WWARBSTOWARBSTOW && ISTRICTISTRICT EWSEWS DD NN 68 E J/A 2017 SUMMER EDITION Editorial, Lets hope that wasn’t all the summer we’re going to get.A packed magazine this month with a piece from our new County Councillor Barry Jordan on page 21. Peter Dymond at Ashfield is having a charity “Hog Roast” in aid of the Air Ambulance, details on page 9. Rev Doreen is having “Fun with Frogs & Bishops”, full details on page 13. Warbstow Floral Group are having their annual Flower Festival details of which are on page 23. Adam Rutter has moved but not that far away, his account of the move is on page 30. Gill and I visited Penhallam Manor via a roundabout route and the details of our woody walk is on page 28. Margaret Withers undertook the Falmouth 5K for Cancer Relief. A short piece on how you can support her is on page 33. St Gennys & District Horticultural Society are having their 87th Annual Flower Show details of how you could take part are on page 39. Thelma’s Diary is on page 41. On page 17 are details of a Community event we are trying to organise in August. Do you have a garage full of rubbis, junk jumble? Check out to see how you could take part. Lastly there have been some minor changes to the No.12 bus. Apart from me moving them to the back of the magazine, these can be checked out on page 42 (Please be aware that the buses now leave from both sides of Launceston Westgate to Plymouth)!! They couldn’t make it more stressful or dangerous if they wanted to. Someone is bound to get hurt rushing across the road to catch the right bus. I hope the sun shines on you this summer GJB Editorial Committee Gerry Brown , Editor e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] Tel 781631 Sue Halfpenny, Treasurer, Tel 781732 Front photo Bella Forsyth, Newshound Tel 01840 230197 “The Joy of Summer” Thelma Balsdon, Newshound, Tel 781496 Thelma’s Mallow Annette Gavin, Distribution, Tel 781329 GJB Gill Brown “What’s On” Tel 781631 or email [email protected] Deadline for articles and for the next edition: 28th August 2017 Advertising Rates - Full A5 page - Annual Rate £36.00 Pro rata for Half, Third, Quarter and Sixths Small ads – £2 for up to 3 lines per issue Invoices for adverts must be settled before inclusion. Page 2 WWARBSTOWARBSTOW PPARISHARISH CCOUNCILOUNCIL Hello and welcome to my first article since becoming the Chairman of the Warbstow Parish Council, a position I am very honoured and privileged to have been elected to. Roger Jones will continue in the capacity as Vice Chair and Coralie Short as Parish Clerk. I would like to take the opportunity to welcome Lynette Hutchinson onto the Council. I have taken over the role from Philip Uglow who sadly passed away on 23rd May 2017. Our most heartfelt sympa- thies and our thoughts are with Philip's family during this difficult time. If you would like to make a donation to www.justgiving.com/philipsbraincancer, the proceeds are being split between The Brain Tumour Charity and Children's Hospice South West. Philip did some great work as the Chairman, giving up his time to serve the community. I can only hope to achieve a percentage of the good work that Philip did during his time as Chairman. Check out the minutes of previous meetings at www.warbstow.org/parish-council/meetings. Your parish council is now: Paul Wood Chairman 01840 261631 Roger Jones V/Chairman 01566 781306 Trevor Shute Councillor 01566 781328 Roger Bolt Councillor 01840 261706 David Uglow Councillor 01566 781635 Lynette Hutchinson Councillor 01566 781806 Vacancy Councillor Coralie Short Clerk to the Parish 01840 261107 Next Parish Council MeetingThe next meeting of the Parish Council will be on 8 August 2017 at 7:30pm in Canworthy Water Sunday School. If you have anything you would like the Parish Council to look into, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. www.facebook.com/warbstow Please mention the Warbstow & DN when responding to advertisements. Inclusion of advertisements does not imply promotion or recommendation. Page 3 CCOMMUNITYOMMUNITY IINFORMATIONNFORMATION NEW POLICE COMMUNITY SUPPORT OFFICER PCSO 30727 Jowan Annear based at Camelford Tel 01840 213709. [email protected]. [email protected]. Always get a Ref. No. if you have cause to report an incident. Non emergencies and crime reporting: 101 Emergencies: 999 Make sure you use the new number 101. WARBSTOW COMMUNITY CENTRE Warbstow community centre is free in the evenings on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday just £10.00 per evening. If you wish to book the hall please contact: [email protected] Key holder Wendy Parsons 781238 Page 4 THANKS Sue Uglow and family would like to thank all the wonderful neighbours and friends in Warbstow