Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting and Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 9th May 2012 at 7.00pm Those Present:- Councillors; Mrs. M. Raymond (Chairman), Mr. T. Green, Captain F.E. Holmes, Mrs. M. Jackson, Mr. D. Jordan (Vice-Chairman), Mrs. D. Kaye, Mr. S. Raymond, Mrs. E. Robinson and Mr. M. Whitehead. Mrs. A. Pickering – Clerk 1680 Public Speaking - Mr and Mrs Dawson attended the meeting to ask for help/guidance from the Parish Council to deal with an untidy neighbouring property. Photographs of the property were circulated showing the extent of the problem. After discussion, it was decided that on behalf of the Parish Council, Cllrs. Mrs. E. Robinson and Mr. T. Green visit the property and speak to the occupier about the problem. Cllr. Mr. M. Whitehead left the meeting at this point, 7.15pm. It was agreed that if this approach does not have the desired effect then the Clerk contact the Enforcement Officer at E.R.Y.C. to discuss. 1681 Apologies for Absence - None. 1682 Chairman’s Opening Remarks - The Chairman thanked Councillors for their support at the Annual Parish Meeting which took place on 2nd May 2012 and all their hard work between meetings. Special thanks were given to Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson for her hard work organising the Jubilee events and Cllr. Mrs. M. Jackson for making lavender favours and jubilee bows for the coffee morning. Thanks were given to the Clerk for her work with the annual report and Redcliff Print & Design and also for producing the posters and tickets for the Jubilee events. 1683 Declaration of Interests - None. 1684 Register of Members’ Interests - The Clerk advised that the Register of Members’ Interests forms are due for review. It was agreed that forms be circulated to all Councillors after adoption of a new Code of Conduct. 1685 Election of Officers - The election of Officers took place for the period May 2012 – May 2013. Chairman - Cllr. Mrs. M. Raymond, proposed by Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. M. Jackson. Vice-Chairman - Cllr. Mr. D. Jordan, proposed by Cllr. Mr. S. Raymond, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. M. Raymond. Responsible Finance Officer - Mrs. A. Pickering, proposed by Cllr. Mrs. D. Kaye, seconded by Cllr. Mr. D. Jordan. Finance Working Group - Cllr. Mr. T. Green (Chairman), Cllr. Mrs. M. Jackson, Cllr. Mr. S. Raymond and R.F.O. Mrs. A. Pickering. Publicity Officer - Cllr. Mrs. M. Raymond, proposed by Cllr. Mr. T. Green, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. D. Kaye. Responsible Environment Officer (Councillor with a special interest in the Environment) - Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson, proposed by Cllr. Mrs. M. Raymond, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. D. Kaye. Representation on the Haltemprice Skatepark Committee - Captain F.E. Holmes and Cllr. Mr. D. Jordan (Treasurer). Joint Parish and East Riding Councillor - Cllr. Mr. M. Whitehead. Responsible Planning Officer - Cllr. Mrs. D. Kaye, proposed by Cllr. Mrs. M. Raymond, seconded by Cllr. Mr. D. Jordan. AJP0942/23.05.2012 Page 1 Chairman’s Initials ___________ Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting and Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 9th May 2012 at 7.00pm All members were unanimously in favour of all the proposals, all Officers were duly elected. Captain Frank E. Holmes was thanked for his outstanding work as Chairman since the Parish Council was established in 2000. A gift was presented to Captain Holmes from all Councillors and the Clerk. 1686 Law & Order Local Police Report - Crime figures for the month of April 2012 had been received by all Councillors. The Clerk advised that the monthly crime figures can be seen on the Parish Council website. The Clerk advised that P.C.S.O. Chris Wray has been transferred to Hessle with immediate effect. Funding Request - The Clerk read out an email from P.C.S.O. Chris Wray asking for funding towards street rugby in association with the Hull FC Community Team, which would take place during the summer holidays for a six week period at the Haltemprice Leisure Centre. The total cost of the project would be £300, therefore a request had been made to the three local Parish Councils for a donation of £100 each. After discussion, it was proposed by Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson and seconded by Cllr. Mr. T. Green, that a note be sent out via the Kirk Ella and West Ella grapevine asking if residents would be willing to contribute. All members were unanimously in favour. The Parish Council does not have money set aside for such activities. 