This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com JFK Assassinati on System Date: 6/ 12/20 I Identification .Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECO RD NUMBER : 124-10195-10105 RECORD SERIES : HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBE R : 92-3182-78 Document lnfonnation ORI(HNA TOR : FBI FROM: ROEMER, WILLIAM F. TO : DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 04/06/ 1960 PAGES: 265 SUBJECTS: GAL, ASSOC, ACT, BKG, RES, POU T, TESUR DOCUM~T TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION : Unclassified RESTRICTIONS : 4 CURRENT STATUS : Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 02/ 12/1998 OP EN ING CRITERIA : INDEFINITE COMMENTS: RPT, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES C-1 . v9.1 60 NW 4 5679 Docld:32286329 Page 1 , . ~::.. ., . ~~ '! ...· I. ·' .. ~ . -., .- ~ ... ~ ... =m~.. .. · "-d: .~ :. ;··:;· .,i··· • :>. ....:~·- ·FEDERAL 2~tJhJ:.: AU OF ·INVESTIGATION Ol'l'l<:a 01' Cit lOIN INWaTICIATIVIl ~100 CHICAGO I CHICAGO 1/18/60 - ·. 3/16/60 . · T1TL£ OF .CASE ~·MAIXIIY .... .. · . Alft'BOKY JOSBPB ACCARDO, Aka.; ... WILLI All F. BODn' '. ·.. -· ~ - ·.· ·.: ~:-~. ··:·., .hJ z. :" . ·· GUS~~ Aka.; . · · -om tdt•ao, Aka. ; · · . · ~~~ ·•• ~I~CANA, Aka.; . ·:· .... ·. · JI'UUAY. LLDJLYX 111JMPBREYs·; Aka • ... ·. .... ··~· ......-~ "' • • 0 •• . .. : .·: :=. · ·~_· llBFEilDCBS: .... l ::- ... , ,..:It'. ' . ·, ·~ . ....•' . \ . ....... • . ..·~ ,t6 .. : • ...· . ·:. ... ·. ~~. .: . .. .. .·· ·.· ·. ·.. ..~ :I , ' ..... , . .. .._ : .. .. SPECIAL AGENT ..,· ' ~ . ' .. ·~· . .· . IN CHARGE · OONOTWRITEIN~~: .:~ .' COI'IES MADit: : .... See Cover Page B J_. ··_ __·. li !i (); t · 'G(.u ·}· ,i• ( l.~ '--' ...... ~..;" NOT A£CORDED 'j r:~ ' ,' le APK ~ l 1%0 \ I' ,/ . .. - . - p >.."A . .:-:: ._, . ,. =.!,: .. )!! ---------~------1--- ----- ot APR 25 1911 COVER PAGE 'ROPERTY OF FBI.-This report is loaned to you by the FBI, and neither it nor ita contents are to be distributed o.utside the aaencyto which loaned. ·. NW 45679 Docid:32286329 Page 2 .J CG 92-:795 I. .BACKGROUND A,. Resideace ·· ANTHONY JOSEPH ACCARDO ' . Former CG 6261-C advised SA JOHN W• .ROBERTS t> JR. , on March: 7, 1960, ·that TONY ACCARDO continues to reside at · 915 Franklin, Riv.er Forest, Illinois. ·River Forest is a . ' suburb .of Chicago, situated just west of Chicago. ·;:-·~.. On March 10, · 1960, a vehicle bearing 1960 Illinois license 736 .was ob~erved by. SA ROBERTS parked in the driveway of 915 Franklin, River Forest, · Illinois • .This vehicle is registered t o c .. ACCARDO , 915 Franklin, River .Forest, Illinois, on a Pontiac. It is noted that CLARICE ACCARDO is the wife of TGNY ACCARDO. .GUS ALEX . A.C. JAWOREK, the building manager of the Murray Hill .Apartments, 4300 North Marine D~ive , Chicago, was · contacted by SA ·WILLI AM F~ .ROEMER on March 16, 1960. Mr. JAWOREK has been contacted numerous times in the past and has advised previously·that ALEX has resided in the Murray Hill · Apartments since .approximately 1946. .He resides .there under the. l>S.e~~onym .. of ·MI.CHAEL .RYAN in apartment 1001 with his wife, • MARIANNE RYAN 'ALEX. Mr. JAWOREK advised that "RYAN" continues to reside in ·apartment 1001 and that he · saw him in the. building on approximately March 14, 1960. Mr. JAWOREK advised ·that ALEX has not as yet renewed his lease which will come up for renewal in April and that be will keep this _office .advis.ed concerning this situation. · · · FRANK FERRARO JOE VAN HEENEN, building engineer of the apartment building at ·320 Oakdale, Chicago, advised SAs MARSHALL E • . RUTLAND and ROEMER on March 14, 1960, that FRANK FERRARO continues to ·reside under his true name in apartment 1801 at 320 Oakdale. VAN MEENE~ advised that F~RRARO owns his apartment in this cooperative apartment building and that he resi~es there with his wife . a~d one child. • J COVER .. PAGE.. - L- ) NW 45679 Docid:322863 2 9 Page 3 '''<; CG 92-795J ver.y sliortly by airplane for his Miami area residence. HUMPHREYS then asked GODFREY: ·"How milch is my bill over there at the · · hotel?~ ··sy GOI>FREY 's answer it was apparent that HUMPHREYS was at that time residing in the, St. Clair Hotel in Chicago through arrangements made for him by GODFREY. CG 6343-C* advised on January 28, 1960, that·.on that date HUMPHREYS was in -conversation with Chicago top ._ hoodlum JOEY GLIMCO ~ They discussed t he fact that on the following Sunday evening they intended to have dinner and take in the fl~or show at Mangum's Chateau, a night club I and restaurant located on Ogden Avenue in Lyons, Illinois,­ .I just west of Chicago. GLIMCO indicated to HUMPHREYS that be would call him Sunday morning concerning arrangements for travelling t o Lyons and .asked him what room be was staying in. .HUMPHREYS told him that he was residing in room 14E. It is noted that information has been developed previously that HUMPHREYS a~d tbe other Chicago top hoodlums frequently meet at t he St. Clair and bave conferences therein. It has also been developed · tbat ~. JIENRY SUSK, concerning whom information is set out he-reinbelow under- the caption "Associates" , maintains a permanent room, 14E, at the St. Clair Hotel under the name of JOE HENRY • .