Parish and beyond who have been so supportive over the last few months during Philip's illness and subsequent death. It has been a huge help to us during this very difficult period to know that there are so many people in our community who care so much. The total donations of just over £4,900 have been split between The Brain Tumour Charity and Children's Hospice South West, as Philip wanted. Thank you all. Page 5 FFRIENDSRIENDS OFOF WWARBSTOWARBSTOW SSCHOOLCHOOL 100 Club Draw Winners:- 1st M. Trussell 2nd D. Sleeman rd 3 R. Warner For details of how to enter contact Jayne Parsons. Remember you have to be in it to win it Telephone number is 01566 781673 NEWSPAPERS Newspapers and magazines can be ordered and paid for at Wainhouse Country Stores. They will be delivered to and can then be collected from Deer Park, Canworthy Water or Orchard House, Warbstow Could you spare time to join the paper collection rota? JUBILEE CLUB The next trip is: Monday 17th July Dawlish Warren There is no planned trip for August For details and to book your seat please ring Fernley or Mo Chambers on 01840 230428 Membership fee £5 per year which gives a discount on trips. Members & Non-members welcome. Page 6 SATURDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER 2.00—5.00 PM HHOGOG RROASTOAST (SERVING FROM 3.00) BY THE KIND INVITATION OF MR PETER DYMOND ASHFIELD, TRENGUNE PL15 8RW Contact: 01566 781691 To book a £10.00 pitch Cakes, jumble, auto-jumble, Car Boot & more… All donations to the Air Ambulance WARBSTOW MONDAY CLUB Fortnightly at Warbstow Community Centre – 1.30pm to 3.30pm. Game of Darts, Pool, Carpet Bowls, Scrabble, Cards etc. or just a chat over a cuppa. For details contact Eve Thain 781452 Page 7 AANNNN CCROSSROSS’’SS SSEASONALEASONAL TTHOUGHTSHOUGHTS JULY I am thinking about running away more than I did when I was a kid However by the time I’ve put my teeth in, round up my glasses and found my keys. I forget where I am going! AUGUST It’s not my fault I have a double chin. When God was giving out chins I thought he said gin, so I said “I’ll have a double”! On a more serious note my thoughts for this month are with the people of London and Manchester, who died or been injured in the attacks and the fire. Thoughts also for the emergency teams. (Hear, hear. Ed) HAPPY CRAFTERS We meet on the second and fourth Thursday each month between 2pm and 4pm. Tutorials are included from time to time and these are mainly conducted by our own members. Happy Crafters are meeting at Otterham & St. Juliot Hall. For further details please contact Julie Morris on 01840 230106 Page 8 CCANWORTHYANWORTHY WWATERATER MMETHODISTETHODIST CCHURCHHURCH FFUNUN,, FFROGSROGS ANDAND BBISHOPSISHOPS!! AN AFTERNOON OF FUN AND THOUGHTFULNESS, LAUGHTER AND QUIETNESS, EXCITEMENT ON THE BOUNCY ASSAULT COURSE, TEDDY BEARS CHALLENGE IN THE CHURCH AND TEDDY BEAR’S PICNIC IN THE PADDOCK, AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIENCE ‘MESSY CHURCH’ AND ‘OPEN THE BOOK’, PLAY WITH PUPPETS AND ENJOY A BBQ WITH BISHOP TIM THORNTON AND REVD STEVE WILD (CHAIR OF CORNWALL METHODIST DISTRICT) CANWORTHY WATER METHODIST CHURCH, HALL AND PADDOCK SUNDAY JULY 16TH FROM 3.00 PM MMETHODISTETHODIST CCHURCHHURCH SSERVICESERVICES Canworthy Water 11.00am Worship Bethel - 11.00am on Sundays For further information contact Doreen Sparey-Delacassa, 781854; Revd A. Bryan Ede, Tel 01840 770274; Mr Brian Parkman, Tel 01840 Page 9 CCOMMUNITYOMMUNITY IINFORMATIONNFORMATION Do you need support Age UK with . are looking for Getting around, Looking after yourself? volunteers. Seeing and hearing? Do you have an hour to Caring for someone else? spare to visit people in For more info, contact Adult Care and Support Tel: Your community? 0300 1234 131 Please do contact www.cornwall.gov.uk/ Sharon Nettleton at adultsocialcare Age UK on email: adult- 01872 266388 [email protected] C.A.M.E.O MOBILE LIBRARY At 2pm friendly group The mobile library will be of people. calling in at Canworthy Water Friday 21st July on Wednesdays between 11.05 @ Ranelagh, Jacobstow and 11.35am. The next visit th with 5 July 2017 Sue & Rob Dickenson Plus, there will still be coffee and chat on library days from Contact: Linda Cobbledick (01288 341 468). 11.00. Looking forward to seeing you! ( N o date for August as the service is again under review ) Page 10 WWARBSTOWARBSTOW && DDISTRICTISTRICT NNEWSEWS Please look out for forthcoming events in the village in support of the defibrillator and Church bells restoration. The first event will be a “Wander Round Wonderful Warb- stow”! On August 19th we are proposing a Garage Jumble Sale and Cream Teas at various locations.
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