List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Parliament Affairs Secretariate Ministry's Own 0201-5012 Strengthening Parliament's Capacity in Integrating ‡÷ªs‡`wbs cvj©v‡g›U K¨vcvwmwU Gb& Bw›Uª‡MÖwUs ccy‡jkb Bm¨yR 105.00 Population issues into Development (SPCPD). Bb Uz ‡W‡fjc‡g›U (GmwcwmwcwW)| 01/11/16 Page 1 of 97 1 List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Prime Minister's Office Prime Minister's Office 0301-5012 Access to Information (A 2 I). &G¨vK‡mm Uz Bbdi‡gkb (2)| 8,028.00 0301-5822 Lump provision for development of special areas we‡kl GjvKvi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg 2,000.00 (except Hill Tracts) e¨ZxZ) Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0305-5011 Support to Capacity Building of Bangladesh mv‡cvU© Uz K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae evsjv‡`k BKbwgK †Rvbm 3,344.00 Economic Zones Authority. A_wiwU| 0305-5012 Bangladesh Economic Zones Development Project evsjv‡`k BK‡bvwgK †Rvbm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (†dR-1)| 15,526.00 (Phase-II). National Security Intelligence 0321-5010 Construction of 10-storied Office Building for NSI KÝUªvKkb Ae 10 (‡Ub) ÷‡iW Awdm wewìs di 2,571.00 with 20-Storied Foundation & a Basement. Gb.Gm.AvB DB_ 20 (Uz‡qw›U) ÷i‡qW dvD‡Ûkb GÛ G †eBR‡g›U| NGO Affairs Bureau 0323-5011 Construction of NGO Affairs Bureau Office Building. KÝóªvKkb Ae GbwRI G¨v‡dqvm© ey¨‡iv Awdm wewìs| 1,500.00 Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA) 0325-0006 Construction of Factory Buildings in EPZs under ‡ecRvi Aaxb Bwc‡RW mg~‡ni KviLvbv feb wbg©vY| 24,553.00 BEPZA. 0325-5020 Capacity Building of the Bangladesh Export K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ad evsjv‡`k G·‡cvU© cÖ‡mwms †Rvbm 2,650.00 Processing Zones Authority. A_wiwU| Board of Investment 0329-5010 Construction of 14 Storied Building with three KÝUªvKkb Ae 14 †÷v‡iW wewìs DB_ w_ª †eBR‡g›Um di 3,929.00 Basement for Head Office of Board of Investment †nW Awdm Ae †evW© Ae Bb‡f÷‡g›U (weIAvB) G¨vU (BOI) at Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka. Gm.we.bMi. XvKv| Asrayan Projects Implementation Agency 0331-6530 Asrayan Project - 2. AvkªvqY-2 8,000.00 Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) 0305-5000 Establishment of Jamalpur Economic Zone. Rvgvjcyi A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯’'vcb 16,999.00 0305-5013 The acquisition of land for the establishment of Av‡bvqviv-2 A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ f~wg AwaMÖnY 1.00 economic zones Anowara II (Chinese Economic and (PvBwbR A_©‰wZK I wkívÂj) industrial Zone). 01/11/16 Page 2 of 97 2 List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Cabinet Division Ministry's Own 0401-5000 Bilding Capacity for the Use of Research Evidence wewìs K¨vcvwmwU di w` BDR Ae wimvP© Bwf‡WÝ 813.00 (BECURE) in Bangladesh. (weBwmBDAviB) Bb evsjv‡`k| 0401-5014 National Integrity Strategy Support Project. b¨vkbvj B‡›UwMÖwU ÷ªv‡UwR mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R±| 586.00 0401-5015 Social Security Policy Support Programme (SSPS). ‡mvm¨vj wmwKDwiwU cwjwm mv‡cvU© †cÖvMÖvg (GmGmwcGm)| 1,980.00 01/11/16 Page 3 of 97 3 List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Bangladesh Election Commission Secretariate Ministry's Own 0601-5060 Construction of Upazila and Regional Server Kb÷ªv'Kkb Ae Dc‡Rjv GÛ wiwRIbvj mvf©vi †÷kb di 2,608.00 Stations of Electoral Database. B‡jK‡Uvivj WvUv‡eR| 0601-5120 Construction of Election Resource Centre. B‡jKkb wi‡mvm© †m›Uvi wbg©vY| 4,701.00 0601-5130 Identification System for Enhancing Access to AvB‡WbwUwd‡Kkb wm‡÷g di Gbn¨vwÝs GK‡mm Uz mvwf©‡mm| 48,152.00 Services. 