 1 Graminoids Perennial S5 Woodrush 118. Common Hemp- 1 Lamiaceae Galeopsis tetrahit nettle Forbs Annual SNA 119. Northern 2 Lamiaceae Lycopus uniflorus Bugleweed Forbs Perennial S5 120. Common Self- 1 Lamiaceae Prunella vulgaris

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