Prutsch, Markus J. "Index." Caesarism in the Post-Revolutionary Age. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 281–290. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 26 Sep. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 26 September 2021, 07:36 UTC. Copyright © Markus J. Prutsch 2020. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. I n d e x Abraham Africanus I 154 comparison with Napoleon III 134–48 absolutism 57, 97–9, 126–30, 132–3, constitutional status 137–41, 143–5 156–7, 172–3, 195, 215 democratic-plebiscitary legitimacy Albisson, Jean 30–1 142–3 Alexander the Great 18, 27, 33, 36, 38, 53, imperialism 143–5 55, 232 n. 121 negative integration 134 Alexander I 6 Prachtschrift 131 Alexander II 111 social imperialism 134–5 American Declaration of Independence 15 social policies 145–6 American Revolution 9, 13–14, 25 suff rage 142–3 United States Constitution 13, 25 Weber, Max 177–9, 184–5 Arendt, Hannah 201, 206, 257 n. 66 Blankenburg, Heinrich 120 Origins of Totalitarianism, Th e 201 Verfassung und innere Politik des Arnould, Ambroise-Henry 30 zweiten Kaiserreichs 120 d’Artois, Henri, Comte de Chambord 158 B ö hmer, Johann Friedrich 57 Augustus 33, 41, 58, 75, 97, 199, 239 n. 45 Bollman, Karl authoritarianism 2–3, 201–2 Vertheidigung des Macchiavellismus 122–3 Baden 48, 53 Bonald, Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise de 42 Bagehot, Walter 152–3, 248-9 n. 18 Bonaparte, Louis-Napol é on (Napoleon III) Caesarism as it now exists 152 7, 35, 69–71, 116–17, 219–21 Collapse of Caesarism, Th e 152–3 L’analyse de la question des sucres 70 banking 104 anti-parliamentarism and Barni, Jules 106–7, 112 authoritarianism 139–42 La morale dans la d é mocratie 106 Bagehot, Walter 152–3, 248–9 n. 18 Barr è s, Auguste-Maurice 166 Bollman, Karl 123 L’appel au soldat 166 Caesarism 97, 107, 115–17, 152 Baumgarten, Hermann 124–5 charisma 105, 117, 221 Der deutsche Liberalismus. Eine comparison with Bismarck, Otto von Selbstkritik 124 134–48 Bavaria 48, 53 constitutional status 137–9 Belgium 54, 62, 132 coup of 1851 80–90 Bennett, James Gordon, Jr. 155 democratic-plebiscitary legitimacy 142–3 Berlier, Th é ophile 29–30 Donoso Cort é s, Juan 73, 75–6 Bismarck, Otto von 111, 130–48, 174–7, economic and social reformism 102–4 221–2 electoral support 105–10, 139, 220 amalgamation policy 134 Extinction du paup é risme 70 anti-parliamentarism and Histoire de Jules C é sar 97, 156 authoritarianism 139–42 Des Id é es Napol é oniennes 70 Bonapartism 130–48 imperialism 110–15, 145 Caesarism 130–48, 176, 179, 248 n. 18 legitimacy, political 102–3, 112 281 282 Index Marx, Karl 87, 100–2 Blankenburg, Heinrich 120 military defeat 114–15 comparison with Gaullism 209–10 Mommsen, Th eodor 96–7 defi nitions 110 Mundt, Th eodor 99–100, 115 democracy 107 National Socialism 200 Frantz, Constantin 92–3 perceptions of 84–102 Germany 94, 125–30 plebiscite 82, 84, 89, 106, 109–10, 115, Marx, Karl 87, 100–2 117, 159, 220, 231 n. 77, 240 n. 87–8 Michels, Robert 197–8 R ê veries politiques 70 Mundt, Th eodor 99–100, 115 Romieu, Fran ç ois-Auguste 76–80 