INDEX COMPILED BY THE AUTHOR 'a simple Jew' (Abraham): 14 Abraham, Esther: transported to Aaron (Moses' brother): 22-3, 26, 27, 28; Australia, 158 appointed High Priest, 29; dies, 30; an Abraham Ibn Ezra: warns against echo of the rebellion of, 49; a special gematria, 324 guest, 286 'Abraham's doors': 14 Aaron ha-Kohen, Rabbi: finds refuge, 125 Abram:Abraham's original name, 9, II Aaron's rod: 22-3 Abram, Morris: fights for human rights, Abel: and his brother Cain, 6-7 267 Aberdam, Mateusz: murdered, 215 Abramofsky, Bernard: entertains troops, Abiathar (High Priest): 42 209 Abihu (Aaron's son): 29 Absalom: raises standard of revolt, 41 Abijah: becomes king, 48-9 Abu Rudeis (Sinai): 25 Abolition of Death Penalty Bill (1960): Abu Zaid (a Muslim writer): reports on and a former conscientious objector, Jews of China, 136 264 Abulafia, Rabbi Abraham: 'false Abrabanel, Isaac: flees from Spain, 132 permutations' of, 324-5 Abraham: xvii, 8, <)-12; and Isaac, 13; and Acre (Ptolomais): 86; Maimonides in, Jacob, 16; and Hebron, 30; and the 127; Napoleon defeated at, 163; battle Promised Land, 32; and King David, for, 248 40; and Islam, 114; and the Jews of Aczel, Tamas: flees Hungary (1956),233 China, 138; George Washington offers Adam: xvii, 4-6, 7, 8,14; Martin Luther 'goodwill'to descendants of, 174; and refers to, 153; and the 'tree of the Jewish New Year liturgy, 274-5; a knowledge', 341; and a Sabbath special guest, 286; and Haman's 'ears', superstition, 357 313; and his servant Eliezer, 323; and 'Adam's Channukah Ale': a Website for, circumcision, 331 300 393 394 Index Aden: anti-Jewish violence in, 247,255 Akiva, Rabbi: I00-I;and a Passover Adler, Elkan N.: reports on the Jews of prayer, 295; and circumcision, 331 India, 141-2 Al-Hakim, Caliph: anti-Jewish measures Adonijah (David's son): challenged, 42; of, II7 killed, 42; and the Jews of China, 139 Alaska:Jews of, 358-63, 375;Auntie Adoram: a tax gatherer, 47 Fori's visit to, 375-6 Adrianople (Turkey):Joseph Caro Albania: a false Messiah banished to, 156; teaches in, 319 immigrants to Israel from, 268 Aelia Capitolina:Jerusalem renamed, IOO Albright, Madeleine: becomes Secretary Afghanistan: xiv, xvi, 237; and Palestine, of State, 266 246 Aleppo:Jewish emissaries in, II7;Jews Africa: 44, 48 from, in Jerusalem, 132;Jews attacked African National Congress:Jewish in, 247 participation in, 259 Alexander: a name favoured by Jews, 75 Agag, King: captured, 37 AlexanderI,Tsar: gives rights to Jews, Aggadah ('narration'): a part of 166 rabbinical literature, 317 Alexander II, Tsar: and the Jews, 167; Agnon, S.].: wins Nobel Prize, 260 aftermath of the assassination of, Agranovsky, Luba: visits Alaska, 362 170 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius: Herod Alexander III, Tsar: and the Jews, 167 supports, 87 Alexander, M.: supports Gandhi,239 Agrippa I, King (Herod's grandson): Alexander Severus, Emperor: and a rules Judaea, 95-6 'golden age', I07-8 agunah (forsaken): and divorce, 334 Alexander the Great: and Jerusalem, 75; Ahab: his dynastic marriage, 52; his rule, and Greek culture, 75; a fortress of, 52-6; his death, 56 identified,237 Ahad Ha-am (Asher Ginsberg): 191-2; AlexanderYannai: his rule, 83-4; a novel