1UE 8DAY, DECEMBER 26, If BO Avccaga Dally Nat PrsM Rub _ The Waather m m t w i l t b For the Weak Be Sag 28. 18M of Mr. Wylie, end Devld Ritchie, Taeay, CMz. amiay, aaMi WglMat brother of Mre. Wylts. ■aar 18t TaiilgM, lair aad vary H m ragalar monthljr meetlnr of WyKe Couple 12 HOUR 10,213 eaMk towaat aan ta 8 a>ivat the Men’a olub<o( the South Mcth- Hospital Notes* Season Party IHanchesier Four deughters end four eone A botttTow n odtat church will be held tomor­ were bom to them. They ere Edne, VAPORIZERS Mn. Cherlee Megnell; Ru^, Mrei row aventac At T:SO. The ape^ r maos ..M ... IIS D ate Book 50 Years Wed Aitonutlc Shut-Off Ctiy ef VOkmp Ckenm tor thla naetins win ha A. Lawta At Almshouse Joeeph Qulntel; Ltae, Mre. Rowerd MacLoan o f the That tMvlalon of Admlttad Saturday; Udward S. Turkington, ell of Mencheeter; Markley, 104 Highland atraet; Mra. m4ay> Daoamber M Bjliel, Min. Eerl Bllnn of Rockville. Arthur Drug Stores the United Aircraft corporation. aa Paga U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 37,1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Mr. McLean will abow colored Etoanor ’ Roee, RED 2. Andovar; 22 Residents Epjoy Junior Holiday dance. Country East Hartford Pair, D*r- The sone ere Wllliem D. end Joseph VOL. L X X , NO. 7S alidea of hia many air trlpa to In- Mra Flavla Dotchln. 33 Seaman Club, 8 to 13 p. m. mer|y o f this’ Town, Wylie of thla town. Howerd of eaUng places In this country. Circle; Mrs. Anna Bell Wood, Main Holiday Observance; Sunday, Oaeraiber SI Eest Hertford end Wilfred of street. South Coventry; Edward New Tear’s Eve party at Coun­ Mleml, Florlde. Rlatau, 10 Cottage street; Philip Many Gifts Donated Note Anniversary Bectloa of ottloera tor tbe an- try Club, 9 p, m. to S a. m. Oil HdrMB Marriw Riet Apple^ Picker To Defenie Board Watch May Be Mn cnito*. Om Earrtm, 13 Bratnard place. Tneaday, Jaanary t There ere flftem ffrendchlldren Mercury Slides ■d toWBi w JiMt *n th«lr ®wn, th* aulng term wUI Uka place at the Mr. and Mra. William J. Wylls end one greet grmndeOT, bora De­ H A LE'S iM titate FootbaH Star meeting at LInne lAMige No. 73, Admitted Sunday: Lucien Che­ Hie twenty-two elderly men and Lecture by Dr. George B. Coo­ cember 20 of this yeer to Mr. end 0 Allied Planes Force Mllon ww« given » chence to rubim, 117 School atreet; Richard per of Trinity College, sponsored of 69 Sunnydale road. East Hart­ •ee tor themeelvee *11 ***• Rnlgbta of P>’thlas, tomorrow eve­ women at the Town Farm oil' Mid­ Mra. John Murphy. Mra. Murphy Houstott. Dec. 27.—(PI— Held in Probe Clue to Husky ning at eight o’clock at Orange Spang. 38 West Newton street, by Y. W. C. A., at Community T,’ ford, formerly of Manchester, cele­ Headquarien To 16 Below Olenna Lae McCarthy, pretty dtjr ottered. Boston, Maas.; Mrs. Mary Bur­ dle turnpike, east, greatly enjoyed 1:16 p. m. was the former Mls» Marlene Mag- haU. , brated their fiftieth wedding anni­ nell, and they have named their 17iyear-old daughter of multi­ dick, 76 Union atreet; Mra. Jo­ Christmas this season. Over the Saturday, Jaauar|r 20 FOR millionaire oilman Glenn Mc­ Stone Swipers hanna Tomaaaltls, 62 Wells atreet. Annual entertainment and dance versary Saturday avening with a baby John. Of Strangling The Torchbearera of the Salva­ two days carolers from Zion Lsitb- Mr. and Mra. Wylie were resi­ In Connecticut Carthy, eloped Dec. 2 with the tion Army will have their Chrlat- Admitted yesterday: Brendon of Manchester Pipe Bsnd, Rain­ family dinner ‘party In the Evan­ Surrender of Large son of a Houston shoe cobbler. ersn and 'Emanuel Lutheran bow bsllroom. dents of Msnehester for over thirty WANTED maa party tomorrow evening at Breen. 16 Ash street; Matthew churches; Manchestsr Green school geline room of Murphy’s restau­ years and Mr. Wylie was employed The slender, llainme girl and Police Seek Owner of 7:80. Each member la reminded , McKeon, Notch road, Bolton; Rob­ seventh and eighth grade children. rant. Their children presented to by Cheney Brothers. Another Arctic Night George Pontlkea, Rice Insti­ Sx-FoHies Beauty Is ert Martin. 