landford trees 2019/2020 Tel: 01794 390808 Email: [email protected] Website: www.landfordtrees.co.uk LANDFORD TREES 2019/2020 INDEX PAGE Landford Lodge, Landford, Fruit Trees 13 Salisbury, Wiltshire SP5 2EH Hedging and Forestry 14 Plant passport no. UK/EW 20523 Hedging Packs 15 Planting Guide 16 Tel: (01794) 390808 Email: [email protected] Pleached Trees 11 VAT no. 189861107 Rare Varieties 12 Sizes and Metric Conversions 16 Sundries 15 Tree Suitability Guide 16 SIZES Sizes shown in cms girth (e.g.8-10cms) or height in cms Sizes & Metric Conversions as per page 16 ULTIMATE SIZE ABBREVIATIONS S - Small - Up to 20ft (6m) PG - Pot Grown M - Medium - 20 to 45ft (6 - 13.5m) RB - Rootballed L - Large - 45ft plus (13.5m) RCB - Root Control Bag Office hours are 0800 to 1630 Monday to Thursday, 0800 to 1530 Friday. Customers are very welcome to collect pre-ordered trees at any time. The tree collection and walled garden potted trees can be viewed at any time, but please note, unless you have made an appointment, there are no guided tours, nor service at weekends. Please enquire for trade and quantity discount. This year’s catalogue does NOT include VAT. TREES 2 VARIETY Size Price Ultimate each size koreana (Korean Fir). PG 90-120 37.60 S Abies (Fir) campestre (Field Maple). 6-8 36.60 M Acer (Maple) - Elsrijk - Neat form with oval head. 6-8 45.00 M - Louisa Red Shine - Young growth bright red. 6-8 45.00 M capillipes - Snakebark, good autumn colour. RB 180-210 33.40 S cappdocicum Rubrum - Blood red young growth. 6-8 46.20 M freemanii Autumn Blaze - An autumn winner. PG 8-10 70.60 L griseum - Cinnamon-coloured flaking bark and good autumn foliage. RB 6-8 120.00 M grosseri hersii - Striped bark, good autumn leaf colour. 210-240 36.60 S palmatum (Japanese Maple). RB 180-210 69.10 S pensylvanicum (Moosewood) - White/pale stripes on green bark. RB 6-8 56.90 S platanoides (Norway Maple) - Butter-yellow autumn foliage. 8-10 43.25 L - Princeton Gold - Bright yellow young leaf. PG 8-10 71.50 M - Crimson King - Deep crimson leaves. 8-10 50.00 M - Crimson Sentry - A columnar red-leaved tree. PG 10-12 80.15 M - Deborah - Brilliant red young growth, orange in autumn. 8-10 50.00 M - Drummondii - Cream-variegated leaves. 8-10 50.00 M pseudoplatanus (Sycamore) - One of the best trees for exposed areas. 8-10 43.80 L - Esk Sunset - Stunning variegated leaf with red underside. 6-8 50.00 S - Simon-Louis Frères - Pink, green and white variegation. 8-10 50.00 M rubrum (Canadian Red Maple) - Fine autumn colour. 8-10 45.30 L - October Glory - Brilliant red in the autumn. 8-10 50.00 M rufinerve (Grey-budded snakebark Maple) RB 6-8 50.00 M saccharinum (Silver Maple) - Silver-backed leaves. Fine autumn colour. 8-10 45.30 L - Pyramidale - Upright growth. Smart. 8-10 50.00 M saccharum (Sugar Maple) - Similar to Norway maple in leaf, autumn tints. 8-10 55.00 L Aesculus indica (Indian Horse Chestnut) - Spectacular, late flowering. 120-150 31.05 L (Horse Chestnut) cordata (Italian Alder) - Heart-shaped glossy leaves. 8-10 37.60 M Alnus (Alder) glutinosa (Common Alder) - Quick growing. Good for windbreaks. 8-10 39.00 M - Imperialis - Lovely finely-cut leaf. 8-10 64.30 M incana (Grey Alder) - Very hardy. 6-8 29.85 M - Aurea - Young leaves yellow. Bright red catkins. 6-8 57.20 M canadensis - White flowers. Leaves turn red/yellow in autumn. RB 6-8 51.15 S Amelanchier (Snowy Mespilus) grandiflora Robin Hill - Upright habit, good flowerer. PG 8-10 81.95 S lamarkii - Coppery young growth. Multi-stem RB 210-240 91.00 S araucana (Monkey Puzzle Tree). PG 45-60 51.15 M Araucaria unedo (Strawberry Tree). PG 150-180 50.00 S Arbutus albosinensis - Coppery-pink bark. PG 6-8 57.20 M Betula (Birch) - septrontrionalis - Striking pinky-grey bark. 210-240 45.50 M Edinburgh - Upright habit, stunning bark. PG 8-10 71.50 M ermanii (Erman’s Birch) - Bark pinky-cream white. 6-8 57.20 M - ‘Grayswood Hill’ - Orange/cream bark. 210-240 51.15 M - ‘Polar Bear’ - Striking white form. 180-210 37.40 M These prices do not include VAT. TREES 3 VARIETY Size Price Ultimate each size ‘Fascination’ - Deep orange bark peeling to pink-flushed white. PG 6-8 70.40 M Betula (continued) nigra (River Birch) - Shaggy pinky-orange bark when young. 210-240 51.15 M papyrifera - Lovely autumn colour. 6-8 45.30 L pendula (Silver Birch). 8-10 37.60 M - Fastigiata - Upright form. 8-10 68.55 M - Tristis - Graceful drooping branches. 8-10 57.20 M - Youngii - Broadly weeping. 