Astrophysique/Astrophysics Revues avec relecteurs/Journals with referees Références [1] P. Léna. Adaptive optics : a breakthrough in astronomy. Experimental Astro- nomy, 26 :35–48, August 2009. [2] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, P. Léna, E. Gendron, and F. Lacombe. The Galactic Centre at infrared wavelengths : towards the highest spatial resolution. Comptes Rendus Physique, 8 :26–34, January 2007. [3] G. Perrin, J. Woillez, O. Lai, J. Guérin, T. Kotani, P. L. Wizinowich, D. Le Mignant, M. Hrynevych, J. Gathright, P. Léna, F. Chaffee, S. Vergnole, L. De- lage, F. Reynaud, A. J. Adamson, C. Berthod, B. Brient, C. Collin, J. Créte- net, F. Dauny, C. Deléglise, P. Fédou, T. Goeltzenlichter, O. Guyon, R. Hulin, C. Marlot, M. Marteaud, B.-T. Melse, J. Nishikawa, J.-M. Reess, S. T. Ridgway, F. Rigaut, K. Roth, A. T. Tokunaga, and D. Ziegler. Interferometric coupling of the Keck telescopes with single-mode fibers. Science, 311 :194, January 2006. [4] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, P. Léna, and O. Marco. The infrared emission of the dust clouds close to Sgr A*. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 54 :386–390, December 2006. [5] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, O. Marco, P. Léna, N. Ageorges, and E. Gendron. A dual emission mechanism in Sgr A* ar L’ band. A&A, 439 :L9– L13, August 2005. [6] P. Léna. Astronomie et optique : un couple heureux. Journal de Physique IV, 119 :51–56, November 2004. [7] M. Glanc, E. Gendron, D. Lafaille, J.-F. Le Gargasson, and P. Léna. Towards wide-field retinal imaging with adaptive optics. Optics Communications, pages 225–238, 2004. [8] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, F. Lacombe, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, T. Ott, R. Schödel, and P. Léna. Detection of the Sgr A* activity at 3.8 and 4.8 µm with NACO. A&A, 424 :L21–L25, September 2004. [9] P. Léna. Astronomical optical interferometry : an assessment. Academie des Sciences Paris Comptes Rendus Serie Physique Astrophysique, 2 :7–15, January 2001. 1 [10] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, E. Gendron, J. Montri, F. Rigaut, P. Léna, and F. La- combe. Adaptive optics L-band observations of the Galactic Center region. A&A, 376 :124–135, September 2001. [11] P. Léna. Perspectives de l’optique astronomique. Académie des Sciences Paris Comptes Rendus Série B Sciences Physiques, 325 :33–33, July 1997. [12] P. Léna. Adaptive Optics : Astronomical Results and Perspectives. Experimen- tal Astronomy, 7 :281–284, 1997. [13] J.-M. Mariotti, V. Coudé du Foresto, G. Perrin, P. Zhao, and P. Léna. Inter- ferometric connection of large ground-based telescopes. A&AS, 116 :381–393, April 1996. [14] E. Gendron and P. Léna. Single Layer Atmospheric Turbulence Demonstrated by Adaptive Optics Observations. Ap&SS, 239 :221–228, September 1996. [15] C. J. Cesarsky, A. Abergel, P. Agnese, B. Altieri, J. L. Augueres, H. Aussel, A. Biviano, J. Blommaert, J. F. Bonnal, F. Bortoletto, O. Boulade, F. Boulan- ger, S. Cazes, D. A. Cesarsky, A. Chedin, A. Claret, M. Combes, J. Cretolle, J. K. Davies, F. X. Desert, D. Elbaz, J. J. Engelmann, G. Epstein, A. Frances- chini, P. Gallais, R. Gastaud, M. Gorisse, S. Guest, T. Hawarden, D. Imbault, M. Kleczewski, F. Lacombe, D. Landriu, J. Lapègue, P. Léna, M. S. Longair, R. Mandolesi, L. Metcalfe, N. Mosquet, L. Nordh, K. Okumura, S. Ott, M. Per- ault, F. Perrier, P. Persi, P. Puget, T. Purkins, Y. Rio, T. Robert, D. Rouan, A. Roy, O. Saint-Pé, J. Sam Lone, A. Sargent, M. Sauvage, F. Sibille, R. Sie- benmorgen, F. Sirou, A. Soufflot, J. L. Starck, D. Tiphene, D. Tran, G. Ventura, L. Vigroux, F. Vivares, and R. Wade. ISOCAM in flight. A&A, 315 :L32–L37, November 1996. [16] P.-Q. Zhao, B.-F. Zhou, P. Léna, V. Coudé du Foresto, X.-R. Jiang, J.-M. Ma- riotti, and F. Reynaud. Fiber optic delay line and its feasibility for application to coherent telescope arrays. Chinese Astron. Astrophys., 19 :399–400, February 1995. [17] P. Zhao, B. Zhou, P. Léna, V. Coudé du Foresto, X. Jiang, J.-M. Mariotti, and F. Reynaud. Fiber optic delay line and its feasibility study for the application to coherent telescope array. Acta Astronomica Sinica, 36 :86–92, March 1995. [18] P. Zhao, J.-M. Mariotti, V. Coudé du Foresto, P. Léna, and F. Reynaud. Po- larization effects and their minimization in an infrared single-mode fibre-optic double-Fourier stellar interferometer. Journal of Modern Optics, 42 :2533–2550, December 1995. [19] G. Vauclair, A. Achterberg, J. Narlikar, J. Lub, H. van der Laan, J. I. Sakai, C. J. Schrijver, C. de Jager, P. Léna, D. Vanbeveren, J. Audouze, and E. P. J. van den Heuvel. Book-Review - Isolated Pulsars. Space Sci. Rev., 73 :435–444, August 1995. 