Initial Environmental Examination Reconstruction of the Islamic University of Palu Subproject December 2020 INO: Emergency Assistance for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (Component 1: Public Works Infrastructure) Prepared by Directorate General of Human Settlement, Ministry of Public Works and Housing for the Asian Development Bank. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. II LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... III LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... III LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................................. III ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... IV I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 1 II. POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK .............................................. 4 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................... 7 A. Site Location, Spatial Plan, and Zonation within the Institute .................................... 7 B. Pre-construction Phase ........................................................................................... 19 C. Construction Phase................................................................................................. 20 D. Operation and Maintenance Phase ......................................................................... 23 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................... 25 A. Physical Conditions ................................................................................................ 25 B. Ecological Condition ............................................................................................... 26 C. Socio-economic Condition ...................................................................................... 27 V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ............. 29 A. Pre-Construction Phase ......................................................................................... 29 B. Construction Phase ................................................................................................ 29 C. Operation and Maintenance Phase ........................................................................ 32 VI. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ..................................................................................... 33 VII. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, AND PARTICIPATION ................... 34 VIII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ........................................................................... 35 IX. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN .................................................................... 37 A. Mitigation Measures ................................................................................................ 37 B. Monitoring Requirements ........................................................................................ 40 C. EMP Implementation and Reporting ....................................................................... 42 D. Budget for EMP Implementation ............................................................................. 43 X. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................... 44 APPENDICES........................................................................................................................... 45 ii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Existing Layout of IAIN’s Buildings - Campus 1 ................................................... 1 Figure 2 IAIN’s Buildings Damaged by Tsunami/Earthquake............................................. 2 Figure 3 The Site of IAIN’s Institute – Campus I, Palu ....................................................... 7 Figure 4 The 2010 – 2030 Spatial Plan of Palu City .......................................................... 8 Figure 5 Disaster-risk Zonation of Palu dan its Surrounding .............................................11 Figure 6 Overlaid IAIN’s Site with Various Thematic Maps ...............................................13 Figure 7 The ‘Silebeta’ Coastal Protection Project in Palu Coast ......................................15 Figure 8 Future Layout of IAIN Palu (in relation to risk zonation) ......................................15 Figure 9 Design of the IAIN’s Buildings to be Constructed ...............................................23 Figure 10 Topography of Central Sulawesi Province ..........................................................25 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Environmental Screening and Categorization for Environment ............................ 4 Table 2 IFC’s EHS Guidelines Applicable for EARR Subprojects ..................................... 5 Table 3 Criteria and Corresponding Spatial Plan for Palu Disaster-risk Zone ................... 9 Table 4 Lecture Building to be Constructed .....................................................................16 Table 5 Student Center Building to be Constructed .........................................................17 Table 6 Auditorium Building to be Constructed................................................................18 Table 7 Kindergarten School and Powerhouse ...............................................................19 Table 8 Indicative Reconstruction Schedule of the IAIN Institute .....................................24 Table 9 Rainfall and Temperature of Palu City ................................................................26 Table 10 Types of Plant Identified .....................................................................................26 Table 11 Poverty Data of Palu City (2012 – 2017) ............................................................27 Table 12 Common Medical Cases Reported for Palu City (2018) .....................................28 Table 13 Proposed Mitigation Measures ...........................................................................37 Table 14 Environmental Monitoring Requirements ............................................................40 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 - Related Environmental Screening and Subproject Categorization ........................46 Appendix 2 - Spatial Plan Advice ‘KRK’ Letter on the IAIN Institute dated 20 August 2020 .......53 Appendix 3 – The Letter of Palu Environmental Agency on Environmental Document for IAIN Rehabilitation .....................................................................................................56 iii ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank Amdal - Indonesian environmental impact assessment Bappenas - Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency BPPW - Human Settlement Agency of Central Sulawesi CSHSA - Central Sulawesi Human Settlement Agency DLH - Local Environmental Agency BPS - Central Bureau of Statistics CPIU - Central Project Implementing Unit CPMU - Central Project Management Unit DED - Detailed Engineering Design DGHS - Directorate General of Human Settlements EA - Executing Agency EARR - Emergency Assistance for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction EHS - environment, health, and safety EIA : environmental impact assessment EMP : environmental management plan FGD ; focused group discussion GRM : grievance redress mechanism IA : Implementing Agency IAIN : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (Islamic State Institute) IEE : initial environmental examination MOEF : Ministry of Environment and Forestry MPWH : Ministry of Public Works and Housing PCO : Public Complaints Officer SPPL : Statement letter to conduct environmental management and monitoring (Surat Pernyataan Kesanggupan untuk Melaksanakan Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup) SPS : Safeguard Policy Statement UKL-UPL : Environmental management and monitoring plan (Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dan Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup) iv I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. ADB approved the Emergency Assistance for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (EARR) in June 2019 to support the Government of Indonesia in building back better critical infrastructure damaged by the devastating natural disasters occurred in Palu and its surrounding areas, Central Sulawesi Province in September 2018. One of EARR’s subprojects is the rehabilitation of the Islamic State Institute (Institut Agama Islam National - IAIN) – Campus I in Palu, an educational facility severely damaged by the disaster in Palu City. The rehabilitation of the IAIN is included in the Master Plan for Post-Disaster Recovery and Redevelopment for Central Sulawesi published by the Ministry of National
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