DETROIT, Since 1989. Gratis! www. laprensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! May/mayo 17, 2006 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 24 Páginas Vol. 39, No. 10 Bush orders 6,000 National Guards, page 3 DENTRO: Puerto Rico resolves crisis .......................... 2 Santiago, Vásquez recommended by AVISO: UPCOMING Caucus for INDOOR LATINO McCloskey’s seat ..... 3 SOCCER Muñoz appointed MI TOURNAMENT IN Police Director ......... 4 Davide García .......... 5 COLUMBUS, OHIO. UT’s Latino Youth ALL TEAMS Summit ...................... 6 WELCOME! Calling it Quits by Adelante’s Shaw ....... 7 During Festival Latino in FLOC’s response to Columbus, Ohio, the Bush’s speech ........... 9 weekend of June 16-18, Carla’s Corner ...... 10 2006, there will be a Latin HOROSCOPE ........ 11 American Soccer Events .................14-15 Obituaries ............... 14 Tournament in Columbus, Deportes .............16-17 Ohio. Any interested La Liga de Las Latino Soccer Teams Américas ................. 17 wanting to participate, Classifieds ..........18-23 please, por favor, contact Raul Martínez at 614- Soccer action and La Liga de Las Américas, pp. 846-1718. 16-17—La Prensa Photo. Breves: Pachuca avanza a la final con gol a los 93 minutos PACHUCA, México, (AP): Un gol del colombiano Aquivaldo Mosquera en tiempo de reposición le aseguró el domingo a los Tuzos de Pachuca el pase a la final del torneo Clausura 2006 del fútbol mexicano, pese a perder 3-2 ante Chivas de Guadalajara. El marcador global tras los encuentros de ida y vuelta fue de 4-4 (2-1 y 2- 3), que le favoreció a Pachuca por el reglamento. State Troopers and Columbus Fire seeking (Continua en la p. 17) The Columbus Civil Ser- bus fire’s deadline to ap- new recruits vice Commission and the ply has passed but there is By Marivel Aguirre, Ohio State Highway Patrol still time to attend the 6th 419-242-7377 Tenemos todo para La Prensa Reporter (OSHP) are seeking new re- Annual Law Enforcement [email protected] cruits this season. Colum- (Continued on Page 8) 800-828-8564 Taquerías, Mariscos, 3011 Council St. Toledo OH 43606 Tex-Mex, y toda clase Se Habla Español de restaurantes. Elephant Bar Now Hiring at Wesfield’s Franklin Park Mall for: Server, Busser, Prep Cook, Line Cook, Dishwasher, Bartender, Cocktail, Host & Hostess More classifieds, pp. 18-23 Enjoy the Best Margaritas at: two convenient locations: West Toledo: Sylvania & Douglas [music, 6- 9PM] 419-472-0700. Oregon: 2022 Rubén Castilla Herrera of Columbus was the keynote speaker at the University of Woodville Rd. Toledo’s 4th Latino Youth Summit. Shown above is Sr. Herrera with María Pizaña Grin ‘N Win 419-693-6695. and her daughters Nayeli & Anay Parga at UT’s Parent’s Night. See page 6. p. 10 Escuche La Onda Cultural Latina 89.1 FM cada día 9AM-5PM • Visit Grandma’s Country Cookin’ for Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner, 3312 Glendale Ave. • 419-382-1115 • Página 2 La Prensa Político May/mayo 17, 2006 Glance at bills Republicans Puerto Rico solves budget crisis, bringing relief still want to deal with to 100,000 laid-off workers undocumented immigrants By MIRANDA LEITSINGER Associated Press Writer “I never thought it would (AP): Measures A summary of proposals SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico island’s structural budget come to this,” Vázquez, 33, passed or moving rejected by Democrats that (AP): More than 100,000 imbalance. said of the shutdown. “I through the Legislature Republicans say are still Puerto Ricans returned to “We accept the recom- never thought I would be to deal with undocu- needed: their government jobs and mendation as a stopgap mea- unemployed.” mented immigration: •A requirement that En- public schools this week af- sure so there is no excuse to The shutdown has rippled •Ban public contracts glish be the official lan- ter politicians announced an get workers back on the job through Puerto Rico’s for law-breaking employ- guage of state and local end to a budget crisis that and end this lockout,” economy, with hotels, shops ers (House Bill 1343). governments. partially shut down the gov- Rossello said. and restaurants reporting a •Secure identity docu- •A requirement that em- ernment of this U.S. Carib- Political pundits theo- drop in business as thou- ments (House Bill 1306) ployers participate in the gration laws by law en- bean island territory. rized that the 10-day layoffs sands of government work- •Ban sanctuary cities extended federal basic em- forcement agencies in The agreement an- were the product of a duel- ers tried to get by on unem- (Senate Bill 90). ployment verification pilot Colorado. nounced May 10 called for ing match between political ployment benefits of up to •Criminalize human program to weed out