8-10 68.55 M utilis Fastigiata - Upright form of the Himalayan birch. 210-240 51.15 M - jacquemontii - Vividly white bark, even when young. 8-10 68.00 M - - Grayswood Ghost - Glossy leaf. 6-8 55.00 M - - Silver Shadow - Large dark leaves. 6-8 57.20 M Buxus (Box) sempervirens RB 30-45 8.20 S See page 14 - Ball, Cone, Pyramid. P.O.A. betulus (Common Hornbeam) - Specimen tree and good for hedging. 8-10 45.30 L Carpinus (Hornbeam) - A Beeckman - Upright habit, good vigour.. 210-240 40.65 M - Columnaris - Upright form. 6-8 47.70 M - Fastigiata (Fastigiate Hornbeam) - Attractive tree, eventually pear-shaped. 8-10 57.20 M - Frans Fontaine - Dutch form, retains tight shape at maturity. PG 8-10 69.10 M caroliniana (Blue Beech) - Nice autumn tints. 6-8 51.15 S japonica - Beautiful tree of spreading habit. 6-8 51.15 S illinoinensis (Pecan) - Large pinnate leaf, yellow autumn colours. RB 150-180 45.55 M Carya sativa - Fast growing. Very hardy and eventually a magnificent tree. 6-8 36.70 L Castanea (Sweet Chestnut) - ‘Marron de Lyon’ - Early fruiting clone. 150-180 36.05 M bignonioides - Large leaves. Produces lovely flowers even whilst young. 8-10 52.80 M Catalpa (Indian Bean Tree) - Aurea - Large golden yellow leaves. 10-12 72.05 M erubescens Purpurea - Young growth dark purple. RB 8-10 57.20 L fargesii duclouxii - Smaller leaf, lilac/pink flowers. RB 150-180 52.80 M atlantica Glauca (Blue Atlas Cedar). RCB 150-180 54.65 L Cedrus (Cedar) - - Pendula - Weeping form. RB 210-240 85.35 S deodara (Deodar Cedar). RCB 3m 113.75 L libani (Cedar of Lebanon). PG 120-150 48.75 L japonicum (Katsura Tree) - Autumn colour and burnt sugar smell. 6-8 59.65 M Cercidiphyllum - Red Fox - Purple new growth, stunning autumn colour. RB 150-180 48.40 S canadensis Forest Pansy - Beautiful chocolatey-purple leaves. RB 100-120 55.00 S Cercis siliquastrum (Judas Tree) - Lovely pink flowers in May. RB 210-240 69.10 M kentukea (Yellow Wood) - Fragrant white flowers in June. Autumn colour. RB 210-240 58.45 M Cladrastis alba Sibirica (Westonbirt Dogwood) - Striking, crimson, winter shoots. 90-120 7.05 S Cornus (Dogwood) Ascona - White bracts, good autumn colour. PG 150-180 61.45 S controversa Variegata - Striking foliage, beautiful. PG 120-150 80.15 M Eddie’s White Wonder - White bracts at a young age. PG 120-150 29.40 S kousa Benifuji - Pink bracts. PG 120-135 59.45 S - Bultinck’s Giant - Large white bracts, upright habit. PG 60-90 26.40 S - Chinensis - Fabulous flowering in June. PG 210-240 83.35 M - Milky Way - Numerous large, white bracts. PG 135-150 66.00 S - Tsukubanomine - White bracts, horizontal branching. PG 120-150 39.60 S These prices do not include VAT. TREES 4 VARIETY Size Price Ultimate each size mas Golden Glory - Bright yellow flower, good autumn colour. RB 150-180 43.25 S Cornus (continued) Norman Hadden - Pink bracts PG 180-210 82.50 S Nuttallii - White bracts turn pink. PG 120-150 39.60 S sericea Flaviramea - Yellow winter shoots. 60-90 4.15 S avellana. RB 150-180 28.45 S Corylus (Hazel) colurna (Turkish hazel). 8-10 54.65 M maxima (Filbert). RB 150-165 38.75 S - Purpurea (Purple-leaf Filbert). RB 120-135 28.45 S arnoldiana - Pretty cut-leaf, large red fruits. 6-8 42.65 S Crataegus (Thorn) Autumn Glory - Spreading habit, large white flowers and orange fruits. 210-240 36.55 S champlainensis - Pretty leaf. Red fruit. 8-10 50.00 S crus-galli (Cockspur Thorn) - Glossy foliage with good autumn colour. 8-10 50.00 S durobrivensis - Long lasting, large red fruit. 6-8 42.65 S eriocarpa - Rare black-fruited form. 210-240 36.55 S laevigata Crimson Cloud - Single scarlet flowers with white centre. 6-8 42.65 S - Paul’s Scarlet (Coccinea Plena) - Profuse double scarlet flowers. 8-10 50.00 S - Plena - Double white flowers. 210-240 36.55 S - Rosea Flore Pleno - Double pink flowers. 8-10 50.00 S lavalleei (Carrierei) - Dark green leaves remaining into winter. 8-10 50.00 S monogyna Biflora - Glastonbury thorn. 6-8 42.65 S - Stricta - Fastigiate form. 8-10 50.00 S mordenensis Toba - Double flowers opening pinky-white, turning pink. 8-10 50.00 S pedicellata (Scarlet Haw) - Good autumn colour. 8-10 50.00 S persimilis Prunifolia - Similar to crus-galli. Good fruiter. 210-240 36.55 S phaenopyrum (Washington Thorn) - Small maple-like leaf. 6-8 42.65 S schraderiana - Purple fruits, similar leaf to orientalis. 8-10 50.00 S wattiana - Yellow fruit. 8-10 50.00 S involucrata (The Handkerchief Tree).
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