OF THE MACAYABIOSPHERE RESERVEPROJECT by Florence E. Sergile Charles A. Woods Paul E. Paryski FINAL REPORT MACAYA BIOSPHERE RESERVE PROJECT BY Florence E. Sergile Charles A. Woods Paul E. Paryski Florida Museum of Natural History Gainesville, Florida 1992 Prepared for USAIDIHaiti under contract number 521-0191-A-00-7107 This volume is printed on recycled paper. This vat lam%:is dedicated as hIich~BAubry who gave hi 6fe for his, and our, dream of establishing a eonsemr iim przlgrarn ia EIaiti, Mitkc8 was t~ornin Port-au-f rkce, Haiti, June 19, 1943, and died om 0cfuk.r 33, 1998, at the viEla8c of Canitt seeas Pax hfacaya in a tragic accidcnt that amurred when the truck Be was driving taafaed over wl~ifa crossing the 8odcd l'Acu%River, HPe wa5 returning from a Hard week of field work, 34 ic hcl wa,. res~msnsible.kr organking fa@stics,sf~pemising ail %:.4a:n~bsu~eie)n,and abtaiaing supplies, miit eriails and equipment for the project, We was able to dewfop wondcrhl strategies due to his exeptiotxaii gift of a>mmu&eation and his ability to make peopie happy, while bringing them saget her to work proJsxdively. I%ewas especizi1g-lscnsiiivc to accds of others arad was vcry bright and perceptive--fa;leaststhat wwed I>otbkina and the prajcct ~eltunder the trying work conditions of a project based in the high, wild rrrlountains sf Hititi, He radiated ex-arbexaa;lce aid iraspircd all thcxc who knew him, hfichel a lrlrc actor, and at every appropriate marnerlt uscd this talcmi 80entcrtnin and amuse, He was one of the piHEass of'thc Haitian tlxeater and participated in numerous theatrical p~~ducti~lk~in Haiti and other ~uu~)trjcs, f Ie was devoted tii~the conservariora sf nature and Haiti's naturd i~esitr~gc, Micbcl Aubry w~struly loved by all, cx7cnpeople who barely Lrsew him, He was raot only gifted hut a gift tts those whu did kniw aa~dlove him, His dancing, his sesrse of drama, his Baug%ztes.ad, at timcs, his iears sang sofigs of life itself. Mis pas5age was a loss not onEy ts tbc project, but Irt %%&tiand its fantastic and unique watural heripage, f hpe that his lik, which was giveaa in thi: fight to save biacaya, and all it represents was not in vain, He was a great fr'ricfid and comrade w'lraaa ishall no7er,never forget. Paul Paryski 1mc t hIiohcf three times irr: my iiifck.,but if was as if II had known Grn a long time, The htacaya Biosphe~eReserve population and tcehnkians will never Eorgct Michel. There is not a day on the field that someone will n~>tidfk about Ris laughter, his drama play, his colorhi CsecJe and his dedicatioa, We would like to thank all of our co-workers of the University of Florida Macaya Biosphere Reserve Project who participated in various aspects of this project, and who contributed so much under very difficult conditions. Some of our colleagues who contributed valuable ideas and much-needed assistance were Paul Monaghan, Micki Swishser, Jenness McBride, Paul Paryski and John Hermanson. We acknowledge and appreciate the support of Edmond Magny and Louis Buteau of MARNDR and Albert Mangones of ISPAN. We also acknow- ledge with appreciation our associates at USAID, particularly Michelet Fontaine, Larry Harms, Catherine McIntyre, Kevin Mullally, and Charles-Emile Philoctete. We are very grateful to those many Haitians who assisted us as we did field work. And, we are grateful for the assistance of the following people in producing this volume: Beth Ramey for editing and layout, and Laurie Walz and Linda Chandler for artwork. Of course, none of the work would have been possible without the support of Missy Woods. ACRONYMS Many organizations, individuals and terms are referred to in this volume. We are providing a list of the major terms used. When a name for an institution or organization is used for the first time in the text it is spelled out completely, but thereafter usually the acronym is used. COSAR Cooperative de Saint Andre de Rendel DMRE Departement des Mines et des Resources Energetiques DRN Direction des Ressources Naturelles EMAF' Ecole Moyeme d'Agroforesterie FLMNH Florida Museum of Natural History GOH Government of Haiti ISPAN Institute de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources MBRP Macaya Biosphere Reserve Project of the University of Florida MBR Macaya Biosphere Reserve MARNDR Ministere de I'Agriculture, des Resources Naturelles et du Developpement Rural; sometimes known as Damien NGO Non-Governmental Organization PVO Private Voluntary Organization SPE Service de Protection de I'Environment Parcs Haiti Para Nationaux Naturels &Haiti SAHPE Societe Audubon &Haiti pour la Protection de 1'Enviromement SRF Service des Ressources Forestieres USAID United States Agency for International Development UNEP United National Environment Program UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations WBP World Bank Project WCS World Conservation Strategy WWF World Wildlife Fund TABLE OF CONTENTS ... Dedication ..................................................................................................................................... ru Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................iv Map of Haiti ...................................................................................................................................v Acronyms ......................................................................................................................................vi. Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................................vll Resume ......................................................................................................................................ix Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter I . The 1988-1989 Sondeo of the Macaya Area ..........................................................3 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................3 Current Status and Recent Changes in the Biogeophysical Environment .........................5 Ovemew of the =get Zones: Physical Factors.................................................... 6 Land Use Zones .........................................................................................................9 Ovemew of the =get Zones: Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors ........ 12 Major Farming Systems in the Region ....................................................................................23 Crops ...........................................................................................................................25 Livestock .....................................................................................................................29 Forest Resources ........................................................................................................30 A Strategy for the Development of Community Based Sustainable Agriculture .............. 33 Summary of Improvements in Cropping Systems ..................................................38 Introductions .........................................................................................................40 Intermediate and Long-Rrm Interventions............................................................ 43 Specific Conclusions from the Formon Sondeo .....................................................47 Specific Conclusions from ltois Sources Sondeo ..................................................49 General Conclusions and Recommendations....................................................................... 53 Sondeo to Pic Macaya, Pa Lan Kont, Deglacis and Bwa Formon ......................................54 Current Status and Recommendations.................................................................... 55 General Conclusions and Recommendations....................................................... 60 Summary of Recommendations ...............................................................................................62 Chapter I1. The 1988-1992 Macaya Biosphere Reserve Project ............................................. 67 Description of Project ..............................................................................................................67 Area of Intervention .................................................................................................................69 Implementation Strategy and Principal Activities ................................................................71 Conclusion and Recommendations ........................................................................................84 Chapter 111 .The Future of National Parks and Biosphere Reserves in Haiti ........................ 87 Location .....................................................................................................................................87 Administration........................................................................................................................... 90 Interpretation and Research ....................................................................................................93 Recommended ltaining Programs .........................................................................................95 Concludig Comments
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