83 Wells street; Chris­ Ustfauts. botli to bring a ten cent gift. Miss Hops Henderson's art classes them a television set snd a purse tute football player, were mar­ Found Murdered in Timepiece After Dis* u b a a by which we can bet- topher Petersen, 326 Middle Turn­ from High scboiil and ths Married IIiilchiii8 Names On Way; Icy Snap ried by Justice of Peace Oliver Iteerult John O. Proctor return­ pike east; MUa Elleabeth Francis, of money. appearance of Stone I f f MTVC' OUT Im K lirt o f Couples Club of the North Metho­ Nash at Waco following the N. Y. Hotel R oom ; Enemy Ground;Force ed today to Camp Atterbtiry. In­ Bolton Lake; Edmond Johnson, 0 The actual date of the golden Follows Snowfall of dist church visited the Farm and For Your Individnalljr Baylor-Rlce football game that piopcrty buyers. - diana, after apending a flve day Florence Street, East Hartford; Aids in Grange wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wylie (H Scone from Abbey sang carols. From 3 to 8 Inches day. Acted With Valentino Chrlatmaa leave with hla parenta, Adam Daura 72 Burnham atreet; / — ■ i was June 22 last, but at that time Desig:ned Spirella Mr. and Mra. George Proctor, of Mra. Florence Joidoln, 08 Center Miss Mary M. Young’s third London, Dac. 37—(41—Scotland JARVIS Earle H. Hutchins, the new Mrs. Wylie was In the hospital. Foundations — Call New York. Dee. 27— Inves­ R«d8, Cowed by StrUfiniR 67 Spniee atreet. street; John Besaer, 66 Brook­ grade children made favors for the She was the former Miss Martha By The Aaaodated Press Yard detectives today sought the Christmas dinner, also the Man­ master of Manchester Grange has tigation of the strangulation slay field atreet; Charles Lamb, Brandy Ritchie and her marriage to Mr. Mrs. Elsie Minieucci RaoqfU-breaking temparaturaa owner of a wrist watch, possible Big Rail Union Chief Attacks, Give Up to. REALTY CO. The regular weekly meeting of chester Junior Red Cross. appointed Sydney MscAIpine u Ing of a formed Ziegfeld Folllea road, Bolton. Wylie took place In St. Mary’s Phone 7737 aC from fiv« to 15 below aaro to­ Regime Hints clue to the husky enatchera who 654 CENTER ST. the Mancheater Rotary club will Admitted today: Mra. Harriet Gandy and fancy cakes o ; soap pianist and dlrsctor of the chorus, parish house. The ceremony was showgirl turned to Utica. N. Y., to­ U. N. Troops; Chineae. were donated by the membera of night throughout Connecticut wera day after an apple picker was ar­ took the hletoric Mtone of Rcone PRONE 4112 be- held tonight at 6:30 at Ahem, 403 Summit street; Philip and the following drill captains: performed by the late Jacob A. predicted today by the Hartford Country eluh. Prealdent Carl Dupont, Jr.. 160 Love Lane; Kath­ the Cosmopolitan Club. rested there for questioning In the -from Westminster Abbey Clirlst- . Reported BuUdin|i First, Miss Charlotta Hutchins; Biddle, rector at that time of St. Ranges, Refrigerators Weather Bureau. No New Taxes Hints Rejection of 3 Euray will prealde and the pro­ leen Scestowickl. Windsor avenue. The Salvation Army sent gifts Mary’a Episcopal church. The at­ case. mas Day. Army of 12,000,000; gram win be In eharge of the pro­ Rockville; Roy Harris, 165 Rut­ candy and cookies. The Man­ second. Past Master James Baker Weatherman WlUlam R. FuUer The body of Evelyn (Yvonne) Police appeared for Identifica­ tendants were Miss Martha Wylie Washers and Al! aald the told front, which apread gram chairman, Harold Croaler. ledge road, Wethersfield; Robert chester Improvement Association and third, Mra. Thomas Dunbar. of St. Petersburg, Florida, cousin HATS CLEANED For January Hughes, about 50, waa found yes­ tion of the Swlsa-iinede watch. U U. S. Eighth Army Rusconi, 30 Seaman circle. sent popcorn balls and ca n d / The The charity committee person­ over moet of the nation eaat of the terday In a Manhattan hotel room waa found near the Royal Corona­ Year Peace Accord AND BLOCKED Other Appliances Rocklea in the wake of Tueaday's Braces for Foe’a SERV ICES BIriha Sunday: DaughUr to Mr. Don Eagles Fan d u b (a newly nel Is Mildred Morrison, Flora rented by Birger Nordkrist, 41, on tion Chair from under which the and Mrs. William LelaUr, 61 Mill forAod club) sent gifts. Ths Man Grade, Ivm, Ingraham, Clara Rob­ .anow storm, would hammer the (Hiristmas eve. 458-pound—that’s the weight offi­ HENRY’ S mercury down to about five below Report Bill Not Ready William L. Batt, Sr„ former qRII- Cleveland, Dec. 27—(41—The , the Firemen's Union will meet Attack Above Seoul street; son to Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ Chester Country d u b donated Ice inson, Clarence Cutter and Ken­ tIm COM Several hours after finding of adelphla Industrialist, above, may cials now give—chunk of aand- AUTO GLASS Shoe Service—Dry Cleaning zero In the Hartford area and to head of a big railroad operating here. * H u t hiterpret the wishes ard Hardy. 112 South Whitney cream for the Shndsy dinner. The neth Morrison. aUMCNisna Com» the body, Nordkrist was taken Into head an International defence atooe, ayrnlx)! of Scottish sover­ union expressed dlssattsfacUon to­ Do You Know .
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