Highlights from year two of the CCG’s strategic plan Our vision, mission and values Our vision Our values 2015-16 has been challenging and, as a whole, the NHS To achieve the best in health and Communication has been under unprecedented financial strain. Open and clear communication at all times, inside wellbeing for everyone in our community. Despite the financial challenges in the Vale of York, the CCG and outside the organisation, is essential for us to succeed. We recognise that the messages has continued to progress its work to improve local health and Our mission we send out need to be clear to everyone who care services. Regrettably, despite two very successful years of receives them. Using our clinical knowledge and experience we managing tight financial funding, it was not possible to maintain will work with our partners to: Courage this success into a third year. Commission excellent healthcare on behalf We have the courage to believe that our of and in partnership with everyone in our community has the capacity to understand Providers and commissioners alike are faced with a very serious community. complex health issues and that it can be trusted to financial situation to address but as a health and care system we participate in making decisions on the allocation Keith Ramsay Involve the wider Clinical Community in the are working together to resolve local problems. We are working of health resources. development and implementation of services. with our partners to develop a system recovery plan for the Vale Empathy Enable individuals to make the best decisions of York. This plan, which will help the CCG to return to financial concerning their own health and wellbeing. We understand that not all ills can be cured. We understand the suffering this causes and we work balance, is a key outcome required by NHS England. Build and maintain excellent partnerships to reduce it. between all agencies in Health and Social Care. Equality Transforming and improving health and care Lead the local Health and Social Care system in We believe that health outcomes should be the adopting best practice from around the world. same for everyone. We will reduce unnecessary Our transformation work in 2016-17 is focusing upon the Ensure that all this is achieved within the inequality. broader health and care system and includes prevention work available resources. Innovation that will support people to live healthy lives and manage long We believe in continuous improvement and we term conditions. It is helping to create sustainability in primary will use the creativity of our stakeholders and and secondary care through redesigning pathways that will staff. enable health and care to be delivered closer to home. Through Integrity Sustainable Transformation Plans, we will be undertaking a We will be truthful, open and honest; we will review of healthcare systems with our partners in six CCG maintain consistency in our actions, values and principles. areas. Measurement Local people are proud of their NHS and they have a passion Successful measurement is a cornerstone of for the services it provides. Throughout 2016-17 we will continue successful improvement. to work collaboratively with our stakeholders to deliver new and Prioritisation efficient ways of working and stay on course to deliver our five We will use an open and transparent process to year plan whilst we protect, and where possible, enhance the arrive at value driven choices. quality and safety of services. Quality We strive to be the best that we can be and to deliver excellence in everything we do. Respect We have respect for individuals, whether they are patients or staff colleagues; we respect the culture Keith Ramsay and customs of our partner organisations. Governing Body Lay Chair Our membership body - the Council of Representatives Our Governing Body membership in 2015-16 The Council of Beech Grove Medical Practice www.beechgrovemedicalpractice.co.uk Representatives is made up of a clinical representative Beech Tree Surgery www.beechtreesurgery.co.uk that has been nominated from each practice. Dalton Terrace Surgery www.daltonterracesurgery.nhs.uk Each clinical representative also East Parade Surgery www.eastparademedical.co.uk has a named, clinically qualified http://elvingtonmedicalpractice.co.uk deputy that attends the meetings Elvington Medical Practice Keith Ramsay Helen Hirst Dr Louise Barker Dr Emma Dr Tim Maycock /wordpress in the absence of the main Governing Body Interim Accountable GP member Broughton GP member representative. Lay Chair Officer GP member Escrick Surgery www.escricksurgeryyork.co.uk The primary duties of the Council of Representatives Front Street Surgery www.frontstreet.gpsurgery.net are to: www.haxbygroup.co.uk • engage with the clinical Haxby Group Practice commissioning