2 [20] E. Gendron and P. Léna. Astronomical adaptive optics. II. Experimental results of an optimized modal control. A&AS, 111 :153, May 1995. [21] E. Gendron and P. Léna. Astronomical adaptive optics. 1 : Modal control optimization. A&A, 291 :337–347, November 1994. [22] F. Malbet, F. Rigaut, C. Bertout, and P. Léna. Detection of a 400-AU Disk like Structure Surrounding the Young Stellar Object Z Canis Majoris. A&A, 271 :L9, April 1993. [23] C. Dougados, P. Léna, S. T. Ridgway, J. C. Christou, and R. G. Probst. Near- infrared imaging of the Becklin-Neugebauer-IRc2 region in Orion with subarc- second resolution. ApJ, 406 :112–121, March 1993. [24] F. Rigaut, J. G. Cuby, M. Caes, J. L. Monin, M. Vittot, J. C. Richard, G. Rous- set, and P. Léna. Visible and infrared wavefront sensing for astronomical adap- tive optics. A&A, 259 :L57–L60, June 1992. [25] C. Dougados, D. Rouan, and P. Léna. Measure of the grain velocity structure in the circumstellar envelope ’Frosty Leo’. A&A, 253 :464–474, January 1992. [26] F. Rigaut, G. Rousset, P. Kern, J. C. Fontanella, J. P. Gaffard, F. Merkle, and P. Léna. Adaptive optics on a 3.6-m telescope - Results and performance. A&A, 250 :280–290, October 1991. [27] F. Malbet, P. Léna, and C. Bertout. A large disk-like structure around the young stellar object Z CMa. The Messenger, 66 :32–33, December 1991. [28] P. Léna. Adaptive Optics. Science, 251 :854, February 1991. [29] J. C. Fontanella, G. Rousset, and P. Léna. Adaptive optics, a key element of the European Very Large Telescope. Journal of Optics, 22 :99–111, March 1991. [30] P. Léna and F. Merkle. The interferometric mode of the European Very Large Telescope. Ap&SS, 160 :363–368, October 1989. [31] P. Léna. Perspectives in observational cosmology. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 28 :1139–1149, September 1989. [32] F. Lacombe, D. Tiphène, D. Rouan, P. Léna, and M. Combes. Imagery with infrared arrays. I - Ground-based system and astronomical performances. A&A, 215 :211–217, May 1989. [33] A. A. Chalabaev and P. Léna. The wind of NGC 2024-IRS 2 - High resolution spectroscopy of Brackett lines. A&A, 168 :L7–L10, November 1986. [34] P. B. van der Wal, B. G. Anandarao, D. Rouan, P. Léna, and M. de Muizon. An array photometer for airborne far infrared astronomy. Ap&SS, 117 :209–216, December 1985. 3 [35] F. Roddier and P. Léna. Long-baseline Michelson interferometry with large ground-based telescopes operating at optical wavelengths. II - Interferometry at infrared wavelengths. Journal of Optics, 15 :363–374, December 1984. [36] F. Roddier and P. Léna. Long-baseline Michelson interferometry with large ground-based telescopes operating at optical wavelengths. I - General forma- lism : Interferometry at visible wavelengths. Journal of Optics, 15 :171–182, August 1984. [37] D. R. Jiang, C. Perrier, and P. Léna. NGC 2024 No. 2 - Infrared speckle interferometry and nature of the source. A&A, 135 :249–254, June 1984. [38] A. Chelli, C. Perrier, and P. Léna. The sub-arc second structure of IRc2 at 5 microns. ApJ, 280 :163–169, May 1984. [39] J. M. Mariotti, A. Chelli, F. Sibille, R. Foy, P. Léna, and G. Tchountonov. Infrared speckle imaging - Improvement of the method ; results on Miras and protostars. A&A, 120 :237–248, April 1983. [40] F. Viallefond, J. J. Wijnbergen, P. Léna, M. de Muizon, D. Rouan, and C. Ni- collier. Far infrared emission from the galactic plane. I - Observations at the galactic longitude l/II/ 27.5 deg. A&A, 83 :22–25, March 1980. [41] M. de Muizon, D. Rouan, P. Léna, C. Nicollier, and J. Wijnbergen. Far infrared study of molecular clouds - Dust temperature profiles in S 140, IC 1396, RCrA. A&A, 83 :140–148, March 1980. [42] F. Sibille, A. Chelli, and P. Léna. Infrared speckle interferometry. A&A, 79 :315– 328, November 1979. [43] M. Leroy, L. M. Celnikier, and P. Léna. Infrared astronomy data as a means of probing stratospheric turbulence. Infrared Physics, 19 :523–531, October 1979. [44] P. Léna. High spatial resolution via near-infrared interferometry. Journal of Optics, 10 :323–328, December 1979. [45] R. Foy, A. Chelli, P. Léna, and F. Sibille. Angular diameter of IRC 10216, Mira, R CAS and GL 2591 in the near infrared. A&A, 79 :L5–L8, October 1979. [46] R. Courtin, P. Léna, M. de Muizon, D. Rouan, C. Nicollier, and J. Wijnbergen. Far-infrared photometry of planets - Saturn and Venus. Icarus, 38 :411–419, June 1979. [47] A. Chelli, P. Léna, and F. Sibille. Angular dimensions of accreting young stars. Nature, 278 :143–146, March 1979. [48] A. Chelli, P. Léna, C. Roddier, F. Roddier, and F. Sibille. Modulation Trans- fer Function for Infra-red Stellar Speckle Interferometry : Evidence for a Log- normal Statistic. Optica Acta, 26 :583–595, May 1979.
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