( r P '■ ' . ' r - . t . '■-M ■ ■ > ■ »•* ;r. : ■ ■ ■■ ■■ I'/'- L'A-' i-' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, ISSS AYtnce'Dl^y Net Preffi Run FAGB TWENTY For the Week Faded - ' The W s a W HlanfitfBtfir lEttfittins lim U i Oct. S. 1965 „rane*Bl at V. B. Waathar BuMau ToalglA—light rain, drtaala, SeleiJt 'Officers ^ , 1 1 , 8 2 0 leweet temperature in the kswar School on Ocilway 8t.‘, will meet ^ates President 60’a . Snnday—partly .ctoogy. llli!l T o w n tomorrow at id o’clock, 'undec the H^ber of the' Audit ' ' Mgheet teroporatare in-tfee lower diraetion of Mre. ^ elen Opalich. Of garden Club Vnaau el Ctrculattoa SO’i. Tha Amartom Club at lOd Mra. Peggy ■ Orayb -win be, in P City of, VUlage Chaim 'X-. > ;CUnt«;ii wlU bold r~maaUbK charge of the,beglnn«^ and the .................\ ___________ --— - ... ................................ ; / - " i’- '■__________________________ ________v_______________________ ..... i '‘iy(l' mSais^amraamiiqaasmi Sunday bcflnnlnr at 1 Confirmation dlaa*. wi)K dmit Ita Officers of the Manchester.Gar­ ara uryad to ■ yO 'tioA . aeMlon Saturday. The St^ .^Cecelia den Club for the. year in p r o s i t VOL. LXXV, NO. (FOURTEEN PiU^ES) IYER. c o)NBK,SA n k ; saturd1 ay, October (dtesblad .AdvarMsteg m Psga U ) •ttaod. '(children’#) Choir will hold a wars announead at. the recant PRICE FIVE GENTS aoeial tomorrow afternoon at S:S0 monthly .meeting by the president, A Vnltad NaUona "Help in the pariah hall, under the aoper- Mrs, Herbert Klngabury,' as - fol- tnk Paklatan.” ’wUl be ahown at vUion of Mra. Caroline Cuater. .- lows; - ttta-State n a a ta r Thuraday. Fri> Mrs. Horace B. Learned, vice Adlai Lauds \ • *day and Saturday of next Veek, Tha" American: Legion Auxiliary president; Mrs. Arthur. Schulthita, O i hwnsend through the courteey of the man- wUl hold lU a*Cond ,October meet­ aecretary; Mrs. Frank Bickmore,/ agument. movie ia thauatory ing Monday. Oct. 24, instead of. treasurer; Mrs. Alexander Man-> of V Jf. technlcaJ aaaiaUnce to the coming Monday, when the hall nalla and Mrs. J. Russell Pitkin, Teamwork Pakiataa; ____ ■ f will be In use by another organiaa- directors; Mrs. Theodore Lusaler, ritish tion.. I \; • program; -Miss MllliCent Jones, Tha Hartford. Dirtrict of Con- horticulture; Mrs. Charles Crock­ aactlcut Fallov«^ip of Oongraga- St. Mary’a- iWomeVa ^Auxiliary er, ways and meana; MIsa Mary Canada i f *• tienal Oiriatlaip women will hold baa aet the daft of: Thuraday. Oct. CnApman. public relations; Mrs. a fan rally at the Firat Congrega­ 20, for a itummage aale in the .Howard VIbbert. birds and.dihaCr; Margaret Will Wed tional Church in Cromwell on Oct. Kingston, Ont.. Oct. 15 (iPjf pariah house. It will open at t Mrs. William W. Belie, conam a- ..y JS'l(din.-10:18 Am- to a :16 p.m. a.m., Locust SL ehtranca.-. tion:' Mi%.. Charles-Hauaa.-)nam^ -rAdlai Stevenson today t^d Kaaervatkma for the luncheon bership; Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, a Canadian university gudi- ahould be made by. Oct. 31 to Hra. Binfjeld, England, Oct, 15 aaked the preaa aMretafy to ex- Zion Lutheran Church women publicity. ' •[ preas the hope that tha press ahd ence that economic , coopera* ASiait H. BaUey, 8«6 Main St . are rnembera of the Mlartonary Mrs. Kingsbury ^presehted tha (fl*)-—Britohs agreed today it’s CbomwflL public wUl extend to her Royal tion between Canada and the society plan to attend the Lu­ club at the recent- annual meeting ail set— Princess Margaret is highness their customary courtesy %- theran Women’s Missionary o f the Federated'Garden Chibit of United .Stat^ "has increased intannadiate Girl Scout Troo|) Connecticut at' the Hotal Statler. going to marr>’ RAF Group and cooperation In respecting her League Rally, upper Connecticut X, - Htrald Photo, privacy." Canadian self-confidence.” - 1* win meet at the Second Oongre- Valley Zone. Sunday, Oct. 16. at M n . BurSara Thompson Among subjects dlacnaaed atr the Capt. Pe^r Townsend, wheth­ He said tha example aet- "by gaUonal Church Monday afternoon 3 p.m. In St. Mathew's Isitheran meeting’ were putting of the er the news is official or not. { Two of Londofi's Mg morning Canada ahd ,Uia United Btatea is East Coast at S;M. lyoop rnembera are re* Church. New Brliain. The guest Mrs. Barbara ’Thompson is grounds at the State Capitol, the The Princess was on a romantic "nawapapera interpreted this itate- the beat iujawer to under­ ouaeted to nota the change of apeaHef wHl be Mra. A. Robert the lively hard woffilng leader of vUtterbug" campaign and the .weekend date Av|th Townsend at a I ment as a' conclusive sign the 35- developed countries, vVho fear "the meeting time from drSO to S:SO Banders, Orange N. J.;A free-will the thrlinng and well known Man study Of birds. atetely English fmuiitry Tlace here iyear-cld slitirr of Queen Elisabeth- economic giant..iiext door may Storm; Toll offering will be received and sup­ chMter Wales, the organization Yhe Garden Club will dondte a deep in the heart ^ Windsor for- II plans t o . hiarry Townsend. 