Radowitz, Joseph Maria von 93–4 Segesser, Philipp Anton von 98–9 Segesser, Philipp Anton von 98–9 social policies 70–1, 104–5, 145 socialism 100 social reform 70–1, 100, 104–5, 116 Spengler, Oswald 189–90 suff rage 105–7, 142–3 Bouhler, Philipp Bonaparte, Lucien 23, 26, 27 Napoleon. Kometenbahn eines Genies Bonaparte, Napoleon (Napoleon I) 7, 9, 16, 200 21–2, 217 Boulanger, Georges Ernest 161–4, 200, 222–3 18 Brumaire 23–4, 27, 30–1, 37–8, 43 Boulangism 162–7, 170, 183–4, 222–3 achievements 28–9 Bourbon Restoration 47–50 Bouhler, Philipp 200 Brazil 132 charisma 31, 36 Britain 2, 95, 104–5, 107, 113, 150–4, 180, church 46 183, 204, 227 n. 3 (see also England) Constitution of the Year VIII 24–6, 28, Buchholz, Friedrich 38 44, 217, 230 n. 62 Burke, Edmund 19–20, 43–4, 217 dictatorship 32, 72–3 Refl ections on the Revolution in France downfall 33–4, 111 19–20 hereditary empire 27–34 legitimacy, political 46, 51–2, 64 Cadoudal, Georges 29 military failure 33, 45, 111 Caesar, Julius 18–19, 82, 96–7, 152 military success 22, 33, 45 Mommsen, Th eodor 96 myth of 34–5, 45, 53–5, 64–5, 69–70 parallels with Bonaparte 26–8, 33–6, National Socialism 199–200 45, 53, 55, 77, 96–7 parallels with Alexander the Great 27, parallels with Lincoln 154–5, 249 n. 27 33, 36, 38, 53, 55, 232 n. 121 usurpation 41 parallels with Caesar 26–8, 33–6, 45, Caesarism 4–5, 44, 66, 97–8, 149–50, 183 53, 55, 77, 96–7 ( see also Bonapartism and parallels with Charlemagne 27, 32, Boulangism and German 36–7, 51, 232 n. 94 Caesarism) perceptions of 36–43, 53, 64, 85 Weber, Max 177–82 plebiscite 25–6, 28, 31, 44, 217, comparative study 209–12 231 n. 77 comparison with populism 213–14 popular support 44–5 defi nitions 4, 8, 152, 158, 180 Pr é cis des guerres de C é sar 35 democracy, relation to 224–6 prestige 168 dictionary defi nitions 151, 158, 170–1, propaganda 22, 29, 32–3, 34–5, 45 227 n. 5, 254 n. 183 rise to power 22–36 explicit legacy 203–12 Bonapartism 8, 36–43, 46–66, 149, 217–19, legacy 203–14 227 n. 6 ( see also Napoleonic Idea) parliamentary 180–2 Bismarck, Otto von 130–48 political theory 203–9 Index 283 qualitative 204 Constitution of the Fift h French Republic quantitative 204 210–12 studying 7–11 Constitution of the Year III 16 substantial legacy 203, 212–14 Constitution of the Year VIII 24–6, 28, 44, totalitarianism, comparison with 202–3 217, 230 n. 62 Camphausen, Wilhelm 147 Constitution of the Year X 28 Carlyle, Th omas Constitution of the Year XII 28 French Revolution: A History, Th e 58 constitutional monarchism 47–9, 52, 63–4, On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the 72, 137–8, 218 Heroic in History 58–9 France 47–9, 52, 63–4, 127–8, 137–8 Carnot, Lazare 30 Germany 127–8, 137 Carret, Michel 30 Romieu, Fran ç ois-Auguste 77 Carrion-Nisas, Henri de 30 Sch ä ffl e, Albert 173 Cavaignac, Louis-Eug è ne 71 Consular Constitution 24–26, 28, 44, 217 Cavour, Camillo 124–5, 156 see also Constitution of the Year Le C é sarisme 160–1 VIII charisma 6–7, 17, 228 n. 12 (see also heroes) Crimean War 104, 110–11, 113, 123, 131 Bonaparte, Louis-Napol é on 105, 117, crisis 5, 6, 43 