US00927 1961 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.271,961 B2 Penning et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 1, 2016 (54) BFUNCTIONAL AKR1C3 (56) References Cited INHIBITORS/ANDROGEN RECEPTOR MODULATORS AND METHODS OF USE U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS THEREOF 2006/0235035 A1 10/2006 Hogberg et al. 2007/0129.433 A1 6/2007 Lardy et al. (71) Applicant: THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Philadelphia, PA (US) FR 28.62964 B1 12/2006 (72) Inventors: Trevor M. Penning, Springfield, PA (US); Adegoke O. Adeniji, Drexel Hill, OTHER PUBLICATIONS PA (US); Michael C. Burns, Definition of prevent, Princeton University "About WordNet.” Philadelphia, PA (US); Jeffrey Winkler, WordNet. Princeton University. 2010. <http://wordnet.princeton. Wynnewood, PA (US); Barry Twenter, edud, accessed Sep. 18, 2012.* Philadelphia, PA (US) Flanders Prostate 1984, 5 (6), 621-629.* Dunning et al. 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The invention also includes composi C07C 229/58 (2013.01); C07C 229/60 tions comprising bifunctional AKR1C3 inhibitors and selec (2013.01) tive androgen receptor modulators. The invention further (58) Field of Classification Search includes methods of treatment using the compositions of the CPC ... C07C 229/58; C07C 229/60; A61 K31/196 invention. USPC ........... 514/567; 562/458, 454, 456, 457, 435 See application file for complete search history. 12 Claims, 42 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 1 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 Fig. 1 SIMS HSDs t-s Steroid (AKRs and SDRs) Steroic St. o St (inactive)s s Hormone N Structural Gene \ N NUCLEUS N 1. N- e - - - or - 11S U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 2 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 Fig. 2 STEROD HORMONES O OH O O A- Androstenedione Testosterone O OH c AKR1c3 HO HO Estrone 17B-Estradiol O AOH AKR1C3 s' O O Progesterone 20o-Hydroxyprogesterone PROSTAGLANDINS sySN 1 Y1COOH AKR1c3 HO %-sy=1 N1) cooH SCN-- - S. oil S OH HO OH PGH2 PGF2, OH2 SN-1N1N HO2. SY-1N1N O 6H HOS-a--- ÖH PGD2 90,11 B-PGF2 U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 3 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 Fig. 3 Progesterone -> DHP - allopregnanolone HSD3B2 SRDSA AKR1C2 DHEA -> A-AD see Actione me Androsterone Y HSD3B2 SRD5A AKR1C2 k A-AD .... Testosterone- DHT --> 3o-androstanedio U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 5 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 HoH H 117 O o, HoH NADP Y55 OS U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 6 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 9-51A U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 7 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 8 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 fr| frae : ". 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U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 23 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 V O ven 1. |Ng O O O O 3 OO O r CN fuuleue MAOW 96 U.S. Patent US 9.271,961 B2 U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 25 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 £Ipunoduopjosuo?eu?u00uop ync~*~wnco–wnu–º– wnov~wn…~~~~ynw0–D– (up to Ric) (A) U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 26 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 3 AIAW euAZu% U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 28 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 (udo)AApeople-o 3. 3. O SN O r (udo)AAoeople-oil U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 29 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 wS. + 2 > 2 H. O. P. on a S riII c O O itS (5is Of Y sexe f s T l T l l 6ugueue MW3W AW 96 U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 30 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 s AA3Weseleyan 9, U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 31 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 20101|10 (wn)Ipunoduuoo] |2.01±01-0.1901 fu put 99eds 9%, U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 32 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 6Z(51) o06 U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 33 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 Fig. 30 ICso Values (uM) Compds (R) 1C3 1C1 1 C2 1C4 1B1 1B10 C.CO2H an-j-R Compound 5 0.03 6.74 3.38 32.7 > 50 46.0 -NO 204) (101 (988) Compound 6 0.05 15.6 19.5 25.7 38.6 37.1 (p-Ac) (292) (364) (477) Compound 7 0.06 22.7 5.4 62.7 > 50 > 50 (p-CFs) (368) (249) (1015) Compound 8 0.14 30.2 19.1 48.7 ND ND (p-Cl) (222) (140) (357) Compound 9 0.13 31.3 18.1 91.4 > 50 > 50 -Br 250) (145) 728) Compound 10 0.28 35.6 3. 39. > 50 15 (p-t-Bu) (126) (110) (139) BMT 3-224 30.5 6.4 28.7 (R: o-COH, 0.04 27.7 16.2 p-Ac) (787) (165) (739) R. s' 0.03 4.35 5.50 50 ND p-CF)u v V2, (132)132 (136)136 (172)172 BMT 4-90 6.32 5.56 20.4 (R: o-NO, 0.04 42.7 39.3 p-OMe) (173) (139) (560) Compound 13 11.0 11.7 8.17 '' (138) (156) (102) ND >30 U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 2016 Sheet 34 of 42 US 9.271,961 B2 Fig. 31 Cmpds (R) COX-1 ICs (uM) COX-2 ICso (uM) C.COH 2 N. N --R FLU 2.23 O.06 Compound 5 30.76 O.74 (p-NO) Compound 6 > 00 > 00 -Ac) Compound 7 > 100 > 100 (p-CFs) Compound 8 > 00 ND (p-Cl) Compound 9 > 00 > 00 (p-Br) Compound 10 > 100 > 100 (p-t-Bu) BMT 3-224 > 00 > 00 (R: O-CO2H.
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