Cambridge University Press 052145445X - An Introduction to Christianity Linda Woodhead Index More information Index Abelard, 121 apologia, 40 abortion, 351, 352, 409 apostasy and readmission, 42, 46 Acts of the Apostles, 26 Aquinas, Thomas, see Thomas Aquinas Ad extirpanda, 136 Arianism, 46, 47–50, 71, 89, 90, 126 Africa, 395, 397–8 Aristides, 40 African religion, 242 Aristotle, 16–17, 120, 121–2, 229 Aidan, 96 Arius, 46, 47 Alaric the Goth, 86 Armenian monophysite Christianity, 50, Albigensians, see Cathars 73–4 Alexander VI, pope, 291 Arminianism, 223 Alexander of Alexandria, 47, 48 Arnold, Matthew, 369 Alexandrian school, 47, 49–50, 72–4 asceticism, 31, 32, 52, 53–8, 111; see also allegorical interpretation, 20 celibacy Althusius, Johannes, 219 Asia, 294, 395, 398–400 alumbrados, 296 Assumption of Mary, 309 Ambrose, 52, 85 Athanasius, 45, 48, 52, 57, 58 America, colonial, 180, 218, 224, 227; Life of Antony, 55–6 see also United States of America Attila, king of the Huns, 89 American Revolution, 244–6, 302 Augsburg Confession, 265 anabaptism, 180, 189, 193–6, 199, Augustine of Canterbury, 95 200–1, 220–1 Augustine of Hippo, 52, 55, 58, 80, 85–9, Anglicanism, 236, 237–40, 368, 381; see 104, 126 also Church of England Benedict and, 100 Anne, mother of Mary, 154 Erasmus and, 193 Anselm of Laon, 121 Fleetwood and, 240 Anti-Modernist Oath, 310 humanism and, 259 antinomianism, 138 Luther and, 170, 174, 193, 199 Antiochene position, 49–50, 72; see also and Pelagius, 88, 259 Nestorianism rule of, 130, 289 Antony of Egypt, 53, 55–6 scholasticism and, 121–2, 140 apocryphal gospels, 21, 27, 30–2; see also Augustinian canons, 130 Gospel of Thomas Augustinians, 291 423 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052145445X - An Introduction to Christianity Linda Woodhead Index More information Index Augustus (Octavian), Roman emperor, 12 bishops, 32, 37, 213, 272, 282, 289–90 L’Avenir, 315 Bodin, Jean, 301 Avignon, papacy in, 116–17, 274 body, attitudes to, 52–3, 56, 86, 150–1; Avvakum, 325 see also asceticism; sexual activity Azor, Juan, 362 Boehme, Jakob, 226 Boethius, 89 baptism, 25, 45, 173, 193–4 Bologna, 119 adult, 193–4, 200–1, 220 Bolshevik Revolution, 328 infant, 173, 193–4 Boniface VIII, pope, 115–16 Baptist movement, 212, 219, 220–1, 242, Boniface, Apostle of Germany, 95, 96–7 246–7; see also anabaptism Borromeo, Charles, 290 Barclay, Robert, 226 Bradwardine, Thomas, 140–1 Barnabites, 269 Braschi, Giovanni Angelo, see Pius vi Barrow, Henry, 220 Brazil, 397 Barth, Karl, 375–8, 382 Brethren of the Free Spirit, 138 Basil of Caesarea, 48, 100 Britain, 209, 249–50, 257, 391; see also Basilides, 27, 35 England; Scotland; Wales Basle, 177 Browne, Robert, 220 Bede, 97 Bruno, Giordano, 278–80 Beghards, 138 Bucer, Martin, 180 Beguines, 138, 147–51, 152, 196 Bulgakov, Sergei, 327 Belgium, 391 Bulgaria, 329 Bellers, John, 227 Bunyan, John, 204–5, 207, 212, 213, 215 Benedict xv, pope, 306, 390 The Pilgrim’s Progress, 204–5, 207, Benedict of Nursia, 99 213, 215, 228, 252 Rule, 94, 99–100, 104 Burma (Myanmar), 399 Benedictines, 310 Byzantine church, see Eastern Orthodox Bennett, John, 378 churches Berdyaev, Nikolai, 327 Byzantium, see Constantinople