221 Cromwell, Oliver 23, 26, 72, 120, 218 Bonaparte, Napoleon 31, 36 crowd psychology 167–70 Boulanger, Georges Ernest 165 dictionary defi nitions 254 n. 183 de Gaulle, Charles 209–12, 224 Guizot, Fran ç ois 51 de Riencourt, Amaury 207–9 Hitler, Adolf 200, 256 n. 58 L’ère des nouveaux c é sars 207 Michels, Robert 197–9 democracy 1–3, 215, 224–6 ( see also mass Mussolini, Benito 198–9, 256 n. 54 democracy) Pétain, Philippe 209, 257 n. 97 Barni, Jules 106–7 Rist, Johann Georg 53–4 Bonaparte, Louis-Napol é on 105–10 Robespierre, Maximilien 21 Conservative Revolution 193 Weber, Max 181–2, 185, 187, 223, despotism 50–1, 59–62, 64, 152–3 254 n. 167 development 5–6 Wilhelm II 252 n. 132 dictatorship, relation to 3–4, 58–62, 65, Charlemagne 27, 32, 36–7, 51, 55, 97, 193–4, 215–16 232 n. 94 Diezel, Gustav 94–5 Charles X 113, 158 Frantz, Constantin 92–3 Chateaubriand, Fran ç ois-Ren é de 37, 85 Germany 94–5, 192–3 M é moires d’Outre-Tombe 37 Heine, Heinrich 55–6 Chesnelong, Pierre-Charles 108 liberal 1 civilization 189–90 Maine, Henry James Sumner 153 Committee of Public Safety 15, 21 threats to 2–3, 224–6 communism 56, 71–2, 86, 91, 93, 99–100, Tocqueville, Alexis de 59–62 194–5 transitional 2 conceptual history 4, 7, 9, 227 n. 8 Weber, Max 180, 185–6 Conservative Revolution 191–3, 196–7 Western 1–2, 215 Constant, Benjamin 39–43, 46, 49–50, despotism 40–2, 49–51 (see also 217–18 dictatorship) De l’esprit de conqu ê te et de l’usurpation Barni, Jules 112 dans leurs rapports avec la Constant, Benjamin 40–1, 46, 49 civilisation europ é enne 39, 49 democratic 50–1, 59–62, 65, 152–3 284 Index feudal 50 First World War 10, 137, 176, 182, 184, Gerlach, Ludwig Friedrich Leopold 189–91 von 126–7 Fontanes, Louis-Marcelin de Guizot, Fran ç ois 50–1 Parall è le entre C é sar, Cromwell, Monck Hugo, Victor 86 et Bonaparte 26–8 Luden, Heinrich 39 France 67–8, 183–4 (see also Bonaparte, military 53 Louis-Napol é on and Bonaparte, monarchical 50 Napoleon and French Revolution) religious 50 banking 104 Tocqueville, Alexis de 59–61, 65 Bonaparte, Lucien 23, 26–7 dictatorship 3–4, 57–8, 215 (see also Boulangism 162–7, 170, 183–4, 222–3 despotism) Bourbon Restoration 47–50 Bonaparte, Napoleon 32, 72–3 cohabitation 211–12 commissarial 20–1, 79, 92, 194–5 constitutional monarchism 47–9, 52, democratic 3–4, 58–62, 65, 193–4, 63–4, 127–8, 137–8 215–16 de Gaulle, Charles 209–12, 224 dictionary defi nitions 57–8 economic and social reformism 102–4 Donoso Cort é s, Juan 73–5 economy 67–8 Frantz, Constantin 92 First Empire 30–4, 99, 110, 112, 116 Neumann, Franz 205–6 Fift h Republic 209–12 Romieu, Fran ç ois-Auguste 76–80 foreign policy 112–13 Schmitt, Carl 20, 194–6 Franco-Prussian War 113–15, 119, 143, simple 205 157, 220–1 sovereign 20–1, 194–5 imperialism 110–15 totalitarian 205–6 industrialization 70, 100 Diezel, Gustav 94–5, 100, 120, 124, 220 Jacobins, the 15–16, 21, 24, 26, 37, 46, Deutschland und die abendl ä ndische 156–7, 159 Civilisation 94 July Monarchy 52, 64, 67–8, 76, 112–13, Frankreich, seine Elemente und ihre 158, 219, 237 n.
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