The Communlty Report of Congresbury Parish Plan Steering Group IssueI September2007 DocumentPage I of 35 List of Contents Introduction page 3 TheMain Themes page 6 Recommendations page g AnnexA SteeringGroup - Termsof Reference page 10 .AnnexB VillageSurvey - Summaryof Findings page 11 AnnexC FacilitiesSurvey - Summaryof findings page 17 AnnexD BusinessSurvey - Summaryof Findings page 20 AnnexE YouthSurvey - Summaryof Findings page 22 AnnexF Villagelssues page 23 AnnexG Goodldeas from Survey page 27 AnnexH CurrentParish Council Initiatives page 2g AnnexI CharacterStatement- Current Status page 2g Issue I September2007 DocumentPage2 of 35 CongresburyParish Plan - 2007 CommunityReport lntroduction At the requestof the ParishCouncil a SteeringGroup was formallyestablished to producea ParishPlan and it heldits first working meeting in September2005. One of the initialtasks was to reviewthe 1998Village Character Statement and to seewhat progress had beenmade against its originalrecommendations. Fundingwas soughtand obtainedfrom outside sources, Community Action and Quartet. Thismeant that less than 30% of the totalfunding came from the ParishCouncil, i.e. the community,itself. A'Dropin event'washeld at thebeginning of 2006to bothawaken public awareness and identifytheir area of concerns.The informationobtained from this and othersources was usedto createsurveys of the completevillage population together with localbusinesses. Thesesurveys were analysed and the resultshave been used to providea reportto the ParishCouncil for theirreview. The reportwas adoptedby the ParishCouncil and the documentwill be usedby themto completethe ParishPlan for Congresbury.This will be in theform of an ActionPlan for the villagebased on the SteeringGroup report. The SteeringGroup believes that the issuesto be addressedin the CongresburyParish Planfall into5 distinct'themes'.These themes should be usedto providethe ActionPlan structure,and as a basisfor futurethought and action on the futureof Congresbury. The th'emesare: . Governance.Power and lnfluence o lndividuals,Community and Society . A BalancedCommunity . Facilitiesand Amenities . Our Environment Althoughthis report identifies many areas of concernfor the futureof Congresburyit shouldbe notedthat most people see these as waysin whichsomething which is fundamentallygood can be madeeven better. Quite a lot of people,particularly the more elderly,were in fact happyto leavethings as theyare. In particularthe relativelypeaceful and unspoiltrural situation of Congresburywas highlyprized by manyand citedas their reasonfor livinghere. Thisreport could not havebeen produced without the tremendouslevel of village engagementin the wholeprocess, i.e. membership of Steeringand Working Groups, distributionand collectionof questionnairesand supportfrom village clubs, organisations and businesses. Specialefforts have been made throughout the processto keepthe communityas a whole,and the ParishCouncil in particular,fully aware of the progressof the activitiesof the SteeringGroup. lssueI September2007 DocumentPage 3 of 35 CongresburyParish Plan - 2007 CommunityReport The reportdraws on 18 monthsof researchand analysisof the challengesand opportunitiesfacing Congresbury today. lt is basedon a numberof sourcesof informationas follows: The AdultSurvey A questionnairewas deliveredto all adultresidents of the village.Over 50% responded eitherin writingor online.A summaryof the findingsis at AnnexB. A listof 'Goodldeas' not includedin otherreference materials, is at AnnexG. The eldermembers of the communitywere much more active in respondingto the questionnairethan the younger ones. The 50%of the adultpopulation who are aged50 and overcontributed 65% of the completedquestionnaires. The FacilitiesSurvey A questionnairewas completedby localclubs organisations, and facility owners. The findingsare summarisedat AnnexC. The BusinessSurvey A questionnairewas delivered to 68 localbusinesses .71 % responded.The findings are summarisedat AnnexD. TheYouth Survey About200 youngpeople, about 30% of the youthpopulation, completed a questionnaire.The findings are summarised at AnnexE. OpenConsultations Two 'dropin' eventswere held, before and afterthe surveys.These allowed any resident of the villageto statetheir views on villageissues that they thought required attention. Reviewof Currentlssues Membersof the SteeringGroup conducted their own brainstormingof the issuesfacing thevillage and this is summarizedat AnnexF. ParishCouncil Initiatives The ParishCouncil has, of course,been engaged in a wholerange of activitiesand initiatives.Their current initiatives are summarisedat AnnexH. 