319 Index a oral cavity 195 guanocytes 228, 231, 233 accessory sex glands 125, 316 parasites 210–11 heart 235 acidophils 209, 254 pharynx 195, 197 hemocytes 236 acinar glands 304 podocytes 203–4 hemolymph 234–5, 236 acontia 68 pseudohearts 206, 208 immune system 236 air sacs 305 reproductive system 186, 214–17 life expectancy 222 alimentary canal see digestive setae 191–2 Malpighian tubules 232, 233 system taxonomy 185 musculoskeletal system amoebocytes testis 214 226–9 Cnidaria 70, 77 typhlosole 203 nephrocytes 233 Porifera 28 antennae nervous system 237–8 ampullae 10 Decapoda 278 ocelli 240 Annelida 185–218 Insecta 301, 315 oral cavity 230 blood vessels 206–8 Myriapoda 264, 275 ovary 238 body wall 189–94 aphodus 38 pedipalps 222–3 calciferous glands 197–200 apodemes 285 pharynx 230 ciliated funnel 204–5 apophallation 87–8 reproductive system 238–40 circulatory system 205–8 apopylar cell 26 respiratory system 236–7 clitellum 192–4 apopyle 38 silk glands 226, 242–3 coelomocytes 208–10 aquiferous system 21–2, 33–8 stercoral sac 231 crop 200–1 Arachnida 221–43 sucking stomach 230 cuticle 189 biomedical applications 222 taxonomy 221 diet 186–7 body wall 226–9 testis 239–40 digestive system 194–203 book lungs 236–7 tracheal tube system 237 dissection 187–9 brain 237 traded species 222 epidermis 189–91 chelicera 222, 229 venom gland 241–2 esophagus 197–200 circulatory system 234–6 walking legs 223 excretory system 203–5 COPYRIGHTEDconnective tissue 228–9 MATERIALzoonosis 222 ganglia 211–13 coxal glands 232, 233–4 archaeocytes 28–9 giant nerve fibers 213–14 cuticle 227–8 Aristotle’s lantern 12–13 gizzard 201–2 cuticular receptors (sensilla) 241 athrocytes 310–11 gross anatomy 187–9 digestive system 229–31 arthrodial membrane 265, 277 hemocytes 208–10 dissection 223, 225–6 atrium histology processing 217–18 endosternite 228–9 Myriapoda 271 immune system 208–11 epidermis 228 Porifera 38 integument 189 esophagus 230 axial complex 13–14 life expectancy 185–6 excretory system 232–4 metanephridium 203, 204–5 eyes 223, 240–1 b Morren’s glands 197 fangs 222 bacteriocytes 29 muscle layers 189 ganglia 237, 238 basophils 208–9, 254 nervous system 211–14 gross anatomy 222–6 basopinacoderm 23 Invertebrate Histology, First Edition. Edited by Elise E.B. LaDouceur. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 0005034592.INDD 319 12/23/2020 5:15:55 PM 320 Index biomedical applications Echinodermata 6–9 ganglia 153, 154 Arachnida 222 Insecta 302–5 giant fibers 153 Cnidaria 56 Merostomata 249–52 gills 138, 151, 153 Merostomata 247 Myriapoda 265–6 gross anatomy 133–9 Porifera 19 Porifera 31–3 heart 137–8, 146, 149 Bivalvia 163–82 book lungs (gills) hemocytes 151 adductor muscle 170, 179–80 Arachnida 236–7 hemolymph 149 body plan 165–8 Merostomata 257 hepatopancreas 136, 145 circulatory system 169, 176–7 brain immune system 151 connective tissue 170, 179–82 Arachnida 237 ink sac complex 137, 145 diet 163 Cephalopoda 138–9, 153–4 integument 140–1 digestive gland/diverticula 174 Decapoda 293 life expectancy 133 digestive system 168–9, 173–5 Insecta 312–13 mantle 133–4, 140–1 excretory system 169, 177–8 Merostomata 258 musculoskeletal system 140–2 eyes 170, 179 Myriapoda 272 nervous system 138–9, 