![Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of Ethnology : [Bulletin]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY: J. W. POWELL, DIRECTOR BIBLIOGRAPHY Of THE WAKASHAN LANGUAGES BY JAMES CONSTANTINK PILLINO WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 18 94 LINGUISTIC BIBLIOGRAPHIES ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. Smitlisoiiian iiistitntioii — Bureau of ethnology. Catalogue of lin- guistic manuscripts in the library of the Bureau of ethnology. By James C. Pilling. In Bureau of ethnology first annual report; half-title as above p. 553, text pp. 555-577, AVashington, 1881, royal 8 ^ Issued separately with cover title as follows: Catalogue of linguistic manuscripts in the library of the | | | | Bureau of ethnology by James C. Pilling (Extracted from the first | annual | | report of the Bureau of ethnology) [Vignette] | | | Washington Government printing office 1881 | | Cover title as above, no inside title, half-title as under entry next above p. 553, text pp. 555-577, royal 8"^. One hundred copies issued. Smithsonian institution Bureau of ethnology J. W. Powell di- — | rector Proof-sheets of a bibliography of the | languages | of the | | | I Nortli Ameiican Indians by James Constantine Pilling (Distrib- | | I | uted only to collaborators) | Washington Government printing office 1885 | j Title verso blank! 1. notice (signed J. W. I'owell) p. iii, preface (November 4, 1884) pp. v-viii, introduction pp. ix-x, list of authorities pp. xi-xxxvi, list of libraries re- ferred to by initials ]tp. xxxvii-xxxviii, list of fac-similes pp. xxxix-xl, text pp. 1-839, additions and corrections pp. 841-1090, index of languages and dialects pp. 1091-1135, plates, 4'^. Arranged alphabetically by name of author, translator, or first word of title. One hundred and ten copies printed, ten of them on one side of the sheet only. Smithsonian institution Bureau of ethnoh)gy: J. <li- | W. Powell, rector Bibliography of the Eskimo language | by Constan- | | | James | tine Pilling [Vignette] I | Washington Government printing office 1887 | | Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. preface (April 20, 1887) pp.iii-v, text pp. 1-109, chronologic index pp. 111-116, 8 fac-similes, 8°. An edition of 100 copies was issued in royal 8°. Smithsonian institution Bureau of J, Powell, di- | ethnology: W. rector Bibliography of the Siouan | | languages by James Constan- | | I tine Pilling [Vignette] I | Washington Government printing office | 1887 | Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. preface (September 1, 1887) pp. iii-v, text p}). 1-82, chronologic index pp. 83-87, 8°. An edition of 100 copies was issued in royal 8"^. Ill IV LINGUISTIC BIBLIOGRAPHIES BY THE BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. Siiiithsouian iustitutioii Bureau of etliuology: J. W, Powell, director | Bibliograpby of the Iroquoiau languages by James Coustautine | | j | I Pilling [Vignette] I | Government printing office 1888 Washington j | Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. preface (December 15, 1888) pp. iii-vi, text pp. 1-180, addeudapp. 181-189, clironologic iudex pp. 191-208, 9 fac-simiks, 8*^. All edition of 100 copies was issued in royal. 8^. Smithsonian institution Bureau of ethnology : J. W, Powell, director | of lauguaj^es by James Coustau- Bibliography the Muskhogeaii | | | ] I tine Pilling [Vignette] I | Government printing office 1889 Washington | | Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. preface (May 1.5, 1889) pp. iii-v, text pp. 1-103, chronologic iudex pp. 105-114, 8"^. An edition of 100 copies was i isued in royal 8°. notes on Eliot's Indian bible and on his other Bibliographic | | | | and works in the Indian language of Massachusetts translations | | Extract from a "Bibliography of the Algouquian languages" [Vig- | nette] I Government printing office 1890 Washington | | Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. test pp. 1-58, 21 fac-similes, royal 8*-". rorina pp. 127-184 of the Bibliography of the Algouquian languages, title of which follows. Two hundred and iifty copies issued. Smithsoriian institution Bureau of ethmilogy : J. W.Powell, director | of the Alg<mquian languages by James Coustau- Bibliography | | | | I tine Pilling [Vignette] I | Government printing office 1891 Washington | | Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. preface (Juno 1, 1891) pp. iii-iv, introduction p. v, index of languages pp. vii-viii, list of facsimiles pp. ix-x, text pp. 1-549, addenda pp. 551-575, chronologic index pp. 577-G14, 82 facsimiles, 8°. An edition of 100 copies was issued in royal 8°. Smithsonian institution Bureau of ethnology: J. W.Powell, director | Bibliography of the Athapascan languages by James Coustau- | | | | I tine Pilling [Vignette] I | Government printing office 1892 Washington | | Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. [list of] linguistic bibliog- raphies issued by the Bureau of Ethnology jip. iii-iv, preface (June 15, 