!,, ,}R/- :PR- 28A- .R<- IA- :.R/- (- :1$?- =3- 2PR.- 0:A- >A%- g- 28$?- ?R, ,, [1 “The Chariot Traveling the Noble Path”, the preliminaries in four parts. ,{- $?%- ,$?- GA?- .%R?- 12?- )=- .- $?R=, ,.0=- w/- hR- eJ- :(%- .2%- !, KU SUNG TUG CHI NGODRUB TSALDU SOL PALDEN DORJE CHANG WANG grant the blessing conferring the Glorious Dorje Chang, A ? $* accomplishment of body, speech & mind. 3 Two [ <A$?- !/- H2- 2.$- ]- 3- !k- 0, ,.GA=- :#R<- !/- IA- :L%- $/?- YA.- 8A:A- .0=- I<- ;A- .3- RIGKUN CHABDAG LAMA KARMAPA CHILKHOR KUNJI JUNGNEH SISHI PALJUR YIDAM universal lord of all Buddha yidam Dorje Naljorma, source of all mandalas, families, the Lama Karmapa, Homage to Marpa Homage to Milarepa i=- :LR<- 3, ,UA/- =?- !/- IA- LJ.- 0R<- .2%- 2+<- (R?- *R%- 2J<- &/- t3- S=- =, ,i=- :LR<- NALJORMA TRINLEH KUNJI JEHPOR WANGJUR CHOCHONG BERCHEN CHAMDREL LA NALJOR }R/- :PR dharma protector Dorje Bernagchen and consort, the practitioner, powerful masters of all enlightened activity, with one-pointed 4 12- 2o.- </- 0- (- ;- =3- Y=- =? [ lJ- $&A$- $?- 0?- :..- .R- :V=- 3J.- ,$?- eJ?- *R%- 2<- 36S., , A R J A R , Ngondro TSECHIG GUHPAE DUDO DRELMEH TUGJEH CHONGWAR DZUH devotion, bows down and requests to be inseparable The precious accomplished from the protection of your compassion. lineage - the path of practice Homage to Gampopa Homage to Dusum Khyenpa (1st Karmapa) !, ,.0=- w/- l- 2:A- ]- 3- <A/- 0R- (J, ,2.$- $A- ,A- 2<-R 0.- PALDEN TSAWAI LAMA RINPOCHE DAG GI CHIWOR PEH Glorious root-lama, precious one, who crowns me A $ $& 2 ^:A-$./- 2 8$?-= , ,2!:- SA/- (J/- 0R?- |R- /?- eJ?- 29%- +J, , One [ DAI DEN SHUG LA KAHDRIN CHENPUH GONEH JEZUNG TEH upon a lotus through your great kindness, & moon-disc, Homage to Tilopa Homage to Dorje Chang Homage to Naropa !, ,L%- 2:A- LA/- _2?- (- 2R:A- o/- (J/- 0R, ,2.$- $A?- 2>J?- $*A/- 3%- =- 2!J/- L?- +J, ,*3?- ?- ]%?- /?- L%- (2- ?J3?- 2*J.- KA<, ,hR- eJ:A- $?%- i3?- $?=- is the source of a great river Through much listening and experience has arisen and so, I arrange clearly of continuous blessings. learning from great masters, to arouse the enlightened mind, these vajra verses: $?3 2!R.- 0?, ,:1$?- =3- 2PR.- 0:A- >A%- g- 3(R$ ,=3- :.A<- 8$?- 0:A- {=- #/- i3?, ,3- ;J%?- 2lR/- :P?- w/- 0<- 36S., .J- ;%- }R/- :PR:A- (R?- :.A- i3?- o/- HJ<- .- “The Great Chariot you fortunate ones proceed with This Ngondro, (Preliminary), 5 Three [ Traveling the Noble Path”, who enter this path, unwavering diligence. text can be practiced L.- 0:- K<- ,/-I- d- 1?- 2{=- 2:- 5- /:%- K- :. =- O3?- G- .$- a%- .$-5=- .$- 2~/- $%- ;/- 0:- 2a2- 0- .%- 3,/- 0?- w%- 2 /%- (/- :)$- $- L%- (2- ?3?- 2*.- J A A A A K , A A A J R J J J A A , R A J J daily. During retreat one should keeping the outer discipline of the monk, novice or layman, and having the sincere arise at the time of calling, whatever is appropriate to your training and circumstance, motivation to !, ,L,, :(A- 2- 3A- g$- 0- /AA, ,$*A?- 0- $R.- 2&.- ,3?- &.- 3A- g$- &A%- , ,|R?- ?- :PR- 2:A- 5K- YR$- (- 2<- :S, ,/3- :(A- (- 3J.