The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan Rn VENUS (Jap. Jour. Malac.) VoL 43, No, 4 (1984):301-304 pP as jij: } ti ,v jv- I Ii}o 1 MK* us Z・wt tw 4 ($nax[11flilliJ.fieVft71eqt}htr) (#ipaTiF*waenig-tNMD A New Clausiliid Genus GTanainenia for Steatonenia miTifoca Chen & Gao, 1982 (Gastropoda:Pulmonata)" Hiroshi MINATO (Kumano Senier High School, Wakayama-ken, Japan) and De-niu CHEN (Institute of Zoology, Academia Siniea, China) Chen and Gao (1982) described a Chinese Clausiliid as Steatonenia mirifica, which obtained from the Guangxi Zhung Autonomous Region, China. This species is characterized by having an abruptly constricted and tortuous body whorl, forming a narrow neck with wrinkles. The structures of plica and clausilium were not deseribed in the original description. We here reviewed the structures of plica and clausilium and other external and internal chaTacters "Stea・tonenia", to eompare with which is a Peruvian clausiliid genus, and con- elude that the present species requires a new genus, Grandinenia. Before going further, the authors wishes to express their hearty thanks to Dr. Takashi Okutani, Professor of the Tokyo University of Fisheries, for his kindness in reading the original manuscript. Family CLAUSILIIDAE Grandinenia gen. noy. Type species: Steatonenia mirifiea Chen & Gao, 1982 Shell thick, obesely fusiform, with about 8 whorls, of which first two lustrous with the conical upper part of the spire. Penultimate whorl widest, mueh inflated, while body whorl abruptly eonstrieted, tortuous, forming a narrow neek, with coarse and irregular wrinkles. Principal plica and lunella well developed. Clausilium narrow, tapering toward a slenderly acute end and not excised near the filament. tt t tt tt tttttt ttt ttttttttt - ..tmN * Received July 13; revised August 21, 1984. NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan 302 VENUS: Vol, 43, No. 4 (1984) Grandinenia・ 7n・irifica・ (Chen & Gao, 1982) (Figs. 1-7) 1982 Steatonenia mirifi.ea Chen & Gao. Acta. Zootaxonomica Sinica, 7(1): 32-34. Shell mediurn in size, sinistral, thick, obesely fusiform and vDiametervellowish-brown in eolor. Surface with faint traces of fine striation and dull. about 2 tirnes height and widest at the penultimate whorl. Body whorl abruptly 3 4[ [ -`-A , StL /7 K 6 Figg. 1-7. Grandinenia mirijica (Chen & Gao, 1982) fi tfSz y;' L-ij'HiiL・ (ptfi) [Scale == 1mm] 1. Ventral view; 2. Right lateral view (H 21mmXB 10mm) ; 3-4. Clausi- lium ; 5. Aperture ; 6. Plica and lunella; 7. Side view of mouth, with the palatal area removed to show internal folds and the clausilium. A: Aperture; C : Clausilium; IL : Inferior lamella; L: Lunella ; PP : Principal plica ; SCL : Subcolurnellar lamella ; SL : Superior Iamella ; SPL: Spiral larnella. NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan 303 Minato'Chen:A New Clausiliid Genus Crandinenia somewhat axial constricted, tortuous, forming a narrow neck with irregular number, convex, ribs, wrinkled behind the outer lip of aperture. Whorls 81/{] in with shallow suture. Protoconch wit,h 2 whorls, smooth, lustrous, pale yellowish continuous, and mamillated. Aperture nearly eircular in outline and peristome and subeolumellaT well expanded, whitish glossy at the edge. Superior, inferior thin, lamellae visible in front view of the aperture. Superior lamella vertical, rather strong and continuous with the spiral lamella. Inferior lamella developed, emerging, conspieuous and gratly spiral within. Subcolumellar lamella