Coloma Glad-Peach Festival schedule on Page 9 How deep is the lake? Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Top Notch Physiques Sunny Sunny Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Sc T-storms Partly Cloudy PM T-storms Hi 82 - Lo 61 Hi 85 - Lo 61 Hi 87 - Lo 69 Hi 87 - Lo 71 Hi 83 - Lo 66 Hi 79 - Lo 64 Hi 81 - Lo 54 featured on Paw Paw 10% chance 10% chance 10% chance 10% chance 40% chance 20% chance 40% chance Lake Page! precipitation precipitation precipitation precipitation precipitation precipitation precipitation See Page 6 $50 OFF Family members invited ANY SERVICE (269) 468-6682 Cannot be combined with to 100th reunion... Page 5 other offers or discounts theBOSSservices.com The Hometown Paper for Coloma-Hartford-Watervliet 463-6397 E-mail [email protected] E-edition tricityrecord.com TRI-CITYEst. 1882 Vol. 137 Issue #30 July RECORD 25, 2019 Seventy-five Cents Vacant lot purchased by Watervliet DDA for possible community pavilion downtown; Dog park relocation talks continue By Annette Christie ited to building a pavilion that could be that follows up from work already On July 18, 2019, Watervliet City of- used as a farmer’s market, and could done by a Steering Committee. “I feel ficials finalized a land purchase with be used during city sponsored holiday good that we are going to start and fin- the assistance of DDA funds. Earlier events such as the Christmas and Inde- ish this project,” Noack said. in the month, the Watervliet City Com- pendence Day festivals. mission gave the approval to move for- While the discussions are in the very Watervliet City Dog Park ward with the purchase of property early stages, the DDA has expressed At the July 2 Watervliet City Commis- right next to the city parking lot at 390 excitement over the purchase and all its sion meeting, Dotson told commission- N. Main Street for the purchase price possibilities. At the City Commission ers that they were approached by of $18,895.75. meeting where the action was taken to Coloma Township about becoming At the DDA meeting held the evening authorize the purchase, DDA Chairper- home to a dog park. Also in the very of the closing, Watervliet City Man- son Kristi Noack told the City Com- early stages, the city’s Parks and ager Tyler Dotson said that many ideas mission that this is their first major were discussed including but not lim- project and they do have a plan in place See WATERVLIET continued on Page 14 City Commission welcomes new Coloma Public Library Director; well work OK’d; emergency training eyed for employees By Nancy Albright only weeds on the roadside of Paw City commissioners welcomed new Paw Street and each business is re- Coloma Public Library Director Mary sponsible for weeding its section on the Harrison at the city council meeting on other side of the sidewalk. If a business July 22. does not weed its portion of the side- Harrison has a Master’s in Library walk, the city issues a citation in the FAIR FUN… Michigan Monster Truck Shootout, held Wednesday, July 17, Science from the University of Ala- amount of $200. at the Van Buren Youth Fair, was one of several grandstand acts during the bama and comes to Coloma with 30 Other business fair’s week-long run. At the conclusion of the monster trucks show, a bal- years of experience. Harrison gradu- The city requested that Pride Care loon from Michigan Cloud Balloon (shown in the background) provided ated from Coloma High School and Ambulance Service provide CPR, First tethered rides that were originally scheduled for Monday night. worked at Kalamazoo Public Libraries, Aid and AED Defibrillator training to (Photo courtesy of Paul Garrod) Kalamazoo College, and Berry College city employees, including the Depart- in Georgia. “When I walked into the li- ment of Public Works. The city needs brary for my interview I could tell this to replace its current AED, and Pride V.B. Youth Fair had less was the place I was meant to be. I am Care’s Steve Lowder told the council thrilled to be here.” that in addition to setting up training at Coloma resident Harold Bragg said, the city’s convenience, he will speak than “fair” weather “Mary is an outstanding librarian and with Pride Care’s CEO to help the city we are lucky to have found someone to purchase an AED replacement unit at a Despite delays caused by heat, replace the irreplaceable Chuck Dick- reasonable cost. Mayor Polashak told inson who has been our Director for those assembled that the Senior Center rain, and wind the show went on the last 42 years.” Mary Harrison has also purchased a new AED unit and By Paul Garrod moved across the area. Unique Motor New Library Director is offering training to anyone who About 400 youth, 4-H and open class Sports, which