wants a 'spiritual centre', at the first based on the life of, 85 Zionist Congress, 197; and the Alexandria (Egypt): a Jewish thinker in, Sabbath,358 15;Jews settle in, 7I;Jews from, in Ahasuerus, King (of Persia): and Purim, Majorca, I25;Jews welcomed in, 132; 3II recruits from, 203;Jews attacked in, Ahaz, King: allies with Assyria, 58 247, 254;Jews of (since 1979),256 Ahaziah, King ofJudah: the fate of his Algiers:Jews of, I26;Jews welcomed in, family, 57 132;Jews emigrated to Palestine from, Ahmed Pasha: and a special Purim, 314 181 Ahmedabad (India): 145; Gandhi's aliyah ('going up'): and Hillel, 90; and Ashram at, and a 'favourite wooden the Reading of the Law, 306 pillow' , 240 Alkalai, Rabbi Judah: and Jewish Akaba, Gulf of 44 'national' unity, 185 Index 395 All-India Handicrafts Board: Auntie Fori Amon, King: and idol-worship, 66 a founder of, 370 Amorites: seek to bar the way, 33 All-India Women's Conference: a Jewish Amos, the Prophet: 'Shall a trumpet be President of, 143 blown ... ?', 275 Allenby, General: attacks Turks in Amram Gaon: and the liturgy, 338 Palestine, 198 Amram, Rav: produces prayer book, II5 Alliance Israelite Universelle: founded, Amsterdam: and the Jewish 181; a founder of, promotes early Enlightenment, 164; a Jew from, in Zionism, 184 Brazil, 173; a Hagaddah from, 296 Almohades: massacre Jews, 120 Anatolia: xiii Alsace-Lorraine: and the Jewish Anchorage (Alaska):Jews of, 358--9, 360, Enlightenment, 162 375; a Jewish communal service in, aluf (prince): a modern general, II6 361;Jewish life in, 362; declines to take Alzheimer's disease: and a Nobel Prize, in Jewish refugees, 363 266; research on, 362 Anchorage Daily Times: aJewish President AmYisrael (the People ofIsrael, the of,358 Jews): 289 Angel of Death: and Passover, 23, 295 Amalekites: attack Israelites, 26; attacked, Angel of the Lord: and Ishmael, I I 37; Haman a descendent of, 313 'Anglo-Baltic' kibbutz: in Palestine, 225 American Civil War: Jews in, 177 Anielewicz, Mordechai: a kibbutz AmericanJewess: its editor in Basle, 197 named after, 226 American Labour Zionist Organisation: Anne (a HungarianJewish girl): marries helps found a kibbutz, 225 an Indian, 370 American War ofIndependence:Jews Anti-Defamation League (New York): fight in, 174 challenges Holocaust denial, 268--9 American Zionist Emergency Council: Anti-Semitism: a nineteenth-century and the Jewish 'international spirit', phenomenon, 170, 177, 193,231; in 245 the twentieth century, 219-20, 233; Amidah prayer: and the synagogue and Islam, 254; combatted, 268--9 service, 98; Rabh's prayer a part of, Antigonus Mattathias: raises flag of 274; the blessings and prayers of, revolt, 85 305-6; 'keep my tongue from evil', Antiochus III, King: conquers Judaea, 75; 328 his benign rule, 75 Ammonites: seek to bar the way, 33; Antiochus IV, King: challenges Rome, David fights, 41; their gods 79; seeks to suppress Judaism, 79-80, worshipped, 45; an Israelite King's 81;and the Jews ofIndia, 142 mother from, 46; win independence, Antipater (Herod's father): abolishes Has­ 48; overrun, 68 monean monarchy, 84; rewarded, 86 Amnesty International: inspired by a Antipater (Herod's son): plots against his Jew, 257, 258 father, 89 Index Antipater