"V Aanrfr»Btnr Etmtittg Hrralb THURSDAY, JtJMK 18,1908L AVntAOHD DAILT OnOlIlATIOM THE WEATHER Summit straet is being given a t a r Mm taen th t l la y , ^ lN 5 Ferecata et U. a WsaMMr •■naR,’' Dance to treatment of crushed rock, oU and H a rt fo rd hom rom sand and such places that proved uneven since the street was opened 5,519 Partly dandy tonight; Satnriay & • iufJw mMtliif ot lltanto- Jack F a p e’i Ambassadors from Henry street through to Wil­ BAER-BRADDOCK nCHT Walter N. Leclerc MombM ef Ike Ammt local ehowere; not nmofa diaag* ta 'M H k Tribe, No. 88, Improved Or- MAGNELL'S Direct from New York. liam and O^land streets, have been I L J W H A L t C n Burean ef areatattoas ttif ttutfl % ra lo temperature. ‘liir « f Rod U rn wlU be held ta taken care of. An application has for Funeral Director t i l l II IMUI tomerrow Bl«ht *t 8 School Street Reo •MANCHF.STFPCONN.^ been made to the police commis­ 388 N*. Mata 84. MaaelMatar Friday, June 14. Admisalon SSc. sioners to have a atop sign placed BROADCAST 3 to 6 O'clock at the Intersection of Summit and yOL. LIV., NO. 218. (ClaasUM Advertlataig oa Paige 14.) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1935. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTO . t t Itegarot'i Orcle. Daufbtera Hollister streets. This will be taken Kodak Rhns «( Tr»*^'* will meet tomorrow Miss I>ortt Roy, daughter of Mr. up at the next meeting which will Friday Specials DEVELOPING AND algirt at T:M o’clock with Mn. Rose and Ernest Roy of Henry street, was be held Monday night Hear It Tonight OreuMBer, >13 Center street, to al- graduated yesterday afternoon from PRINTING ALMOST KILLS IHMSmiljr Mt. St. Joseph's Academy, West C A M PB E LL’S BEFORE HE’S EXECLTBD. tnr for card playln* by members Returns on the golf set raffle wUl A New Champion! •Bd friaada, Hartford. Miss Roy has been active NAME IIHNG; FEAR THAT 1,000 be made at the A m y and N avy club Magnell Drug Co. In the social life of the academy Michigan City, Ind., June 14. I not later than Friday morning. The At GEORGE'S TAVERN BEANS — (AP)— Olivette—Orlggs, 33 ' Kia. Fred Trowbridge ot Man- since she became a pupil there five 1095 Main Street j-ears ago. In the play presented by final meeting of the T D club will be year old Gary, Indiana, negro, HOUSE APPROVES BILL ahaater Oreca wlU open her home held Friday night. I t Is expected Oak Street at Cottage MISS CONDON died In the electric chair at the LOST LIVES IN Saturday al^ht to the Pythian 8ls- the class Tuesday evening she had tarn for a card party. A large at- the leading role In "As You Like It." that 50 former members of the atate prison, early today, fifty Yankee JJlvIsion wll lattend the minutes after he had slaabed hit laadance la anticipated. She was class president In her FEATURING WHITE HORSE ALE AND LAGER Can freshman year. It Is the Intention state Convention, Saturday In New RESJGNS JOB throat with a raxor blade In a ^ Utica Club Ale and Pilsener — Roger Williams Porter Weldon Drug GERM^ BLAST of Miss Roy to continue her educa­ Haven. Berets for the parade may be STUDENTS suicide attempt in the death cell.! TO EXTEND BABY NRA THE SAME BIG lO-OUNCE GLASS FOR ONLY 5/ ■ like home tion further, but the school to which secured at the club Friday night Now U the proper time to Prison officials said Griggs had ' she will go she has not as yet de­ rent or buy a g o ^ Standard concealed a razor blade In his | ♦ - Shoppers ’ cooked beonal School Board Formally Se- mouth successfully hiding it dur- | cided. A number of Manchester or Portable Strict Censorship Prevents friends and relatives and also rela­ ing three changes of clothing yes-' First Man Saved I Takes Only 40 Minnies to tives and friends of .Miss Roy from AtmtOdiML. Royal Gelatine lects Verplanck’s Succes­ terday. BRITAIN, REICH Holyoke attended the exercises. Typewriter SALE Reporters from Gathering NUT Shortly after 11 o'clock last | By New Surgery I Agree on Senate Amend­ Special Rental Ratea Dessert pkg. night they said, he was found Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Barry and Com* to thif More for Doablc-Kiv To Stndenta. sor, Art Teacher Here 40 with a deep cut In his throat. Additional Details of the IN AGREEMENT family have returned after attend­ Notf. W# tout frnb with enamerf Service Typewriter Co. N O W O N ! Dr. Patrick Weeks, prison physi­ ments; Now Goes to Preri* ing the sessions ot the Northeastern butter—to ditfennl from ordinirj/ cian. summoned before the con­ Dental Association held at the New On Sale Friday 9 a. m. 92 Asylum S t S-01I8 Banner Tomnto Years Quits. Explosion. tatted null merely cooked in oil. demned man lost much blood, Hartford, Conn. ON Mm SIZE Ocean House. Swampscott, Mass., took 28 stitches to close the pris­ THE W E LD O N DRUG CO. Local Ageuta—Ketnp’a, Ino. I dent for His Signature. this week. Among the chief clini­ FREE oner’s wind pipe. 90S Main Street Ketchup 12c cians at the sessions was Dr. Boyd 14-0nnoe bottle. be Town Board of EducaUon to- Relnsdorf, Germany, June 14.