weakl.v from the but not reaehing the peristome. Prineipal pliea lateral, running elosely con- middle of the right side nearly to the lip, where its inner end tiguous to the upper end of the lunella. Lunella dorso-lateral, well developed and and strongly arched. Clausilium occupies the whole space between lunella subeolumellar lamella. Subeolumellar lamella narrow, spindle-shaped, parallel- sided, aeute at the distal end and not excised on the columellar side of the filament. Radula was reported by Chen & Gao (1982). Genitalia are unknown. Type Loeality: Guangxi Zhunang Automous Region, China. Type specimen: Height 22mm, breadth 11mm (Holetype in Institute of Zoology, Aeademia Sinica) . Paratypes exatnined: (1) Height 21 mm, breadth 10 mm; (2) Height 18.6 mm, breadth 9.3mm; (3) Height 18.6mm, breadth 8,8 mm; C4) Height 19.8 mm, breadth 10.3mm; all breadth 8.5mm; (5) Height 20,lmm (deeollated), from the type loeality. Peruvian Re?na,rks: In the general profile, this speeies is easily separated from speeies, Stea-tonenia・ eooki. (Pilsbry, 1919) in the following shell characters: (1) smaller size, (2) spire consisted of 8YEi whorls, (3) emerging subeolumellar lamella, (4) abruptly constricted and tortuous body whorl, forming a narrow and wrinkled neck, (5) fine striation on shell surface, and (6) ¢ lausilium acuminated at the distal end. But, no species eomparable to this speeies with such a bizar're shell morphology has been known from the Asia. s ts C・rk, iL- Chen & Gao C1982)Vcz.ltovCtt'd'ewS2zt;ilil':eMzzrk SteatoneniamiriLrica t`Dua"ZeLAL' 'Jy'(fiCi}6 rk SteatoneniaPilsbry, 19264xfo'CrCL,k. ?llEc・tlEElldi"a) Chen t#}lc?liptii tw1tsteAt -E・ pm lc wt .ti・I- Lk b L- 6, )ts fi IC S{t L-C refM ts it i7.,. t. -・C g 2 L i 5 #. ma wa .ee l}f elk. Zii as ÷t JR' :E & Vtl[: l・t x-C 'd. ( L ikML, eefiP va fF OfiY ma・- DL ts k Lk. Grandinenia gen. nov. .a tfJ?; i)' viS" tt,vM (Xi'Mi) rc'N1fiop2,NaiiVtifllh;th fiecosg<, ijE'SIS'e・=・ ,HEIJ71Uk{ihutffr;. mal)4tzfitYsJti, -a).E:h"・ILFJsuJf 6. tth:tasNemptttJA'<, k<"E2i.6. ff;ne}mJitieetceqvaL, t・nV.tht.6. scizzex.an<, lfU<rcnKMP.ljtsew -G・/ua -st ・ifP -9- AK . dD h:- ote6. IleeE fiIVIeeetst< #ff 6. IIAS}C・;Si-ft< , XSiin'{1riJ < tfi4. k rla nijVlzz ongB (,ttigh{Hti) trcMtht j: lkblfitL・. NII-Electronic Library Service The malaoologioalmalacological societysooiety of Japan 304 VENUS : VoL 43 , No .4 (1984 ) ー 本 新 属 は ペ ル Steatonenia の 産 模 式 種 S . cooki (Pilsbry,1919) と は ,〔ユ)貝 殻 が 小 形 ,(2)螺 層 が い 多 (約 8 層 ), 〔3)唐 突 に し つ 緊 縮 , ね じれ た 体 層 を も こ と , 殻 表 に 粗 い 波 状 肋 が な い こ と , 閉 弁 が 細 長 い こ と な ど で 区 別 で き る 。 模 式種 : Steatonenia mirifica Chen & Gao 1982 . , : 22mm 模 式 慓 本 殻 高 ,殻 径 11mm (中 国 科 学 院 動 物 研 究 所 蔵 ) . . 模 式 産 地 : 中 国 広 西 壮 族 自治区 貴 県樟 木 公 社 良 占大 隊 (石 灰 岩 地 ) References Chen D ・and ・ ・ G … J・1982 ・ On a n ・w ・ ・・i… fClau ・ ・ ・ ・α・t・ p iliid , St n ・n iα 跚 ぜ短 加 . ノ40‘α Zoot − α xonomica Sinic α ,7 (1): 32 34 . LQosjes , F . E . and Loosjes −van . . Bemmel , A C W .1984 . On a collection of Peruvian Neniinae Mollusca : Gastropoda : Clausiliidae check . ( ), with a 1ist and a provisional key to all the Peruvian species known . Zoologische y θ沈 {鵬 (telingen 212 : 1− 38 . , ( ) Pilsbry , H . A .1919 . Neni α coo んi n . sp . Nautilus : 80 −81 , 32 (3 ) . Pilsbry , H .A . 1926 . South Ameriean land and freshwater mollusks : Notes and description, VI . P ア oo . Ac α d . 祕 . 痂 〜α . 78 : 1−15 N P , . 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service.
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