Jordina Sales Carbonell1 Natalia Salazar Ortiz2 23 2013 Pàgs. 27-44 Universitat de Lleida ISSN: 1131-883-X www.rap.cat The pre-Pyrenees of Lleida in Late Antiquity: christianisation processes of a landscape in the Tarraconensis El Prepirineo ilerdense en la Antigüedad Tardía: procesos de cristianización de un paisaje en la Tarraconensis We try to perform a state of the question about the first chris- Se procede a realizar un estado de la cuestión del primer tianisation occurred in the pre-Pyrenees of Lleida, where it has cristianismo en el Prepirineo ilerdense, donde se detecta una notable been detected a remarkable monastic activity which coincides in actividad monástica al coincidir en el espacio y en el tiempo una space and in time with a series of Late Antiquity religious sites. serie de yacimientos tardoantiguos de carácter religioso. Se analiza We analyse the probable relationship of these sites with the histo- la probable relación de estos yacimientos con las rutas históricas de rical routes of transhumant livestock in this area and, at the same ganadería trashumante de esta área y, a su vez, la posible relación time, the possible link of these routes with rural monasticism and de estas rutas con el monacato rural y con las sedes episcopales de with the Episcopal sees of Ilerda and Vrgellum, both flanking the Ilerda y Vrgellum, que flanquean el territorio estudiado y se hallan studied territory and strategically located at the beginning and at estratégicamente emplazadas al inicio y final de los ejes trashumantes the end of the westernmost transhumant axes of Catalonia (with más occidentales de Catalunya (con Ilerda controlando los pastos de Ilerda controlling winter pastures and Vrgellum the summer ones). invierno y Vrgellum los de verano). Este hecho lo ponemos en relación We connect this fact to the enigmatic Vrgellum breakthrough in con la enigmática irrupción de Vrgellum en el panorama político- the political and territorial scene, since up to that moment, and territorial, ya que hasta aquel momento, y como núcleo romano, no as Roman nucleus, had not shown any significance or legal entity. había mostrado ningún tipo de importancia ni de entidad jurídica. Establishing these connections, we close a circle around transhu- Cerramos así un círculo en torno a la ganadería trashumante, la mant livestock, which experienced a noticeable boom in Western cual sabemos, por varias fuentes, que experimenta un notable auge Europe during Late Antiquity, as we know from various sources. en la Europa occidental durante la Antigüedad Tardía. Key words: Vrgellum, Ilerda, Episcopal sees, monasteries, tran- Palabras clave: Vrgellum, Ilerda, sedes episcopales, monasterios, shumance, pre-Pyrenees. trashumancia, Prepirineo. 1. Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum (Pontificia Uni- versità Lateranense) and Grup de Recerques en Antiguitat Tardana (Universitat de Barcelona). For my own part, this study has been made possible thanks to a scholarship grant Beatriu de Pinós (mode A) of the Direcció General de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya, and is inserted in the research projects of HAR2010-15183/HIST of the Ministerio de Ciencia 2. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). My contribution to this e Innovación and 2009SGR-1255 from the Agència de Gestió work has been developed under the research project HAR2008- d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, both projects led by Prof. 01623/HIST of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, headed Josep Vilella (Universitat de Barcelona). by Prof. Eva Subías (Universitat Rovira i Virgili). 27 J. Sales, N. Salazar, The pre-Pyrenees of Lleida in Late Antiquity: christianisation processes of a landscape in the Tarraconensis The chronological framework of this investigation3 medievalist foreign to antiquity: what explains the al- will be mainly based in the period between sixth and most spontaneous emergence of a so dense network of eight centuries, as we have no previous data con- monasteries and parish once expelled out the Muslim cerning the christianisation of the microterritory that (IX-X), if not for a significant precedent substrate?6 we are about to dissect. These centuries, as it’s well Furthermore, the specific written sources that known, correspond to the Visigothic domination of will be later brought up in this article will draw an the Iberian Peninsula and with the Muslim invasion, outlook of the surrounding or neighbouring areas in and this historical context will not pass unnoticed nor which monasteries become focus of christianisation for the archaeological sites, nor with regard to the and economical organization of the territory and the organization of them that we will propose to try to landscape; surrounding areas in which we will also shed some light on the christianisation of the area. find two Episcopal sees that will play a key role in Once consolidated the new religion in the cities our study. over the fourth and fifth centuries, the