Index A Although, 524 Aberrant expression, 118 Alzheimer’s disease, 305, 326 Abluminal, 47 American type culture collection (ATCC), 537 Actin, 7 AMH, see Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) Actinic keratosis, 342 Aminolevulinic acid, 501 Actinomycetes, 485 Amino-triphenyl dicarboxylate-bridged Zr4+ Activated macrophages, 13 metal-organic framework nanoparticles Activation, 93 (NMOFs), 215 Activation functions (AFs), 89 Amphiregulin (AREG), 240 Active targeting, 467 β-Amyloid fibrils, 305 Adamantane–hyaluronic acid, 420 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), 219 Adamantane polyethylene glycol, 473 Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK), 233 Adaptive immune responses, 328 Ancillary targets, 165 Adaptor proteins, 15 Androgen receptor (AR), 115 Adenocarcinoma, 231 Androgen receptor antagonists, 123 Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), 188, 191 Androgen response elements (ARE), 116 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 243 Androgens, 120 Adherens junction, 179 Ang2 inhibitor (recombinant peptide-Fc-­ Adsorptive endocytosis, 49 fusion protein), 215 Advanced chemorefractory endometrial Angiogenesis, 53, 490, 529 cancers, 193 Angiogenesis factors, 189 Advanced epithelial ovarian, 131 Angiogenic paracrine factors, 490 Advanced gastric adenocarcinoma, 220 Anilinoquinazoline tyrosine kinase inhibitor, 242 Advanced glycation end products (AGE), 305 Annexin V, 493 Advanced/metastatic NSCLC, 258 Annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide assay, Adverse effects, 400 534–536 A glycoprotein hormone, 121 Antagonists, 287, 393 Agonists, 87 Antiangiogenic activity, 527 AIDS, 280 Antiangiogenic drugs, 215 Albumin, 63, 102 Antiapoptotic proteins, 188 Albumin nanoparticles, 254 Antibiotics, 341 ALK inhibitors, 257 Antibodies, 9, 59, 411, 464, 471 Alkaline, 356 Antibody-dependent cell-mediated Allosteric sites, 192 cytotoxicity (ADCC), 84 © American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 2019 545 P. V. Devarajan et al. (eds.), Targeted Intracellular Drug Delivery by Receptor Mediated Endocytosis, AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series 39, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29168-6 546 Index Antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy ATPase inhibitors, 506 (ADEPT), 59 ATP-binding cassettes (ABC), 98 Antibody–drug conjugates (ADC), 59, 133 ATP-competitive, 251 Antibody-mediated cellular cytoxicity ATX, see Autotaxin (ATX) (ADCC), 242 Autoimmune, 414 Antibody-nanoshell conjugates, 192 diseases, 328 Anticancer drugs, 485 events, 257 Anticancer vaccines, 445 Autophosphorylation, 153, 208 Anti-CD antibodies, 393 Autotaxin (ATX), 175 Antidiabetic agents, 160 Axin-1/axin-2 (tumor suppressor proteins), 188 Antiestrogens, 124 Antifolates, 411 Antigen–adjuvant complexes, 339 B Antigen-presenting cells (APCs), 339 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), 342 Antihuman TfR, 471 Bacterial flagella, 336 Anti-infective drugs, 340, 485 Bacterial flagellin, 330 Anti-mucin 1 aptamer (Apt), 206 Bacterial load, 509 Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), 202 Bactericidal, 540 Antineuroblastoma, 215 Bacteriostatic, 540 Antiprogestins, 90 Basal lamina, 47 Antiproliferative activity, 96 B-cell receptor (BCR), 390 Antiretroviral, 510 BCG, see Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Antisense