summaria MART VELSKER. Reflection of the Poetry of the MARJA KALLASMAA. What to Do with Vere -Initial 1930s in the Literary Theory and Criticism of the Names? 1960s on the Example of Keel ja Kirjandus and Looming Keywords: Estonian language, place names, models of place name structure, Keywords: literary criticism, review, the topoformant -vere , homonymy reception of literary texts, history of Esto- nian poetry The article summarizes the available research experience on the Estonian Vere - The article analyses how the Estonian final place names and represents the ma - poetry of the 1930s was discussed in the terial on Vere -initial settlement names magazines Looming and Keel ja Kirjandus found in the place name files of the insti - in the 1960s. most of the material consists tute of the Estonian Language as supple - of anniversary articles, memoirs and criti - mented by the KNaB database. a short cal reviews, of which the most productive reference is made to the available theories, authors were Karl muru, Paul rummo concentrating on the issue of - vere < pere etc . The liberalization of the 1960s was and - vere < veere and basing on the model used to arouse fresh interest in some long structure K1Nom/Gen + K2Nom/Gen of disfavoured authors (Henrik Visnapuu, Estonian toponyms. The possibility is con - Betti alver, Heiti Talvik etc .). The political sidered that the alleged assart term – approach forced on the critics by pre- ve (e)r(e) – if the assumptions of V. Pall and censorship is largely responsible for gain - P. ariste are true, of course – could once say and keeping silent being used as have also occurred in place names as the favourite interpretational devices. any initial component, having by now become points possibly differing from ”good” indistinguishable from the genitive form of poetry are gainsaid, while problematic veri ’blood’, e.g. in Verevainu , Veresell vil - ones are kept silent about. abnegation of la (from the historical Land registry of fascism is emphasized. Discussion is prefer- Läänemaa), the supposed term name ably confined to individual authors, not *Veer from south-Estonia, and the former literary groupings or conceptions. The an- *Veerküla . although nowadays homonymy thology ”arbujad”, for example, containing makes it hard to distinguish among the poems by several young authors of the possible different origins of the - vere com - 1930s, is seldom mentioned. Now and then ponent in Estonian place names ( veri , an author or critic of the 1930s is made a veer , -u ’slope’, veer , -e ’bank, brink’ and scapegoat in order to save the rest from be - the supposed veer ’deciduous forest, ing attacked. most of the ”scapegoats” forested hill’) the latter could still be con - were selected from exiles to the West, like sidered for older Vere -initial names. The e.g. ants Oras, the compiler of the ”arbu - differences can hardly be ascertained jad” anthology. Paradoxically, it can be without using indirect methods such as argued that this way the poetic canon of studying the dialectal distribution of the the ”magicians of the word” was upheld in relevant common names, areal distribu - the 1960s. tion of the toponyms in question, models of place name structure, and internal system Mart Velsker (b. 1966 ), MA , lecturer , De - pressure. in addition, the possible influ - partment of Literature and Folklore , Uni - ence of Latvian and russian dialects versity of Tartu , [email protected] should not be overlooked. 511 Marja Kallasmaa (b. 1950 ), PhD , senior re - extended the teaching of cognate lan - seacher , Institute of the Estonian Lan - guages, including Estonian, even more. He guage , Department of the Estonian dialects was also active in producing teaching ma - and cognate languages , [email protected] terials. in 1869 he published a reader of closely related languages. His Suomen LINNAR PRIIMÄGI. Die Psychoanalyse eines est - kielen rakennus (”Fin nish Grammar”) nischen Märchens published in 1877 contains, among else, a comparative analysis of the Estonian lan - stichworte: Freud, märchen, Totem und guage. Throughout his life august Tabu, Tragödie ahlqvist maintained close connections with Estonian scholars and cultural Das seltsame märchen ”Der für sich be - figures. Thanks to his help, for example, haltene Traum” ist eine rahmenerzäh - Jakob Hurt was able to defend his doctor - lung, anhand dessen das modell des Über - al thesis at the university of Helsinki and gangs von der Vater-Horde zum Brüder- Friedrich reinhold Kreutzwald could pub - Clan, das sigmund Freud in ”Totem und lish his main works in Finland. Tabu” beschrieben hat, veranschaulicht werden kann: (1) ausgangssituation: Va - Hannu Remes (b. 1943 ), FL , University of ter-Horde, (2) anlaß: repressierung der Joensuu , Department of Finnish Language Brüder durch den Vater, (3) aktion: sturz and Cultural Research , lecturer , des Vaters, (4) Endsituation: reue der [email protected] Brüder. Da das märchen genregemäß glücklich enden muß, wird dieser algo - TIINA HALLING, AGO KÜNNAP, MARI-LIIS rithmus modifiziert: der Königvater wird TUVI. On Finnic Verbal Quasi-Constructions durch einen der Brüder substituiert und dadurch die sturzaktion als schauspiel, Keywords: Finnic languages, verbs, pre - als freudsche Tragödie realisiert. tending conjugation, quasi-constructions Linnar Priimägi (geb. 1954 ), PhD , Leiter in this paper we are going to name as if des Lehrstuhls für Werbung und Imagolo - (= Latin quasi) verbal constructions quasi- gie der Talliner Universität , [email protected] constructions in which the as if action is not expressed directly by verbs meaning ’to HANNU REMES. August Ahlqvist and Estonian pretend, simulate, feign’, but the action is expressed by some other means with the Keywords: august ahlqvist, Estonian, exception of the words meaning ’as i f ’ fol - Estonian literature lowed by subordinate clauses. Based on the information we have obtained by now, the august ahlqvist, one of the best-known incidence and model of the formation of 19th century scholars of Finnish and other quasi-constructions in the Finnic lan - Finno-ugric languages, belonged to the guages do not suggest anything common for most prominent and meritorious Estophils the Finno-ugric language family. most of the time. His interest in Estonian was likely those constructions have been first inspired by Votic, which is the lan - formed in different groups of languages or guage closest related to Estonian. in 1854 independently in individual languages. he visited Estonia. staying mainly in Tar - tu he learnt some Estonian and read up on Ago Künnap (b. 1941 ), PhD , extraordinary Estonian literature. The next year, when reseacher of Estonian and Finno-Ugric back in Helsinki, he published a book on Linguistics , University of Tartu , the history of Estonian literature, also us - [email protected] able as an Estonian textbook. Having be - come assistant Professor of Finno-ugric Mari-Liis Tuvi (b. 1983 ), University of languages at the university of Helsinki in Tartu , Student of Finno-Ugric linguistics , 1859 he turned more attention to the [email protected] teaching of Estonian. in 1863 august ahlqvist was elected Professor of Finnish Tiina Halling (b. 1956 ), MA , weekly news - language and Literature, after which he paper Valgamaalane, [email protected] 512.
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