An Alternative Audio Web Browsing Solution: Viewing Web Documents Through a Tree Stjnlct,ura1Approach Esrnoncl Walshe B .Sc. School of EIcct,ronic Engineering Dublin City University A t,hwis submittec! for t,he clcgree of Ph.D. Scptcnrher 2006 S~rpelvisor:Dr. Barry RlcMiillin Declaration I hercby certify that this ma2,crial, which I now suhmit for hsscssmcnt on Lhc propammc of st~~rlylcacling to thc a~varclor PB.D. is mltirely my own wark and has not bccn talccn from thc: work of othcrs savc and to thc cxtcnt that such work has hecn citcd and acl~nnwlcdgcclwithin the tcxl of my work. c- >v@L-, Lh.J qL ', s-X_ Signed: (Esmoiicl TValdrc) ID Number: 50162071 Date: 21 Scptcmbcr 2006 Abstract This thesis examines methods to aid in the non-visual browsing of web based documcnts, primarily using synthetic speech output. The serial nature of speech ensures that it is a difficult medium in which to browse documents. Much of the structure implied in the visual appearance of the content is not available through specch. Only a narrow region in the content is perceiv- able at any given time, and it can bc difficult to navigate to the important segments of the document. This is in contrast to visual interaction, where cues such as changcs in font or colour establish contextual changes in the content and guide the user accordingly. A number of browsing/navigation strategies are presented to offset these problems. These are implemented through WebTree. This is a highly cus- tomisable web browser which rcnders documents through a dynamically ex- pandable tree structural view. This mirrors the arrangement of mark-up elements in the source file. Contextual information about each element is provided as appropriate. By expanding and collapsing individual tree ele- ments, thc user decides how much of the content is rendered at any given time. The user can also dctermine whether a certain element is automati- cally expanded in the rendcring when cncountercd, or whether it appcars in the rendering at all, effectively allowing for the easy gencration of alterna- tive document views. To speed up navigation the user can move through thc document based on the element of their choice. Specialiscd element search functions are also available. Additional navigational functionality is pro- vided to deal with the specific requirements of <table>or <form> elements. The thesis reviews different methods previously employed to offset prob- lcms with auditory interfaces and compares these with WebTree. Initial user tests and evaluations of WebTrec are prescnted, which show that the approaches taken provide a viable solution, particularly for thc browsing of large or complex wcb-bascd documcnts, by blind users. Acknowledgements Though this work bears the namc of a single author, I wish to acknowledge all those whose contributions made it possible. First and foremost, I wish to sincerely thank my supervisor, Prof. Barry RIIcMullin, who had to put up with listening to all my ideas, both good and bad, and my missed deadlines. He helped me crystallise many of the ideas found in this thesis and provided many suggestions on how the systcm could be improvcd. I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Klaus Miesenberger and Dr. Derek Molloy who had the tedious task of examining this thesis. I would like to thank them for being both thorough and fair with their comments and for thcir suggestions on possible directions in which the research could progress in the future. I would also like to express my gratitudc to the rncmbers of the user group who tested the application. Thc time they spent using the system provided much insight into whether thc system was a usable approach to web page navigation. I would also like to thank the following peoplc, Bryan Walshc, Derrick Walshe, Joan O'Malley, Dona1 Fitzpatrick and Ciaran Kelly for thcir help in proof reading this thesis and for providing comments on how it could be improvcd. I would also like to thank the other members of thc caccess group and members of thc "Alife" lab for acting as a screen reader when my computer either crashed, or the application I needed to use was inaccessible. Also thank you to my many friends and collcagues for putting up with me for the last whilc. The work described here received financial support provided from AIB PLC'. The work was carried out in the Research Institute for Networks and Communications Engincering (RINCE), established at DCU undcr the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions operated by thc Irish Higher Education Authority. 