-.t Patna Univeiv'siU Courses of Study J., i; For B.A. Examination { Three Yeur Degree Course .,,\V\-=\\r Honours Part*Ol (History) . *-c>- ,A d,$a$ '> a I UEPARTMENT OF HI5TORY DARBHANGA HOUSE l pnrun aoo oo5 PATNA urlvesgrv' - NOTICE (15.10.2015) of studies w,r be helcl on Thursday A meeting of the Board of couses of P'G' of I{istory to revise the present syllabus at 02.00 pM Noon in the Department meeting members are requestr:d to attend the and U.G. courses. The following positivelYi ,/ N{ember / Wof. AmarNath Singh Ivlernber 2. Prof. Padm aLataThakur \4ernber 3, Prof. S.K.P. Singh Irdember 4. Prof. JaYastui Mistra It[ember 5. Prof. P.K. Poddar Ilember 6. Prof. DaisY Banarjee Ivlember 7, Prof. MaYa Shankar Iipecial Invitee 8. Dr. Lali Srivastava lipecial Itrvitee g. Dr. OM Prakash Prasad Iipecial lnvitee 10. Dr. Awadh Kishore Pd' iipecial lnvitee 11. Dr. Ranjan Sinha ispecial Invitee 12. Dr. P.N. Das lSpecial Invitee 13. Dr. Surendra Kumar \\\ C4l_ t'r,(o')5 )ilcad, IIistorY DoPt' Partna UniversitY,Patn:r I I I .t' I Paoer-01 j-L jt, of archaeological and literary sources' IJi, Unit-01 A survey civilization' li Unit-02 The IIaraPPan sites' a, Geographical extent and Important Ecci'omy' Religion' li) b. Town- Planning and structures, Society, lu c. Decline of the Harappan culture' lo Unit-03 The Vedic age. a. Early Vedic Period. b. Political, social, economic and religious life' and religious frelds' c. The later Vedic phase - changes in potitical, socio-economic The Pre-MaurYan Age a. Sixteen MahajanPadas. b. Rise of Magadh. c. Persian and Macedonian invasions & its impact' d. Lope and Philosophy of Buddha and Mahavi:: The Mauryan Age a. Achievements of Chandragupta maurya' b. Asoka's foreign policy and dharma ( Dhamnra) c. Mauryan societY, economy and Art' d. Administration. e. Decline and disintegration. q Political and cultural development (200 BC-A 200) a. The Sungas b. The Kushanas i c. The Satavzah anas d. The Sangam age- Political and Cultural Derielopments' The Guptas r.eference of Samudra a. Rise of the Gupta empire Brief Political Fi-:i::;'with special Gupta; ChandraguPt-Il. r) b. Cultural life under the ptas. ,). Decline of the *r-^lr \ Susgested Reading:- of Ancient India, Oxford l. H.C. Raichaudhun Political History University press, 2005. of ancient India in 2. D.D. Kosambi Culture and civilization Historical. Outline. qk{q 3. R.S. Sharma crift{ ER( aI 4. R.S. Sharma India's Ancient Past. (Also in Hindi) 5. D.N. Jha An Outline of Ancient India 6. D.N. Jha and K.M. Shrimali c[t{. wr( q gkai".t r/o1. (also Hindi) 7. Romila ThaPar A History'cf India, I. in (also in Hindi) 8. Romila ThaPar Asoka and decline of the Mauryas 9. Yogendra Mishra Asoka 10. G.Yazdani (ft{ {t stft Etcr{ (also in Flindi) 11. K.A. Nilkanth sastri A History of south India gfdom 12. R.K. ChaudharY c[ft{ {rr< r.r rrq.tfrq iit{ {iqtd{ gP{6t{ .) 13. qrtrqft ord F TK Sutq'trt (also in 14. A.L. Basham The wonder that vias India Hindi) ) 15.qrq g{r qctrco t*rq {t{dt , 16. U.N. Roy {< sIE[q ;{tt s<-+t tot qq n 17. R.C. Mazumdar gl 18. K.C, Shrivastava qrfr( rR( efl st{6t{i rni ftn I 1206 A.D' in Hindi) 19. Kameshwar Prasad History of India (Earliest Times to n, D J- D o .) U:1 I f,n; .t\ q' -,f .t I -t q !,j ! o \ t, I tra r$ J 5,. "l, Paper- II Rise of Modern West (Mid 15th centurv to American Revolution) Unit-0l Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. Unit-02 Mercantilism to the Age of commercial capitalism. Unit-03 GeographicalDiscoveries. a. Causes b. Course c. Significance Unit-04 Renaissance a. Causes b. Stages ) c. Nature d. Impact Unit-05 Reformation and counter reformation. a. Causes b. Stages c. Impact. Unit-06 Age of Enlightenment-Feature and impact. Unit-07 Emergence of Nation States- Special reference of Frame. Unit-08 Benevolent Despotism a. Peter the Great of Russia b. Frederick the Great of Prussia Unit-09 Growth of Parliamentary Institutions in England a. Tudors and Parliament. b. Struggle between Stuart Kings and Parliament. c. Hanoverian Kings and Parliament. Unit-10 Industrial Revolution a. Causes b. Impact. $ %:." /'(-./ j- Dr ' n nl/o' p l'fl t r) c.