Bernard of Clairvaux, 115, 130, 154, 196 Berulle,´ Pierre de, 281, 290 Caesar Augustus, see Augustus Beukelsz, Jan, 196 Caesarius of Arles, 100 Bible, 75 calendar, 45, 126 attitudes to interpretation of, 20, 77, Calovius, Abraham, 362 377 Calvin, John, 179, 180, 185–7, 202, 213, Calvin and, 183–5 228, 280, 292 canon, 11, 21, 32, 37, 45, 173 biblicist radicals and, 200 fundamentalism and, 352, 377 Pilgrim Fathers and, 234 historical and critical study of, 317, 365 and Schleitheim Confession, 200 Luther and, 173–4, 183–5 Calvinism, 161, 189, 198, 218–19, 225, Roman Catholic church and, 270, 271, 362 308 Baptist movement and, 221 translations, 71, 85, 142, 173, 274, 353, Catholicism and, 280–1 394 Lutheranism and, 180–5, 187–9 See also New Testament Methodism and, 223 biblical counselling, 356 Pietism and, 217 biblicist churches, 350–7 Puritanism and, 215 biblicist radicalism, 199–201, 214 Calvinist free churches, 218–19, 236 Puritanism and, 215 Camaldolese order, 269 and spiritual radicalism, 202 Cambridge Platform, 235 424 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052145445X - An Introduction to Christianity Linda Woodhead Index More information Index canon, see under Bible Chopra, Deepak, 35 9 canon law, 93, 115 Christ, see Jesus canonisation, 145; see also saints Christendom, ideal of, 90–1, 102–3, canons regular (Augustinian canons), 130 105–9, 111, 124 Capellari, Bartolomeo, see Gregory xvi Christian Democratic parties, 318–19 capitalism, 184, 336–7, 343, 350, 386, 408 Christianity Cappadocian fathers, 48, 52 change in, 268, 282, 285, 348–50, Capuchins, 269, 270 405–6 Cassiodorus, 89 diversity, 26 Castellio, Sebastian, 225 earliest forms, 20, 25–33, 36 Castiglione, Francesco Saverio, see exclusivism, 9–10 Pius VIII and optimism/pessimism, 302 catechisms, 174, 274, 287, 293, 310 orthodox/catholic/universal, 11 Cathars, 137 and other religions, 9–10 cathedral worship, 35 9 places of influence/coverage in the Catherine II (‘the Great’), empress of world, 35–6, 62–3, 333, 347, 35 7, Russia, 298, 325 386, 387, 399, 400–1 Catherine of Siena, 147, 151 and power, see power Catholic Christianity/church, 11, 27, and social needs, 386–9, 404–5 29–30, 33–40, 45–52, 56–8 and the state, see under state Constantine and, 43–5 and violence, 87, 96 and education, 70 and western thought, 361 Marcionism and, 32–3 Christians, numbers of, 51, 398, 400–1 and monasticism/asceticism, 56–8 church fathers, 77, 85, 120 and sources, 31, 32 Church of England, 179, 205, 211–14, See also Eastern Orthodox churches; 347 Roman Catholic church and America, 239 Catholic schools, 310 Methodism and, 221–2, 224 celibacy, 110–11, 148, 307 Puritanism and, 215 censorship, 270 See also Anglicanism censuses, religious, 249–50, 340–1 Church of Scotland, 211 Chalcedon, Council of (451), 49–50, Church of Sweden, 211, 347 72–3, 153 churches (buildings), 44, 45, 50, 63–4, change, 124, 268 78, 125, 275–7, 282 charismatic movement, 355, 389, 393, Lady Chapels, 154 394–5, 397–8, 408 See also St Sophia under charitable work, 283, 285, 289; see also Constantinople voluntary work churches (denominations), 264–5, 282 Charlemagne, 96, 105–7 attendance levels, 249–50, 340–1, 