un- •Verification of an emergency loan—backed rivals Rosello and Gov. US$133 per week. smuggling (Senate Bill documented immigrants. United States citizenship by the island’s first sales Aníbal Acevedo Vilá. “People are not buying 206). •Enforcement of immi- for voting. tax—to cover a US$740 mil- Inside the domed Capi- anything,” said Angela de lion budget deficit. The ac- tol, lawmakers began con- Jesús, a San Juan jewelry cord, reached by a special sideration of measures to fi- store manager, who said her GRIN ‘N WIN binding commission, did not nance a loan to cover gov- few customers avoided high- specify the amount of the ernment expenses for the priced items and bought only Let’s turn that frown upside down! new levy and left other key remainder of the fiscal year, trinkets. The Lottery has a new $1 game called issues up to legislative ap- which ends June 30, and to Jaime Massanet, 77, a proval. solve the long-term budget butcher in San Juan’s Plaza Grin & Win, you could win up to Thousands of Puerto crisis. Mercado food market, said $1,000 instantly! If you reveal a grin Ricans stood outside the Under the agreement, his business was down by Capitol on Thursday, pres- government workers re- half during the shutdown. symbol that will double your prize... suring lawmakers to follow sumed work on Monday— “It’s an ugly and serious Odds are, You’ll have Fun. through on their pledge to and will receive pay for the situation,” Massanet said. back the commission’s rec- days they missed since the “All Puerto Rican society is ommended solution. Some shutdown began on May 1, in anguish.” La Prensa Columbus Staff expressed concern that allowing life to gradually During the shutdown, Culturas Publications, Inc., d.b.a. Pedro Rossello, a former return to normal. families chipped in to help La Prensa Newspaper governor and the leader of A half-million students, jobless relatives, cut back on ¡Tinta con Sabor! Columbus, Ohio the opposition New Progres- likewise, returned to class spending or looked for other VENTAS: [email protected] sive Party, had warned that on Monday when the nearly jobs. Marivel Aguirre-Aranda, Columbus, Ohio lawmakers weren’t obligated 1,600 public schools that Despite political leaders’ to abide by the agreement. closed on May 1 reopened. pledge to resolve the gov- Columbus Sales Manager [email protected] “They’re talking about an Anxiety turned to relief ernment shutdown, thou- 614-517-9200 www.laprensa1.com agreement but this march Thursday for public sector sands of people marched to demonstrates that we don’t employees. Hours before the the Capitol last Thursday to La Prensa Lorain & Cleveland Staff Culturas Publications, Inc., d.b.a. trust the politicians,” said agreement was announced, press lawmakers to stick to La Prensa Newspaper Victor Villalba, president of José Vázquez González sat their word. ¡Tinta con Sabor! 205 West 20th Street, one of the largest public-sec- on a beach near the Capitol Wilhelm Sack, president Suite M-265 tor employee unions. with his wife and two chil- of the 500-member Hotel VENTAS: Lorain, OH 44052 Rossello issued a state- dren, wondering when he and Tourism Association, Rubén Torres, Lorain & Cleveland ment later supporting the could go back to work. He said 20 percent of reserva- 440-320-8221 or 440-213-7329 [email protected] commission’s recommenda- and other government work- tions were canceled during Distribution: Lemuel Llorens www.laprensa1.com tion, but saying he believed ers struggled to pay bills the shutdown, apparently the sales tax should be as while the governor and op- because of travelers’ fears low as possibly, around 4 position-dominated legisla- the shutdown would affect La Prensa Newspaper Staff percent, and that he opposes ture bickered over how to their vacation or business the use of loans to solve the erase the budget deficit. trips to the island. Culturas Publications, Inc. Publisher Rebecca McQueen Business Manager Writers, et al. Wanted Editorial: La Prensa is interested in journalistic/holistic/paranormal ar- Carla Soto-Cruz Entertainment Editor ticles, essays, commentaries, healing-thought-pieces, poems, car- Marivel Aguirre-Aranda Columbus Correspondent toons, art, photos, puzzles and other brainbashers, songs, and Alan Abrams Senior Correspondent other provocative items, for possible publication in the weekly, Fletcher Word Political Correspondent bilingual publication known as La Prensa, publishing since 1989. Ricardo Urrutia Political Correspondent We also post many of these items on our web site at Wendy Cuellar de García Detroit Correspondent www.laprensa1.com. We pay $$$ for these published items. Davide García Cartoonist, Spanglish, Pau & Yami Bilingualism preferred (Spanish/English).
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