129^E 130^E 131^E 132^E 133^E 134^E 135^E 136^E 137^E 138^E N GROUNDWATER nd Cape Isla Cape W E Croker ley Ox Wessel Island son P aw y o CROKER L 11^S a r 11^S of the NORTHERN B t ISLAND ARAFURA SEA E McCluer Island e Vashon Head s Cape y g Point s i a d n Van Diemen i Jahleel Minjilang Grant Island B r g t k y b o S r a h n t a B Radford Dundas Strait e h e k L St As S Point aph B a Cape ay n COBURG PENINSULA Cape Cockburn S Don Marchinbar Island Deception Point Tiwi Mineral Sands Pirlangimpi Victoria Settlement TERRITORY Milikapiti GARIG GUNAK BARLU NATIONAL PARK North Goulburn Is. Rocky Point TIWI ISLANDS Brogden Point Na pie North West BATHURST r Bay South Goulburn Is. Stevens Island WESSEL ISLANDS Gor Crocodile Island Guluwuru Island do Cape Keith AQUIFER TYPES n B Wurankuwu Aurary Warruwi Cuthbert ay C MELVILLE ISLAND o Bay Point Drysdale Island Cape Helvetlus b Truant Island h Wigram ISLAND a Brathwaite Point Nguiu m rown Strait Island B Pickertaramoor B B d ayu-Undan Gas Pipeline ay oa tion Bay R Unconsolidated sediments with intergranular porosity. Junc ay Cape Fourcroy VAN DIEMEN GULF Elcho Island al Creek Cape M Intermediate scale aquifers R t E Boucaut Bay ai V Stewart Str RI Mooroongga Pt Napier A Island M Sedimentary rocks with intergranular porosity. e Jungle nc d Galiwinku re Maningrida y e 12^S la a a 12^S C B l Bremer Vernon m Goomadeer am v Milingimbi h i Island Regional to local scale aquifers g l B y Gochan in l Islands a k e a Point B Jiny-Jirra Castlereagh Howard c y u Gunn Point Stuart e E B B NHULUNBUY k AS Bay Island a n T R y Fractured and Weathered Rocks with some intergranular porosity. BEAGLE GULF Chambers Bay i R Rorruwuy Alcan Gove Mine E Yathalamarra F E Mapurru Gunyangara Sh V o Nabarlek E CATO al I Ngangalala Yirrkala B D Intermediate scale aquifers. a MARY R Yariwoi LATRAM y Woolner A Ramingining Arnhem Gunbalanya M District lywoi Bay Charles Point RIVER KAKADU NATIONAL PARK Bay GOVE R. Da NATIONAL O O Cape Arnhem R Fractured and Weathered Rocks. G PARK E Dhalinybuy DARWIN Howard RIVER V R. Spring I Old Arafura Gapuwiyak Wonga R A Local scale aquifers. L Ck. Belyuen JaJa L Manmoyi DARWIN IG AT Gurrumuru ROAD P Jabiru OR o Fractured and Weathered Rocks with minor groundwater resources. rt Dum In Mirrie Island B RURAL AN AY ra M S Ranger Mine L ARNHEM d Local scale aquifers. D O Berry L HIGHW RIVER s WI O ha Springs U O w T P Fog H R D E R U Fractured and Karstic Rocks. V Birany Bay R ARNHEM I E R I V L D A Birany C R E Koongarra H Y CENTRAL B a Local and intermediate scale aquifers. I T le R Cooinda O U Bark Hut Inn V n Y do Point Blaze D E n F L Gakorrorodjh G INNISS B Bay R MARY B TIMOR O A C Batchelor I Fractured and Karstic Rocks. ha L Cape Grey 13^S nn Mount L Gan Gan Tr 13^S el MARY I ARNHEM LAND Wurrkal Spring R ia G Ringwood . l Regional scale aquifers. Po Bay in RIVER A t T HIGHWAY NATIONAL O Peron Island North Note: The boxes on the left give schematic view of the aquifers. Welltree PARK R Adelaide River Baniyala SEA LITCHFIELD Peron Island South Source: Ban Ban KAKADU NATIONAL PARK NATIONAL Anson Springs Cape Shield Hydstra Database and existing hydrogeological mapping. Northern Territory Department of Land Resource Management. Bay PARK Brocks Isle Woodah Cape Ford Litchfield Creek Grove Hill Mary River 1 : 2 500 000 scale digital