oligonucleotides, 336 (BCG) Antitumor agents, 340 BC staging, 82 Anti-VEFG intraceptor, 254 Betacellulin (BTC), 240 Antiviral agents, 340 Biantennary oligosaccharides, 361 APC, see Adenomatous polyposis coli Binding affinity, 356 (APC) Bioavailability, 154 APCs, see Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) Biochemical, 502 Apolipoprotein, 51 Biodegradable, 468 Apolipoprotein A1, 159 Biological functions, 389 Apoptosis, 199, 492 Biomarkers, 313, 448 Apoptotic bodies, 493 Biotin, 371 Apoptotic cells, 300 Bladder cancer, 414, 501 Aprotinin, 53 Block polymers, 99 Apt, see Anti-mucin 1 aptamer (Apt) B lymphocytes, 325 Aqueous lecithin dispersions, 488 BMPs, see Bone morphogenetic proteins Arabinogalactan (AG), 362 (BMPs) Arachidonic acid, 246 BMP type II receptor, 210 Aromatase inhibitors, 88 200-μl Boiling double-distilled, 528 β-Arrestins, 174, 179 Bombesin receptors (BBR1, BBR2 and Arthritis, 342 BBR3), 236 ASGP-R, see Asialoglycoprotein receptors Bone morphogenetic proteins (ASGP-Rs) (BMPs), 202 Asialoglycoprotein receptors (ASGP-Rs), 204, Bone sialoprotein, 55 355, 372 Boron nitride nanoparticles, 418 Aspartic acid, 250 Bradykinin receptors, 237 Aspartic acid-arginine-tyrosine, 145 BRCA1 mutations, 91 Astrocytes, 47 BrdU, see Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) Atazanavir, 422 BrdU-labeled assay, 526–527 ATCC, see American type culture collection Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), 487 (ATCC) α-Bromophosphonate, 187 Atherosclerosis, 281 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, 233 Athymic nude BALB/c mice, 254 Burkholderia cenocepacia, 504 Index 547 C Cellular proliferation, 409, 487 Ca2+-dependent phospholipid-binding Cellular signals, 173 protein, 534 Cellular trafficking, 438 Calcium ion mobilization, 178 Cellular uptake, 504, 541 Ca2+ levels, 360 Central nervous system, 337 CAM, see Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) Cerebral malaria, 280 Camptothecin, 371, 418 Cervical and ovarian cancers, 111 Cancer, 5 CFP-YFP, see Cyan fluorescent protein– metastasis, 490 yellow fluorescent protein (CFP-YFP) progression, 174 CFU, see Colony-forming unit (CFU) stage, 459 Chemo-endocrine therapy, 94 Cannabinoid receptors, 192 Chemokine receptors, 175 Canonical Wnt β-catenin pathway, 188 Chemokines, 273 Capillary blood vessels, 527 Chemorefractory ewing sarcoma, 219 Carbocyclic phosphothionate, 187 Chemotactic, 490 Carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD), 358 Chemotherapeutic agent, 503 Carbohydrates, 300 Chemotherapy, 58, 199, 259 Carbon nanoparticles, 418 Chimeric (mouse/human) monoclonal Carbon nanotubes, 312, 418 antibody, 244 Carcinogens, 233 Chitosan nanoparticles, 248, 417 Caspase-3, 161 Chlamydiae, 485 Caspase activation, 536, 537 Chloroquine, 12 Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), 114 Cholesterol, 51 Cathelicidins, 12 Cholesterol ester, 300 Cathepsin B, 180 Chondroitin sulfate, 391 Cationic proteins, 49 Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), 490, 529 Cation-supplemented, 537 Chromatin-remodeling proteins, 188 Caveolae, 241 Chronic inflammatory bowel disease, 161 Caveolin, 7 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 395, Caveolin-1, 16 399, 414 Caveosomes, 16 Chronic myelogenous leukemia, 154 CC receptors, 273 Circular dorsal ruffles (CDR), 7 CD3 complex, 386, 387 Cisplatin, 