Phase One Planning Desktop Preliminary Environmental Risk Assessment This report is issued for the Site described as: 4 Berthold Mews, Waltham Abbe , !"# $%S &eport &eference A!'(44#$(PP$($)))**) +ustomer &eference ",A &eport produced on *#,)4,*)*) +urrent use One residential propert Proposed use Subdi-ision into two semi detached dwellings with rear and side e.tensions &eport written b Teree Scott BSc /0ons1 MSc P2!MA &eport appro-ed b +onstance Alderson Blench BA /0ons1 P2!MA !A Overview M2"O& 2SS3!S +O"TA+T 4!TA2'S Planning 2ssues (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 24!"T252!4 2f ou require assistance please contact our consultant on: 0330 036 6115 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ( or b email at: orders@arg llen-iro8com &ecommendations The Phase I should be submitted to the Local Authorit for Planning consideration8 2ssues A Discover Strategy should be put in place on Site to mitigate an une.pected contamination on the Site. If an contamination is identified during rede-elopment, all wor9 must cease and you must alert the Local Authorit . The la ing of new ser-ices, specificall water suppl pipes, should be undertaken in accordance with current guidance, including the 3:W2& contaminated land guidance8 A!'(44#$(PP$($)))**) Phase One // Planning * 4, Berthold Mews, Waltham Abbe , !"# $JS !.ecuti-e Summar Arg ll !n-ironmental 'imited /A!'1 was commissioned b 'uke Wilks, to conduct a Phase One 4esktop Preliminar !n-ironmental &isk Assessment for 4 Berthold Mews, Waltham Abbe , !"# $JS /the Site)8 This report presents the key findings and potential en-ironmental liabilities identified during the assessment8 :e findings 2ntroduction The Site located at 4 Berthold Mews, Waltham Abbe , E"# 1JS is currentl a single residential dwelling. We ha-e been ad-ised b the Client that the e.isting building will be subdi-ided into two semi detached dwellings with side and rear e.tensions (planning ref8 !P5/0574/2)1. A Phase 1 Contaminated Land Assessment is re6uired to validate the planning application8 Site 0istor A re-iew of historical maps indicates the Site remained vacant until the 1967 map edition, when it formed land associated with a wider works8 The works was labelled as a government research establishment c8$#>#8 The Site remained in this use until between 1999 and 2006, when it was rede-eloped for residential use as a single propert with garden8 Information from the Local Authorit indicates the Site formed part of a wider gunpowder mill from as earl as the 14th +entur until 1991, for manufacture and testing of gunpowder and e.plosi-es? known as the Waltham Abbe Royal @unpowder Works8 This ma ha-e been omitted from some map editions due to the sensiti-e nature of the land use. The Site and wider housing estate pre-iousl formed part of the factor hospital, with some storage for e.plosi-es, howe-er no manufacturing took place8 Sources of contamination The following potentiall contaminati-e sources of concern ha-e been identified at the Site: • Waltham Abbe Royal Gunpowder Works from as earl as the 14th Centur - $##$ • Made @round • Superficial Deposits: Allu-ium • Potential for Asbestos Containing Materials /A+Ms1 in building fabric8 The following potentiall contaminati-e sources of concern ha-e been identified in proximit to the Site: • The wider Waltham Abbe Royal Gunpowder Works from as earl as the 14th Centur - $##$ • A landfill recorded under various entries from 73m west; operational from 1959 until 1977. +onclusion Although plausible contaminant linkages ha-e been identified with the proposed rede-elopment, we do not consider these to be significant. Therefore, the ris9 under the planning regime /"PP51 is considered to be low to moderate. It is unlikel that the Local Authorit will re6uire an further in-estigations as part of the proposed rede-elopment. O-erall Planning &is9 Assessment 'ow to Moderate "ote: This E.ecuti-e Summar forms part of A!''s Phase One Preliminar En-ironment Ris9 Assessment (&ef. A!'( 4491-PP$($)))**)1 and should be read in conCunction with the bod of the report8 Phase One ,, Planning Understanding this report This report is a Phase One preliminar desktop stud without a walkover surve which is compliant with +ontaminated 'and Report /+'&1 11 Model Procedures for the Management of Land +ontamination8 The report identifies potential land 6ualit issues associated with the proposed re,development8 The works were completed in accordance with A!'’s +onditions of Contract for Environmental +onsulting Services version *8)8$ $8 2ntroduction Scope of Wor9s The agreed scope of wor9s and the data sources included in this assessment are detailed below: • A re-iew of the historical de-elopment of the Site and surrounding area, b reference to current and historical Ordnance Sur-e maps and plans and other sources of historical information (e.g. aerial photographs where a-ailable1; • A re-iew of information contained within a Landmar9 en-ironmental data pack and other rele-ant en-ironmental