geology, 1 : 2 500 000 scale digital geology, Geological Survey, Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy. Litchfield OS KAKADU Blue Nicol Island R Hayes RIVER IV Cape Scott Burrundie E Mud Creek Emerald R ROAD Hawknest Elizabeth Springs Frances North East Downs Creek Weemol Bay Island AQUIFERS Douglas Union Isles Esmeralda Bickerton Tipperary Town Bulman The majority of aquifers in the Northern Territory are developed in networks of fractures (cracks) in hard rocks. Their extent depends on the intensity of fracturing and the RIVER Island Dooley Point Nauiyu degree to which fractures are connected with each other. Fractures are more commonly open in weathered rock and so more capable of storing and transmitting PipelineDOUGLAS Douglas Mt. Catt Spring Milyakburra groundwater. as Hot Spring D G Pine Creek Cape A Kybrook Alyangula Woodycupaldiya LY Dombey DOUGLAS DALY Farm ARNHEM Milner Bay Umbakumba The highest yielding zones are often situated at the base of weathered rock. This typically varies between 30 and 80 metres, depending on the region. Hy P la Gemco Mine nd Lewin o B Bonaparte REGION Extensive sedimentary basins containing limestone and dolomite support "Karstic" aquifers formed both by fractures and also by solution cavities ranging up to the size of r a Springs Mainoru Angurugu t y Jindare Mountain 14^S K Valley Emerald River 14^S caves. e Fergusson NITMILUK Cape Hay a Spring Bay t M River Conways GROOTE bu s O (KATHERINE GORGE) lum YLE Peppimenarti Wongalara Da GULF Aquifers that have primary intergranular porosity are formed in both unconsolidated sediments (e.g. river gravels) and in older sandstones. The extents of the former are Black Cockatoo NATIONAL PARK EYLANDT Spring Eva poorly known. The Ti-Tree Basin and an alluvial aquifer in the Keep River area are the only "unconsolidated sediment" aquifers shown on the main map. Others are shown Valley CENTRAL Wadeye FISH RIVER Hill Spring Numbulwar on the "Palaoevalleys" side map. R GORGE BLOCK IV RIVER ER RN 7595 R Claravale Maud Creek Cape Beatrice I Big V OF AQUIFER SCALE Nganmarriyanga E River Pearce Point R KATHERINE Sandy Island Florina Barunga This refers to the distance over which groundwater flows through the aquifers from recharge to discharge areas. Katherine Hot Spring Dorisvale DALY ROPER Maranboy Local - less than 5 kilometres Intermediate - 5 to 50 kilometres Regional - more than 50 kilometres Binjari Beswick Goondooloo Flying R E V I R Fox E IN R E JOSEPH H T A E K N STUA Edward Island RI TINDALL HE Y RT Rittarangu CARPENTARIA BONAPARTE KAT RIVER GIWINING / FLORA RIVER E N I R E H T A K Lonesome Dove Ngukurr NATURE PARK IGHWA KATHERINE Bitter Urapunga FITZ FLO H Rainbow ROPER R ER GULF MAU Springs Moroak IV RIC ER RA Spring HIGHWAY Limmen LIMMEN BIGHT E RIV Flora Fig Tree GROUNDWATER DISCHARGE Wombungi O/S RIVER Scott Creek Mount McMinn Bight MARINE PARK River Spring Spring Namul Namul Maria Island Manbulloo Mataranka Djilkminggan LIMMEN ROPER DISCHARGE NATIONAL PARK ARAFURA SEA 15^S ELSEY NATIONAL PARK 15^S Groundwater usually discharges at low-lying points in the landscape. It Lakefield Beatrice Island can take the form of individual springs or as diffuse seepage into stream HIGHWAY beds. Recharge to groundwater is greatest in the higher rainfall zone in VICTORIA Bloodwood Minyerri