PARK, RECREATION, MARINA AND CULTURAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA April 17, 2018 7:00 P.M. (Council Chambers) Dylan Radke, Chair Karen Bell-Patten, Vice Chair Brian Eychner, Commissioner Victor Baker, Commissioner Satinder Malhi, Commissioner Rob Parolek, Commissioner Richard Patchin, Commissioner Adrienne Ursino, Commissioner 1. CALL TO ORDER – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – ROLL CALL 2. PRESENTATION(S) Martinez Bocce Federation Annual Report 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (COMPLETE SPEAKER CARD AND GIVE TO CLERK) 4. Reserved only for those requesting to speak on items not listed on the Agenda 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion approving PRMCC Minutes February 20, 2018 Motion approving PRMCC Minutes March 20, 2018 6. NEW ITEMS 7. ACTION ITEMS a) Beaver Festival Fee Waiver b) Cub Scouts Fee Waiver c) PRMCC Retreat – Draft Agenda and Date Reschedule 8. SUBCOMMITTEE(S) 9. CITY STAFF COMMENTS a) Recreation Report b) Recreation Coordinators Report c) Deputy Director of Administrative Services (verbal report) 10. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned to a Regular PRMCC Meeting on May 15, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 525 Henrietta Street, Martinez California. I certify under a penalty of perjury under the Laws of California that on April 12, 2018 at/by 5:00 p.m., I posted this notice at City Hall, 525 Henrietta Street, Martinez, CA. ________________________________ Robin Agostino Administrative Aide III Information for the Public All meetings are held in the Council Chambers, unless otherwise noted. Staff reports are available for review in the Recreation Office prior to the PRMCC Meeting and/or at the PRMCC Meeting; staff reports are available on the City’s website at www.cityofmartinez.org. Materials that are submitted to members of a legislative body, after the agenda packet has already been distributed, are available for public review in the Recreation Office during normal business hours and will be available at the PRMCC meeting. Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine and will be enacted without discussion and in one motion, unless a member of the PRMCC, Staff or Public requests specific action. The Chair accepts Public Comment on Agenda Items as they are discussed. If a member of the public would like to speak on an issue not scheduled on the Agenda, he/she may come to the rostrum during the “Public Comment” portion of the meetings. In consideration of others wishing to speak, members of the public are kindly requested to limit their comments to 3 minutes on any one item. If you wish to be identified for the record, please state your name and present a Speaker Card to the Clerk. All interested persons are invited to attend Public Hearings and take the opportunity to speak. In accordance with Section 65009 of the California Government Code, anyone wishing to challenge action taken on any of these items in Court may be limited to raising only those issues he/she or someone else raised at the described Public Hearing or in written correspondence addressed and delivered to the City at or prior to the Public Hearing. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Recreation Office at (925) 372-3510. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to help ensure accessibility to this meeting. Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate formats to persons with disabilities as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. It is the policy of the PRMCC that at approximately 10:30 p.m. the PRMCC will, by consensus, adjourn the meeting to a date announced or to continue the meeting as posted. Note: Regular City PRMCC Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. Audio of the PRMCC Meetings can be heard on the City’s Web: www.cityofmartinez.org MARTINEZ BOCCE FEDERATION ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CITY OF MARTINEZ FOR THE YEAR 2018 In accordance with Section 6.0 Reporting of the amended Martinez Bocce Federation Facility Use Agreement with the City Martinez, listed below are the key items for the Annual Report. Participation summary, including number of players, teams, league games, and tournaments The number of players varies during the course of the season but 2,127 are registered at the beginning of the 2018 season for league play, 56% are Martinez residents. There are 209 open or volo teams and 30 senior teams League play is organized around 18 matches (54 games) for each open or volo team and 18 matches for each team in the senior league. MBF sponsors one tournament on the Fourth of July and a playoff bracket for the winning teams in each of the 5 divisions. On a rotating basis with other local cities a county tournament is sponsored. Since MBF sponsored this event in 2017 it is not scheduled to be in Martinez for several years. Other tournaments are discussed below. Number of reserved uses by the public and other users groups, number