153–5 eyespots 164 branchial appendage 146, 149 nidamental glands 155 food source 163 branchial gland 153 ovary 155 foot 170, 180–1 budding 80 pancreatic appendages 146 ganglia 170, 179 bursa copulatrix 123–4 pericardial appendages 137, 145 gastric shield 169, 173 prostate 158 gills 168 c radula 135 green gland 169, 177 calciferous glands 197–200 renal appendages 137, 145–6 gross anatomy 163–70 calcium carbonate 40, 197 reproductive system 139, 155–8 heart 169, 177 calicodermis/calicoblasts 70–1 respiratory system 151–3 hemocytes 176–7 carapace, Decapoda 277, 283–5 salivary glands 135–6, 143 hemolymph 169 cardiac stomach shell 134 hydromuscular system 170, 179–82 Decapoda 282, 285–6 siphon 134 integument 170 Echinodermata 11 stomach 144 intestine 173–4 catch connective tissue 9 suckers 134, 140, 142 larval morphology 163–5 ceca taxonomy 133 mantle 166, 170–2 Decapoda 287 tentacles 134, 141–2 mantle border (edge) 171–2 Echinodermata 12 testis 155 metamorphosis 164–5 central cell 26 venom gland 136 nervous system 170, 179 Cephalopoda 133–61 white bodies 149, 151 osphradium 179 arms 134, 141–2 cerata 106 pallial line 171 beak apparatus 135, 143 chelicera 222, 229 palps 168, 173 body wall 140–2 chelipeds 279 periostracum 172 brain 138–9, 153–4 chloragogen cells 210 pseudofeces 169 branchial appendages 146, 149 choanocyte chambers 36–8 reproductive system 169–70, 178–9 branchial gland 153 choanoderm 26 respiratory system 175–6 buccal mass 135, 143 chromatophores 134, 141 shell 165–6, 172 chromatophores 134, 141 chromophil cells 195, 197 siphon 166, 181 circulatory system 137–8, 146, circulatory system statocysts 164 149–51 Annelida 205–8 stomach 169, 173 circumoral appendages 134, 141–2 Arachnida 234–6 style sac 169, 173 connective tissue 140 Bivalvia 169, 176–7 taxonomy 163 diet 134–5 Cephalopoda 137–8, 146, tentacles 172 digestive gland 136, 145 149–51 vesicular cells 182 digestive system 136, 142–5 Decapoda 288–9 visceral mass 166, 167 dissection and histology Echinodermata 13–14 zooxanthellae 175 processing 139–40 Gastropoda 89, 109–12 body wall esophagus 136, 143–4 Insecta 310–11 Annelida 189–94 excretory system 137, 145–6 Merostomata 255–6 Arachnida 226–9 eyes 134, 158–9, 160 Myriapoda 270–1 Cephalopoda 140–2 funnel 134 clitellum 192–4 0005034592.INDD 320 12/23/2020 5:15:55 PM Index 321 cloaca 231 collar cells 119 ceca 287 cnidae/cnidocytes 66–8 collencytes 26, 28 chelipeds 279 Cnidaria 55–83 compound eyes circulatory system 288–9 amoebocytes 70, 77 Insecta 315 cuticle (carapace) 277, 283–5 anthozoans 57–60 Merostomata 259–60 digestive system 282–3, 285–8 asexual reproduction 80 connective tissue ecdysis (molting) 284 axis 71 Arachnida 228–9 endocrine system 297–8 calicodermis/calicoblasts 70–1 Bivalvia 170, 179–82 excretory system 290–1 cnidae/cnidocytes 66–8 Cephalopoda 140 eyes 296–7 cnidoglandular band 73 Cnidaria 73–6 ganglia 293–4 connective tissue 73–6 Echinodermata 9 gills 280, 291–3 coral acid‐rich proteins 70–1 Gastropoda 91–2 gonadopores 279–80 coral reefs 56 Insecta 305 gross anatomy 277–83 corticocytes 71 Merostomata 252 heart 288–9 cubozoans 61 coral acid‐rich proteins hemocytes 289–90 desmocytes 70, 71 70–1 hepatopancreas 287–8 diet 56 coral reefs 56 immune system 