1892) pp. v-vii, introduction -p. ix, index of languages pp. xi-xii, list of facsimiles p. xiii, text pp. 1-112, addenda pp. 113-115, chronologic index pp. 117-125, 4 facsimiles, 8°. An edition of 100 copies was issued in royal 8°. Smithsonian institution Bureau of ethnology : J. W. Powell, director j Bibliography ofthe Chinookan languages (including the Chinook | | I j Jargon) by James Constantine Pilling [Vignette] ] | | | Washington Government printing office 1893 | | Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. [list of] linguistic bibliog- raphies issued by the Bureau of Ethnology pp. iii-iv, preface (March 10, 1893) pp. v-viii, introduction p. ix. index of languages p. xi, list of facsimiles p. xiii, text pp. 1-76, chronologic index pp. 77-81, 3 facsimiles, 8°. An edition of 100 copies was issued in royal 8°. LINGUISTIC BIBLIOGRAPHIES BY THE BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. V Smitlisonian institution Bureau of ethnology : J. W. Powell, director | Bibliograpliy of tbe Salishan languages by James Constantine | | | | I Pilling [Vignette] I | Washington Government printing office 1893 | | Cover title as above. titl<> as above verso blank 1 1. [list of] linguistic bibliog- ra])bies issued by tbe Bureau of Etbnology pp. iii-iv, jn-eface (June 24, 189.S) i)p. v-vi, introduction pp. vii-\ iii, index of languages pp. ix-xi, list of facsimiles p. xiii, text pjf. 1-79, chronologic index j)p. 81-8G, 1 facsimiles, S^ . An edition of 100 copies was issued in royal 8-. Smithsonian institution Bureau of ethnology : J. W, Powell, director | Bibliography of the languages I by James Constan- | Wakashan | | I tine Pilling [Vignette] I | Washington Government printing office 1894 | | Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. flist of] linguistic bibliog- rapbies issued by tbe Bureau of Etbnology pp. iii-v, preface (Marcb 15, 1894) pp. 'i'ii-viii, introduction jip. ix-x, index of languages p. xi, list of facsimiles p. xi, text ])p. l-fir>, chronologic index pp. 07-70, 2 facsimiles, 8 \ An editi(»u of 100 copies was issued in roval 8^. PREFACE. The derivation of the term used to designate tlie family wliicb embraces the group of languages treated of in tlie present paper is from the ISTutka word uuddash, meaning good, and when heard by Captain Oook at Friendly Cove, Nootka Sound, was supposed to be the tribal name. As the name of a family it was first used by Gallatin, in his Syno])sis of the Indian Tribes, ]mblished in the Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society in 183G, based upon a vocabulary taken from Jewitt's Narrative of Adventures and Sufferings. In this article he gives, from Galiano, a vocabulary of the Maka, one of the Wakashan dialects, as a family of itself, under the name of Straits of Fuca. In his later article, Hale's Indians of Northwest Ameriea, published in the Transactions of the American Ethnological Society in 1848, Mr. Gallatin retains the name Wakash as a family designation, using a vocabulary of the Niwiti as a basis; but two of its dialects, the Hailtsa and Haelt- zuk, he includes under the Nass family. Indeed, until recently the Maka, Hailtsuk, and Kwakiutl dialects have not been embraced in the Wakashan family by any writer, the first one to d<^ so being Dr. Franz Boas, who has made extensive studies among these northwest iieoples and collected vocabularies of many of them. Intermediate writers have used a number of names to designate this family, the principal ones adopting Nootka and Nootka-Columbian. The geographic distribution of the tribes forming this family, accord- ing to Major Powell, in his Indian Ling ii istio Families North of Mexico, published in the seventh annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology, in 1891, is as follows: Thf tribes of the Alit (livisum of this lamily are confined chiefly to the west coast of Vancouver IsLiud. They range to the north as far as Cape Cook, the northern side of that cape being occupied hy Haeltzuk tribes, as was ascertained by Dr. Boas, in 1886. On the south they reached to a little above Sooke Inlet, that inlet being" in possession of the Soke, a Salishan tribe. The neighborhood of Cape Flattery, Washington, is occupied by the Makah, one the Wakashan tribes, Avho probably wrested this outpost of the family from the Salish (Clallam) who next adjoin them on Puget Sound. The bouudaries of the Haleltzuk division of this family are laid down neai'ly as they appear on Tolmie and Dawson's linguistic map of 1884. The west side of King Island and Cascade Inlet arc said by Dr. Boas to be inhabited by Haeltzuk tribes, aud are colored accordingly. VII VIII PREFACE. The accompanying paper embodies 251 titular entries, of whicli 220 relate to printed books and articles and 31 to niannscripts. Of these, 238 have been seen and described by the compiler, 215 of the prints and 23 of the mannscrijits ; leaving as derived from outside sources 5 of the prints and 8 of the manuscrii)ts.
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