information held on publicl a-ailable databases (including en-ironmental permits and licences, discharge consents, pollution incidents, waste management facilities, etc81; • Targeted regulator consultation with the !n-ironmental Health Department and Planning 4epartments (and an other statutor bodies as re6uired, potentiall including the En-ironment Agenc (!A1 and Petroleum 'icensing Authorit 1? • A stud of the en-ironmental sensiti-it of the Site, with reference to the local geological, h drological and h drogeological setting from BGS and EA information? • Re-iew of e.isting (e.g. Phase *1 reports and correspondence if appropriate and limited to 3hrs? • The deri-ation of a Conceptual Site Model (+SM), identif ing potential contaminant linkages at the Site based on Contaminated Land Report (+'&$$1? • The provision of a full interpretati-e report, including a qualitati-e ris9 assessment to determine if further In-estigations are re6uired under the planning regime and to protect clients from an future liabilities8 The report will include an e.ecuti-e summar Identif ing ke Issues and detail 'ne.t step' recommendations8 • Aftercare, including a detailed discussion with the Contaminated Land Officer/planning officer to discuss the proposed methodologies and scope of such works of further works /if re6uired1, so as to ensure that planning conditions relating to land contamination can be met and complied with full 8 1 Please refer to the etho!ology se"tion at the en! of this report for more !etails A!'(44#$(PP$($)))**) Phase One // Planning 4 4, Berthold Mews, Waltham Abbe , !"# $JS O-er-iew of planning application It is understood that there are proposals to subdi-ide an e.isting residential propert into two semi detached properties with side and rear e.tensions (planning ref. !P5,);<4/20). A Phase 1 Contaminated Land Assessment is re6uired to validate the planning application. Information from the client indicates garden areas are proposed8 Therefore in the first instance a Phase One Preliminar Ris9 Assessment should be undertaken8 To satisf national guidance, the Phase One Preliminar Ris9 Assessment should include a full histor of the Site and surrounds including the en-ironmental setting of the Site and a preliminar conceptual site model and associated ris9 assessment8 *8 0istorical &e-iew A!' has re-iewed a-ailable historical Ordnance Sur-e maps and pre(Ordnance Sur-e /+ount Series1 maps plus recent aerial photograph for the Site and surrounding area. This information, in conCunction with historical data provided b the Local Authorit !n-ironmental Heath & Planning Departments and information from the site visit, has been used to de-elop a description of the Site and the surrounding area8 *8$ Summar of Site and Surrounding Area On Site A re-iew of historical maps indicates the Site remained vacant until the 1967 map edition, when it formed land associated with a wider works8 The works was labelled as a government research establishment c8$#>#8 The Site remained in this use until between 1999 and 2006, when it was rede-eloped for residential use as a single propert with garden8 Information from the Local Authorit indicates the Site formed part of a wider gunpowder mill from as earl as the 14th Centur until 1991, for manufacture and testing of gunpowder and e.plosi-es? known as the Waltham Abbe Royal @unpowder Works8 This ma ha-e been omitted from some map editions due to the sensiti-e nature of the land use. The Site and wider housing estate pre-iousl formed part of the factor hospital, with some storage for e.plosi-es, howe-er no manufacturing took place8 Surrounding Area The wider area was largel vacant from the first map edition, dated 1870, with Waltham Marshes and a number of canals/watercourses noted. From this time, the Royal Gunpowder Factor was identified approximatel 100m south east, which e.tended closer c8$>>*, when the Royal Engineering Department was noted from 20m east8 O-er subse6uent mapping, the gunpowder factor was e.tended, until it was omitted from mapping between 1920 and 1960, due to the sensiti-e nature of the land use. By 1967, the factor was again noted in mapping and later labelled as a Government Research Establishment c8$#<*8 At around the same time, some watercourses in the surrounding area were filled (particularl to the west/south west1 and a disused gra-el pit identified from 135m west was also le-elled. After 1999, the surrounding area was cleared and rede-eloped for residential use, with the area to the north labelled as the Royal Gunpowder Mills Museum from c8*))= onwards8 Information from the Local Authorit indicates this area formed part of a wider gunpowder mill from as earl as the 14th Centur until 1991, for manufacture and testing of gunpowder and e.plosi-es? known as the Waltham Abbe Royal @unpowder Works8 Phase One ,, Planning A8 Site 'ocation and Setting The Site (>A#8;;m*1 is located at (4 Berthold Mews, Waltham Abbe , E"# 1JS1.
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