LIST OF INDIAN JUTE MILLS SL. NO. NAME OF THE MILLS COMPANIES LOCATION OF THE FACTORY HEAD OFFICE ADDRESSES 28,BTRoad, P.O-Kamarhatty, Kol- 58mPh-2553-2554,4022-9800 B.T. Road,P.O - Kamarhatty, Kolkata - Fax : 2583-4601 1 Agarpara Jute Mills Ltd. 700058, Ph. No. - 2553-1791/1724 Fax : Admn. Office - 21A Shekespeare 2553-2554 Sarani, Kol-17, Ph-4022-9700 Fax: 2290-1918 Email : [email protected]. Jagatdal, P.O. R.L.B.Lane 24- Anglo India Jute & Textiles Industries Registered Office : 16A Brabourne 2 Parganas(N) Pin-743125, West Bengal. Pvt. Ltd. Road, 9th floor Kol-01. Ph. No. - 2581-3735/4214/1820 P.O.Angus (Baidya bati) Dist-Hooghly Pin- 9, India Exchange Place,Kolkata- 3 Angus Jute Works 712221 2633-9564/65/6128 Fax:033- 700001 2220-3185/2210-7112 633-6128 Fax:2220-3185 West Ghose Para Road P.O.Jagatdal,24- Kankaria Estate, 6,Little Russel Auckland International Ltd. (Unit- Parganas(N),Pin-743125,W.B. 2581- th 4 Street(7 Floor),Kolkata-700071 Auckland Jute Mills) 2757/2681-2036 Fax:581-3795 2287-2607/3257-5990/4006-0331 Fax No. 2287-3159 3, Haren Mukherjee Road,P.O.- 5, Middleton Street, Kol-71, Belurmath,Dist-Howrah. 2654- 5 Ambica Jute Mills Ltd. Ph-2287-2286,2283-5028/5029 , 6224/6730/4586 Pin-711202. Fax: 654- Fax: 2289-2516/2519 7218 West Ghose Para Road, P.O.- 18, Netaji Subhas Jagatdal,Dist-24 Parganas(N),Pin- Road,(3rdFloor),,Kolkata-700001. 6 Alliance Mills(Lessees) Ltd. 743125,W.B. Bhatpara. 2581- 2243-6401,222-3403 Fax:2220- 2745/2746/2686 2260. E.Mail:[email protected] 1, Lamb Road, (1ST floor) Purbashree Building,Guwahati-781001.Assam. 7 Atlanta Modular Ltd. West Boragaon. Guwahati-781033 Ph-0361-2632987/263317, Fax: 0361- 2633175. P.O.-Silghat,Nagaon(Assam),Pin:782143. P.O.-Silghat,Nagaon,Assam. (03672)272006,276775. 8 Assam Co-operative Jute Mills Ltd. Fax:(03672)272006,276775. Fax:(03672)276775/033 2337/6772/6974 Birla Building, 9/1 R .N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700001. Ph-3057- 3700/3041 Fax:033-2248- P.O.-Birlapur, 24-Parganas(S) Pin- 7988/2248-2872 , 9 Birla Corpn.Ltd( Unit-Birla Jute Mills) 743318,W.B 2420-9821/9822/23/24 Fax- E.Mail [email protected] , (033)420-9828 [email protected] Website:www.birlacorporation.com Birla Building, 9/1 R.N.Mukherjee Road,Cal-700001. 102, Narkeldanga Main Road, Cal-54. Ph. No. - 2213-2380/1680/4370 10 Birla Corp.Ltd.(Unit-Soorah Jute Mills) 334-9241/42/44.FaxL033) 23349241. Fax No.033-2487988/2482872 Ashok Kr. Chattoraj, G.M.(Works) E.Mail [email protected] , [email protected] Website: www.birlacorporation.com 5,Shree Charan Sarani, P.O. Bally, Dist- Howrah. Pin-711201,2671- 5, Middleton Street, Kol-71. , 11 Bally Jute Company Ltd. 2036/2086/1337. Fax: 91-033-2671-8270 Ph-2283-5028/5029 Fax: 2289-2516. SL. NO. NAME OF THE MILLS COMPANIES LOCATION OF THE FACTORY HEAD OFFICE ADDRESSES 284, Maharaja Nanda Kumar Road(N), Barnagore,P.O.Alam Bazar(w),Cal-700035. 