1943 CONGRESSIONA.L I~ECORD-SENATE 2105 Iutton 290. Seventy-sixth Congress; without the Internal Revenue Code are required to victory of righteousness and peace. We amendment (Rept. No. 251). Referred to the be performed; to the Committee on Ways ask it all in the name and for the sake of House Calendar. and Means. Mr. BLOOM: Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. DffiKSEN: Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Senate Concurrent Resolution 9. Concurrent H. Res. 171. Resolution to establish a spe­ _NAMING A PRESIDING OFFICER resolution condemning outrages 1nfiicted cial committee to be known as the Commit­ upon ciVilians in the Nazi occupied countries tee on Post-War Economic Policy and Plan­ The Secretary (Edwin A. Halsey) read and favoring punishment of persons responsi­ rung; to the Committee on Rules. the following letter: ble therefor; without amendment (Rept. No. UNITED STATES SENATE, 252). Referred to the House calendar. PRESmENT PRO TEMPORE, PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Washington. D. C., March 17, 1943. Undex clause 1 of rule XXII, private To the Senate: PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS bills and resolutions were introduced and Being temporarily absent from the Senate, Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public severally referred as follows: I appoint Hon. ScOOT W. LucAs, a Senator By Mr. BARRY: from the State of Illinois. to perform the bills and resolutions were introduced duties of the Chair during my absence. and severally referred as follows: H. R. 2211. A bill for the relief of Francesco Antonio Pataca; to the Committee on Immi­ CARTER GLASS, By Mr. HOWELL: gration and Naturalization. President 'JYT'O tempore. H. R. 2201. A bill proViding for an Assist­ By Mr. BLAND: Mr. LUCAS thereupon took the chair ant Secretary of Commerce for small busi­ H. R. 2212. A bill for the relief of Clarence ness; to the Committee on Interstate and Waverly Morgan; to the Committee on Claims. as Ac~ing President pro tempore. Foreign Commerce. By Mr. CALVIN D. JOHNSON: THE JOURNAL By Mr. LANE: H. R. 2213. A bill for the relief o! Mrs. H. R. 2202. A bill to increase the amount Agnes Wolters; to the Committee on Claims . On request of Mr. CLARK of Missouri, . of Federal aid to State or Territorial homes By Mr. McWILLIAMS: and by unanimous consent, the reading for the support of disabled soldiers and sailors H. R. 2214. A bill for the relief of the East of the Journal of the proceedings of the of the United States; to the Committee on Coast Ship and Yacht Corporation, of Noank, calendar day Tuesday, March 16, 1943, Milltary Affairs. Conn.; to the Committee on Claims. was dispensed with, and the Journal was By Mr. O'HARA: A H. R. 2215. bill for the relief of Mrs. ~pproved.· H. R. 2203. A b1ll to amend the Judicial Alice V. Jones; to the Committee on Claims. Code in respect to the original jurisdiction By Mr. REECE of Tennessee: EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. of the district courts of the United States H. R. 2216. A b1ll :for the relief of Solon P. in certain cases, and for other purposes; to Haun; to the Committee on Military Affairs. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SCHWABE: pore laid before the Senate the follow­ By Mr. RANKIN: H. R. 2217. A bill granting a pension to ing letters, which were referred as indi­ H. R.2204. A bill relating to pay, allow­ Ethel Forbes; to the Committee on Invalid cated: ances, and insurance for members of the Pensions. REPORT OF SOCIAL SECURITY BoARD land or naval forces training to be pilots under the Civilian Pilot Training Act of 1939; A letter from the Administrator of the to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Federal Security Agency, transmitting, pur­ Commerce. SENATE suant to law, the seventh annual report of By Mr. ROWE: the Social Security Board for the fiscal year R. R. 2205. A bill to amend the act entitled WEDNESDAY, MARcH 17, 1943 ended June 30, 1942 (with an accompanying "An act to incorporate the Hungarian Re­ report); to the Committee on Finance. formed Federation of America," approved (Legislative day of Tuesday, March 9, REPORT OF OPERATIONS OF OFFICE OF THE DIS• March 2, 1907, so as to permit such federation 1943) TRICT RENT CONTROL .ADMINISTRATOR to extend certain benefits to all its members; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on A letter from the president of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, By Mr. STEA0.4LL: the expiration of the recess. transmitting, pursuant to law, the second H. R. 2206. A bill to amend the National Rev. Hunter M. Lewis, B. D., associate semiannual report of the operations of the Housing Act, as now or hereafter amended, minister, Church of the Epiphany, Ofilce of Administrator of Rent Control of so as to give protection to persons in military Washington. D. C., ofiexed the following the District of Columbia. covering the period service, and their dependents, as to certain prayer: July 1, 1942, to December 31, 1942 (With an mortgages; to the CommitteQ on Banking accompanying report); to the Committee on and Currency. 