DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO PO BOX 1829 NONPROFIT ORG. Inside this issue: SAN ANGELO TX 76902-1829 US POSTAGE PAID SAN ANGELO, TX PERMIT NO. 44 • Diocesan Conference Day (Page 2) • Bishop Sis on Faith (Page 3) • St. Mary’s School celebrates 60 years (Page 7) • Updates from the Amazon synod (Page 15) AWESTNGELUS TEXAS Serving Catholics in the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas Volume XXXIX, No. 11 NOVEMBER 2019 All Saints Day 2019 COURTESY PHOTOS All Saints Day, Nov. 1, 2019, was celebrated around the diocese with people dressing up as their favorite saints. Photos included showcase the festivities at St. Margaret of Cortona Parish in Big Lake, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Fort Stockton, the religious education program at St. Ann Parish in Midland, St. Ann’s School in Midland, and St. Stephen Parish in Midland. Page 2 NOVEMBER 2019 The Angelus ‘Why listen to young people?’ Diocesan Conference Day provides answers By Becca Nelson Sankey cause young people want a church that listens to them …(that asks them), do they SAN ANGELO — Young parishioners believe in God? Do they have a relation- have a lot to say and just as many ques- ship with God? Young people will tell you: tions. But are the church and its leaders lis- you need to earn the right to be heard, and tening? Such was the message from that comes through developing a relation- keynote speaker Christina Lamas October ship with them. What we’re doing is not 19 at Diocesan Conference Day 2019, the working 100 percent of the time.” theme of which was A Future Full of Hope Children and youth are gifts to the (Un Futuro Lleno De Esperanza): Pastoral church, Lamas insisted — not a problem to Plan for the Diocese of San Angelo. The be solved. “Young people see themselves event, held at the McNease Convention as agents of ministry. They want active Center, provides nationally renowned roles in our church. … Young people are speakers who help strategize and discuss ready to face the challenges,” she said. “I the Catholic Diocese of San Angelo’s cur- believe every single one of you has it in rent specific needs, said Sister Adelina you to open the doors.” Garcia, associate director of the Office of Janie Hernandez, assistant coordinator Evangelization and Catechesis. for first Communion at St. Joseph Parish in “It’s an opportunity for people to learn San Angelo, said she loves attending the about their faith and what’s happening in Diocesan Conference Day. “You get a lot the Church today,” Garcia said. “The of information,” she said. “(As church theme (is a reflection of) … what is perti- leaders) we always need that feeding. We nent at the time, what the needs are. We learn more, and then kids, they need us. If offer excellent national speakers — the we don’t listen to them, they’re lost. best of the best in the nation.” “Parents are always in a rush, and at Added Bishop Michael Sis, in a letter church when you give them that knowl- BECCA NELSON SANKEY Christina Lamas, executive director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, to the conference’s attendees: “This plan is edge and know them by their first name, was the keynote speaker at Diocesan Conference Day 2019, held at the McNease Conven- the fruit of a broad consultative process that’s very special.” tion Center in San Angelo on Oct. 19. throughout our diocese. The input we re- Lamas’ message hit home for Jennifer ceived has led to the four top priorities for Torres, also a member of St. Joseph’s, who the ministry of our diocese for the next works by day as a daycare worker and at three years: Form disciples, engage young the church as a CCD teacher. Those two adults, accompany youth and nurture fam- jobs have made the frequent transition of ilies. working with young children and then “In our diocese, our parishes and our older youth difficult, she said. “I find my- various ministries, we will intentionally self struggling to figure out the different focus particular energy on these areas in levels of needs and wants from these kids,” order to meet our current pastoral chal- she admitted. “I’m struggling to communi- lenges more effectively,” he continued. cate with them and to get on their level.” Lamas, who has 20-plus years of ex- Lamas gave Torres specific tactics that perience in youth ministry and catechesis, she plans to utilize with the children she specifically addressed the diocese’s first teaches. “The one thing I really liked (that three priorities. Formerly of the Office of Lamas suggested) was asking the (kids) the Religious Education for the Archdiocese of question, ‘Where did you see God today?’ Los Angeles, Lamas currently resides in That is your conversation starter. Maryland and is executive director of the “What is it that would make them open National Federation for Catholic Youth to come to church, not just because their Ministry. parents made them come? And then what With a PowerPoint presentation, can we do to make them want to come Lamas reviewed the stark differences be- more?” Gesturing to her notebook of hand- tween each generation and urged church written notes, she added, “And I wrote BECCA NELSON SANKEY leaders to understand those variations in down ‘listen to learn, not to respond.’” Conference Day attendees spent time in small group discussion reflecting on the points order to better understand, and connect Though the conference was Torres’ Lamas raised in her keynote address. with, each youth member in the church. first, she said it’s invaluable experience have the passion,” she said. plan. For more ideas on how to engage “Why listen to young people?” she that she can utilize in her classes to open For more information about the dio- youth in the church, Lamas recommended asked a packed room of diocese members up the minds of the children and foster ex- cese’s pastoral plan, visit The National Dialogue’s website, Saturday, all of whom varied in age. “Be- citement about their faith. “They have to https://sanangelodiocese.org/pastoral- www.nationaldialogue.info. Reporting Sexual Abuse Reportar Abuso Sexual La Diócesis Católica de San Ángelo criba a la Diócesis de San Ángelo, Minis- The Catholic Diocese of San 325-374-7609 (cell), or write Diocese está firmemente comprometida a crear y terio de Asistencia a Víctimas, PO Box Angelo is firmly committed to cre- of San Angelo, Victim Assistance mantener el ambiente más seguro posible 1829, San Ángelo, TX 76902. Un intér- ating and maintaining the safest pos- Ministry, PO Box 1829, San Angelo, para nuestros niños y adultos vulnerables. prete de español está disponible. Si el in- sible environment for our children and TX 76902. If the incident occurred Si usted o alguien que usted conoce ha cidente ocurrió fuera de esta diócesis, vulnerable adults. If you or someone outside this diocese, our Victim Assis- sido víctima de abuso sexual por cual- nuestra Coordinadora de Asistencia a you know has been sexually abused by tance Coordinator will assist in bring- quier persona que sirve a la Iglesia, y Victimas le ayudará a traer su preocupa- anyone who serves the Church, and ing your concern to the attention of necesita un lugar para hablar con alguien ción a la atención de la diócesis cor- you need a place to talk with someone the appropriate diocese. Please keep sobre sus sentimientos de traición o he- respondiente. Por favor, tenga en cuenta about your feelings of betrayal or hurt in mind that one always has the right rido por la Iglesia, estamos aquí para ayu- que uno siempre tiene el derecho de re- by the Church, we are here to help to report abuse to civil authorities, and darle. Para reportar incidentes, llame a portar el abuso a las autoridades civiles, y you. To report incidents, call Lori civil law requires that any abuse of a Lori Hines, Coordinadora de Asistencia a la ley civil requiere que cualquier abuso Hines, Victim Assistance Coordinator, minor must be reported. Víctimas, 325-374-7609 (celular), o es- de un menor de edad debe ser reportado. The Angelus NOVEMBER 2019 Page 3 From the Bishop’s Desk The Prayer Square What is faith? Some definite service By St. John Henry Newman If you had a choice between having a deeper faith and winning the lottery, which would you choose? Which God has created me to do him some definite is ultimately more valuable? Jesus says in the Gospel of service. He has committed some work to me Luke, “Where your treasure is, there also will your heart Bishop Michael J. Sis which he has not committed to another. be.” He says that money and material goods can even- tually wear out, or run out, or get stolen by thieves, or be Diocese of San Angelo I have my mission. I may never know what it is destroyed by moths. Faith, on the other hand, is an “inex- in this life, but I shall be told in the next. haustible treasure in Heaven” (Lk 12:33-34). It is easy to understand why people would want more I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection money. But why would we ask for more faith? What is between persons. He has not created me for faith, anyway? This article will attempt to explore what nothing. I shall do good work. I shall do his work. faith is. God has taken the initiative to reveal himself to tles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42).
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