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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions VOL 39 NO 3 FisheriesAmerican Fisheries Society • www.fisheries.org MAR 2014 Downloaded by [American Fisheries Society] at 13:30 24 March 2014 In this Issue: Understanding Barotrauma Overpopulation and Fish AFS Chapter Roles Ecosystem Modeling Social Media: Take the Plunge! 03632415(2014)39(3) Downloaded by [American Fisheries Society] at 13:30 24 March 2014 Fisheries VOL 39 NO 3 MARCH 2014 Contents COLUMNS President’s Commentary 99 How Many People Are Enough (Too Many)? 135 An angler in Kerala, India. Photo credit: Antony Grossy. Those of us who think ecologically see the effects of population growth multiplied by per capita resource FEATURES consumption manifested in increased listings of threatened and endangered species, climate change, climate chaos, and 108 Understanding Barotrauma in Fish Passing Hydro degraded ecosystem services (including water quality and Structures: A Global Strategy for Sustainable Development availability, fisheries, and coral reef condition). of Water Resources Bob Hughes Understanding the causes of barotrauma in fish can be critical Letter from the Executive Director for sustainable development of water resources. 101 The Foundational Role of Chapters Richard S. Brown, Alison H. Colotelo, Brett D. Pflugrath, The AFS as a corporate body—Chapters, Sections, Divisions— Craig A. Boys, Lee J. Baumgartner, Z. Daniel Deng, Luiz G. needs to show how the additive value of the Society to a M. Silva, Colin J. Brauner, Martin Mallen-Cooper, Oudom prospective member’s professional and conservation goals is Phonekhampeng, Garry Thorncraft, and Douangkham worth the investment of his or her funds. Singhanouvong Doug Austen 123 Response to Dettmers et al. (2012): Great Lakes Fisheries Managers Are Pursuing Appropriate Goals Policy 102 Ecosystem Modeling to Support Fishery Management Randall M. Claramunt and David F. Clapp Managing fisheries with improved success will rely on models 126 Considerations When Determining Appropriate that offer contextual, heuristic, tactical, and strategic advice, Management Goals: A Reply to Claramunt and Clapp depending on their design and our needs. John M. Dettmers, Christopher I. Goddard, and Kelley D. Smith Thomas E. Bigford IN MEMORIAM Digital Revolution 103 Tablet Computers in Fisheries 128 Robert J. Behnke, George Gordon Fleener, Curt Kerns, These computers work well in all conditions and are built to Daniel Lluch Belda, Jacqueline F. Savino, and David W. Willis last. AFS CALL TO ACTION Jeff Kopaska 133 Killed in the Line of Work The Communication Stream Robert A. Klumb and Maegan E. Spindler 104 What to Do With Your New Twitter Account (or Facebook, or …) FRESHWATER, FISH, AND THE FUTURE You have your Twitter account. Okay. Now what? Downloaded by [American Fisheries Society] at 13:30 24 March 2014 Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey 135 Global Inland Fisheries Conference: Theme 1— Biological Assessment SPECIAL AFS ANNUAL MEETING 2014 105 Water Quality Section Introduction and History Water quality is integral to fisheries scientists’ work, whether 137 Meeting Update: Exploring Québec City monitoring an aquaculture pond, measuring fine sediment in JOURNAL HIGHLIGHTS streams, or restoring a natural waterway. Gregg A. Lomnicky, Robert H. Gray, and John W. Meldrim 139 North American Journal of Aquaculture, Volume 76, Number 1, January 2014 AFS NEWS CALENDAR 107 Don’t forget to vote; AFS wants to help you; April 142 Fisheries Events is Award Nominations Month; New Fisheries Guide for Authors is out (with a new Mission Statement); AFS NEW AFS MEMBERS 143 seeks Co-Chief Science Editor for Fisheries magazine; Bigford retires from NOAA (pssst… AFS grabs him!). Cover: An everted intestine in Serrudo. Photo credit: Carlos Bernardo M. Alves, Bio-Ambiental Consultancy. Fisheries • Vol 39 No 3 • March 2014 • www.fisheries.org 97 EDITORIAL / SUBSCRIPTION / CIRCULATION OFFICES 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110•Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 (301) 897-8616 • fax (301) 897-8096 • [email protected] The American Fisheries Society (AFS), founded in 1870, is the oldest and largest professional society representing fisheries scientists. The AFS promotes scientific research and enlightened management of aquatic resources for optimum use and enjoyment by the public. It also FisheriesAmerican Fisheries Society • www.fisheries.org encourages comprehensive education of fisheries scientists and continuing on-the-job training. AFS OFFICERS FISHERIES STAFF EDITORS DUES AND FEES FOR 2014 ARE: $80 in North America ($95 elsewhere) for regular PRESIDENT SENIOR EDITOR CHIEF SCIENCE EDITOR members, $20 in North America ($30 elsewhere) Bob Hughes Doug Austen Jeff Schaeffer for student members, and $40 ($50 elsewhere) for retired members. PRESIDENT ELECT DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATIONS SCIENCE EDITORS Donna L. Parrish Aaron Lerner Kristen Anstead Deirdre M. Kimball Fees include $19 for Fisheries subscription. Marilyn “Guppy” Blair Jeff Koch FIRST VICE PRESIDENT MANAGING EDITOR Jim Bowker Jim Long Nonmember and library subscription rates are Ron Essig Sarah Fox Mason Bryant Daniel McGarvey $182. Steven R. Chipps Jeremy Pritt SECOND VICE PRESIDENT CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Ken Currens Roar Sandodden Joe Margraf Beth Beard Andy Danylchuk Jesse Trushenski Michael R. Donaldson Usha Varanasi PAST PRESIDENT POLICY DIRECTOR Andrew H. Fayram Jack E. Williams John Boreman Thomas E. Bigford Stephen Fried Jeffrey Williams Larry M. Gigliotti BOOK REVIEW EDITOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Madeleine Hall-Arbor Francis Juanes Doug Austen Alf Haukenes Jeffrey E. Hill ABSTRACT TRANSLATION Pablo del Monte-Luna Fisheries (ISSN 0363-2415) is published monthly by the American Fisheries Society; 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110; Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 © copyright 2014. Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda, Maryland, and at an additional mailing office. A copy of Fisheries Guide for Authors is available from the editor or the AFS website, www.fisheries.org. If requesting from the managing editor, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request. Republication or systematic or multiple reproduction of material in this publication is permitted only under consent or license from the American Fisheries Society. 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