01/11/16 Page 4 of 97 4 List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Public Administration Ministry's Own 0701-8431 Strengthening Government through Capacity ‡÷ªs‡`wbs Mf‡g©›U _ªy K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae w` wewmGm 4,038.00 Development of the BCS Cadre Officials. K¨vWvi Awdwmqvjm&| BPATC 0705-5011 Improving Public Services through Total Quality BgcÖywfs cvewjK mvwf©‡mm _ªy †UvUvj †KvqvwjwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U 1,221.00 Management (IPSTQM). (AvBwcwUwKDGg)| Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy (BCSAA) 0707-5001 Strengthening of BCS Administration Academy and wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wgx feb m¤cÖmviY Ges cÖwk¶Y myweav 2,226.00 Increasing of Training Facility. e„w×KiY| 01/11/16 Page 5 of 97 5 List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Finance Division Ministry's Own 0901-5014 Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) w¯‹jm di Bgc­q‡g›U Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMªvg | 25,683.00 (Phase-I) 0901-5016 Strengthening Capacity for Child Focused Budget in ‡÷ªs‡`wb K¨vcvwmwU di PvBì †dvKvmW ev‡RwUs Bb 230.00 Bangladesh evsjv‡`k| 0901-5017 Strengthening Public Financial Management for ‡÷s‡`wbs cvewjK dBb¨vwÝqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U di †mvm¨vj 4,720.00 Social Protection Under SGP. cÖ‡UKkb AvÛvi GmwRwc| 0901-5141 SPEMP-B : Strengthening the Office of the Gm. wc. B. Gg. wc- we: ‡÷ªs‡`wbs w` Awdm Ae w` K‡›Uªvjvi 400.00 Comptroller and Auditor General Project. AwWUi †Rbv‡ij cÖ‡R±| Autonomous Bodies and Other Institutions 0905-5011 Investment Promotion and Financing Facility (IPFF) Bb‡f÷‡g›U cÖ‡gvkb GÛ wdb¨vwÝs dvvwmwjwU (AvBwcGdGd) 1,057.00 Project. cÖ‡R±| 01/11/16 Page 6 of 97 6 List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Internal Resources Division (IRD) National Board of Revenue 1103-5000 Procurement of Container Scanner for Custom PÆMÖvg, gsjv, AvBwmwW Kgjvcyi Ges †ebv‡cvj Kv÷g 11,546.00 House of Chittagong, Mongla, ICD Komolapur and nvD‡Ri Rb¨ K‡›UBbvi ¯‹¨vbvi µq Benapol. 1103-5011 Governance Management Project : Component-a : Mfv‡b©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± t K‡¤cv‡b›U Gt AbjvBb dvBwjs 22.00 Online Filing and Digitilization of Tax Returns, GÛ wWwRUvB‡Rkb Ae †U· wiUvb©m, K‡¤cv‡b›U-wm t Component -c : Establishment of Taxpayers G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †U·‡cqvim& Bbdi‡gkb GÛ mvwf©m Information and Service Centres. †m›Uvi| 1103-5012 VAT & Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 f¨vU GÛ mvwc­‡g›Uvwi wWDwU G¨v±, 2012 Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb (f¨vU 24,004.00 Implementation (VAT : Online) Project. AbjvBb) cÖKí| 1103-5030 Construction of National Renenue Bhaban RvZxq ivR¯^ feb wbg©vY| 5,509.00 1103-5040 Strengthening of Governance Management Project : ‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae Mfv‡b©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R±t Gt AbjvBb wdwjs 985.00 a : Online Filling and Digitilization of Tax Returns; c: GÛ wWwRUvB‡Rkb Ae †U· wiUvb©m wm G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Establishment of Taxpayers Information and Service †U·‡cqvim Bbdi‡gkb GÛ mvwf©m †m›Uvi| Centres. 