— Gardner of the Mayo Clinic, Roches­ Large Shopping ky releaxed an official Uat o f teach­ (A P )—Nazis, grime streaked and Germany to Build Up to 35 Washington, June 14.— (A P ) — ter, Minnesota. KEMP’S, INC. ers and supervisors for 1938-38 that grim, dug Into the ruins of the ez- Racing against a Sunday night Bag With Every names Arthur H. TUlng as superin­ The Degree team of Daughters of * Green Stampa leaned. TO BUILD HRST plosion shattered . lunltlons works Per Cent of the Under deadline, the House today speedily Liberty, L.L.O.I. No. 128 will hold 50c Purchase! tendent of the public schools of Man­ today to bring out the bodies of the agreed to Senate amendments to the FOOD SALE • All Orders $1.00 and Over, another of their popular food sales JOHNLJENNEY THURS. - FRI. - SAT. chester, oucceedmg Fred A. Ver- dead, variously estimated to num­ resolution extending an abbreviated Saturday In the vacant store In the By Degree Team of Daoghtera ot Delivered FREE! ber from 52 to 1,000. Age Strength of Other to Depot Square planck, whose voluntary reUrement NRA to next April 1 and sent the State theater building. Liberty, L. O. L. I., 128. Phone 8880 HOUSE IN TOWN Survivors of tbe devastating brings to a close forty-three years of measure to President Roosevelt for blasts, many o f them suffering from VACANT STORE IN­ service In the local educational field. Nations. his signature. W5. shock and possessing only ths STATE THEATER BUILDING The promoUon of Mr. UUng to the Passage came after only 40 min­ clothes on their backs, streamed Saturday, June 18, at 9 A. M. Insurance head of Manchester’s school system u n d e r u t l e z utes of listless debate. from the town on orders that it be l U P H E R E Life, Accident and Health, was announced several months ago London, June 14.— (A P ) — High Not even the full hour of allowed and his appointment tc the post is a evacuated. I. British sources today confirmed the debate was utilized, the Republi­ Fire Insurance, Fidelity and mere formality. His place as princi­ Flames which followed the explo­ W ixpeHi Initial FHA Project to Be sions late yesterday added to the cans apparently conceding that their 40 miitttteB afimr ii ig j Surety Bond*—Auto- pal of Manchest-r High school wlU fact o f an agreement between S E M iC i ! deatriictlon. A rigid bensorshlp en­ attempts to defeat the huge HouM be filled by Edson M. Bsdley. while Great Britain and Germany on tbe STRAWBERRY 1 mobile and Other forced by police rifles, was thrown Democratic majority would be un­ paxntod with— Chester L. Robinson wlU be principal Started With Ceremonies terms of a bilateral treaty restrict­ successful. SUPPER Caaualty Liues. about Relnsdorf, a h. -e munitions of the Franklin building o f the High center, and therefore an Integral ing the German navy to 35 per cent When the special resolution ac­ AT WILLIAMS’ FARM school. These aro the only changes cepting tbe Senate amendment to Buckland Tomorrow Morning; Holl part of Germany's rearmament pro­ of the under-age British naval Luminall that have been made In Jie super­ gram. the measure was called up. Repre­ strength. Aoaploea of vising staff. Nazi officials said there were 52 sentative Michener (R., Mich) re­ Start handmi your pio- Women’a League for Service, Miss Condon Resigns to Erect Beautiful House. dead with 75 seriously Injured and Reichsfuehrer Hitler’s assent to marked. ■ Second Congregational Church. Queried this morning, several the terms was formally com­ luraa M minutes after i Bring Your Shoe 300 less seriously hurt. But unoffi­ "Unless I am misinformed, only members of the Board confirmed a cial estimates placed tbe number municated this morning to Sir one rule itke tills has ever been y<Mr room it painted WEDNE.SDAY. JUNE 19, 6 P. M. Bxira tajrwa report that Miss Harriet Condon, Samuel Hoare, British foreign sec­ brought before the House.
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