THE PERSPECTIVE PLAN FOR TAMIL NADU iD5)jii)5»iT»SliiSl5k q ^ iu ^(y^^rTuib A NEW SOCIETY THROUGH RENAISSANCE IN TAMIL NADU REPORT OF THE TASK FORCE ON HUMAN RESOURCES AND SOCIAL CHANGE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1972-1984 Volum e II STATE PLANNING COMMISSION EZHILAGAM. MADRAS^ atioTir:! Systems Unit^ Ki Institute of EducatiOBif'' Planning and Aministration 17-B,SfiAutbiii(jo Marg,Newl D O C . N o ..................... QAL^,,^ r J ^ D a te ......... .............................^ “This report of the Task force sets forth its rocommendations on Human Resources and Social Change for Economic Development and is not to be taken as the Perspective Plan for that sector which the Planing Commission wiU ifsue in 1973, 5870—87 (ii)— A DETAILED CONTENTS OF VOLUME': II. Page*- .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ni—iv PART : FIVE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING. XIII— So c ia l D e v e l o p m e n t P l a n n in g : 'Jk© need for a unified approach-Common feature between social and ee^nomic planning—The objectiTes and aims of social development f Ijtaning-ImprGved working conditions. 1— 14r XIV—A n a p p r o a c h to S o c ia l W e l f a r e P r o g r a m m e s o f t h b PM iiPiiw iVE P l a n : W«lfar« of Backward Classes—Review of progress— The perspective of development— Social Welfare Sector— Social Welfare Programmes^ Ckild Welfare and Women’s Welfare—Physically handicapped— Fre-v©cational training—Research^—Social Defence Programmes-— S©€!i»l Security .. .. , . .. ,. .. .. ,. 13—26 P A R T : SIX BETTER CITIZENRY FOR DEMOCRACY. XT —S o c ia l Ch a n g e —T h e A p p r o a c h a n d P r o g r a m m e s . Social Change—Intensive pre-sckool education— Strategy for effecting Social Change—^Village Clubs— Discouragement of the use of cast Mani.es and appellations—The n<eed to develop social norms— Social equality through transfer of resources—Reduction of unemploy- memt—Stabilisation of prices— Reduction of wastful consumption— Corruption and its prevention— Elimination of growth retrading forees—Establishment of healthy industrial relations— Social Change in Tamil Nadu vis-a-vis the rest of India and the rest of the world—Religoious Institutions and Social Change— Tamil Culture and its role in bringing about social change^—Need for research in problems of Social Change for economic development— Social Change and the Welfare of Backward Classes including Harijan W’^elfare—Elimination of unclean occupations—Youth Service Corps and Social Change*—Begger Relief and rehabilitation and Eye Camps in the context o f Social Change—Leprosy Beggars Rekabilitation scheme'—Chief Minister’s Begger Rehabilitation a uud—^The pn iocts of the Task IForce .. .. .. .. 31— 5ft 687C-»7(ii)—A-1 11 PART: SEVEN. SOCIAL WELFARE PROGRAMMES. Oh a p t b b XVI— W e l f a r e of B a o k w a r d Cl a s s e s — ^A r e v i e w o f t h b rassENT arruATiON. Confltitutional provisions—Co-efificient of equality—Welfare of the Harijana—Recommendations—The Organisation of the Department— Project for detaOed and Comprehensive Study— Development of Tribal Areas—Tribal development blocks .. 59— 721 Obulpter XVII—E m p l o y m e n t o f B a c k w a r d Cl a s s e s . The problems of unemployment among the backward communities— Special schemes for considerartion— Constitutional provisions for reservation, appointments etc—Activities of the employment exchanges— Guidelines for employment generation .. .. ... 73*^77^ Ch a p t e r XVIII—P r o je c t s f o r t h e w e l f a r e o f s c h e d u l e d c a s t e s , SCHEDULED TRIBES, OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES AND DENOTIFIED TRIBES, Review of progress in the IV Plan—Outlook for Perspective Plan— Income limit of eligibility for scholarships—Merit scholarships—Plan projects for Scheduled Casts and Scheduld Tribes—Plan projects for other backward classes—plan projects for denotified tribes .. .. 78— 150) Ch a p t e r XIX—^Wo m e n ’ s W e l f a r e a n d Ch il d W e l f a r e : The Central and State Social Welfare Boards— Clasification of working women—Women seeking employment— Department of Social Welfare— Status of women—Education of women and girls in Tamil Nadu—Remedical measures and action programmes— Employment of women in Tamil Nadu Child—Welfare ,. .. .. .. .. 151—-1T35 C h a p t e r XX — ^We l f a r e o f t h e o l d -a g e d , d e s t it u t e s a n d t h i H a n d ic a p p e d : Old-age pension—Model of old age pension scheme for adoption by State Governments— Draft constitution of Social Assistance Bureau— Question of the elderly and the aged (Note of United Nations General Assembly)— Normalisation of the disabled .. .. .. .. 