-· Former PCI TURA SATANA , a well known burlesque dancer, has advised SA ROEMER tha~ as of February, 1960, SUSK .continued to rent room 14E on· a perm&Qent basis and that be told her that be rents this room for friends . of his who may come into town and who ' do not desire t o register with the management of the hotel in order that no record ·wi.ll be kept of their presence i:n. Chicago. CG 6343-C* has a dvised that on three occasions HUMPHREYS bas discussed -with other·' Chicago top hoodlums the fact that they are "pro.tected, from the owner on down" at the ' St. Clair Hotel. · . 210 Harbor Drive Key Biscayne ,.Flor.!da f . CG 6343-C* on January 26, 1960, advised that on that date· HUIIPHREYS · engagEKJ.---i n a short conversation with his· associate JIMMY CELANO. CELANO had just returned f rom a sbo~~ COVER PAGE 'N - . / NW 4 5679 Docld:32286329 Page 4 ----------:------ - ... ·--- ·~ 0 "-./ CG 92-795 It would appear that HUMPHREYS referred to -the health of ALEX in ·view of the fact 'that information has previously been dev~loped t hat during the past nine months or so . ALEX bas been extre!jiely coucerned· ·w:ttb his hea:l'th and has··been virtually "retired'.' from activities involving the Chicago Crlme Syndicate as is set out elsewber .e~·· · in , the CO~f!r pages of this report under the caption "Travel" • . :.It . is noted that · ALEX tlas . spent very ·little time in Chicago during recent· months. · · · · -MURRAY HUMPHREYS - . Concerning the status of HUMPHREYS -.health, reference is made 'to the comment ~f HUMPBBEVS reported immediately abo.ve concerning his remarks to GIANCANA that "the older I get the better I get". · CG 6343-C* advised .on Januar·y 26, 1960, MURRAY . B~B~S . had a ='brl_e.t · conversation wi tb PAT MARCI, secretary •· to Alde~n JOHN D'ARCO, of the 1st War~, ·City of Chicago. KARCI asked HUMPHREYS bow be felt . and HUMPHREYS told him that be fel t"pretty good·: : I have that trouble. at night. Keeps me up half the ni ght. Tbey ' give me ~ome . medicine that works pr~tty good.~ / On January 28, 1960, . HUMPHREYS ,told·· JOEY GLIMCO, according to CG 6343-C*, that he "bad ·a bad ni$ht la~t night". c. Marital Status IIURBAY HUMPBR.'EYS \ As bas been set out \above uncter the ~·aption "Residence" in reference to BUJIPBREYS residence in Key ·Biscayne, ·Florida, information has been~veloped by the ¥i~i Off ic~ indicating that ~s is residing in K~y Bisc~yne, .in a bouse wbic~ · may value- $70, 000. Tb·is ~ouse · ·i's ·owned. ·este»isibly ·~y · one .. BETTY JEANNE ·· NEIBERT, whe is believed ~<> · be the pr.sent w~f.,e of· MURRAY HUMPHREYS," al theugb it is no.t . kn9wn ·that HUMPHREYS had benefit .of a ;civil or . religious • cer~~ny . to bind their relationship. ' However,.. information J:l~s · ·· o~en developed through fol"lller PCII Ithat HUJIPHREYS d 'ivorced· hi's wife of OTHER 4 36 years 'in the summer of 195~ and that ·sbortly th'er.. after be COVER PAGE Q - ---------=------- -------~·.:......· ··--=""-' -·"---__; NW 45679 Docid:32286329 Page 5 . ' c CG 92-795 married a younger woman. It would appear t hat the younger woman r~ferred to by c=J is BETTY JEANNE NEIBERT. OTHER 4 ' On March 3 ," 1960, SA ROBERT F. FETZNER of the Miami Office observed a woman leave the residence of HUMPHREYS at 210 Harbor Drive in Key Biscayne, Flori~&, driving a 1959 .· Th-~~derbird. SA FETZNER observed tha~ this woman was · wb. it ~, age, middle 30' s , ·5'6" in height, 135 pounds, blond h.air. It is noted that this woman exactly fits -the disc ri~ of HUMPHRElS wife which was given by former PCI L_jand by HENRY VAN ftERKERKBONE, the manager of ~b e apartment· building where BlniPBREYS ·; maintains an apartment in Chicago, with the exc.eption 1 that bothl lan~ ' VAN nERKERKBONE advised tbat .BUMfHBEYS new wife was· appgoximately 5'2" or 5'3" in height. On March 4, 1960· ~ ROBERT WALL, Director of Personnel, .Florida Light· and Power ~pany, Miami, advised that his ·company as of that time was furnishing service to a Mrs. LEWIS HART at 210 Harbor Drive in Key Biscayne, and has furnished said service since April 23, 1959. _ It is noted that VAN DEBKERKBONE ," above, advised that residing with HUMPHREYs and his wife in apartment 1001 at 42QO North Marine Urive in Chicago last spring was an individual who used the name HART.
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