February 5, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 3205 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, February 5, 1973 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The message also announced that the sponsors in the creation, cancellation, or The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, Vice President, pursuant to Public Law continuation of certain legislative pro­ D.D., offered the following prayer: 90-259, appointed Mr. STEVENS to the Na­ grams, but let us commence to exercise The steps of a good man are ordered tional Commission on Fire Prevention control in connection with "Dear Col­ by the Lord; and he delighteth in his and Control in lieu of Mr. Boggs, retired. league" correspondence. way.-Psalms 37: 23. The message also announced that the I conclude that if we truly want to Almighty God, in fear of whom is the Vice President, pursuant to Public Law curtail costs, we should come home and beginning of wisdom and in love for 84-944, appointed Mr. JOHNSTON and Mr. closely examine the costliness of Con­ whom is the beginning of life, we come to HATHAWAY to the Senate Office Building gress. Thee knowing that in losing ourselves Commission in lieu of Mr. Jordan of Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will my dear in Thee we find ourselves and we dis­ North Carolina and Mr. Gambrell, re­ colleague yield? cover that we find our brother also. One tired. Mr. CARTER. I am happy to yield to in Thee makes us one with our fellow the distinguished gentleman from Iowa. men across all barriers of race, color, AMERICANS MISSING IN LAOS Mr. GROSS. Would it help if they were and creed. Living with Thee may we be­ addressed as "Dear Ms."-whatever that (Mr. MONTGOMERY asked and was means-or "Dear M." or another of those come channels through which Thy heal­ given permission to address the House ing power may flow into our world. fancy abbreviations in vogue these days? for 1 minute and to revise and extend Mr. CARTER. I think it might well May our loyalties be deep, our sym­ his remarks.) pathies wide, our faith high, and our help. Sometimes I find myself using Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker, it "Ms." if I am in doubt as to the gender. hope for better days bright. Make us is of the utmost importance that we ob­ great enough in mind and good enough tain a more factual accounting of the 311 in spirit to keep ourselves devoted to the TRIBUTE TO VIETNAM WAR DEAD best that the best may come to renewed Americans missing in Laos. The latest list life in us. from Paris shows only three of the 311 as (Mr. ABDNOR asked and was given In the spirit of Him who being good prisoners. permission to address the House for 1 went about doing good we pray. Amen. Based on past experience, it is fairly minute and to revise and extencl his re­ accurate to say that of the 311 shot down marks.) over Laos, at least 45 percent or well over Mr. ABDNOR. Mr. Speaker, today I THE JOURNAL 130 of these Americans were alive when am introducing a joint resolution which The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ they hit the ground. pays tribute to the great sacrifice made ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ Mr. Speaker, the question is whether by American fighting men and women ceedings and announces to the House his or not these men are still being held cap­ in Vietnam who laid down their lives to approval thereof. tive in Laos, North Vietnam, or even preserve the ideals of freedom through­ Without objection, the Joumal stands China or were they executed or died from out the world. approved. starvation after being captured. The My bill would provide that the Ameri­ There was no objection. families of the missing are entitled to can flag be flown at half staff for one know the fate of their loved ones. I urge month from February 27th to March officials at the Department of Defense 27th. This is a small, but just way to MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE and State Department to press the North express the sadness of a natio~ tired A message from the Senate by Mr. Vietnamese, and press them hard, for from a draining war and weary from the Arrington, one of its clerks, announced concrete information on these missing wounds of her lost sons and daughters. that the Senate had passed bills and a Americans. We are living up to our part I hope that my colleagues in the House joint resolution of the fallowing titles, in of the peace agreement. It is well past will join with me in supporting this which the concurrence of the House is time for them to live up to their part. measure as one way we may honor our requested: Vietnam war dead. S. 261. An act to amend the Uniform Re­ COSTLINESS OF "COLLEAGUE" location Assistance and Real Property Ac­ CORRESPONDENCE IMPOUNDMENT OF FUNDS quisition Policies Act of 1970 to provide for minimum Federal payments for 4 addi­ (Mr. CARTER asked and was given (Mr. O'NEILL asked and was given tional years, and for other purposes; permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 S. 606. An act authorizing the construc­ minute and to revise and extend his re­ minute and to revise and extend his tion, repair, and preservation of certain pub­ marks.) remarks.) lic works on rivers and harbors for naviga­ tion, flood control, and for other purposes; Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I am com­ Mr. O'NEILL. Mr. Speaker, we have S.J. Res. 42. Joint resolution to extend the pelled to come forth and comment with heard a tremendous amount of discus­ life of the Commission on Highway Beautifi­ concern upon the fact that this Congress sion about impoundment of funds, cation established under section 123 of the has already become captured by the com­ budgetary cutbacks in funding and ac­ Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970. pulsion to continually crank out cor­ tual curtailment of funds for categorical The message also announced that the respondence commonly commencing with programs. Interestingly enough, we Vice President, pursuant to Public Law "Dear Colleague." heard from the Democratic Governors a 92-500, appointed Mr. RANDOLPH, Mr. I am a man of caution and, I hope, couple of weeks ago, and today, Mr. MUSKIE, Mr. BENTSEN, Mr. BAKER, and a man of commonsense, but I cannot con­ Speaker, you were visited by Mayor Mr. BucKLEY as members on the part of tain my contempt for the current, colos­ Alioto, the mayor of the city of San the Senate, of the National Study Com­ sal volume of these communications. We Francisco. mission under the Federal Water Pollu­ have created a carrousel beyond com­ The Democratic Governor, Mayor tion Control Act Amendments of 1972. pare, and this is a circumstance swiftly Alioto, and the 11 mayors who are mem- . The message also announced that the becoming beyond the capacity of many bers of the legislative action committee Vice President, pursuant to Public Res­ to contemplate-to say nothing of sim­ of the U.S. Conference of Mayors are olution 32 of the 73d Congress, ap­ ply trying to calculate the carloads of alarmed about impoundment of funds pointed Mr. HUDDLESTON to the U.S. Ter­ colleague letters being carried to our of­ and the public employment program. ritorial Expansion Memorial Commission fices each day. If this must continue, They are crying "outrage" because Presi­ in lieu of Mr. Anderson, retired. perhaps my colleagues will consider con­ dent Nixon has broken the promise he The message also announced that the verting their comments to a recycled con­ made to them in 1969 that general reve­ Vice President, pursuant to Public Law dition and, thus, constitute a case for nue sharing would be in addition to, not 89-491, appointed Mr. NUNN to the commendation by conservationists. a substitute for specific programs for the American Revolution Bicentennial Com­ I do commend my distinguished col­ poor and the minorities who make up so mission in lieu of Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR., leagues for their characteristic desire to much of central-city populations. resigned. carefully convey their wishes to have co- This was a promise that Alioto told 3206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE February 5, 1973 you, Mr. Speaker, the administration had purpose of this first message in the series Men have walked the surface of the welshed on. Apparently, this promise is to give a concise overview of where we moon and soared to new heights of dis­ was repeated by high administration offi­ stand as a people today. and to outline covery. cials as late as the day before Mr. Nixon's some of the general goals that I belive we This same spirit of discovery i8 help­ second inauguration. Though the should pursue over the next year and ing us to conquer disease and suffering mayors had no precise figures on the beyond. In coming weeks, I will send to that have plagued our own planet since total damage that the proposed budget the Congress further State of the Union the dawn of time. would do to the cities,. they could begin reports on speci::fic areas of policy includ­ By working together with the leaders with the 36 percent cut. in funds for ing economic. affairs. natural resources, of other nations, we have been able to HUD, from $4.2 billion in actual spend­ hwnan resources, community develop­ build a new hope for lasting peace-!or ing this year to $2.
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