ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE QUESTIONSONNOTICE Thursday, 12 June 2014 ^'^I',,. " ;;^, * Main Roads Western Australia ^ ,,^\\\^^"' ' 10 6 1201, jL ^ ^j^. ^^;^ 91!estionNo. I. Hon Ken TroversMLCosked- (1) Whoistz{dies, styotegies orplons is Ihe Department carryeni!yworking on? Answer: As part of its activities, Main Roads undertakes numerous short, medium and long tenn studies, strategy development and plans. Given the significantresourcesthat would be required to respond to this broad and farreaching question, Main Roads would be happy to provide information in regard to specific enquiries to the Coriumittee. ,^ ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE QUESTIONS ONNOTICE Thursday, 12 June2014 Main Roads Western Australia QuestionN0 2. Hon Ken TravelsMLCasked- (2) When is ilexpec/ediho//he 8114dy, strategy orp/on will be coinpleied? Answer: Not applicable c^;^__ ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERt\. TIONSCOMMITTEE QUESTIONS ONNOTICE Thursday, 12 June 2014 Main Roads Western Australia Question No. 3. Hon Ken TrQversMLCosked- (3) inIQtis the current estimated of die when the plan will be publically released? Answer: Not applicable } ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE QUESTIONSONNOTICE Thursday, 12 June 2014 Main Roads Western Australia Question No. 4. Hon Ken TroveISMLCosked- (4) 11'710iis Ihe esiimo/edtold/ cosiqfthe study, snore^? orp/on ondhow much will be spent in the 20/4/15 Financial year? Answer: Not applicable } Iz: ..\ to -; o ^.. ^ s: 1< =, FF co 33 CS ^. = C. , ^! S>., 1.1 ~. = ^ .^; o *!3 Q .~ C" ^3 -! Q =. ,^. ;, -,. ;^ o 83 o ~. ~* ^, .< ^ ^ ;^~ ^ e. , ;;-- co ^ ^ CD ;S Q, N I!^ ~. ,~. 0'1 CJD :^ SI =: S>., CD = -; co - ;s \< :::: -. = CD ;s a ;^ *:^.; =^ - ,\, >.. >^ = e :=: ~ - -; ;s > .^. !,:I = t, , ^ ;;^ co ;^-, I;; -. o0 =: ^ >.. < a, ... Z ^:3 CS ^. ,~, ^, ^ s> I;; 10 ;s ^ I^ ^ ,~ I^:: ;s b~ I!^ Z < c> co > Q -; ,.~ ^ Z < S; CS o a ;^. ^ s> s^, Z CJD >... *,, E" Q o ;s o CS Z >^ :5; Z E^ ;s~ Q o ,~ = 93 ^ = ;^ a - Q I!^ ~L o S> Z co S;-- \ a CS e> o ~F Cb ;^ ;^ *!^ ^ ,^ = Let -; C^ C:> I^ E^ \\ ~. ;s~ CS ;:^ ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE QUESTIONSONNOTICE Thursday, 12 June 2014 Main Roads Western Australia 91, es/ion No. 6. Hon Ken Travels MLC OSked- (61) Can Ihe Minister provide a summory of cycling expenditz!re ondihe name dyedchprq/'ect in each/indriciolyeor since 2009/10? Answer: Attachment I provides a summary of completed cycling infrastructure from 2009-10 to 2012-13. 2013-14 cycling projects are still being completed and costs finalised. ^.^ Attachment I- Response to Question 6 YEAR PROJECT LOCATION COST FUNDING SOURCE 2009-10 Construction of I kin of West Swan Road to Great $2,700,000 State PSP Northern Highway adjacent to Reid Hi hwa 2009-10 Detailed design for 2 kin TonkinHighway to Bassendean $78,000 State ofPSP Train Station adjacent to Perth- Midland railline 2009-10 Detailed design for 0.5 Claremont Train Station to $50,000 State kin ofPSP Shenton Road underpass, adjacent to Perth-Fremantle rail line 2009-10 Detailed design for PSP Shenton Station to LOGh Street $50,000 State Station, adjacent to Perth- Fremantle railline 2009-10 Construction of2 kin of PSP adjacentto Kwinana $100,000 State edge repairs and Freeway- various locations retaining 2009-10 Construction of 600 in of West Coast Highway- adjacent $213,000 State on-road facilities to ScarboroughBeachRoad 2009-10 Construction of 4.3 kin GreatNorthemHighway- $3,249,495 Federal of on-road and shared HaddrillRoad to Lennard Street path facilities 2009-10 Construction of 2.6 k in Warineroo Road Duplication- $4,973,874 State of shared path and on loondalup Drive to Wallawa road facilities Street 2009-10 Construction of I kin of Perth to Fremantle PSP from $480,000 State PSP lighting Claremontto Swanbourne 2009-10 Construction of 0.7 kin Tonkin Highway at Daddow Unknown Part of larger ofPSP Road Bridge project - cycling componentcannot be detennined 2009-10 Maintenance Various $222,000 State 2009-10 TOTAL $12,116,369 2010-11 Construction of new link Garratt Road/Whatley Crescent $125,000 State to MidlandPSP and intersection improvements modifications to intersection 2010-11 Construction of 01 kin Midland PSP at Graham Farmer $110,000 State PSP improvement Freeway/East Parade intersection 2010-11 Construction of 4.1 kin Annadale PSP between $250,000 State ofPSP WeIshpoolRoad and Lacey Street 2010-11 Construction of 0.5 kin Fremantle PSP between Shenton $575,000 State ofPSP Road and Claremont Station 2010-11 Maintenance and PSP Various Locations $2,140,000 State Designs 2010-11 TOTAL $3,200,000 2011-12 Construction of 1.6 kin BussellHighway between $48,000 State of 1.5 metre sealed Chambers Road and Island shoulders both sides Brook 2011-12 Construction of 1.6 kin Coalfields Highway on the $48,000 State of 1.5 metre sealed Allanson westsection shoulders