Report Title - p. 1 of 120 Report Title A Collection of voyages and travels : some now first printed from original manuscripts : others translated out of foreign languages and now first publish'd in English : to which are added some few that have formerly appear'd in English. Compiled by Awnsham and John Churchill. Vol. 1-4. (London : Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, 1704). [Enthält] : Introduction : Locke, John. The whole history of navigation from its original to this time. Vol. 1. Navarette, Dominic Fernandez. An account of the empire of China, historical, political, moral, and religious. Übersetzung von Navarette, Domingo Fernandez de. Tratados historicos, politicos, y religiosos de la monarchia de China. Vol. 2 : Nieuhoff, John. John Nieuhoff's remarkable voyages and travels into Brazil and the best parts of the East-Indies. Übersetzung von Neuhof, Johann [Nieuhof, Johan]. Die Gesandtschaft der Ost-Indischen Geselschaft in den Vereinigten Niederländern. Vol. 3 : Baldaeus, Philip. Sir William Monson's naval tracts : a true and exact description of the most celebrated East-India coast of Malabar and Coromandel, and of the island of Ceylon, with all the adjacent countries. Vol. 4 : Careri, John Francis Gemelli. A voyage round the world. Übersetzung von Careri, Giovanni Francesco Gemelli. Giro del mondo. https://archive.org/details/collectionofvoya03chur. [WC] A complete view of the Chinese empire : exhibited in a geographical description of that country, a dissertation on its antiquity, and a genuine and copious account of Earl Macartney's embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China. (London : C. Cawthorn, 1798). [George Macartney]. https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008686978. [WC] A dialogue concerning the being of God, between two Chinese and an European, at Canton in China. (Edinburgh : W. Sands, 1769). A List of plants and seeds, wanted from China and Japan ; to which directions for bringing them to Europe. (London : [s.n.], 1789). [WC] A new list of fifty two ships gone to the East-Indies, in less than two years, with above two millions of bullion : and of fifty ships that went in seven years, from December 1690 to 1697 : with a list of twenty six ships belonging to the Old East-India Company ; with their tonns, guns, men, and cargoo's : also an account of ten ships arrived from East-India and China, since the 20th. of May last, with above five hundred thousand pieces of wrought goods ; and of three ships which arrived since the 20th. of January, which have brought in above one hundred thousand pieces of wrought silks, stuffs, and calico's, and not one pound of raw silk. With remarks and queries thereupon. (London : [s.n.], 1700). [WC] A true account of the present state of Christianity in China : with full satisfaction to the behaviour of the Jesuits. As also the Pope's determination, which has been kept so long a secret. 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Geschichte der Schiffahrten und Versuche, welche zur Entdeckung der Nordöstlichen Wege nach Japan und China von verschiedenen Nationen unternommen worden : zum Behufe der Erdbeschreibung und Naturgeschichte dieser Gegenden. (Halle : Johann Justinus Gebauer, 1768). [Deu] Ai, Rulüe [Aleni, Giulio]. Xing xue cu shu. (Minzhong, Fuzhou : The church built by imperioal order, 1623). [Publ. 1646]. [Einführung in die Wissenschaft der menschlichen Natur]. [KVK] Alemand, Louis-Augustin ; Boym, Michel [Michael Piotr] ; Hervieu, Julien Placide. Les secrets de la medecine des chinois : consistant en la parfaite connoissance du pouls. Envoyez de la Chine par un françois homme de grand merite. (Grenoble : Philippes Charuys, 1671). Aleni, Giulio. Di zui zheng gui. (Minzhong : Jing jiao tang, 1627). = Di zui zheng gui lüe. ([S.l. : s.n.], um 1630). [Sakrament der Busse]. / [CCT,WC] Aleni, Giulio. San shan lun xue ji. (Minzhong : Tian zhu tang, ca. 1629). [Theologische