Education 427 Chapter 12 EDUCATION 428 Education Blnak Education 429 12.01 Number of Institution, Student and Teacher by type of Education 2017 Type of Management No. of No. of Teacher No. of Student Indicators Education Institution Total Female % of Total Girl % of TSR SPI TPI Fem Girl Primary Public 63982 348262 222172 63.79 12781249 6525742 51.06 37 200 5 Education Private 69919 275702 164124 59.33 4470101 2217570 49.61 16 64 4 Total 133901 623964 386296 61.91 17251350 8743312 50.68 28 129 5 Secondary Public 368 8876 2773 31.24 318513 149919 47.07 36 866 24 Education : Private 19480 235004 59738 25.42 9921560 5379073 54.22 42 509 12 Part 1 Total 19848 243880 62551 25.63 10240073 5528992 53.99 42 516 12 Secondary Public 619 90622 51395 56.71 146 0 Education (upgraded Private 0 0 0 0 0 0 Primary) : Part 1 Total 619 0 0 90622 51395 56.71 146 0 Secondary Public 987 8876 2773 31.24 409135 201314 49.20 46 415 9 Education: Private 19480 235004 59738 25.42 9921560 5379073 54.22 42 509 12 All) Total 20467 243880 62511 25.63 10330695 5580387 54.02 42 505 12 College Public 328 14467 3704 25.6 1436718 699088 48.66 99 4380 44 Education Private 4091 106467 24794 23.29 2436242 1174531 48.21 23 596 26 Total 4419 120934 28498 23.56 3872960 1873619 48.38 32 876 27 Madrasah Public 3 67 5 7.46 4827 304 6.3 72 1609 22 Education Private 9300 113694 14907 13.11 2448537 1350245 55.14 22 263 12 Total 9303 113761 14912 13.11 2453364 1350549 55.05 22 264 12 Professional Public 144 4539 1166 25.69 44564 25994 58.33 10 309 32 Education Private 733 6277 1458 23.23 123905 50717 40.93 20 169 9 Total 877 10816 2624 24.26 168469 76711 45.53 16 192 12 Teacher Public 84 1212 333 27.48 19329 8933 46.22 16 230 14 Education Private 132 1488 337 22.65 15742 5309 33.73 11 119 11 Total 216 2700 670 24.81 35071 14242 40.61 13 162 13 Technical Public 288 4999 703 14.06 195534 34796 17.80 39 679 17 Vocational Private 5609 29717 6389 21.50 696430 181580 26.07 23 124 5 Total 5897 34716 7092 20.43 891964 216376 24.26 26 151 6 University Public 40 13168 3054 23.19 519488 186607 35.92 39 12987 329 Private 95 15400 4378 28.43 337238 92449 27.41 22 3550 162 Total 135 28568 7432 26.02 856726 279056 32.57 30 6346 212 Total (Post- Public 1874 47328 11738 24.80 2629595 1157036 44.0 56 1403 25 primary) Private 39440 508047 112001 22.05 15979654 8233904 51.33 31 405 13 Total 41314 555375 123739 22.28 18609249 9390940 50.46 34 450 13 Country Public 65856 395590 233910 59.13 15410844 7682778 49.85 39 234 6 (Primary Private 109359 783749 276125 35.23 20449755 10451474 51.11 26 187 7 +Post- Total 175215 1179339 510035 43.25 35860599 18134252 50.57 30 205 7 primary) TSR-Teacher Student Ratio, SPI-Students per Institution, TPI-Teacher per Institution, Teacher of Primary Schools included in Primary Education Section. Source : Bangladesh Education Statistics, BANBEIS, 2017 430 Education 12.02 Number of Public Universities’ Teachers and Students by Sex In Bangladesh No. of No. of Teachers No. of Students Year University Male Female Total Male Female Total 1984 6 - - - 28797 6588 35385 1985 6 - - - 28378 7115 35493 1986 6 - - - 28266 7292 35558 1987 7 - - - 32484 8255 40739 1989 7 - - - 32351 8904 41255 1989 7 - - - 36797 9862 46659 1990 7 - - - 36903 10900 47803 1991 9 - - - 40697 11923 52620 1992 9 - - - 40683 12039 52722 1993 11 - - - 48381 14625 63006 1994 11 - - - 89799 27560 117359 1995 11 3150 521 3671 101638 33175 134813 1996 11 3309 579 3888 50872 15203 66075 