TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1971 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 36 ■ Number 149 Pages 14245—14290 HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. AMERICAN TRIAL LAWYERS WEEK— Presiden­ tial proclamation---- ---- ----------------------------- 14251 FIREARMS/DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES— IRS revi­ sion of excise tax regulations ......... 14255 WILDERNESS AREAS— Interior Dept, proposal for preservation and management; comments within 30 days.................. 14268 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY — Interagency Comm, on Construction extension of time for comments on wages and prices proposal to 8-15-71 ........- ...... .......... 14270 AIRCRAFT OWNERSHIP— FAA proposal on reg­ istration requirement for U.S. citizen transferee; comments by 9 -3 -7 1 ________________ 14271 MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY— DoT proposal on tire and rim standards for specified vehicles--------- 14273 HISTORIC PLACES— National Park Service changes in National Register------- ---- 14275 FOOD ADDITIVES— FDA notices of filing of pe­ titions (6 documents) and withdrawal of petition (1 document).................. .................-..... - 14279, 14280 VETERINARY DRUGS— FDA proposal for revocation of certain anti- botic drug; comments within 30 days................ 14270 FDA notice of opportunity for hearing................ 14278 (Continued inside) MICROFILM EDITION FEDERAL REGISTER 35mm MICROFILM Complete Set 1936-70,189 Rolls $1,342 Voi. Year Price Voi. Year Price Voi. Year Price 1 1936 $7 13 1948 $28 25 1960 $49 2 1937 12 14 1949 22 26 1961 44 3 1938 8 15 1950 28 27 1962 46 4 1939 14 16 1951 44 28 1963 50 5 1940 14 17 1952 41 29 1964 54 6 1941 21 18 1953 30 30 1965 58 7 1942 37 19 1954 37 31 1966 60 8 1943 53 20 1955 41 32 1967 69 9 1944 42 21 1956 42 33 1968 55 10 1945 47 22 1957 41 34 1969 62 11 1946 47 23 1958 41 35 1970 59 12 1947 24 24 1959 42 Order Microfilm Edition from Publications Sales Branch National Archives and Records Service Washington, D.C. 20408 Published dally, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or FEDERALMREGISTER on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, Phone 962-8626 Area Code 202 ' {/AilTFO» » 9¿OK pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, ap­ proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I ). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op Federal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The Code op Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first Federal Register issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the Code of Federal Regulations. HIGHLIGHTS— Continued FDA notice of opportunity for hearing on pro­ new d r u g s — posed withdrawal; comments within 30 days.. 14277 FDA notice of withdrawal of approval of cer­ tain antifungal drugs, tranquilizers and AIR CARGO RATES— CAB notice of approval of ophthalmic drugs (3 documents) .............. 14276 IATA agreement---- ---- ------ --- 14281 FDA notices of efficacy studies on methylpheni- ENVIRONMENT— TVA notice of hearings on Duck date hydrochloride parenteral and streptomy­ River Project, Tennessee, 8-24—71; comments . cin sulphate (2 documents) 14278 by 8 -1 3 -7 1 ___________________________________ 14289 C o n te n ts Proposed Rule Making FEDERAL REGISTER THE PRESIDENT Fresh prunes grown in designated ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE counties in Idaho and Malheur proclamation County, Oreg.; approval of ex­ CFR checklist_— -------------------- 14253 American Trial Lawyers Week— 14251 penses and fixing of rate of assessment for 1971-72 fiscal FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM period_______________________ 14269 EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Milk in Chicago regional and cer­ Notices AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT tain other marketing areas; Applications for approval of ac­ extension of time for filing quisition of shares of bank; See Consumer and Marketing exceptions to recommended Affiliated Bankshares of Colo­ Service. ■ decision_____________________ 14270 rado, Inc_____ ;___ >----- ------ 14283 AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT First Security National Corp— 14283 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Galbank, Inc_—_----- —----------- 14284 Rules and Regulations See Air Force Department. Mid America Bancorporation, Entertainers and entertainment In c________________________ 14284 programs in overseas areas; de- Northwest