\ '' \-l' ' \q Unit-11 AmericanRevolution ;t a. Causes 't b. Nature ' c. Significance t l. ,, e_' Suesested Readinss:- ) l. Meenakshi Phukan Rise of Modern West l 2. Parthsarthi GuPta(ed.) 3{Fltft qR-m ot Yqc 3. ril6 {6t$ {ct €{EIt{d gtc trt stffi( (qfl-ol) l 4. wrqst +ft \"i erft{&q{ 1qr{ gr8s'TI {fo{rfta gtderq 5. G. Clark Early Modem EuroPe 'l 6. M.S. Anderson 18ft century, Europe ,l 7. G.M. TrevelYan Social History of England D 8. C.D. Barns and others Westem Civilization, 2 vols. 9. Colton and Palmer A History of Modern world ') 10. Morris Dobb Studies in Development of Capitalism l [1. Seton Watson History of Russia t ) 12. Critospher Hill Age of Revolutions. qci tt.i Rm Rir tqn st{6rq fl s{o{"r D 13.4r{Rrq Eqrr : t) a, I b! I @ i i aI t b F P & r> (Subsidiary Course) PAPER-o1 (Ancient and Medieval India) Group-A Unit-01 Salient features of Harappan Civilization. Unit-02 Vedic period a. Early vedic period-Political, Social and Economic condition b. Later vedic Period - Political, Social and Economic condition Unit-03 Mauryas a. Achievements of Chandragupt Maurya r,u b. Asoka- Dhamrna I !r' Unit-04 (A) Gupta and Post - GuPta Period. I $s a. Cultural Achievements of the Guptas I i b. Achievement of Harshavardhana ru (B) South India (old) ! \'$ a. Pallavas- Cultural Achievements. 1 b. Cholas-Administration. icI Group - B (tI Unit-05 Establishment and Expansion of Delhi Sultanate I I a. Iltutmish .(rr!1 b. Balban I c. Alauddin Khilzi arD d. Muhammad Bin-Tuglaq I d.t Unit-06 Establishment and Expansion of the Mughal Rule in India' .al- a. Babar 1\- b. Shershah )" . ).rJut' c. Akbar /../' aa\ IA \,5 ?- 5'Y'"^' d. Aurangzeb \.'- )- 1J Rise of Marathas J^ i€/ a. Shivaji l, s--) Cc l, \f & \\ 7 f i,I ; Readinss:- I, Sussested Shrimali qFit{ l{rfi ot cftr6rq I l. D.N. Jha and K.L' lndia (also in Hindi) F 2. D.N. Jha An outline of Ancient 3. R.S. Sharma lndia's Ancient Past h, r{rd qk;{q 4. R.S. Sharma cflft{T fl b, History of India Vol' I (Also in Hindi) , 5. Romila ThaPar 3ii u 6, R.K. chaudharY cFir{ .{tt( +r wrftit-+ sir{'tff{ ciatm (Also in Hindi) h 7. A.L. Basham The Worder that was India 1 Political History of Ancient India b 8. H.C. Rai Chaudhuri I Satish Chandra Medieval India (also in Hindi) I 9. was India Vol.II p 10. S.A.A. Rizvi The Wonder that I rtrt( fl st{6m-z qd { p ll. rRlq-s sct wrcrdH India in 3 vols.(also in Hindi) 12. J.L. Mehta History of Medieval t) Rule in India 13. A.B.M. Habibullah Foundations of Muslim Mughal Empire Vol'I and II \) 14. R.P. Tripathi Rise and Fall of the Earliest Times to 1206 AD r) 15. Kameshwar Prasad History of India - (Teach Yourself Series) i, 1526-17 57 16. Kameshwar Prasad History of India- 1206-1526, O (Teach Yourself Series) t -.[ -.\5 \4r7r,Ln I \> (_- o, \t-- -l:- r -, \h q \\.r \o \ a D t t +t*' )vv , Y\*'>-i-" 5 -<.') '' ' j \cJ ) I D 0 0 ! .-,1 ' l. \ b : ,h ') t Patna [Jniversi$ ) ) ) ) Courses of Study t, ,, t t ) For ) B.A. Examinution ) )* Three Year Degre:e Course I a ) t t\ t a> a ( run- __) D b ) ) r( rf D I l" I B.A. (Hons.) Part-II ll Historv of Earlv Medieval India (550-1206 AD) lt PAPER.trI lr India' Unit-01 Transition from ancient to early mediaval I a. Society I b. Economy c. Culture l Unit-02 The Pallavas of Kanchi. ) a. outline of political History with special reference to Mahendravarman I and , Narsingh Varman I ) b. Different styles of Temple Aichitecture' ) Unit-03 Harshavardhan. a. Sources ), b. Conquests and Extent of EmPire' T c. Administration Unit-04 The Arab Invasion in Sind. I a. Significance-Causes. ) b. Nature c. Significance ) Unit-05 The Palas. a. Rise and Decline of the Pala Empire- A survey b. Cultural contributions Unit-06 Bhakti Movement inthe South. a. The Alvars b. The Nayanars Unit-07 a. Life of Shankaracharya b.' Teachings of ShankaracharYa Unit-08 The Chalukyas of Badami. L. Chalukya- Pallava Conflicts and interaction b. Religion, Literature, Art and Ar.chitecture Unit-09 The Cholas a. Career and achilvements of Raj Raj and Rajendra Chola' -.\-z * b. Local administration .\t '"' ,-:. \f. t' \U,, \tr \' \ , b.\, _y. c. Maritime activities. ",\ll'i'),',,-. ri \ I I, Suggested Readings:- l. R.S. Sharma Early Medieval Indian SocietY ) 2. R.S. Sharma qfl& qrlrfr rt(M et{ {qta . T{ 3. B.S. Sharma "Transtion from Ancient to Medieval in Indian History" Indian ll Historical Review, Vol.2. ') 4. Nihar Ranjan Ray "Medieval Factor in Indian History", General President's Address, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, Patiala,1967 ' I ) 5. C. Minakshi Administration and Social Life under the Pallavas 6. R.S.
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