1997 11 3400 615 4015 51091 1619 67282 1998 11 3598 666 4264 51129 16016 67145 1999 13 3678 715 4393 53485 16660 70145 2000 13 3598 749 4707 59055 18810 77865 2001 17 4399 842 5241 70068 22494 92562 2002 17 4587 880 5467 68929 23223 92152 2003 21 5091 907 5998 78924 25812 104736 2004 21 5487 975 6462 603822 362640 966462 2005 21 5836 1085 6921 673840 399886 1073726 2007 27 6470 1435 7905 787268 454084 1241352 2008 31 6644 1676 8320 720520 456449 1176969 2009 31 7564 1677 9241 829228 552988 1382216 2010 31 7865 1861 9726 201628 100003 301631 2011 34 8031 1931 9962 208154 108177 316331 2012 34 8641 2103 10744 256579 149358 405937 2013 34 9128 2377 11505 286011 168519 454530 2014 35 9609 2651 12260 307805 180143 487948 2015 35 9399 2868 12667 292720 159472 452192 2016 35 10136 3063 13199 333447 186941 520388 2017 35 10460 3255 13716 380464 221928 602392 Source : University Grants Commission. Note: National University Students are excluded in 2010 to 2016. Education 431 12.03 Number of Teachers & Students Ratio in Public Universities University 2015 2016 2017 Teachers Students Ratio Teachers Students Ratio Teachers Students Ratio Dhaka University 2306 31955 1:14 2257 32251 1:14 2268 33360 1:15 Rajshahi University 1230 34165 1:28 1220 36606 1:30 1202 37256 1:31 Bangladesh Agricultural University 605 6264 1:10 593 6760 1:11 599 7244 1:12 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 660 10644 1:16 686 9780 1:14 751 8856 1:12 Chattogram University 1180 24326 1:121 1179 23836 1:20 1303 28216 1:22 Jahangirnagar University 736 14981 1:20 752 16931 1:23 784 17006 1:22 Islamic University 359 12330 1:34 357 13248 1:37 351 13636 1:39 Shahjalal University of Science & 488 8593 1:18 509 10398 1:20 500 10113 1:20 Technology Khulna University 396 5482 1:14 402 5649 1:14 410 7269 1:18 BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Medical 458 3017 1:7 488 3409 1:7 519 3867 1:7 University BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Agriculture 177 1133 1:6 193 1361 1:7 194 1545 1:8 University Haji Mohammad Daness Dni: of Science & 267 6208 1:23 288 7527 1:26 285 9073 1:32 Technology University Maulana Bhashani Science &Technology 157 4763 1:30 169 5091 1:30 190 5849 1:31 University Patuakhali University of Science & 217 3407 1:16 226 3322 1:15 223 3265 1:15 Technology Sher-e-bangla Agriculture University 229 3306 1:14 227 3310 1:15 225 3436 1:15 (Agriculture) Chattogram Engineering & Technology 207 3437 1:17 230 3707 1:16 250 3959 1:16 University Rajshahi Engineering & Technology 221 3188 1:14 228 3750 1:16 245 4534 1:19 University Khulna Engineering & Technology 282 3752 1:13 302 4056 1:13 298 4586 1:15 University Dhaka Engineering & Technology 202 2757 1:14 210 2853 1:14 219 3511 1:16 University Noakhali Science & Technology University 156 3792 1:24 175 4306 1:25 223 6436 1:29 Jagannath University 555 19011 1:34 600 19088 1:32 626 17414 1:28 Cumilla University 159 4639 1:29 179 5988 1:33 180 5988 1:33 National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University 171 3865 1:23 207 4206 1:20 167 6517 1:39 Chattogram Veterinary & Animal Science 108 1200 1:11 117 1285 1:11 131 1216 1:9 University Sylhet Agriculture University 199 2454 1:12 220 1782 1:8 228 1776 1:8 Jashore Science & Technology University 113 2214 1:20 136 2850 1:21 189 3344 1:18 Bangladesh University of Professionals 152 2993 1:20 203 4035 1:20 261 5254 1:20 Begum Rokeya University 132 8201 1:62 144 9583 1:67 152 8178 1:54 