174— 2:oi. Ch a p t e r XXI —O t h e r S o c ia l W e l f a r e P r o g r a m m e s : The non-student youth—Findings and recommendations of the socio­ economic Survey of non-student youth undertaken by the council for Social Development in 1971—Social welfare and Social Security .. 202— 2506* iff OHAFi'Kt X X n —^P*m«PRCwr« t u l v yitojBCTS you socjial w e lfa ri : Soeiftl welfare : Women** welfare— Family and Child welfare— Phymcally handicapped—Research and analysis—Other Social welfare programmes—^Administrative set-up ’ .. .. .. .. 207—219 Ch a p t e r XXIII—^So c ia l DEiBircE—a r b v ib w o f t h e p r e s e n t situ atio it AKD PEOQBAMMES FOR THE PLAN : Organisation of the Department of Approved Schools and Vigilance Services—Activities of the Department under non-plan as a whole nnder II, III and IV Plans—Perspective Plan projects .. .. .. 220— 243 Gh a p tk r XXIV— W e l f a r e p r o g r a m m e s in p r iso n s : Introduction—The Plan projects .. .. .. .. .. .. 244—34g SUM>URY OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND LIST OF PROJECTS. Ch a p t e r XXV —Su m m a r y o f m a in recommendations t Introduction—Development and utilisation of Human Regourceg (Man­ power and Employment and draftsmen Training Programme)— Industrial Relations and Lafeour Welfare— Social Change— Social Welfare and Welfare o f Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward classes .. .. .. .. .. ,. .... 249-^258 CSb a p t e r XXVI— ^Lis t o f p r o je c t s astd b u d g e t s u m m a r y : Budget summary—Detailed list of 210 pro jecti—^An abstract o f outlays .. 259— 272 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TO VOLUME TWO. if EJCi) jkE ff I List o f Communities eligible for help by the Harijan Welfare- Department. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. 275—276 II Census— 1971—Total population and Scheduled Tribes population^ Tamil Nadu .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. 277 m Talukwise total populatum and population f Scheduled castes—*and Scheduled Tribes .. .. .. .. ., .. .. 278— 282 IV List o f Backward Communities for which districtwise— details are Available ........................ ............................................................. 284—292 IV V List of Backward Communities fpr .which 4istri9twise details are-not . ... aTailable .. .. .. .. .. .. VI List of Backward Communities newly included in the list o f Backward classes. • . , — 2t7 VM Numerically preponderant Scheduled "Sribes and their Main comeen- tration. .. .. ...... .. ^ .. VIH Level of litreracy among Schedule Tribes and general population by sex . .. .. ^ . * . ; IX Districtwise population of Scheduled Tribes (1961) .... 299 X Occupational distribution ofworkers among Scheduled Tribes .. 299 X I Interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural areas only hy Scheduled Tribes .. .. .. .. .. .. 3f® X ri Gk)vernmentofIndia scholarships to Scheduled Tribes .. .. 30§ X III State scholarships to Scheduled Castes .. .. .. .. 3#1 X IV Government of India scholarships to Scheduled Castes .. .. 3^1 X V Tribe wise number of persons among the least popular tribe* in Tamil Nadu-1961 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3#2^ XV I District and educational levels-wise distribution of Government Hostels for the Scheduled Tribes pupils, 1971 .. ..... 303 X V n Distribution of Scheduled Tribes and Non-scheduled Tiribes pupils at different stages of education, 1971 .. .. .. .. 304 X V I * Districtwise distribution of Residential and Noil-Residential aiid Tribal Schools with strength. 1971 .. .. .. w, ' 3#S X IX List of community centres run by the Harijan Welfare Department. 3tS X X List of Heads of Departments and others are iniplementmg Harijan Welfare Sohemei . ' «. • « •• »« 307 PART FIVE Social Development Planning. CHAPTER Xm . SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 13.1.0 Introduction.—Strategy of Planning has to be both multi-level and multi­ functional. Approach to State and District Planning from the spatial standpoint needs social planning. Economic development plans have so far paid only marginal attention to social development problems. Social development plan differs from economic development plan and requires a different calculus of planning. The tools of analysis differ and so too are the concepts. However, social development is as much a pre-requisite for economic growth as is economic development. In this functional approach to social development planning certain theoretical objectives methodological issues and outlines of poHcy are discussed. The Constitution makers hare given specific attention to social planning.
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