'http: //www. aib. ie/ FimlIy I wouIc1 likc to f;hxnk my family €or dl thcir support thraughou t Lhr: many ycms I hnvc spcnt in cdttcation. Thy ;~lwnysst,rivcrl to ensure 1 rcccivcd thc best, clrl~lcationpossible and cncot~agcdmc to do the bcst I could. I owe thcm t~ dcht that probably cannot bc rcp~irl.Throughout thc ycars, my thrct? brothers ant1 onc sister read large txrnaunk of materina far me that X did nol have ~CCCSF;lo in clcctronic forin. So FvIarn, Kcnncth, Dcrrick, Bryan sad Sanclra - Thanks! iii Contents I Intradu&ion 1 1.1 Setting Out; thc Problcm ..................... 1 1.2 Intcril~t~ionI'lodaKtics ...................... 4 1.3 Navigation ancl Brow~jing .................... G 1.4 'CVctlTrcc .............................. 8 1.5 Thesis Structure ......................... 11 2 Speech Outpttt and Non-Speech Auditory Cues 14 2.1 Spokcn Output .......................... 15 2.1.1 Synklrctic Spmh .................... 21 2.1.2 Camprchcnsion of synthcldc spmch ........... 25 2.1.3 Voicr! Int.onation niicl Prosodic Cncs .......... 27 2.2 Tactons, Excons, Auditory Icons am1 Gcrlcrd Nori-Spccch Sound Cucy ............................ 32 2.2.1 Tnctokq .......................... :32 2.2.2 Non-spcecl~ai~clia cu~cs ..................33 2.3 Summary ............................. 40 3 Literature Review 41 3.1 The Graphical User Interface (GUI) .............. 42 3.2 Manipulating the Audio Stream to Provide Contextual Infar- Inatfun .............................. 49 3.2.1 Using Non-Spccch Cucs to Dcnotc Strnct.urc ..... 54 3.2.2 Using Voicc Chnngcs i.o Dcnotc Structure ....... 57 3.3 Document Modelling ....................... 63 3.3.1 Modelling Document Structure ............. 67 3.3.2 Conceptual Graphs .................... 70 3.3.3 The Document Object Model (DOM) ......... 71 3.4 Current Non-Visual Web Browsing Solutions ......... 74 3.4.1 Conventional Browser with a Screen Reading Appli- cation ........................... 74 3.4.2 Transcoding Proxies ................... 76 3.4.3 Dedicated Browsing Solutions .............. 80 3.5 Web Page Navigation and Summarisation ........... 83 3.6 Tabular Constructs ....................... 86 3.6.1 Cells Spanning More than One Row or Column .... 94 3.6.2 Providing Contextual Information During Navigation 96 3.7 Form Handling .......................... 97 3.8 Tree Navigation .........................104 3.9 Summary .............................107 4 WebTree Implementation 108 4.1 Emacs Terminology ........................108 4.2 WebTree Specification and Design ...............110 4.3 Implementation Environment ..................114 4.4 Document Modelling ......................122 4.5 Exposing Document Tree Structure .............. 124 4.5.1 The Widget Tree .................... 126 4.5.2 Screen Overlays ..................... 132 4.6 Cascading Style Sheet implementation .............133 4.7 Standards Compliance ......................135 4.7.1 Guidelines .........................136 4.7.2 Validation ......................... 146 4.7.3 Accessibility Levcls and Legal Requircrnents .....148 4.8 Summary .............................152 5 WebTree User Interface 153 5.1 Uscr Intcrfacc ........................... 154 5.1.1 Primary Document Vicw ................ 156 5.1.2 C~lsGomisation ...................... l(j3 5.1.3 Gcncrating Altcrnstivr! Docurncnt Vicws ....... 167 5.4 Keyhoard Navigation mrl Interaction .........1GD 1.5 Scnrching .........................170 5.1.6 Rcndcring Tabulnr. Data ................ 173 5.1.7 XHTML Form Handling ................ 178 5.2 Auditory Otttput .........................180 52.1 Trcc Interaction .....................184 5.2.2 Speaking Fmm Dxtn .................. 187 5.2.3 Spcaking Tabular Dabs .................189 5.3 Rcnding Strategies ........................191 5.4 Bmillt! Output ..........................193 5.5 Summary .............................193 6 User Evaluation 194 6.1 Test User Pmfilc .........................191 6.2 Mctl~odology ...........................196 8.3 Fornlat Qt~cstiannaitircR. csults ..................200 6.3.1 Rcstllts d tIlc Ahcr Sccilnria Q~restionnnirc ......200 6.3.2 bults 01 tllc Comp~~t~crSystm Usabilitv Qlicstion- nnirr! ........................... 2013 6.4 Emluntion rcsults sumnleyv ..................201 6.4.1 1atcr.acl.ivc: Fnrnl Dak ..................208 6.4.2 fikarching .........................20$1 6.4.3 Tabular Data .......................210 6.4.4 Customisation Issues .................. 212 6.4.5 Us~l>ilityVcrsusPnguCo1np1cxit.y ...........213 6.5 Conclusion ............................215 7 Conclusions and Further Work 217 7.1 hrthcr Work ..........................221 7.2 Contributions or this Rcscarch .................222 References 224 A Webnee Application User Manual 239 B WebTree Tutorial 248 C Additional User Evaluation Questionnaires 254 C.1 Preliminary Evaluation Qutxtinnnnirc .............254 C.2 Aftcr Evaluation Qtlcdionilnirc ................. 256 D Braille 263 D.l Bricf Dwcription .........................263 D.2 Louis Braille: Biogaplucd notc
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