subsequent All this —the study of the archaeomorphological three centuries carried out an intense christianisation evolution of the ancient and high-medieval road of the country, as we know from written sources. network in relation to the sites, late antique literary There was an intensification of the construction of sources, the well-known situation of pre-Pyrenean churches and monasteries,4 but it cannot be ignored early medieval Christianity and the existence of two that there were also important forms of pre-Roman ancient Episcopal sees flanking on the North and the pagan cults surviving, as the same Christian sources South the pre-Pyrenean area of Lleida— will help remind us insistently.5 Hence, is licit to think that us to propose a new interpretative hypothesis of the the situation would be not much different in more few, and often poor, archaeological remains which than one corner of the Lleida pre-Pyrenees, but the we will explain below. archaeological reality that we face is that in this piece of land, of approximately 4,000 km2, we only have Roman nuclei, communication clear hints about premedieval Christianity in eight points of the landscape. This relatively lack of data network and Episcopal sees: an may only be attributable, to our understanding, to administrative framework for eight a shortfall of archaeological knowledge of the area paleochristian sites7 and to the systematic failure to provide surveys, as it has already been highlighted by other authors who Within the limited scope of our study area (figure preceded us. But this shortage, far from making us 1), we can only speak of a known Roman nucleus: become discouraged, leads us to formulate countless the municipium of Aeso (Isona). In the vicinity of questions (most of which will not be discussed here) this perimeter, some settlements were established: that can even extend into the field of research of the in the northeast, the enigmatic Vrgellum (La Seu d’Urgell) and Iulia Libica (Llívia); on the southwest Ilerda municipium; in the southeast, the municipium 1 of Sigarra (Els Prats de Rei) and the municipium of 2 Iesso (Guissona); to the east, there are no known 3. This text grew out of a lecture entitled “El Prepirineu settlements, and in the west, the nuclei of Labitolosa lleidatà durant l’Antiguitat Tardana: una mirada a través de and Barbotum, of which has not been retained any la cristianització del paisatge”, given by one of us —J. Sales Carbonell— as part of the II Jornada d’estudis històrics i pa- memory of its legal entity. With the exception of trimonials de la Vall d’Àger i l’Alta Noguera (Àger, July 2012). Labitolosa, which seems to vanish as an urban entity The complexity of transhumant routes and roads as a historical towards the second-third century (even though its evolution factor, essential arguments for some of the proposals territory is mentioned during Late Antiquity8), and to be developed in the following lines, encouraged us to seek the participation of Natalia Salazar Ortiz, since in the latest Iulia Libica, the rest of these Roman nuclei were work she has published (in the context of the completion of his christianised before the Middle Ages, and Vrgellum PhD thesis on the evolution of the landscape and the territory and Ilerda even became Episcopal sees. For Aeso around the Roman municipium of Sigarra) deals with this issue there are currently no sure data, but it is reasonable in relation to the christianisation of the landscape. to assume that it was also christianised, even if we 4. In previous centuries (fourth and fifth centuries), prob- ably, but to a lesser extent, Christianity was already present have no archaeological evidence of this process, nor in rural areas of the Iberian Peninsula. Hardly archaeological traces of this Christianity remain although it is often referred in literature. For this first Hispanic monasticism of Roman 6. The question of the existence of an important Christian chronology, of which we have any evidence in the area we substrate from the Visigothic era has already been highlighted study, see Marcos 2002: 231-266. by authors like Abadal 1969: 366-368 and, more currently, by 5. To give an example, we can refer to evangelising activity Bolós and Hurtado 2006: 52-53, although archaeology, all too of Martin of Braga in the Cantabrian mountains (mid-sixth often, has chosen to ignore this historical reality, which, in our century) and his De correctione rusticorum, where he relates view, has limited many results of archaeological excavations in how the rustici of the place worshiped different natural elements medieval churches. like trees or rocks. The crossroads where already venerated in 7. In our text, when using the adjective “paleochristian”, the Greek world as narrated by Theophrastus in Caract., XVI. we are talking about all those Christian material manifestations And in an earlier time (fourth century), in the neighboring prior to the Muslim invasion of the early eighth century.
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