Bancorporation------- 14285 letion of regulations---------------- 14266 FEDERAL AVIATION Scout/sentry dogs; deletion of ADMINISTRATION Security Corp-------------------------- 14285 , regulations__________________ 14266 United Carolina Bankshares Rules and Regulations C o rp ______________________ 14285 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Special use airspace; designation United States National Bank- of temporary restricted area— 14255 shares, Inc------------------------- 14286 Notices Transition area; designation------- 14254 First Virginia Bankshares Corp.; Minnesota Mining and Manufac­ Proposed Rule Making approval of acquisition of bank turing Co.; issuance of byprod­ stock by bank holding company. 14284 uct material license________- — 14280 Transition areas; designation (3 documents)-------------- 14272 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD U.S. registered aircraft; notice of FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ownership by transferee---------- 14271 Notices Notices Field stations; statement of orga­ Hearings, etc.: FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK Air West— . _________________ 14280 nization ____ ;---------- r.------------- 14286 International Air Transport BOARD Association________________ 14281 Notices FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Outagamie County, Wis., et al— 14281 Trans-Coast Investment Co.; re­ Rules and Regulations ceipt of application for approval Hunting in certain wildlife refuge CONSUMER AND MARKETING of acquisition of control of Inde­ areas: SERVICE pendent Savings and Loan Association--------------------------- 14281 Brigantine National Wildlife Rules and Regulations Refuge, N.J------------------------ 14267 Grapefruit grown in Arizona and FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Erie National Wildlife Refuge, designated part of California; P a ________________- _______ 14267 increase in expenses 1970-71 Notices fiscal year___________________ 14254 Hearings, etc.: Proposed Rule Making Oranges and grapefruit grown in Mobil Oil Corp------------------------ 14282 Wilderness preservation and man­ lower Rio Grande Valley in North Penn Gas Co-------------— 14282 agement ________________ - — 14268 Texas; container, pack, and Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line container marking regulations. 14253 C o rp ______________________ 14282 (Continued, on next page) 14247 14248 CONTENTS FOOD AND DRUG INDIAN AFFAIRS BUREAU NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Contracting Officer positions; des­ Whiskeytown Unit, Whiskeytown- Certification of true copies and use ignation _____________________ 14267 Shasta-Trinity National Recre­ of departmental seal; delegation ation Area; water sanitation of authority-------.------------------- 14255 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT regulations____ _____________ 14267 Notices Proposed Rule Making See Fish and Wildlife Service; National Register of Historic Chlortetracycline hydrochloride Indian Affairs Bureau; National Park Service; R ecla m a tion Places; additions, deletions or . powder topical veterinary; pro­ corrections_____________ .____ 14275 posed revocations_____________ 14270 Bureau. Notices INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE RECLAMATION BUREAU Drugs for human use; drug effi­ Notices cacy study implementation: Rules and Regulations Tar ghee National Forest, Idaho; Methylphenidate hydrochloride Machine guns, destructive devices, transfer of administrative juris­ parental___________________ 14278 and certain other firearms; re­ diction of land as Island Park Streptomycin sulfate for paren­ vision of excise tax regulations. 14255 Reservoir____________________ 14275 teral use___________________ 14278 Food additive petitions : INTERSTATE COMMERCE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE American Potato Co— I----------- 14279 American Viscose Division, FMC COMMISSION COMMISSION Corp. (2 documents)________ 14279 Notices Notices Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co----- 14279 Assignment of hearings------------- 14290 Hearings, etc.: Patterson, C. J„ Co------------------ 14279 Kimberly-Clark Corp_________ 14286 Standard Oil Company of Cali­ Certain railroads; rerouting or diversion of traffic_____ ______ 14290 Massachusetts Investors Growth fornia _____________________ 14279 Stock Fund, Inc___ __________ 14287 Uniroyal Chemical----------------- 14280 National equipment interchange agreement; application for ap­ Northern Growth
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