family: convert to Judaism, 82 Arafat,Yasser: wins Nobel Prize, 261 Antiquities Museum (Delhi): an Aragon (Spain):Jews invited to settle in, explorer's discoveries in, 237 119 Antonia Fortress (Jerusalem): built by Aragon, Kings of and the Jews of Herod, 88 Majorca, 124-5, 126 Antwerp: a Jewish defender of (1914), Aram, Kingdom of independent, 48; 200 seizes territory, 57 apartheid: South African Jews active in Aramaic (language): 29,65,104,122; and opposition to, 259, 260; a British the memorial prayer for the dead, 307; opponent of, 268 and the Talmud, 3I 8 apes and peacocks: brought from afar, 44 Aras River: and the Garden of Eden, xiii Appelbaum, Samuel: in Alaska, 360 Arch ofTitus (Rome): 96, 341 apple and honey: on the Jewish New Archipova Street Synagogue (Moscow): Year, 276 Jews gather outside, 289 Arab Higher Committee: rejects a 'mini' Areka, Rabbi Abba (The Rabh): prayers Jewish State, 245 and sayings of, 274, 278 Arab-Israel conflict: II, 14, 193-4 Argentina: and the Jews of Russia, 168 Arab-Israel Conflict, The: Its History in 'Arise, walk through the land ... ': 10 Maps (Martin Gilbert), 251 Aristobulus (Hasmonean heir): drowned, Arab League: and Palestine, 243 86 Arab Legion: and Jerusalem, 134 Aristobulus (Hyrcanus II's brother): Arab State: proposed by the United driven out, 84 Nations, in Palestine (1947), 245 Aristobulus (John Hyrcanus' son): Arabia: and Ishmael, II; and Abraham, declares himself King, 83 14; Solomon trades with, 44, 48; an Aristobulus II: invades Galilee, 86 attack from, 51 Arizona (USA):Jews in, 179 Arabic language: 113; and the Bible, 116; Ark, the: the Ten Commandments kept and Jewish poetry, 118; and in, 27, 29 Maimonides, 128;Jewish traders Ark of the Covenant: travels with the speak, 135; and a Jewish prayer book, Israelites, 29, 30, 33; kept by the 338 Philistines, 36; brought to Jerusalem, Arabs: and God's present to Adam, 7; and 40; in Solomon's Temple, 44 Ishmael, I I, 14; and Mohammed, 112; Armageddon: see index entry Megiddo and the Jews ofJerusalem, 157; on Armenian Massacres: and a Jewish Jerba Island, 180; protest at continued novelist, 237; and a Jewish law student, Jewish immigration to Palestine, 190; 257 and Gandhi, 240, 241; and the Artaxerxes I, King of Persia: rules Judaea, emergence of the State ofIsrael, 73 241-9,250,251,254 'Aryan race': a biological fiction, 207 Arad,Yael: wins an Olympic silver 'As for man, his days are as grass ... ': 334 medal, for Israel, 263 Asa: his rule, 49-50 Index 397 Ashdod: captured, 36;Jews forced to live Athaliah: her dynastic marriage, 50 in,97 Athens: xiv; the Chief Rabbi of,joins Ashenheim, Sir Neville: a distinguished partisans, 221; the first modern Jamaican, 265 Olympics, held in, 233,261 Asher: one ofJacob's son, 17 Atlantic Ocean: Islam reaches, 114;Jews Asherah (a pagan goddess): worshipped cross, from Spain to the Americas, 132, by Jezebel, 52; challenged by Elijah, 54 172;Jews cross, from Russia to Ashkelon: 35; 'Tell it not in .. .', 38;joins America, 170; German rule extends revolt against Assyria, 64; a synagogue to, 213;Jews fight on, 222 in, III atom bomb: the Jewish contribution AshkenaziJews: 115, 122-3, 157;
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