0 4 PROCEEDING E SOCIETYTH F O S , DECEMBE , 19079 R . III. BOYAMUND'S VALUATION OF ECCLESIASTICAL BENEFICES IN THE ARCHDEACONRY OF LOTHIAN (1274-1275) : WITH AN ALPHA- BETICAL LIST OF THE MOIiE DIFFICULT PLACE-NAMES IN THE ACCOUNT E SECONTH R DFO S YEAR (1275-1276) E RIGHTH TY B . REV. JOHN DOWDEN, D.D., LL.D., VICE-PRESIDENT S.A. (SCOT.). e photographTh s (recently procure e Societth y b f dAntiquarieyo f so Scotland from the Vatican) of the ancient copy of a paper book con- tainin glarga e account parth e paymentf o th t f so s mad o Boyamunt e d certaiy ecclesiastice b th f no f Scotlanso d unde name th re f tith"o eth e e Holth of y Land" (1274-1276) enablo correct s e u prineth tf o t Theiner's Monumenta (pp. 109-116 n severai ) l particulars. They also reveal thae curiouth t se place-nameformth f o s e greas th are tn i , majority of instances, due not to the carelessness of Theiner's reproduc- tion, but almost certainly to the misreadings of the copyist who gave us documene th preserves a t Vaticae th n di n archives.* I. It may first be desirable to notice the errors of Theiner. These may be classed under three heads : (1) errors of omission ; (2) unquestion- able errors due to misreadings ; (3) probable misreadings, by which I mean readings which giv e texteth ,conceivabl y whema t ni e reayb n i d two different ways, in the way which knowledge of Scottish topography renders less likely to be correct. I have noted the following in that part of the document with which I am dealing in this paper, viz. the opening pages, recording the tithe e churcheoth f e Archdeaconrth n si f Lothianyo . d unimportant an e omission w Th fe ) (1 e ) 'proar s(a : ' shoule b d inserted before 'primo anno' in line 12 of Theiner (No. cclxiv.); (J) ' Vicariu e Erteldo d j si Marc. n' shoul e inserteb d d between ''Vicarius de Loghorvert' and 'Vicarius de Graniston.' Uut Theiner * See a paper by the writer in vol. xxxix. of the Proceedings of the Society, pp. 379-386. BOYAMUND'S VALUATION OF ECCLESIASTICAL BENEFICES. 41 seems to have noticed the omission, and he inserts ' Vicarius de Erteldon ' in another place, last hut one at the foot of the list. (2) Theiner's own misreadings are more numerous : (a) in the general summation of the tithe of all Scotland as here represented (line 6 of Theiner's print), 'flor.' (florins) shoul e reab d d 'sol.' (shillings); (b) for 'Bolhans' rea d' Bothans' r 'lynlitheufo ) (c ; ' read 'lynlithcu'; (d) fo ' Genilifr ' read ' G-renilif' t error Bu f thio s. s kind occur chiefln i y e seconth d year's accounts. The e dealar ye tth e clos witth f o et a h present paper. e ) thirErrorth (3 f do s clase mucar s h more e frequentw s A . print belo e correcwth t s unnecessari text t i , o enumeratt y e them; but they are easily accounted for by the mistaking of one letter for another which resembled it in script. One or two illustrations may be given. The Mearns (Kincardineshire ' M[er]nis' s a . ).MS appeare th n i s Theiner reads the n as u; and printing the u as v (which, by the way, is too frequent a practice of Theiner) gives us the puzzling word ' Mervis'. ' Smalberme' (Theiner) may more easily be read Smalhame '. ' Fordim (Theiner easils a reay e yb d' Fordun')ma . scribe wroto Th documene ewh eth e Vaticath n i t n made very many errors of this kind, and Theiner, when dealing with the scribe's copy, made a few. Errors of both kinds are indicated in the notes on the name f churchesso . These remarks apply chiefle accountth e o th yt f o s first year. In the second year's accounts the transformations of the place-names are more numerous and more grotesque. e notesth n I ,havI . eII adde n mani d ye sak casesth f com o er - fo , parison otheo tw , r valuation e churche th e Archdeaconrf th o s n i s f yo Lothian valuatioe firse th s i Th t . n recorde registee Priore th th n di f ryo of St Andrews (pp. 28-32 of the Bannatyne Club edition). Its date is unfortunately uncertain. But it is generally admitted to exhibit the Antiqua Taxatio, which mosn i , t cases considerablys wa , belo veruse wth valor, as taken on oath, for Boyamund's tithe. References to this old valuation are cited as from A. 42 PBOCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, DECEMBER 9, 1907. Ther s i preservee d amon e manuscripth g t treasure f Durhao s ma Taxation of ecclesiastical benefices in the south of Scotland for papal tenths (nominally in subsidium Terne Sanctce). Pope Nicholas IV., on 10th Januar secone th n yi d s pontificat yeahi f o r e (i.e. 10th January 1290), issue da bul Kino t l g Edwar f Englando . I d , concedin himo gt , per certi temporis spatium, the Holy Land tenths from ecclesiastical revenue kingdome th n si Englanf so d Scotland dan n Irelan i d d an ,an d Wales. The original bull is in the chapter-house at Westminster, and the text is printed by the Surtees Society in vol. xii. (on the Priory of Goldingliam, pp. cviii-cxvii). The Prior of Coldingham was appointed collecto e Archdeaconrth n i r f Lothianyo e dat f thiTh o e .s valuation ma fixee y b betwees da n 129 1295d 0an abou r o , t twenty years later than Boyamund's valuation. Like Boyamund's valuation, it professes to give the verus valor. I cite it as D. The document before us I cite as B. In the notes, I have attempted, when the valuation of a vicarage is e monasterth givenx fi o r t ,othey o r e holderectorth f r o rectoriaro y l revenues. The study of this document leaves a vivid impression of the extent to which parochial revenues were (even in the 13th century) diverte e suppore monasteriesth e smalth o dt th f o f tl o payment d an , s allowe vicare th r workino dt so g parish clergy. t I wil e observeb l d tha n thii t s list, professedl f churcheo y e th n i s Archdeaconr f Lothiano y e finw ,d occasionally returns from churches d monasteriean se Forthe th nortreturn Th f o h. s from monasteries elsewhere may be for property in the Archdeaconry, but it is not so easy to account for the occasional appearance of parish churches outsid e bound Archdeaconrye eth th f so . I. Collectio decime terre sancte in archidiaconatu laodonie Episcopatus sancti andree apud Kelconl per magistrum Boyamunduni pro termino nat. domini anno m.cc.lxx. quatuor et beati Johannis baptiste anno m.cc.lxxv. videlice primo pr t o anno solutionis. 1 Kelcou (u, mistake n),r nfo i.e. Kelso. BOYAMUND'S VALUATIO F ECCLESIASTICAO N L BENEFICES3 4 . Rector Ecclesie d . eMarc ix Tynigha . m 2, Rector ecclesie de herihot8 . li. sol. viii. den. solx . Vicariuultr . Marcai . Norberwice sd . 4 . Marci . Vicariu . Boultone sd 6 . Marcij . Vicariu . leswadee sd . 6 Rector ecclesie de Morington 7 . iiij. Marc. Rector ecclesi. iij. MarcBotlianse . ed . 8 Vicarius de varia capella9 . ij. Marc, et diraid. procurator de Goggei10 . i. Marc. Recto . xxxr ecclesi. sol. hilton.e ed . ]l Procurator Eectoris Ecclesiaru e lystomd n . Marcvj . eviijt fouldeu . sol. 12 . .. 2 Tiningham is valued at 40 marks in A., p. 30. 3 Heriet mark0 . 3 A t ha n s i 4 Northberwy valuabla s kwa e benefice, value mark0 e church6 th t t dA.a n s i bu ,, was granted to the convent of Cistercian nuns in that town, and the vicar's income was, it seems, only lllb. 13s. 4d. 5 Bolton parish church belonged to Holyrood ; it is valued at 20 marks in A. ; the vicar's stipenmarks0 1 s dwa . 6 Lasswade was a mensal church of the Bishop of St Andrews. It is valued at 80 mark vicar'e th s; s incom marks0 2 127 n ei s 5.wa 7 Mordington in Berwickshire, valued in the old taxation (A) at 24 marks, is now worth 40 marks. 8 Bothans (now Yester) in Haddingtonshire, valued, at 30 marks in the old taxa- t appeari o s tiond ss certaian ,i here t I n. thae forth tm' Bolhans erron a f s o ri ' scribee Theinerth f o .t no , 9 Varia Capell s Falkirki a e ancienth , t Eaglais breac, ' spotte r o d church.' This Bishoe give s t th Andrew S y wa churcf n b pt o I mark o 0 s . valuet shi A 12 n st i da Holyrood in 1166 (?). The vicar's payment to Boyamund shows his income at 25 I8lb.s i t i . 11sD marksn .i 2d.d an , 10 Gogar was one of the Holyrood churches. It is valued at 12 marks in A. ; and from this account of Boyamund we see that the priest who served it (he is not styled vicar) received 10 marks. In D. the value of the rectory is lOlb. 19s. 9rf. 11 Hilton in Berwickshire, valued in A.
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