01/11/16 Page 7 of 97 7 List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Bank and Financial Institution Division General Insurance Corporation 1205-5016 Pilot Project on Weather Index Based Crop cvBjU cÖ‡R± Ab I‡q`vi Bb‡W·-‡eBRW †µvc BbwmI‡iÝ| 905.00 Insurance. Bangladesh Bank 1205-5019 Financial Sector Support Project (FSSP). wdbvwÝqvj †m±i mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (GdGmGmwc)| 15,573.00 Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission 1205-0001 Construction of 10 Storied Building with one Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 10 †÷vi‡qW wewìs DB_ Iqvb †eBR‡g›U di 1,660.00 Basement for Bangladesh Securities and Exchange evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwU GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb (weGmBwm) G¨vU Commission (BSEC) at Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, †k‡i evsjv bMi, XvKv Dhaka. 01/11/16 Page 8 of 97 8 List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Economic Relations Division (ERD) Ministry's Own 1301-5010 Strengthening External Aid Management Capacity ‡÷ªs‡`wbs G·Uvibvj GBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwmwU 150.00 (SEAMC). (GmBGGgwm)| 1301-5012 Support Implementation of the Revenue Mobilization mv‡cvU© Bgwc­‡g›Ukb Ae w` †iwfwbD gwejvB‡Rkb †cÖvMªvg di 395.00 Program for Result: VAT Improvement Program. †iRvë: f¨vU B¤cÖyf‡g›U †cÖvMªvg| 1301-5013 Knowledge for Development management (KDM) for b‡jR di †W‡fjc‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U (†KwWGg) di BAviwW 617.00 ERD UN Wing. BDGb DBs| 1301-5030 Central Co-ordination Unit of the Private Sector ‡m›Uªvj †Kv- AwWbkb DBwbU Ae w` cÖvB‡fU †m±i 150.00 Development Support Project (CCU Project). †W‡fjc‡g›U mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (wmwmBD cÖ‡R±)| 1301-5151 Japan Human Resources Development Programme Rvcvb wnDg¨vb wi‡mv‡m©m †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (†RwWm)| 2,005.00 (JDS). 01/11/16 Page 9 of 97 9 List of Project in ADP 2016-17 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Planning Division Ministry's Own 1401-5001 Construction of Residential Building for Officers/ cwiKíbv wefv‡Mi/Kwgk‡bi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK 4,000.00 Employees of Planning Division/commission at feb wbg©vY| Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1401-5015 Strengthening Capacity of the General Economic ‡÷ªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae w` †Rbv‡ij BKbwgK wWwfkb 60.00 Division (GED) to Integrate Polulation Issues into (wRBwW) Uz BbwU‡MÖU ccy‡jkb Bmy¨R BbUz ‡W‡fjc‡g›U c­ Development Plans. ¨vbm| 1401-5016 Implementation of Digital ECNEC. Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae wWwRUvj GK‡bK di wgwbw÷ª Ae c­¨vwbs| 142.00 1401-5017 Preparation and Monitoring of Midium Term ga¨‡gqv`x Dbœqb cwiKíbv (7g cÂevwl©K cwiKíbv I 322.00 Development Plans (7th Five Year Plan & cwiex¶Y)| Monitoring).
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