1687 Minutes of Previous Meeting - The Clerk was asked to make the following changes to the minutes; Minute 1672 (1661), insert post after ‘new lamp’. Minute 1676, Kirk Ella and West Ella Conservation Areas, second sentence should read; It was advised by Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson that these documents can be reviewed after five years of issue. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th March 2012 were then accepted as a true and faithful record of what took place, and were duly signed by the Chairman. 1688 Matters Arising from Minutes Minute 1672 (1658, 1646) - The Clerk advised that free copies of the Heritage Trail booklet had been sent to the British Library, Oxford University and Cambridge University. Minute 1672 (1661) - Cllr. Mrs. M. Jackson confirmed that the street lighting column outside number two Kerry Pit Way had been replaced but had not been painted. Minute 1673 - It was agreed that a discussion is required at the June Parish Council meeting about how the Parish Council should spend the £3,000 Severe Weather Grant, it was reported that the four salt bins ordered earlier in the year by Cllr. Mr. M. Whitehead had not yet arrived. Minute 1674 - The Clerk read out a letter from a resident thanking Cllrs. Mrs. M. Raymond and Mrs. D. Kaye for the excellent and patriotic annual report issued recently, and also advised that Kirk Ella and West Ella are fortunate to have such good Councillors. AJP0942/23.05.2012 Page 2 Chairman’s Initials ___________ Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting and Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 9th May 2012 at 7.00pm Minute 1676 - The Clerk advised that Mr. John Skidmore, E.R.Y.C. is now looking into why the gates at the entrance to the King George V Playing Field have still not been repaired and painted. Minute 1676 - Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson asked the Clerk to contact E.R.Y.C. about their agreement last year, to mulch the shrub beds on Pine Meadows and request it be done this year. All members in favour. Minute 1676 - The Clerk advised that a response had not been received from Wolfreton School about the amount of litter being dropped by school children. The Clerk was asked to re-send the letter. Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson advised that a meeting had taken place with E.R.Y.C. Highways to discuss the parking problems near the dropped kerb on Pine Meadows which causes problems for wheelchair users, at school start/finish times. It had been agreed that a Keep Clear sign be installed. Minute 1676 - It was agreed that Commuted Sums be discussed at the June meeting when Cllr. Mr. M. Whitehead is present. Minute 1677 - It was advised that the E.R.Y.C. Enforcement Officer had visited the Birkdale Close development and passed his findings to the Planning Officer at E.R.Y.C. to decide what action, if any, should be taken. Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson advised that the site is an unsafe mix of pedestrians and vehicles and something needs to be done. The Clerk was asked to send a letter to the Head of Planning and Development Management at E.R.Y.C. advising that the site is unsafe and it should have been built in accordance with the planning application. 1689 Finance The financial reports for April and May were circulated for discussion and subsequently approved by the Parish Council. The following cheques were presented for approval/payment:- 100916 Postage (One Year Supply of Stamps) £101.00 100917 Internet/Telephone Allowance £42.09 100918 HM Revenue & Customs (PAYE and NIC) £22.02 100919 Supplies (Stationery and Cartridges) £119.42 100920 Haltemprice Skatepark Association £500.00 100921 E.R.Y.C. (Pension Contribution Employer & Employee) £158.60 100922 Staff Wages £505.74 100923 Staff Wages £505.74 100924 West Ella Methodist Church (Room Hire) £25.00 100925 St. Andrew’s Church Memorial Hall (Notice Board Hire) £60.00 100926 Redcliff Print & Design (Annual Report) £378.00 100927 Internet/Fuel Allowance/Postage £88.32 100928 NPower (Festive Lighting 2011) £123.21 100929 NPower (Festive Lighting 2011) £18.95 100930 Letterbox Distribution (Annual Report) £59.80 100931 E.R.Y.C. (Pension Contribution Employer & Employee) £158.60 The following deposits had been made into the bank account:- £2189.14 VAT Re-claim £4.50 Sale of Heritage Trail Books £11500.00 Precept AJP0942/23.05.2012 Page 3 Chairman’s Initials ___________ Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting and Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 9th May 2012 at 7.00pm Report by Chairman of the Finance Working Group - Cllr. Mr. T. Green presented the finance report showing the forecast to the end of the financial year. An explanation of variances was given. Cllr. Mrs. D. Kaye requested that the sum of £279.23 given to the Parish Council from K.E.I.S., must be ring-fenced for maintenance of the village signs.
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