Abhandlung]. [CCT] Aleni, Giulio. Tian zhu jiang sheng yan xing ji lüe. (Jinjiang : Jing jiao tang, 1635). [Erklärung des Evangeliums und des Lebens und der Handlungen von Christus]. [Vat] Aleni, Giulio. Xi fang da wen. (Jinjiang : Jing jiao tang, 1637). [Fragen und Antworten über den Westen]. [Ber 1] Aleni, Giulio. Xi xue fan. (Hangzhou : [s.n.], 1623). Reprint. (Minzhong : Qin yi tang, 1626). [Abhandlung über westliche Wissenschaften]. [CCT,New] Aleni, Giulio. Zhi fang wai ji. Bd. 1-6. (Hangzhou : [s.n.], 1623). [Universalgeographie]. [Darin enthalten] : Aleni, Giulio. Wan guo quan tu. [Eine Weltkarte]. In : Li, Zhizao. Tian xue chu han. Vol. 1-6. (Taibei : Taiwan xue sheng shu ju, 1965). [Col] Report Title - p. 3 of 120 Alexander VII. De Ritibus Sinensium Erga Confucium Philosophum Et Progenitores Mortuos Alexandri Papae VII. Decreto Permissis : Adversus librum inscriptum Historia cultus Sinensium &c. (Augustae Vindelicorum ; Dilingae : Bencard, 1701). [WC] Alexander, William. Journal of a voyage to Pekin in China on board the "Hindostan" E.I.M., which accompanied Lord Macartney on his embassy to the emperor. ([S.l. : s.n.], 1792-1794). [MS British Museum]. [WC] Alexander, William. The costume of China. Bd. 1-6 in 1 Bd. (London : Nicol, 1797-1800). https://archive.org/details/costumeofchinail00alex. [Wol] Alexander, William. The history of women, from the earliest antiquity, to the present time giving some account of almost every interesting particular concerning that sex, among all nations, ancient and modern. Vol. 1-2. (London : Printed for W. Strahan, and T. Cadell, 1779). https://archive.org/details/historyofwomenfr01alex/page/n9. https://books.google.ch/books/about/The_History_of_Women_from_the_Earliest_A.html?id=8j0pAAAAYAAJ&redir_esc=y. [WC] Alexander, William. Views of headlands, islands, &c. taken during a voyage to, and along the eastern coast of China, in the years 1792 & 1793, etc. [4 plates.]. (London : W. Alexander, 1798). [WC] Alexandre, Noël. Apologie des Dominicains missionnaires de la Chine. Ou réponse au livre du Pere Le Tellier jesuite, intitutlé, Défense des nouveaux Chrétiens ; et à l'Eclaircissement du P. Le Gobien de la même Compagnie, Sur les honneurs que les chinois rendent à Confucius & aux mort. Par un religieux docteur & professeur en theologie de l'ordre de S. Dominique. (Cologne : Corneille d'Egmond, 1699). [Abhandlung über den Standpunkt der Dominikaner im Ritenstreit]. https://books.google.ch/books/about/Apologie_Des_Dominicains_Missionnaires_ D.html?id=LUpGAAAAcAAJ&redir_esc=y. [Wal 1] Alexandre, Noël. Conformité des ceremonies chinoises avec l'idolatrie grecque et romaine. Pour servir de confirmation à l'Apologie des Dominicains missionnaires de la Chine. Par und religieux docteur & professeur en theologie. (Cologne : Heritiers de Corneille d'Egmond, 1700). Abhandlung über die chinesischen Riten. https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_a4CpYNfUwZwC. [Wal 1] Alexandre, Noël. Documenta controversiam missionariorum apostolicorum imperii sinici de cultu praesertim Confucii philosophi & progenitorum defunctorum spectantia, ac apologiam Dominicanorum missionis sinicae ministrorum adversus libros RR. Patrum Le Tellier & Le Gobien Societatis Jesu confirmantia. (Cologne 1699). [Anhang zu Apologie des Dominicains über den Ritenstreit mit Dokumenten]. [Wal 1] Algoever, David. De mathesi sinica. (Helmstad : Georg-Wolffgangi Hammii, 1702). Diss. http://reader.digitale-sammlungen.de/resolve/display/bsb10157373.html. [WC] Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser und Lande ; oder, Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, welche bis itzo in verschiedenen Sprachen von allen Völkern herausgegeben worden… durch eine Gesellschaft gelehrter Männer im englischen zusammen getragen, und aus Demselben ins deutsch übersetzet.. Bd. 1-21. Übers. von Johann Joachim Schwabe, Abraham Gotthelf Kästner. (Leipzig : Arkstee
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