RIVER Legune Nenen Downs TIMOR the north, so discharge is correspondingly greater. RIVER Nhulunbuy Willeroo SEA DARWIN Bradshaw Innesvale Many streams in the north maintain a flow for at least part of the long dry Jabiru Wyworrie VICTORIA A R N H E M L A N D season because of groundwater discharge. Some streams, particularly KEEP those with major karstic or porous rock aquifers in their catchments, flow JUDBARRA / Margaret Vermelha SIR EDWARD PELLEW GROUP Downs Larrizona Cow GREGORY BUN LIMMEN T throughout the dry season. Springs with significant discharges (more than Bullo River Creek H North Coolibah NATIONAL Gorrie Hodgson BARRANYI (North Island) 100 L/s) only occur in karstic aquifers. KEEP RIVER TINE West Island Nathan River Lorella NATIONAL PARK Larrimah River NATIONAL BIG NATIONAL PARK Fitzroy PARK Hot Spring Island D O U G L A S Extension (Proposed) Delamere Bing Bong D A L Y Victoria River R E G I O N Another mechanism for groundwater discharge is where trees in the HIGHWAY PARK Timber Creek Roadhouse Gas Pipeline South Auvergne Lorella Centre I. GULF riparian zone directly tap the watertable. This occurs throughout the Spring West I. Banjo Western Middle Birdum Nutwood Downs Katherine Territory, but in the arid south it is thought to be the dominant process Bulla Vanderlin OF KEEP RIVER Creek Creek Creek along with discharge through salt lakes. Maryfield Port Island CARPENTARIA NATIONAL PARK cArthur Dillinya Tarlee M Gilnockie Cox River EN This map shows recorded springs and streams that flow throughout the Providence M dry season. The streams have been classified according to their flows at LIM VICTORIA Manangoora Borroloola the end of the dry season. The classification only extends to the tidal limit, HIGHWAY Wandangula 16^S BU Sunday LIMMEN Borroloola 16^S Avago Creek V I C T O R I A so some streams such as the Roper River appear to stop before reaching Newry CH NATIONAL Warby O/S R the coast. A Kalala E R I V E R NA R IV E R N V Greenbank D I S T R I C T Bauhinia PARK I Downs R Lake Killarney Daly Waters CARPENTARIA CARANBIRINI SPRINGS Argyle VICTORIA RIVER Moolooloo O/S Highway Inn Seven Emu HIGHWAY CONSERVATION RESERVE R Springs DISTRICT Broadmere E Birrimba V Victoria River Downs Tanumbirini I Rosewood R Major Springs Amanbidji R JUDBARRA / GREGORY Yarralin I Hidden Valley Amungee Mungee Humbert River V B A R K L Y Top Springs T E Spring R R Salt Lake NATIONAL BULLWADDY Creek E T A B L E L A N D HWAY CONSERVATION O T Downs V HIG McArthur River L Dungowan RESERVE Cape Crawford A Waterloo PARK Buchanan Downs Dunmarra C Montejinni McArthur River BUCHANAN Shenandoah HIGHWAY Pungalina END OF DRY SEASON FLOWS Balbirini Coconut Spring Tennant Creek Wickham River R Robinson Greater than 100 Litres/second U Spring Pigeon Hole H River T R Bubbling Sands A 10 to 100 Litres/second c Spring M STUART Up to 10 Litres/second Camfield Mallapunyah Mount Sanford T A N A M I 17^S Murranji Springs Photo Spring 17^S ROBINSON D E S E R T AQUIFER Mistake Creek Calvert Wollogorang Karstic Aquifers Beetaloo Hills Limbunya Kiana Nelson Spring Daguragu Wave Hill Marlinja Kalkarindji Elliott Alice Springs Cattle Creek Ucharonidge LONGREACH WATERHOLE Tandyidgee Source: PROTECTED AREA Hydstra Database and existing hydrogeological maps.
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