PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI THE STUDY OF ONOMATOPOEIA TYPES AND TRANSLATION STRATEGIES IN DON ROSA’S THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SCROOGE MCDUCK AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By SILVIA MEGA KUSUMA Student Number: 094214056 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2013 i PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI THE STUDY OF ONOMATOPOEIA TYPES AND TRANSLATION STRATEGIES IN DON ROSA’S THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SCROOGE MCDUCK AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By SILVIA MEGA KUSUMA Student Number: 094214056 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2013 ii PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI (Jeremiah 29:11) For I know the plans I have for you,“ declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. vii PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My deeply gratitude is for my Great Lord, Babe Jesus Christ for His unconditional love for me. Without His grace, I would not be in Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta and reach what I could only dream before. You make me learn that everything is possible with You. I would also thank my beloved family, Papa Mama Bhe, Ko Indra and Diandul, and also Pino Bhe. I am very grateful to my advisor, Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. for helping me doing this undergraduate thesis with his guidance, patience, caring, suggestion, correction, and jokes. I also thank my co-advisor Harris Hermansyah S., S.S., M.Hum. for helping me even though this study was not conducted yet. My gratitude is also for Anna Fitriati S.Pd., M.Hum for helping and giving me support to finish this study. I would like to say thank my second family, Lion of Judah Cellgroup, especially Eel and Efra. This gratitude is also for my first friends, Richard and Wawan. My gratitude goes to my friends who always be with me since in first semester Emy, Ogeg, Yeyen, Ivan, Bryan, and Sheila. Much love I give to Yenni Zhou, PutriAnto, Mike, Ya Li-We Ya, Indra, and my solonity Adel Jupek Astari and Aldo Dongsaeng and for all who are too many to mention. I cannot also forget all of lecturers and staffs in English Letters Department, and for staffs who work in parking area, thank you very much for giving me lessons of this beautiful life. Above all, a prayer I send for a help from my Papi Han and Pe’ Welly. Silvia Mega Kusuma viii PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE i APPROVAL PAGE ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE iii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PUBLIKASI v MOTTO PAGE vi DEDICATION PAGE vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ix ABSTRACT x ABSTRAK xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study 1 B. Problem Formulation 3 C. Objectives of the Study 4 D. Definition of Terms 4 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies 6 B. Review of Related Theories 9 1. Theory of Onomatopoeia 9 a. Theory of Origin of Language i. The Pooh-pooh Theory 9 ii. The Ding Dong Theory 10 iii. The Yo-He-Ho Theory 10 iv. The Bow Wow Theory 11 v. The La-la Theory 11 b. Types of Onomatopoeia i. Direct Onomatopoeia 11 ii. Associative Onomatopoeia 12 iii. Exemplary Onomatopoeia 12 2. Theory of Meaning a. Lexical Meaning 14 b. Contextual Meaning 15 i. Grammatical Cohesion 16 ii. Lexical Cohesion 18 c. Cultural Meaning of Words 20 3. Theory of Characteristic of Language 21 4. Theory of Translation Strategy 22 C. Theoretical Framework 25 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Areas of Research 26 B. Object of the Study 26 ix PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI C. Method of the Study 26 i. Types of Data 27 ii. Data Collection 28 iii. Population 29 iv. Data Analysis 29 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Description of Research Data 31 B. Analysis Results i. Onomatopoeic expression found in the comics 32 ii. The strategies applied to translate onomatopoeia expressions 48 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY 64 APPENDICES Appendix 1 66 Appendix 2 70 Appendix 3 72 x PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI ABSTRACT KUSUMA, SILVIA MEGA. The Study of Onomatopoeia Types and Translation Strategies in Don Rosa’s The Lifes and Times of Scrooge Mcduck. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2013. Comic is a kind of reading that has so many connoisseurs in all of the world. The story of the comic is seen through the conversation inside the balloons. Comic contains pictures and many expressions such as onomatopoeia. This undergraduate thesis discusses the onomatopoeia in The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck by Don Rosa. The target language is comic Kisah Hidup Paman Gober. For the purpose of the study, the following problems were formulated. The first problem was what types of onomatopoeia that could be found in the comic The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck and its translation. Second problem was about the strategies used in translating the onomatopoeia that had been found. This study was a qualitative and library research. Analysis data of this research used all the population. This comic has 7 series. The writer used all of the series. Based on the research analysis, following were the answer to each problem. There were 63 onomatopoeic expressions that could be found in the comic. From the data, there were 40 expressions that belong to direct onomatopoeia, 16 data belong to associative onomatopoeia, and 7 expressions belong to exemplary onomatopoeia. In analyzing the data of onomatopoeia, it could be concluded that some of expressions could not be found in the dictionaries, and some could. Other finding was that some of the phonetic transcriptions were predicted in reason that they could not be found in the dictionaries. The result for the second problem was communicative translation applied in translating the onomatopoeia words. This type of translation was supported by oblique translation techniques, its name was equivalence. There were three strategies applied. Word for word translation was applied to 13 data and 50 data was using communicative translation. xi PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI ABSTRAK KUSUMA, SILVIA MEGA. The Study of Onomatopoeia Translation in Don Rosa’s The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2013 Komik merupakan salah satu bacaan yang memiliki banyak penggemar di seluruh dunia. Kisah di dalam komik dapat dilihat melalui percakapan yang berada di dalam balon. Komik terdiri dari gambar-gambar dan banyak ekspresi seperti onomatopea. Studi sarjana ini membahas tentang onomatopea yang ada di dalam komik The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck karya Don Rosa. Bahasa targetnya adalah bahasa dari komik Kisah Hidup Paman Gober. Demi tujuan studi ini, berikut adalah masalah yang disusun. Masalah yang pertama adalah apa saja onomatopea yang dapat ditemukan dalam komik the Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck dan terjemahannya dalam Kisah Hidup Paman Gober. Permasalahan yang kedua adalah strategi apa yang dipakai dalam menerjemahkan onomatopea yang telah ditemukan. Penulis menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dan kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan keseluruhan populasi dari data. Bacaan komik ini memiliki 7 seri. Peneliti menggunakan semua seri komik tersebut. Berdasarkan analisis penelitian, berikut adalah jawaban pada setiap masalah. Terdapat 63 ekspresi onomatopea yang didapat dalam komik. Dari data tersebut, 40 ekspresi merupakan jenis direct onomatopoeia, 16 data termasuk dalam associative onomatopoeia, dan sisanya merupakan exemplary onomatopoeia. Dalam menganalisis data onomatopea, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat beberapa ekspresi yang tidak dapat ditemukan di dalam kamus, dan beberapa dapat ditemukan. Penemuan berikutnya adalah bahwa beberapa transkripsi fonetik dari ekspresi onomatopea diprediksi oleh penulis karena tidak dapat ditemukan di dalam kamus. Hasil dari permasalahan yang kedua adalah bahwa terjemahan komunikatif diterapkan dalam menerjemahkan kata-kata onomatopea. Tipe terjemahan ini didukung dengan teknik terjemahan oblique, namanya adalah equivalence atau persamaan. Terdapat tiga strategi yang dipakai. Word for word diterapkan pada 13 data dan 50 data menggunakan communicative translation. xii PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Many people know that poetry and novel are categorized as literary works. Due to the reason that there are some people who cannot enjoy literary works by reading novel or poetry, it will be more interesting if they can enjoy it in pictures, comics for example. Since the comic fans are not only from the country
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