closed out the grand- City wells to receive overhaul would like to attend. exhibitors, braved extreme heat condi- stand entertainment that night, was Peerless Midwest has completed their Parking on Paw Paw Street The city has received an estimate on a tions and rain to take part in the 64th able to get the show in, despite rain- annual inspection of city wells one and Denise Donohoe, owner of Coletta’s new desktop computer from Tri- annual Van Buren Youth Fair, held July filled skies and rain-soaked track. two and determined that both wells Closet, If the Shoe Fits, and Keep Me County Computer Services in the 15-20, at the fairgrounds in Hartford. At the beginning of the week, Magic need an overhaul. in Mind, requested that the council re- amount of $1,028, which includes Van Buren Youth Fair Board President Cloud Balloons, Monday’s grandstand Peerless cannot provide a cost esti- view reinstating the parking spaces in hardware, software, and delivery and Stephanie Zabavski said Skerbeck En- show, was unable to provide tethered mate until work begins, but Depart- front of the old firehouse for cus- setup. The city will also seek an esti- tertainment Group provided quality, rides that night, due to high winds. ment of Public Works Director Rod tomers. She reported that the spaces mate from Those Computer Guys of family-friendly carnival rides that However, they returned Wednesday Burkholder told the council that well have been designated with diagonal Coloma, which services the Coloma thrilled riders of all ages. “Skerbeck night to provide those rides to fair- four was replaced at a cost of $20,000 lines for the last five years but have Public Library computer system. delayed opening on Friday and Satur- goers. and that typical costs run between since worn off. The spaces have been City Ordinance Officer Jason Hicks day due to the extreme heat condi- “The Van Buren Youth Fair is a long $12,000-$20,000, which includes a designated parking since the firehouse will submit a new Blight Ordinance to tions.” standing community event that has be- warranty. closed 30 years ago, but the DPW was the Tri-City Record for placement in The Fennville, Michigan-based carni- come a tradition for many residents,” instructed to paint them NO PARKING the legal section for review by the pub- val was scheduled to open at 1 p.m. said Zabavski. “Our fair offers afford- The council approved the work re- until the city attorney reviews the situ- lic. A public hearing will be held at both days, but were forced to delay able family fun for summer ‘stayca- gardless of the cost. Commissioner ation. City Hall on Monday, August 26, 2019 until 5 p.m. due to the heat. Saturday’s tions’,” said Zabavski. Marsha Hammond said, “We have a Donohoe also asked why she received at 7:45p.m. delay was extended due to rain. Next year, the fair will mark its 50th sophisticated water system that is a blight citation for the weeds on the The city will share 40 percent of the Saturday night’s grandstand entertain- anniversary at the same location, the worked on every day and we take that side of her building at 178 Paw Paw St. cost of sidewalk replacement with the ment was hampered by a late after- corner of County Road 681 and Red system very seriously to keep it up and facing the Subway sandwich shop. residents of 164 Harriet St. in the noon-early evening rainstorm that Arrow Highway. running to its full capacity.” Burkholder explained that the DPW amount of $1,022. City of Hartford stays course of condemnation order for Marion St. home; more interest in medical marijuana opportunities shown for sites in city By Jon Bisnett unable to disclose any detail of the 29 at the Van Buren ISD Conference evening seeking to have the city’s VonKoenig reiterated the statement he With Mayor Rick Hall back at the buyer until the sale closes. Center from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Medical Marijuana Ordinance ex- has made from the very beginning as helm, the Hartford City Commission Discussion that followed led the com- Nomination petitions for Commission panded to allow additional provision to representing themselves as a family- began the July 22 Business Meeting mission to continue the demolition seats and Mayor were due by July 23 centers in the city. owned, veteran-owned business who with a “Show Cause” Hearing for Par- order unless a firm plan of rehab of the for the November election. Summarizing the contents of a letter intends to be a good neighbor of the cel #80-52-180-021-00 located at 40 property could be presented, including Van Buren Veterans Office Open sent to the city from Med+Leaf, Von business community in terms of mar- Marion Avenue.
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