of people served, and revenue generated by the Federation through equipment rentals The number of reserved uses by the public and other organizations varies from year to year. In 2017 we had 12 Saturdays reserved for tournaments and would expect a similar number in 2018. The number of people participating in these events is not tracked, only the number of bocce ball sets rented. Revenue from MBF equipment rental is $3,875.00. Summary showing operational expenses (to include among others the utility, trash collection, and additional/extraordinary restroom cleanup expenses enumerated within Section 2.0), all revenue sources, and repairs and vandalism expenses. BUDGET SUMMARY This budget estimate is based on prior expenditures and from utility cost estimates prepared by the City of Martinez since MBF does not have a history of costs to prepare a utility cost estimate. MBF is a non-profit volunteer organization with no paid employees so in most cases we only provide materials and equipment to accomplish work. We have a contract for daily court grooming, which includes trash collection that is included under maintenance expenses below. INCOME $85,000 Income is primarily from team registration fees which are $350 per open team, $200 per volo team and $150 per senior team. In past years we have had a net income of about $2,000 from our sponsored 4th of July tournament. The balance of $6,000 comes from advertising in our newsletter, equipment rental, and miscellaneous income from forfeit fees which vary widely from year to year. EXPENSES Expenditures are collected in three basic areas enumerated below. Maintenance, Martinez City obligations, and Administrative costs. MAINTENANCE $35,000 The largest component of this expense item is the contract for daily grooming and trash collection. MBF purchases materials and equipment used by the contractor. The final cost of the contract is dependent on many variables including weather, damage, or vandalism but based on prior experience we estimate it will be in the range of $30,000, with an additional cost of $5,000 for materials. No specific budget is provided for vandalism repair. Depending on the extent of damage it could be remedied by MBF volunteer labor the cost could be small. MARTINEZ AGREEMENT OBLIGATIONS $26,000 With the signing of the new agreement with the City of Martinez this year, MBF has or will incur several one-time expenses and ongoing utility costs in lieu of player fees. Based on the costs for installing separate meters for power and water meters, procurement of waste receptacles, contribution to the dumpster enclosure construction, and payment of forecast water and power monthly costs we are currently estimating an annual expenditure of $ 16,000 for one-time cost items and $10,000 for monthly charges. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS $24,000 Administrative costs include all items necessary for the functioning of the organization and include costs for team awards at the end of the season. Printing and copying costs are the largest component at about $4,000, followed by insurance at $3,000, and meeting facility rental at about $2,500. The balance for accounting, legal, office supplies, bank fees, and miscellaneous costs total about $4,000. Team awards (jacket, shirts, caps) are estimated to cost about $11,000. Fiscal prudence requires MBF maintain a reserve fund in the event a significant increase in a budget item above our estimate should occur. This is not part of the annual budget. As a nonprofit we strive to provide recreational and fundraising opportunities for our community at a nominal cost. Please find the attached Profit and Loss statement as requested. MARTINEZ PARK, RECREATION, MARINA AND CULTURAL COMMISSION Minutes for February 20, 2018 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL Chair Radke called the meeting to order at 7:00pm, in City Hall, Council Chambers, 525 Henrietta Street, Martinez, CA. Present: Chair Dylan Radke, Commissioner Victor Baker, Commissioner Brian Eychner (arrived at 7:08), Commissioner Rob Parolek, Commissioner Satinder Malhi, Commissioner Richard Patchin and Commissioner Adrienne Ursino. Excused: Vice Chair Karen Bell-Patten. Staff Present: Deputy Director of Administrative Services Michael Chandler, Recreation Supervisor Patty Lorick, Public Works Superintendent Bob Cellini and Recreation Coordinator Kara Galindo. 2. PRESENTATIONS (S): No presentations were made. 3. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: No comments were made. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: No comments were made. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: a) Approval of August 15, 2017 minutes: Motion made to approve by Commissioner Ursino, Seconded by Commissioner Parolek ayes: Chair Radke, Commissioner Eychner, Commissioner Parolek, Commissioner Malhi, Commissioner Patchin and Commissioner Ursino. Abstained: Chair Radke, and Commissioner Baker.
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