process to Helmsley Surgery www.helmsleymedicalcentre.co.uk provide local intelligence to inform commissioning Jorvik Medical Practice www.jorvikmedicalpractice.co.uk decisions; • support the development of Kirkbymoorside Surgery www.thekirkbymoorsidesurgery.nhs.uk Dr Shaun O’Connell Dr Andrew Phillips Michelle Rachel Potts Tracey Preece a local healthcare strategy GP member GP member and Carrington Chief Operating Chief Finance Millfield Surgery www.millfieldsurgery.co.uk fit for the needs of the local Interim Deputy Chief Chief Nurse Officer Officer Clinical Officer population; MyHealth www.myhealthgroup.co.uk • support the Governing Body in managing, monitoring and Old School Medical Practice www.oldschoolmedical.gpsurgery.net redesigning service delivery to meet local healthcare Pickering Medical Practice www.pickeringmedicalpractice.co.uk needs. Pocklington Group Practice www.pocklingtongps.nhs.uk The membership met on www.posterngatesurgery.nhs.uk five occasions in 2014-15. Posterngate Surgery Membership details and Priory Medical Group www.priorymedical.com David Booker Dr Paula Evans Dr Arasu Sheenagh Powell attendances are available on Lay Member and CCG Council of Kuppuswamy Lay Member and page 58 of our Annual Report Scott Road Medical Centre www.scottroad.org.uk Deputy Chair of the Representatives Secondary Care Chair of the Audit and Accounts 2014-15. Audit Committee member Governing Body Committee Sherburn Group Practice www.sherburnsurgery.nhs.uk Member South Milford Surgery www.southmilfordsurgery.co.uk Co-opted members Stillington Surgery stillingtonsurgery.co.uk Tadcaster Medical Centre www.tadcastermedicalcentre.co.uk Terrington Surgery http://terringtonsurgery.wordpress.com/ Tollerton Surgery www.tollertonsurgery.co.uk Unity Health www.unityhealth.info Sian Balsom Louise Johnston Dr John Letham Sharon Stoltz York Medical Group www.yorkmedicalgroup.nhs.uk Lay Member Practice Manager Local Medical Interim Director of Healthwatch York Representative Committee Liaison Public Health, City of Officer York Council 2 3 Health and wellbeing for everyone Highlights from 2015-16 Two years ago we launched, in conjunction with our partners, an ambitious vision for delivering a Supporting our member practices fully integrated, seamless care system to secure the best in health and wellbeing for everyone in the Vale of York by 2018-19. Investing to support practices in Referral Support Service The plan is structured around the delivery of eight This work is led by our Clinical Leads who are the future The Referral Support Service (RSS) plays a major strategic initiatives for transformational change. also local GPs that see patients in primary care role in delivering high quality referrals that lead to every day. The plan is delivered by our partners in The CCG secured investment to undertake a clinically-led review of primary care activity on patients being seen in the right place, at the right Integrated care provider, commissioning, local authority and public time for their outpatient appointment. health teams. a cross section of GP practices. This allowed Self-care, prevention and the CCG to build an evidence based picture of RSS site is a clinical resource for GPs which, up well-being In 2015-16 the CCG continued to ‘lay the current working practices in primary care and the to April 2016 has been used to process more than foundations’ to embed and extend the most effective opportunities to develop new pathways that closely 86,000 referrals. Primary care reform new models of integrated, improved system of aligned with ‘care team models’. care across the Vale of York, building upon the Based on historical trends, Urgent care reform achievements and progress made in the previous To support work to increase capacity for GP so they RSS has saved £1.5m in can manage more complex cases and to develop Planned care year. outpatient activity roles for other health and social care professionals, spending. Transforming mental health and the review helped to capture the wide skill mix in learning disabilities services primary care – both current and for what would be needed in the future. Women’s and children’s services The general practice improvement modules Cancer, palliative and end of life care Effective management of emails and meetings 1 Saving time and improving communication. Financially Laying the foundations Embedding Consistency of approach and extending sustainable system 2 High volume conditions; agreement of consistent approach between clinicians to reduce, or justify, variation. 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Tele-dermatology Prevention, Self Care ● Weight Management Workforce planning Incorporating innovative technology with and Wellbeing ● Smoking Cessation
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