12 The Barnagore Jute Factory PLC. 2577-0697,2577-5248 Fax:2577-0697 64, Maulana Azad Road,Budge Budge,24- 16A, Brabourne Road,(9th Floor) Kol- 13 Budge Budge Co-Ltd. Parganas(S),2470-2530/2531/1219, Fax- 01, Ph - 4010-8000 , Fax : 4010-8060 2470-4789. P.O.-Daharia Mills, Dist-Katihar-854105. 21A,Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata-17, 14 Sun Biotechnology Ltd.(Jute Division) Fax. Katihar-06452-240696. W.B.India. Chatterjee International Centre,(19th Floor), Room No- Makardah Road, Dasnagar,Howrah- West Bengal Agro Textile Corporation 12&11,33A,Jawaharlal Nehru 15 711105, Ph.No. 2667-0472/1497. Fax: Ltd,(Unit:Bharat Jute Mills Ltd.) Road,Kol-71, Ph 033-2288-7045 No. - 2226-3722/23. 2246-8093. 20,Old Court House Street,(3rd The Calcutta Jute Manufacturing Co. 93,Narkeldanga Main Road, Kol-700054. 16 Floor), Kol-700001. Ph. Ltd. Ph. No. - 2334-3731/3695. No. - 2248-4396/97/98, Fax: 2248-3960 9, Biplabi Trailakya Mharaj Sarani,Kol- 9, Chitaraguange,Budge Budge,24- 700001(Brabourne Road) 242- 17 Caledonian Jute&Industries Ltd. Parganas(S) , Ph. No. - 2470- 4666/67 Fax: 0332108521 1236/1460/1292. 2480-1246/2076 25, Princep Street, Kol-700072. 2237- AI Champdany Ltd..(Wellington Jute 9,G.T. Road, P,O,-Rishra,Dist-Hooghly, 672- 7880 to 85 2 225-1050/7924/8150. 18 Mill) 3395/1789/1044. Pin-712248 Fax- 91(33) 2250221, 91(33) 236- 3754 th 19,Mehta Road,Badekalinagar, Budge Magma House(9 Floor) 24, Park 19 Cheviot CO. Ltd. Budge, 24- Parganas(S) Pin-743319, 2470- Street, Kol-700016. 3291- 1334/5234/2989. Fax- 2470-5233 9624/25/28. Fax:2249-7269. E.Mail:[email protected] Chitavalsah-531162. Dist- ‘Mcleod House’ 3,Netaji Subhas Chitavalsah Jute Mills(A Division of Visakhapatnam(A.P.) 08933-226606 TO Road,Kol-700001. 248-7476(3lines), 20 Williard India Ltd.) 226608,226611,226612 Fax 908933)- Fax:248-8184. 226601 E.Mail:[email protected]. Regd. Office 4, Council House Street, Vill-Manikpore,Sankrail P.O.-Delta Mill, Kol-700001 2210-0286,32947300 21 Delta Ltd Dist-Howrah. Pin-711309. 2679- Fax-2248-4808 0527/28,2679-1413 E.Mail:deltagrpcal.vsnl.net.in Mody Building, 27,R.N.Mukherjee Champdany,P.O.-Baidyabati, Dist-Hooghly, Road, Kol-700001. 2248- 22 Dalhousie Jute Co.Ltd. W.B. Pin-712222. 2632- 0166(3lines),2248-4522 Fax- 2248- 3121/1521/1299/1062 1922,2220-2607. E.Mail:[email protected] Sunbeem Vanijya Pvt. Ltd.(Proceeding Ali Hyder Road,P.O.-Titagarh. 24- 21-A,Shakespeare 23 Unit-The Eastern Manufacturing Co. Parganas(N),Ph-2592-9336 , Fax: 2592- Sarani(2ndFloor),Kol-700017. Ph- Ltd. 9337 4022-9700 Fax:2290-1918 15, B.T. Road, P.O. Talpukur, Titagarh. 24- Admn.Office: 21-A,Shakespeare Parganas(N),Pin-743187. 2501-1836/0721 Sarani (3rdFloor) Kol-700017. 2281- 24 The Empire Jute Co. Ltd. Fax-2501-1836 0293/94, 2287-1282/83/84. Fax- 2281-0293 1,Old Court House Corner,Kol- 700001. 2243-5620/6337,2220- 1140/2470.Fax-2221-1852. Ring Road, Guntur -522006 A.P , Ph- 25 Shri Bajrang Jute Mills Ltd. E.Mail:[email protected] Head 2240113/2230433 Office:Ramanashree Chambers,37,Lady Curzon,Road,Bangalore-560001 SL. NO. NAME OF THE MILLS COMPANIES LOCATION OF THE FACTORY HEAD OFFICE ADDRESSES G.N.T.Road,Powerpeat,Eluru 534002.A.P.