1998 CharacterStatement Thisessential document was remainsan excellentsource of informationand containsa numberof recommendations.Whilst there has beenmuch progress, it is notedthat not all of the recommendationshave yet beencarried out. AnnexI liststhe currentstate of progressagainst recommendations. IssueI September2007 DocumentPage 4 of 35 CongresburyParish Plan - 2007 CommunityReport Whenpreparing the finalAction plan for Congresburythe following major sources of informationwill also need to betaken into account: a) NorthSomerset Local Plan b) GreaterBristol Strategic Transport Study c) BristolInternationalAirport Master Plan d) JointLocaltransport Plan Issue I September2007 DocumentPage 5 of 35 CongresburyParish Plan - 2007 CommunityReport The MainThemes We, the SteeringGroup members, now describe the keyissues within each theme, and listthe actionswe feelshould be takento addressthose issues. Theme 1 - Governance, Power and Influence. We founda generalview that Congresbury, as a village,lacks the powerit needsto defineits own future.There was a sensethat the ParishCouncil did an adequatejob, butthat the realdecisions weretaken elsewhere, and that communication within the villagewas notas goodas people wouldwish. It seemsclear, therefore, that there is a needfor stronger,more transparent, trusted mechanisms for makingdecisions and for takingactions on behalfof the villageas a whole. At the sametime, the villagerequires a strongerability to influencedecision makers in extemalbodies, when their decisionsaffect what happens in Congresbury.In short,we needto increasethe leverageof Congresburyto the pointwhere we areseen as a forceto be reckonedwith. Key Actions: . lmprovethe coordinationof decisionmaking on majorissues within the village. Enhancethe qualityand quantityof communicationwithin the village. o Developstronger and moreactive links with key external bodiesand individuals. Theme 2 - Individuals,Community and Society Whilewe knowthat many people do tremendousthings for the village,we didfind that less people wereactively involved in the lifeof Congresbury- organising, helping, taking a leadwith village life and events- thanin the past. In addition,standards of publicbehaviour were seen to be in decline- whichmade a perceivedlack of policepresence especially regrettable. And thereare pressureson some,especially the young,which lead to behaviourthat harms both the individuals themselvesand the village at large. We seea needto developstrategies that will help people to act 'socially',rather than 'anti-socially' - to engagepositively in thingsthat make the villagework as a community.These strategies needto be sufficientlybroad to applyto allthe differentgroups of peoplethat live in the village. Key Actions: Createa processfor engagingand informingnewcomers to the village. Developmore active ways of puttingindividuals in touchwith village organisations. Developa senseof pridein the villageenvironment. Supportyouth activities and organisations and ensure young people are moreinvolved in the lifeof the village. Aim to workwith the policeand related agencies and involvevillagers in counteringanti socialbehaviour. IssueI September2007 DocumentPase 6 of 35 CongresburyParish Plan - 2007 CommunityReport Theme 3 - A Balanced Community. Therewas an understandingthat we neededto retaina gooddemographic mix in the village, avoidinga biastowards any onegroup. Equally,people recognised that the villagebenefited from havingsuccessful local businesses. However, we founda strongview that the villagewas alreadyvery full: there was a'fearthat any increasein the numberof buildingswould place the environment(built and natural)atrisk. The planningchallenge, therefore, is to ensurethat Congresbury remains a balancedcommunity in whichpensioners, families, young couples, students, teenagers and childrenare all present, providedfor and recognised,and in whichcommercial activity can alsothrive. And we needto do thisin a waythat preservesthe things we prizeabout the environment. KeyActions: o Preparea Congresburyhousing and developmentstrategy for agreementwith North SomersetDistrict Council with particular reference to affordablehousing. r Reviewprinciples against which development applications are judged. Theme 4 - Facilitiesand Amenities. We foundmuch disquiet over the threatsto keyservices in the village,schools, health centre, library,post office, etc. Therewas also much debate over the futureof the mainfacilities, MemorialHall, Recreation Club, Old SchoolRooms, etc. Busand train services were seen as expensive,and unsuitedto the needsof commuters. We see a clearneed to workto keepand enhance the facilitiesthat providelocal solutions to local needs,help to defineus as a communi$,and linkus to the widerarea of NorthSomerset and GreaterBristol. We needto developa planfor villageamenities that reflect the needsof the villageas a whole,in all its diversity,over
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