348, Charles I, king of Great Britain, 213 35 7 Charles V, Holy Roman emperor, 270, earliest, see earliest forms under 271 Christianity Chaucer, Geoffrey, 147 internal variety, 266 Chiaramonte, Gregorio Barnaba, see mega-churches, 355 Pius VII moving between, 397 Chiesa, Giacomo della, see Benedict XV numbers of adherents, 268, 35 7 children, monasteries and, 130 and the state, see under state China, 75, 294, 295, 399–400 See also charismatic movement; China Inland Mission, 399 Protestantism; schisms; see also choice, 264, 397 individual churches/denominations 425 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052145445X - An Introduction to Christianity Linda Woodhead Index More information Index churchgoing, levels of, 249–50, 340–1, Congo, 391 348, 35 7 congregationalism, 180, 282 circuits, 222 Congregationalism, 219–20, 233–6 Cistercians, 130, 146 Congregations of the Roman Catholic cities, 128, 143, 387; see also church, 274, 293 urbanisation consecrated host, cult of, 275 Civil War, American, 248–9 consistories, 177, 186–7, 188, 228, 280 Civil War, English, 213 Constance, Council of (1414–18), 116 Civil War, Spanish, 304–5, 311 Constantine I (the Great), Roman Clare of Assisi, 148 emperor, 9–10, 25, 39, 43–5 classical culture and learning, 12–14, 42 and asceticism, 52 Catholic church and, 70, 120, 140 and Council of Nicea, 47 humanism and, 192 and Donatism, 46 claustration, 288–9 and Jews, 50 Clement V, pope, 116 reasons for commitment to Clement VII, pope, 116, 269 Christianity, 9–10, 43 clergy, 51, 110, 272–3, 282–3, See also Donation of Constantine 285 Constantinople, 43, 83–4, 320, 321 celibacy, 110–11 patriarchy of, 95 livings, 110 St Sophia, 63–4, 65, 66–7, 78, 79 training/education, 278, 282, 290, Contarini, Gasparo, 269 309–10 contemplation, 17 vestments, 44, 212 contraception, 337, 381, 409 clericalisation, 282 convents, 145, 146, 177 Clovis, king of the Franks, 90 conversion, 85–6, 96–8, 222–3, 234–5, coenobitic monasticism, 53 237, 252, 287, 291 Collegiants, 225 Judaism and, 18–19 Cologne, 149 Coornheert, Dirck Volckertszoon, 225 colonialism, 290–2, 389, 391–2; see also Coptic Christianity (Egyptian decolonisation monophysite Christianity), 50, 73 Columba, 96 Coptic language, 71 Columbanus, 96 Corpus Christi (festival), 176, 275 communion of goods, 26, 200 cosmology, 17, 28–9 communion service, see mass Cotton, John, 235 communism, 311, 312, 320, 327–9, 334, councils, ecumenical, 77; see also 343, 394–5, 400 individual councils community, 383, 405 counselling, 356 compulsion, 87 Course in Miracles, A, 35 9 conciliarists, 300 courts, 177; see also consistories Concordat of Worms (1122), 113 covenant, 185 condescension, 283 creationism, 353, 365 confession, 280, 314, 380; see also creeds, 83 penance Cromwell, Oliver, 213, 220, 221 Confession concerning Christ’s Supper, Crusades, 83, 117–19, 291 265 culture, 101–2; see also classical culture confessional theology, 363, 374 and learning confessions/confessionalisation, 264–5, Curran, Charles, 381 277, 278 Cyril of Alexandria, 49 confraternities, 269–70, 289, 290 czars, see tsars Congar, Yves, 380 Czech Republic, 343 426 ©
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