0 Eternal God, who in times past didst the District of Columbia. By Mr. DICKSTEIN: lead our forefathers from lands of op­ H. R. 2207. A bill to amend the Nationality pression, and open before them in the DISPOSITION OF ExECUTIVE PAPERS Act of 1940; to the Committee on Immigra­ wilderness a new land which by Thy gra­ A letter from the Archivist of the United tion and Naturalization. cious providence hM become great States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a list _By Mr. McCORMACK: of papers and documents on the files of the H. R. 2208. A blll to promote the national among the nations: We beseech Thee to Departments of War, Navy (3), Interior, Agri­ defense and to fac1litate and protect the continue thy loving kindness to us, that culture (3), and Commerce; Federal Works transport of materials and supplies needful in these days of strife and strain we lose Agency (2), The National Archives, and the to the Military Establishment and essential not the vision of freedom, justice, and District Court of the Northern District of to domestic requirements through safe and equality which Thou didst reveal to California which are not needed in the con­ adequate inland waterways, by the immediate them. Guide, we pray Thee, all those to duct of business and have no permanent authorization of the construction of the New whom Thou hast committed the Govern­ value or historical interest, and requesting York Bay-Delaware River section of the At­ action looking to their disposition (with ac­ lantic Intracoastal Waterway; to the Com­ ment of our Nation, and grant to them companying papers); to a Joint Select Com­ mittee on Rivers and Harbors. at this time special gifts of wisdom mittee on the Disposition of Papers in the By Mr. PETERSON of Florida: and understanding, of counsel and of Executive Departments. H. R. 2209. A bill to cover the positions of strength. registers of the district land o:mces into the ·Bless all who labor in field and factory, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ classified civil service and to fix the compen­ in office and home for our country's wel­ pore appointed Mr. BARKLEY and Mr. sation thereof; to the Committee on the fare. May they labor for the work's BREWSTER members of the committee on Public Lands. the part of the Senate. H. R. 2210. A blll to fix the compensation sake without undue thought of gain, un­ of registers of the district land offices in ac­ spoiled by the increase of income, seek­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS cordance with the Classification Act of 1923, ing to give the best that is in them. Petitions, etc.. were laid before the as amended; to the Committee on the Public And stretch forth, we beseech Thee, Senate, or presented, and referred as Lands. Thine almighty arm to strengthen and By Mr. PATMAN: protect the defenders of our country, indicated: H. J. Res. 99. Joint resolution to permit re­ wherever they may serve at home or By the ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem• tailers to combine in negotiating purchases abroad, on land, sea. or Bless pore: from suppliers; to the ·Committee on the in the air. A resolution of Hollywood Parlor, No. 196. Judiciary. them and the cause in which we send Native Sons of the Golden West. of Los An­ By Mr. OOUGHTON,: them forth. Endue them with courage geles. callf., protesting against the formation H. J. Res. 100. Joint resolution extending and loyalty. with patience, fortitude and of a Japanese unit of the United states Army;_ the time within which certain acts under endurance. and lead them to Thine own to the Committee on Military Affairs. 2106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 17 A resolution of the House of Representatives surgeon, as there are duly qualified, licensed, ville administration a payment in lieu of taxes of the State of Texas; to the Committee on practicing physicians and surgeons who have to the States of Oregon and washington on Finance: been practicing for years, for whom the citi­ a basis substantially equivalent to that which "Whereas the people of Texas are required ze~ship has the highest regard as to their has been found proper in the operations of to pay Federal taxes to support Federal so­ ability and integrity, and they, although the Tennessee Valley Authority and Boulder cial-security programs for maternal and licensed and qualified, will not be eligible to Dam; and be it further <:htld-health services in all the States; and render the services required: Therefore be it "Resolved, That a copy of this memorial be "Whereas the State of Texas, in order to "Resolved, That it is the sense of the House sent to United States Senators CHARLES L.
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