- East India Commercial Co. 534002. Ph.8812-226903. Fax-08812- 26 -DO-. Ltd.(Unit:Shri Krishna Jute Mills) 237370 /252846 E.Mail:[email protected] Chattisgarh Jute Industries 27. Bhonpuri, Raipur-493221 (C.G) -DO- Unit of Sri Bajrang jute mills Ltd. 21,Strand Road,Kol-700001. 2230- Bauria,P. O.-Fort Gloster,Dist- 9601(4lines).Fax:91-33- 28. Gloster Jute Mills Ltd. Howrah,W.B.Pin-711310. 2661--8327 22314222/221-06167. E.Mail:[email protected] 47&48 R.N.R.C.Ghat Road,P.O.- rd Vijayshree Ltd.(Fort- William Jute Mill 24/1/1, Alipur Road,3 floor,Kolkata- 29 Shibpur,Howrah-711102. 2660- Division) 27 2128/3770/3829/5594 Regd.&Admn. Office Chatterjee International Centre,6th Floor,Flat 30 Ganges jute Pvt.ltd. No.A-1, 33A,Jawaharlal Nehru Road Kol-71. 2226- 0881/0883/6283/6953. Fax-288- 7591 Regd.&Admn. Office Chatterjee P.O.-Bansberia,Dist-Hooghly,Rly- International Centre,6th Floor,Flat 31 The Ganges Mfg.Co.Ltd. Stn.Bansberia,Bandel,Pin-712502,W.B.634- No.A-1, 33A,Jawaharlal Nehru 26441/442/164. Fax-(033)6346287. Road Kol-71. 4012-3123. Fax-2288- 7591. Mazabani P.O-Rajganj Dist. Jalpaiguri.Pin- 735134 , Ph-03561- 63/1/2 Sarat bose Road, Kol-25. , Ph- 32 HSB Agro Industries ltd. (Jute Divn.) 254230/56 , Fax: 03561- 2474-9983, Fax: 033-2474-6123 254203 8/10,Old G.T. Road, Rishra 15B,Hemanta Basu Sarani,Kol- Hastings Jute Mill (A Division of 33 Hooghly(W.B.).Pin-712248. 2672- 700001 2248-2091/8581/4934. Fax- Murlidhar Ratanlal Exports Ltd.) 1067/3248/3117. 2484104. Howrah Mills Co. Ltd. 493/C,G.T.Road(South),Howrah- 10,Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sarani(Clive 34 Rgd.Off-Howrah House,135 Foreshore 711102.660-2107/8141. Fax-660-1447. Row), Kol-700001. 242- Rd. Howrah-711102. RLY Station-Mankundu. 4390/9949/7929 Chandannagar,P.O.-Gondalpara,Dist- 15B, Hemant Basu Sarani Kol-01. , Ph- Murlidhar Ratanlal Exports 35 Hooghly,Pin-712137. 2683-6785,2683- 2248-8581/2210-4821 , ltd.(Unit:Gondalpara Jute Mills) 6786 Fax: 2248-4104 117,West Ghose Para Road,P.O.- 5, Clive Row, 2nd Floor, Kol-700001, 36 Unit:Waverly Jute Mills Authpur,Dist-24 Parganas(N).west Bengal. Pin-743128. 2581-3043/2139 Ph-2231-5489/5555 Bourea,P.O.-Fort Gloster,Howrah Pin- 24/1/1, Alipur Road,3rd floor,Kolkata- 37 Bowreah Jute Mill Pvt. Ltd. 711310.Ph-2661-8291/8355. 27 38 The Hooghly Mills Co. Ltd. 9,G.R.Road,Kol-700043. 2439-7476 -DO- P.O.-Hzinagar, 24-Parganas(N) West The Hooghly Mill s Projects Ltd.(Unit: 39. Bengal. 585-8578/7969. 588-8061/8062. -DO- Hukumchand Jute Mill) Fax: 588-3675. 3,William Carey Road,P.O. Serampore,Dist- 15B, Hemant Basu Sarani Kol-01. , Ph- Murlidhar Ratanlal Exports (Unit:India 40. Hooghly. 2662-2396/2331. Fax:2662- 2248-8581/2210-4821 , Jute Mill) 6138 Fax: 2248-4104 Lala Kamlapat,Kalpi Road, 84/49, Zarib Chauki, Kalpi Road, 41 Juggilal Kamlapat Jute Mills Co.
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