289–90 dissection and histology corallite 57 mandibular organ 298 processing 61–2 corallum 57 melanization 289–90 epidermis 66–70 corpora allata 316 molt‐inhibiting hormone 297–8 epithelium 62–73 cortex 32–3 nervous system 293–4 gastrodermis 65–6, 71–3 corticocytes 71 ovary 281–2, 294–5 granular cells 68–70 coxal glands (organs) pereiopods 279 gross anatomy 56–61 Arachnida 232, 233–4 pyloric stomach 282–3, 286 hydrozoans 61 Merostomata 254–5 reproductive system 281–2, immune system 57, 77 Myriapoda 275 294–6 life expectancy 55 crop respiratory system 291–3 medical applications 56 Annelida 200–1 RI cells 285 medusa 55, 57 Gastropoda 101 setae 285 mesenterial filaments 73 ctenidium see gills sinus gland 297 mesenteries 57, 65–6, 73 cuticle taxonomy 277 mesoglea 73–6 Annelida 189 tegmental glands 285 mesogleal pleats 75–6 Arachnida 227–8 testis 295 mucocytes 66, 73 Decapoda 277, 283–5 Y‐organ 298 muscle 76 Echinodermata 6 dermal membrane 32 myonemes 75 Insecta 303–4 dermal silk glands 316 myxozoan parasites 80 Merostomata 249, 251 dermis nematocysts 66–7 Myriapoda 265 Echinodermata 7–9 nervous system 77 Porifera 32 Merostomata 251–2 ocelli 57, 61 cuticular receptors desmocytes 70, 71 polyp 55, 57 Arachnida 241 digestive gland ptychocysts 66, 67–8 Insecta 315 Bivalvia 174 reproductive system 55, Merostomata 260 Cephalopoda 136, 145 78–80 cystencytes 29 Gastropoda 98, 104–6 scyphozoans 60–1 digestive system spicules 58 d Annelida 194–203 spirocysts 66, 67 dart sac 124–5 Arachnida 229–31 strobilation 55, 80 decalcification 5 Bivalvia 168–9, 173–5 taxonomy 55 Decapoda 277–98 Cephalopoda 136, 142–5 zooxanthellae 66, 72 antennae 278 Decapoda 282–3, 285–8 cnidocil 67 apodemes 285 Echinodermata 11–13 cnidoglandular band 73 arthrodial membrane 277 Gastropoda 89, 98–106 coelomocytes brain 293 Insecta 305–9 Annelida 208–10 branchia 280 Merostomata 252–4 Echinodermata 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 cardiac stomach 282, 285–6 Myriapoda 264, 266–9 0005034592.INDD 321 12/23/2020 5:15:55 PM 322 Index e Tiedemann’s bodies 14 f Echinodermata 1–17 tube feet 2, 10 fat body ampullae 10 water vascular system 9–11 Insecta 308–9 Aristotle’s lantern 12–13 ectosome 20, 31–3 Myriapoda 265–6, 267, 269 axial complex 13–14 endocrine system fission 80 body wall 6–9 Decapoda 297–8 foot cardiac stomach 11 Insecta 316 Bivalvia 170, 180–1 catch connective tissue 9 endopinacoderm 23, 26 Gastropoda 96–7 circulatory system 13–14 endosternite foregut circumoral ring canal 10 Arachnida 228–9 Insecta 306–7 coelomocytes 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 Merostomata 252 Myriapoda 268 cuticle 6 epidermis fragmentation 80 dermis 7–9 Annelida 189–91 funnel diet 1 Arachnida 228 Annelida 204–5 digestive system 11–13 Cnidaria 66–70 Cephalopoda 134 dissection and histology Echinodermata 6–7 processing 4–6 Gastropoda 91 g endoskeleton 8–9 Insecta 304 ganglia epidermis 6–7 Merostomata 251 Annelida 211–13 excretory system 13 Myriapoda 265 Arachnida 237, 238 eyespots 17 epithelium Bivalvia 170, 179 gastrodermis 11–12 Cnidaria 62–73 Cephalopoda 153, 154 gills 15 Gastropoda 91 Decapoda 293–4 gross anatomy 1–6 Porifera 22–6 Gastropoda 116–17,
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