- >A- 5K- JA NYIPA NUHCHU TAMCHEH MITAG CHING GUHSU DROWAI TSESOG CHUBUR DRA NAMCHI CHAMEH SHI TSE Death and Secondly the entire universe and especially the life-force of sentient At the time of death we impermanence: its contents are impermanent, beings which is like a bubble. die alone and ones body =?- o- :V?- / 28A <- <- :I< .- =- (?- G?- 1/- K<- 2l/- 0?- 212 A, $?3- 0- >- 5- <%- .2%- 3- :.- 2< =?- /- 2.$- $<- L- K<- #$- R , , J R A A R ,, A K A , , A A A A RORU JUR DELA CHOCHI PENCHIR TSONPAE DRUB SUMPA SHI TSE RANGWANG MINDU WAR LEHNI DAG GIR JACHIR DIG 7 becomes at that time only the dharma is of Karma, cause Thirdly, at the time of death usurped by one’s Four [ a corpse, benefit, so practice with diligence. and fruition: one’s freedom will be lost, karma; therefore 0- %%? .$- 2:- L- 2?- g$- +- :.:- 2<- L 8?- 2?3- */- <- <%- o.- *.- =- 2g$ :#R<- 2:A- *J?- .3A$?- /A, 28- 0- :#<- 2:- $/?- P , , J A , , J A J A , A R A PA PANG GEWAI JAWAE TAGTU DAHWAR JA SHEHSAM NYIN REHRANG JU NYI LA TAG SHIPA KHORWAI NEHDRA abandon and accumulate virtue With this in mind, examine Reflect on the Fourthly, defilements, continuously until death. one’s motivation everyday. faults of samsara: all places PR$?- 2.J- :LR<- ?R$?, ,#$- 2}=- $?3- IA?- g$- +- 3/<- 2:A- KA<, ,$?R.- ?<- OA.- 0:A- $>J.- 3:A- .$:- !R/- v<, ,8J/- :OA?- 2&.- /?- DROG DEJOR SOG DUG NGAL SUMJI TAGTU NARWAI CHIR SUHSAR TRIPAI SHEHMAI GAHTUN TAR SHENTRI CHEHNEH friends, enjoyments, continuously causes torment instead of celebrating as the hangman cut through wealth and so on of the three sufferings, leads you to your death, attachments, }R/- :PR 2lR/- 0?- L%- (2- 12?, 8J?- 0?- ,/- 3R%- $A- }R/- :PR- 28A- .%- , ,.J- /?- o.- $R.- .- <%- 8A%- &A- L?- ,<-0:A- =3-.- :PR-2- *2?- :PR- ?J3?- 2*J.- OA.- GA- :.R/- L- /A, TSONPAE JANGCHUB DRUB Then, to become a suitable lineage receptacle so that ones actions becomes a cause and diligently strive They were the four [8 to progress along the path to liberation; Taking refuge and generating bodhichitta: for enlightenment. ordinary preliminaries. Ngondro 3./-.- 35S- .2?- .0$- 2?3-uR/- >A%- $A ,#R%- 0R- l- 2- $&A$- =- ;=- $- s<, ,IJ?- 0:A- .2?- 3<-?J%- OA- 0E- .%- , ,*A- ^:A-!J%- .-l- 2:A- ]- DUNDU TSO-U PAGSAM JUNSHING GI DONGPO TSAWA CHIGLA YELGA NGAR JEHPAI U-MAR SENGTRI PEMA DANG NYIDAI TENGDU TSAWAI LA In front of one is a lake, and in with a single trunk in the centre where the branches a sun, a moon, upon its centre a wish-fulfilling tree and five branches divide is a lion-throne, a lotus, which is one’s root-lama .%- w/- 0?- :5S$?- =, .!R/- 3(R$- $A- gJ/- =- $?- 0?- K$- :5=, $?%-2- }$?- GA- hR- eJ- aR2- .0R/- IA- 2!:- .%- .3- 5B$- =- $/?- 0?- 28$?- P=- .- =?- 2?3- $+/- IA- generate bodhicitta, Prostrate with devotion Keeping the commitments and instructions of the secret-mantra assemble together. to the refuge jewels. Vajra Master, one should take ones place in the row seated in }R/- :PR (?- }- .%- w/- 0?- :#. :)$- g/- (?- 2o.- .2%- .- 3- ?%- 2<- :(- (?- ;%- .$- 0<- L.- .- ~3- 0?- 8=- :./- I- .?- ?- ;%- <$- 0- 3- ;%?- 0<- 1- ./- .L<- 3.- .