both sides 2011-12 Construction of 2.4 kin Between Tonkin Highway and $2,700,000 DOT funded of Perth to Midland PSP Bassendean Station (State) MAIN ROADS Western Australia Page I of2 Question 6 2011-12 Construction of 3.5 kin Reid Highway between $5,500,000 State ofPSP MittabookaAvenue and Cainboon Road 2011-12 Signals Upgrade Annadale PSP at Belmont Park $4,000 State 2011-12 Construction of 01 kin MitchellPSP at BeachRoad $20,000 State fencing upgrade Underpass 2011-12 TOTAL $8,320,000 2012-13 Construction of 12.5 kin Dampier Highway between $500,000 Federal/State. of cycle lanes MadiganRoadandBumup Road Works completed December 2012 2012-13 Construction of 4.1 kin Great Eastern Highway between $3,000,000 Federal/State. of on road cycle lanes KooyongRoad and Tonkin Highway 2012-13 Construction of4 km of Bunbury Outer Ring Road Stage $2,180,000 Federal/State. 2 metre sealed shoulder land for Outer Ring Road and Bunbury PortAccess Road 3 kin of 1.5 metre sealed Stage 2 shoulder including provision of paths and 2 bridges for future shared paths 2012-13 Construction of 0.2 kin Fremantle PSP at City West $356,853 State of slow points, improvements to drainage and path surfacing 2012-13 Construction of 0.5 kin PSP between Claremont Station $570,400 State ofPSP bollard lighting and Swanbourne Station installed 2012-13 Improvements to 0.5 kin KwinanaFreeway approaches to $100,000 State ofPSP the Parry Avenue unde ass 2012-13 Construction of4 kin of Great Eastern Highway/}<oe $4,200,000 Federal/State shared ath Hi hwa Interchan e 2012-13 Construction of 0.2 kin Fremantle PSP around Perth $960,864 State of FSF Arena 2012-13 Construction of 06 km KwinanaPSP at BullCreek $1,050,000 State of FSF realigned and Station new underpass (to be completed) 20/2/13 TOTAL $12,918,117 MAIN ROADS Western Australia Page 2 of 2 Question 6 ^:? 'AleJes pe0^11JOJ JOIS!UnV 91/1 01JeJeJ OSeeia (0-e 'JoinsUV 6798pnqpaAo/dd0 91/1 SIIoz{, 11 (9 JIMads 99 pinoz/sPMaz, !3,109a/ I!ownOp foalOSP00}I' 91/1p!p jolt11 (9 ''''1.1, ,. ,,/" 198pnq IUnOOOf. '!Sri. 11 DawnO/IP00}!" 91/1 3410/9/naypU?dX9/0 SI!019p 9111 91n joltjj (O -\so pal0 ',,!11nooo}, Dawno/J prion',, 9111 01 121'211 (1) -paysDp77V SI9AD/J Way UOH .I 'ON IfO!/Sail6 12!112.1!SriV UJejsa/\\, spiZ0^11 in!12n t'10Z aunt zj 'figpsJniiL 1,131LON NO SNOILS:,:110 1.1:":LL11\1,110;> SNOILV^111.1JO TVl;>NYNl. !I UNV SalLV, 111LS:,: ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE QUESTIONSONNOTICE Thursday, 12 June 2014 Main Roads Western Australia 91!esiion No. 8. Hon Ken Travels MLC Qsked- (8) 1/4/87 10 Ihe "COQ!/ieldsHighwoy" grid/1481 to the EsiimQ/es Hearing 25November 2013, 91!88non 3 Attachmen/ I in relation 10 roadt, pgrodes east of Collie, ondjbr each ploy'ect listed; grid ask - o) Whatis the esiimatedcost, by What ore the details of the works required, c) When will works be commence, . onof (4) When will works be coinple/ed? Answer: a-d) The attachment mentioned by the Member was apreliminary list of desired network priority improvementsto address freight needsinthe Wheatbelt area The Liberal Government recently committed to provide $28 million to improve safety and remove dangerous sections of the Coalfields Highway. This is in addition to $25 million already allocated in the firsttenn of Goverimient. The attachment Inst has been refined The identified needsthathave been funded or are in the process of being funded by Main Roads are . The $53m upgrade of 19.4 km of priority sections of the Coalfields Highway betweenjust west of the Wellington Dam tnnioff and Collie as well as a 4 kin extension of the slow vehicle climbing lane on Roelands Hill from South Western Highway. The 4 kin eastbound (uphill) climbing lane extension on Roelands Hints expected to be completed by June 2014. To date, 9.2 kin of the upgrade has been completed. The remaining 10.2 kin upgrade is currently scheduled to collmience in March 2015 and be completed by June 2016, subjectto National Park excision being completed. Improvements to the Albany Highway/Collie-Lake King Road intersection at Arthur River. A budget of $10m is currently allocated from the Safer Roads Program for the upgrade and works are expected to commence in 2015-16 and be completed in 2016-17, subjectto selection of the appropriate treatment option, . The staged realignment and removal of curves on Collie-Lake King Road at Gibbs Siding and Bowelling. A budget of $10m is currently allocated from the Safer Roads Program for the upgrade and works are expected to coriumence in 2014-15 and be completed in 2015-16 at Gibbs Siding and 2016-17 at Bowelling (subject to the timely excision of State Forest) . $6m is in process of being funded to recondition and sealshoulders at selected locations along the Collie-Lake King Road. Once the funding has been allocated, the project can be developed up andprojecttimelines detennined.
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