40- Overlay- their economic inde­ per wlu be served. ' whose main purpose is to make plant\for the waiting room of the ast after making a dramatic ap­ year - aid divorced father of two pendence.’’ \ ^ Will lam Oeopiar. T5 Green Manor dieting fun. 'Ihe club has had a hew building St the Institute of peal for privacy. children and a fighter pilot hero of In Canada "economic coopera­ BA, wUl addreaa the Waterbory most’ successful season under th^ the Blind, Hartforfi. ' The rendezvous set the seal on the Battle of Britain. /Townaend,, tion with a powerful neighbor has Beaches 11 lif e CM annitera Aaan. oh Thura­ presidency of Mrs. 'Thompson. Mrs. DSvid Toomey gave ah in­ the nation’s m wnting conviction now British alt attache in Brua- brought rto lessening of political Demolished day, Oct, 30, in Waterbury. He la Dances Planne4 . 'N . ____ . Mra. Thottipaon appeared as th* teresting telk on birds, and noted that the only thing left to be fixed sels. ui on hohaa leave. independence," the 1953 Demo­ baoodated with the Mancheater guest speaker on. Apiil IS for the that berry bull)** favorite for the wedding Is the date. Lord Rotbermere’s Daily Maif New York, Oct. l5 (A>>—A branch o f the Fnidential lifd In- cratic preaidential candidate said At' West Side, V Manchester Medical staff. She feeding areas for them. TOe royal family’s press secre- declared flatty in a front-page arti­ in ia apeech prbpat-ed for delivery. violent fall atorm, /killing 11 By THE ASSOCIATED PBK8S •unuMbOo. cle: ."Princeaa Margaret and group was also seen on'tfUyMlon in con­ The lack of gardening books at t a ir ' issued/from Clarence H/>use, - Fosters Coaftfienoe /■ /Capt. Peter Townsend plan to persons as itwhipl^hed Riveys which deTsatated /, nection with tblT Manchester the local libraries has prompted the Londqn residence o f the Prin­ "On the contrary, tha pros­ Tha fin t in the series o f weekly marry. / That is the deduction much .of the Northeast,'blew Wales. She strives tp make the the Garden Club to make a con­ cess and’Queen Mother EliZabeth perity It has helped to has Connecticut communitiea lass Friday night daneei. conducted by drawn-from the Clarence .House footer weekly meetings of the Wales In­ tribution of such boohs. ^ Margaret’s plea for privacy. /It Increased Canadian self-confi­ itsdlf out today anJ a second tnan two months agei Dver- the Recreation Depattnifent, will be teresting and entertaining.' She Is Theodore Lussler showed three )ALE O F BEDDING and LINENS was th^ first official statemeiU:^re­ ■tatefiieht.’’ ' dence." . tempest feared in the making flowed their banks again 'movies to the members, ' Garden- JNT held tonight at hpUi the Com also the mistress of ceremonies lating to the Princess’ recent per- .The litetei News-Oironlcle said Stevenson spoke in acceptance failto to materialiZe. ' -r-/. ^ a y , causing defep concern'. munity Y ai>d the West Side Rec- for the Wales' show, "Tons of tng Dreams Coma True." "Modern /sohat life. It said; / ■ that by her appeal, the - Princess A hugs aection of the Eaateni Chrysanthemums for Fall Beauty," of an honoraiV degree conferred Fresh in the memory of reaU'on Canter. ’The dances will be Fun," being presented tonight and ' “ In view of the v a r l^ reports has jHit her forthcoming msrriage by Queens University.—- Seaboard waa buffeted last night, for eaiwOi graders. and "Realm of the Wild," which SPEC IA L tomorrow night at tha Verplanck which have 6eien pubMhed, th#, 'to Townsend ’’beyond sll resson- "The St. Lawrence Seaway la no by wind! of hear hurricane’ force at eyetyone was the Aug. 19 were enjoyed by all. preaa aecretar>’ of the Queen is The dancee.wlH begin promptly School.^ sble doubt." It predicted th st'th e doubt taken for granted as m timea,' pllia homa-floodlng down­ disaster which caused mqnT at 7:S0 and end at 9:80. 'The dance The Manchester ates, of authoriZed to say /that no an­ "royal engagement will shortly be symbol Of creative, functional co­ pours and thundering tides. nouncement conoaniing Princeaa than $200 millioh damage and Gsl. at the Community Y will be under which' Mrs. Thompson is one of Again At The Lowest Prices /n Yetfrs / snnounced." operation between - nation-atates— The storm deaths occurred in killed scores. $2.25 the siiparvlalon of Beverly and the founders,. M sponsoring the Margaret’a peraphal future la a| Even as Britons scanned their but that ia to underestimate Its automobile accidents resulting Nall Lawrence, .with the West Side Manchester Copimunity Players' present contemplated.
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