- 3*3- R R , A J R R A R J R R A A J R J J [6 the five-point Without succumbing to the power of the eight worldly dharmas, turn ones thoughts entirely to dharma, and at the time of meditation posture. chanting keep unwavering concentration, inseparable from an equinimous mind. Recite the teaching on the human body Ngondro 0<- 28$- /?- 3A- =?- .=- :LR<- fJ.- 0<- .!:-2:A- OA.- GA- %$- :.R/- /A, .%- 0R- 2|R3- L- .=- :LR<- <A/- (J/- :.A, ,,R2- .!:- :)A$- a- .- <J?- .R/- ;R.- DANGPO GOMJA DALJOR RINCHEN DI TOBKAH JIGLA DARAY DUNYUH with its eighteen conditions Firstly meditate on the hard to obtain, easy to lose, which this so difficult to find: precious eighteen conditions time should be used with purpose. !, ,3- /A, ,hR- eJ- :(%- =- 2!:- 2o.-]- 3?-2{R<, ,3./- .- ;A- .3- $;?- ?- ?%?- o?- .%- , ,o2- +- .3- (R?- $;R/- .- .$J- :./- MANI DORJE CHANG LA KAHJU LAMAE KOR DUNDU YIDAM YEHSU SANGJEH DANG JABTU DAMCHO YUNDU GENDUN in the form of Dorje Chang, In front are the yidams, behind the pure dharma, surrounded by the Kagyu lamas. to the right the buddhas, to the left the sangha, .%- $./- O:- :$- +- (?- *%- Y%- 3- i3? ?- ?:- <$?- 3,/- :#<- 5$?- o- 35?- 2{< 35- 3,: - /:- ?%- !%- .- 3#:- H2- G s . A A R R R , , R R A A R S S R , , S J J J A, , DANG DENTRI OGTU CHOCHONG SUNGMA NAM SOSOI RIGTUN KHOR TSOK JAMTSUH KOR TSOTAH NEUSENG TENGDU KHACHAB CHI 9 and below the throne are the host of each surrounded by an ocean-like Beside the lake upon a verdant Five [ dharma protectors and guardians, multitude of their kind. meadow and pervading the sky 3- c/- ,3?- &.- :#R.- 0<- I<- 0- =?, ,lJ- $&A$- ;A.- GA?- *2?- :PR- ?J3?- 2*J.- I<, 2.$- .%- /3- 3#:A- 3,:- .%- 3*3- 0:A- ?J3?- &/- MAGEN TAMCHEH KUHPAR JURPA LEH TSECHIG YICHI CHABDRO SEMCHEH JUR DAGDANG NAMKHAI TAHDANG NYAMPAI SEMCHEN all of my previous all of us one-pointedly I and all sentient beings throughout the mothers appear, resolved on taking refuge. universe take refuge in the embodiment, !, ,w/- :.?- i3?- =- *2?- ?- 3(A:R, , .3- 0:A- (R? - i3?- =- *2?- ?- 3(A:R, ,:1$?- 0:A- .$J- :./ - i3?- =- *2?- ?- 3(A:R, , DENDEH NAMLA CHABSU CHIO DAMPAI CHO NAMLA CHABSU CHIO PAGPAI GENDUN NAMLA CHABSU CHIO Buddhas, I take refuge. In the pure dharma I take refuge. In the exalted sangha I take refuge. 2./- /3- *J<- $&A$- $3- &A- /?- 2eR., S$ .0:- 2- 3#:- :P- (?- %- Y%- 3:- 5$?- ;- >?- G- /- .%- w/- 0- i3?- =- 2?- ?- 3(: L%- (2- R R R *R A S J J A, * A R, PAHWO KHANDRO CHOCHONG SUNGMAI TSOG YESHE CHI CHENDANG DENPA NAMLA CHABSU CHIO JANGCHUB In the host of deities possessing the wisdom-eye, the dakas, Repeat seven, twenty-one, or Until the Six [11 dakinis, dharma protectors and guardians, I take refuge. as many times as one can. heart of ~%- 0<- 3(?- G- 2< ?%?- o?- i3?- =- *2?-?- 3( (?- .%- L%- (2- ?3?- .0:- ; 5$?- =:%- .- 28/- *2?-?- 3( )- v<- A R A A , , A, , R J A, , S J A A, , A NYINGPOR CHICHI BAR SANGJEH NAMLA CHABSU CHIO CHO DANG JANGCHUB SEMPAH YI TSOG LA-ANG DESHIN CHABSU CHIO JITAR enlightenment I take refuge in the Buddhas, in the dharma and bodhisattvas the host of realized Just is realized, ones, I take refuge.
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