Pabna Science & Technology University 135 2448 1:18 134 3076 1:23 141 3555 1:25 BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & 67 3502 1:52 92 5825 1:63 140 7954 1:57 Techonology B angladeshTextile University 98 1675 1:17 148 2391 1:16 100 2483 1:25 Barishal University 95 4527 1:48 160 5409 1:34 173 6644 1:38 Bangladesh Open University 136 207829 1:152 127 256304 1:2018 - - - 8 Rangamati Science & tech University 4 86 1:22 8 264 1:33 8 284 1:36 BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime 10 48 1:5 33 151 1:5 45 242 1:5 University Bangladesh Total 12667 452192 1:36 13199 520388 1:39 13580 283866 1:21 Source: University Grants Commission Note: Open University is excluded in 2017. 432 Education 12:04 Yearly Average Per Head Expenditure in Public Universities Students (In Taka) University 2015 2016 2017 Studen Per head Students Per head Students Per head ts Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Dhaka University 31955 101208.70 32251 113376.00 33360 194390.00 Rajshahi University 34165 57602.80 36606 87669.00 37256 75012.89 Bangladesh Agricultural University 6264 251312.00 6760 333425.00 7244 396053.00 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 10644 96204.43 9780 127372.00 8856 195110.66 Chattogram University 24326 73156.00 23836 92313.00 28216 98315.00 Jahangirnagar University 14981 77000.00 16931 99000.00 17006 135000.00 Islamic University 12407 58922.00 13248 70344.00 13636 87224.00 Shahjalal University of Science &Technology 8593 64100 10398 74902.00 10113 99505.00 Khulna University 5482 123816.00 5649 154888.00 7269 155160.00 Open University 410694 729.10 433413 1049.00 540733 2831.33 BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Medical University 3017 155286.71 3409 120000.00 3867 240000.00 BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Agriculture 1133 274610.00 1361 326779.00 1545 342000.00 University HaJI Mohammad Daness Dn: of Sicence & 6208 56286.00 7527 68774.00 9073 67859.00 Technology University Maulana Bhashani Science &Technology 4763 73434.00 5091 102195.00 5849 112487.00 University Patuakhali University of Science & Technology 3407 97886.70 3322 129831.67 3265 170781.00 Sher-e-bangla Agriculture University 3306 121445.00 3310 167703.00 3436 203000.00 Chattogram Engineering & Technology University 3437 88918.00 3707 106784.00 3957 84531.00 Rajshahi Engineering & Technology University 3188 76774.90 3750 115454.96 4534 104689.14 Khulna Engineering & Technology University 3752 91497.86 4056 115680.00 4586 126602.70 Dhaka Engineering & Technology University 2757 89735.48 2853 181540.70 3511 151580.75 Noakhali Science & Technology University 3792 30162.18 4306 71770.00 6436 58369.00 Jagannath University 19011 25734.68 19088 36095.35 17414 49534.79 Cumilla University 4639 35361.00 5988 40104.00 5988 51342.00 National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University 3865 32988.35 4206 43034.00 6517 39933.75 Chattogram Veterinary & Animal Science 1200 129000.00 1285 217687.00 1216 236270.00 University Sylhet Agriculture University 2454 89649.55 1782 233950.00 1776 271452.70 Jashore Science & Technology University 2214 63008.00 2850 75965.00 3344 89094.00 Bangladesh University of Professionals 2993 50618.10 4035 82346.38 5254 83000.00 Begum Rokeya University 8201 27484.00 9583 28325.00 8178 44722.00 Pabna Science & Technology University 2448 66000.00 3076 60000.00 3555 71484.
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