415 CD4, 387 C-Kit, 144, 151 CD8, 387, 393 Clathrin, 7 CD8-T cells, 339 Clathrin-coated pits, 15 CD19, 388, 390 Clathrin-mediated endocytosis, 241 CD20, 388, 391 Cleft like structure, 460 CD36, 303 CLIC/GEEC, 19 CD44, 385, 389 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute CD45, 435 (CLSI), 537 CD68, 305 Clinical pilot trial, 163 CDKs, see Cell cycle-regulated kinases Clinical trials, 68, 93, 128 (CDKs) C-lobe, 460 Cell cycle analysis, 492, 532–533 Clostridium difficile toxin B (TcdB), 190 Cell cycle-regulated kinases (CDKs), 214 CLSI, see Clinical and Laboratory Standards Cell cycle regulation, 164 Institute (CLSI) Cell differentiation, 162 Cluster differentiation 44 (CD44), 236 Cell internalization, 6 Cluster of differentiation (CD) molecules, 330 Cell line-derived xenograft model, 495 CmAbs, 400 Cell-penetrating peptides (CPP), 22 C-MET receptor, 247 Cell programming, 164 C-Met tyrosine kinase receptor, 200 Cell proliferation, 276, 489, 526–527 CNS diseases, 473 Cell surface receptors, 173 Coexpression, 240 548 Index Cofilin, 10 Cylindramatosis protein (CYLD), 335 Coiled-coil, 300 Cysteine-rich domain (CRD), 187 Collagenous domain, 301 Cytokine receptor, 151 Collagens, 55 Cytoplasmic domain, 358 Collectins, 9 Cytoplasmic tail, 52 Colocalization, 507 Cytoskeletal function, 250 Colon cancer, 463 Cytosol, 464 Colonic endoscopic biopsies, 192 Cytosolic, 21, 506 Colony-forming unit (CFU), 509 Cytostatic, 199 Colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1), 214 Cytotoxic drug, 95 Colorectal, 463 Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), 387 Colorectal cancer, 143, 414 Cytotoxicity, 421 Combination therapy, 129, 254 Competitive binding, 473 Competitive inhibition, 251 D Competitive inhibition assay, 505 DA, see Dodecylamine (DA) Complement-mediated toxicity, 242 DAG, see Diacylglycerol (DAG) Complement receptors (CR), 10 Damage-associate molecular patterns Computed tomography (CT), 248 (DAMPs), 326 Computer-aided screenings, 335 DAMPs, see Damage-associate molecular Concancamycin-A, 12 patterns (DAMPs) Conditional transgenic models, 502 Daunorubicin, 415 Confirmed response rate (CRR), 256 Decatenation, 532 Control of substances hazardous to health Deep epidermis, 460 (COSHH), 533 Defensins, 12 Coordinate bond, 360 Delivery, 248 Copper nanoclusters, 421, 472 Dendrimers, 65, 99, 471 Co-receptors, 330, 390 Dendritic cells, 325, 421 Coronins, 10 Development, 459 COSHH, see Control of substances hazardous Dextran, 288, 362 to health (COSHH) Diacylglycerol (DAG), 178, 183 CpG motifs, 328 Diacyl lipopeptide, 327 CRD, see Carbohydrate recognition domain Diagnostics, 67 (CRD); Cysteine-rich domain (CRD) Dihydrofolate reductase enzyme, 411 Crithidia fasciculata, 532 5α-Dihydrotestosterone (5 α-DHT), 115 Crohn’s disease, 337 Dimerization, 120 Cryo-anesthetize, 529 Discoid, 101 CSF-1, see Colony-stimulating factor 1 Dishevelled (DSH), 191 (CSF-1) Disintegrin, 240 C-terminal, 436 Disulfide-bonded dimers, 208 CTLDs, see C-type lectin domains (CTLDs) Disulfide bonds, 436 C-type lectin domains (CTLDs), 434 Disulfide bridges, 52 C-type lectin superfamily, 434 Dlg1, see Drosophila disc large tumor Curcumin, 421, 498 suppressor (Dlg1) CXCL12, see C-X-C motif chemokine 12 DNA, 409 (CXCL12) aptamers, 209 C-X-C motif chemokine 12 (CXCL12), 143 hydrolysis, 527 CXC receptors,
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